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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7406147 No.7406147 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else not care about immigration, muh white race, muh jewish conspiracies, muh conservative society leaving us?

I seriously don't give a flying fuck about where the world is headed. I just want to live a positive and healthy life and have good times with my family. I don't care about people wanting to identify as opposing genders at the age of 12. I don't care about race mixing or massive immigration. Let people be happy! That is all anyone ever wants.

Seriously you guys I used to be stuck in that sickness that /Pol/ was but then I just started working on bettering myself and spending more time with my family. Seriously nothing in this world matters more. I don't care if you're a transgender, gay, black, Muslim, Chinese or a Jew. I embrace everything and don't judge people.

This Pol Sickness must stop. Its infecting our board and it's a cancer that must be cut out. Stop racism, stop judging gays, stop spreading hate against muslims, just stop.

Let's all just enjoy our lives before we die and go to the afterlife. We all come from the same God. That's all biz. Hope my post changes some minds.

>> No.7406176

Die soon, please

>> No.7406183

And I noticed many people here are lonely and depressed. Have you ever thought that maybe God is punishing you for being so hateful?

>> No.7406253

wtf is this gay shit on my biz

>> No.7406270

I literally don't give a fuck about anything except making money, my gf, and my family. A ton of people would say I'm part of the problem for that. Yeah the state of the world sucks sometimes but I can't do anything to change 99% of it and I'm focusing on the few things I can change so w/e. I'm pretty happy at least.

>> No.7406301

you have /biz/ confused with another board we are diverse well-educated young professionals here playing with magic internet money. who said anything about any of that stuff?

>> No.7406302

This is some average bait, try on reddit faggot.

>> No.7406307



you might just want to be left alone but when they win they won't let you be.

>> No.7406329


>> No.7406367

You're more spiritual, they're more stuck on the survival side of things. They see threats to their survival or that of their nation or race and they fight against that. They wouldn't see so many threats if they weren't so fearful of others, if they took a loving stance like you do, but I guess it takes a certain strength to do that, it's easier to be weak and fearful.

>> No.7406368

>I just want to live a positive and healthy life and have good times with my family.
You're destined for /pol/, kid. You never had a chance.

>> No.7406394

Kill yourself leftypol. /biz/ is a subsidiary of /pol/

>> No.7406411

Fuck off jew

>> No.7406452

>We all come from the same God.
>God exists


>> No.7406465

How is this related to business, faggot?

This is how this place is, the whole of 4chan. If you dont like it, go.

>> No.7406485

You're not 'part of the problem', you are 'part of THEIR problem', not yours, cause it isn't a problem for you :^)

>> No.7406486

Fuck off. Don't bother replying I'm leaving this shitty thread

>> No.7406527

>Being deep and poetic about BETA males that don't know to maintain a nice conversation with anyone on the world for more than 2 minutes.

>> No.7406545

Wheres that annoyed looking business man pepe lighting a cigarette when I need it. That's how I feel reading this reddit trash

>> No.7406568

But God exists bro. Are you somewhat mad ?

>> No.7406585

Why? They were winning before white was even a fucking word.

>> No.7406590

Look mom, I posted it again

>> No.7406616

And do tell, how in Neptune's anus are you going to enjoy time with your family and spending your money when your society is as dangerous as Somalia so your children can never go outside, and your income is taxed so heavily it makes your eyes bleed.
This is not exaggeration, people as selfish as you let south Africa be overtaken by this of low IQ and low impluse control. This really can happen in YOUR life time, let alone the country you are leaving for your grandchildren.

All of the white nationalists want what you want: A nice place to live and to enjoy their lives in peace. They are just smart enough to see the facts, evidence and history: They know a big part of what it takes to have a peaceful society is having countrymen you can rely on. All past experience suggests that a country with majority white and a few % honorary Aryans is one of the basic prerequisites.
Or Japan.

>> No.7406627
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>> No.7406645

You will, yes

>> No.7406675

Sorry, but I can't live a good life if I live in the same neighborhood as niggers.

>> No.7406691

This (((OP))) post the same shit everyday.

>> No.7406702
File: 18 KB, 501x504, 2F12E8C5-2D58-457D-83F7-5AA5D14FE232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spamming this thread on biz, most of us are not very political, but I garantee your gay bullshit is not going to make any new converts to liberalism

>> No.7406710
File: 328 KB, 800x778, 1510611084757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll probably get memed on, but this is seriously great advice that most people on 4chan (and other areas of the internet) should take.

I used to be full /pol as well - once you stop paying attention, it's amazing when you realize how little this stuff actually matters. The sensationalism, the hostility, the condescension - it sounds cheesy and all, but if you try to live with a little more acceptance in your life, you'll be happier and people will respond in kind.

In my experience both online and offline, the neo-reactionaries/Trump supporters et al are generally hostile, aggressive, and socially-ostracized. Of course, not all of them, but a decent amount, especially the more extreme "it's ok to be white/race realist" crowd.

What's ironic is that many of these people look up to Jordan Peterson, someone who in many ways enables these feelings and preys upon people who feel this way, but who also has great advice for them as well that they choose to ignore because they think that it only applies to "cucks and soyboys".

I would avoid politically-charged conversations online and offline, especially on places that are just huge echo chambers like 4chan and youtube. If you want to read about politics, I would recommend less sensationalism and more fact-based/expert opinion, i.e., national review, liberalcurrents, foreign policy, the diplomat, the atlantic, wapo. Avoid breitbart, daily caller, huffpost, etc. Youtube as well, especially. Ideally, you should just cut off all politics from your life for a month.

>> No.7406720

I don't give a fuck about you. How about that?

>> No.7406725


If that happens (it won't, and Somalis are great people... I live in Minneapolis and know many of them, went to a bunch of Somali malls) then it is a problem for another time. I'm not going to be stressing for decades over an imaginary threat.

>> No.7406746

>>not caring about the race that invented the current fiat currency you currently enjoy.
hope you lose everything to buddy.

>> No.7406761

>I seriously don't give a flying fuck about where the world is headed. I just want to live a positive and healthy life and have good times with my family.

For that to happen you need a functioning society.

You may not care if someone is a muslim, but they definitely care that you're not.

>> No.7406766


Swedish DNA in your blood, Somali DNA dripping out your pozzed boipuccy

>> No.7406773

>sincerely replying to copypasta that gets posted every day

>> No.7406786

Everything doesn't matter except the market. No one in Wall Street gives a fuck about anything except how the market will be affected. This is the mentality you must have if you want to be successful.

>> No.7406819

I live in America and I don't believe it will ever become as dangerous as Somalia, I think the government here has figured out that it's best to give people just enough to keep them complacent and law-abiding. Also I'm Jewish so I don't really find the white nationalist/aryan part as comforting as you do (even though I look and consider myself white, I don't switch back and forth between minority status)

>> No.7406828
