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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7405340 No.7405340 [Reply] [Original]

Does /biz/ understand the implications of the falcon heavy being successful today?

The cost of getting tonnage to space is effectively being reduced by 80-90% The commercial implications are massive.

Mining asteroids, the moon, communications, r&d, energy production, millitary applications, 0g drydocks, waste management, tourism.

The rocky bodies of space are full of rare metals, solidified gasses, fresh water.

Endless opportunity

This is a massive boon for the economics of the world, entire new industries on the verge of being created.

Boys, the age of interplanetary civilization is upon us.

>> No.7405513

how many bitcoin to go to space in 5 years?

>> No.7405548

Glad to see futuristic anon like myself on here
>majority here refuse to see and accept future where single asteroid can collapse global economy overnight

>> No.7405561



>> No.7405590

Had never felt an ounce of drive or envy in my entire life
But when saw that first test rocket preform a vertical landing it was like looking into the eyes of God. Weeped for hours. Then was envious of the team that rocket. Since then learned many higher forms of math among other things. There will be no joy in life until make something equally as elegant

>> No.7405612

this isn't one of your nerd space video games faggot

>> No.7405616

And we're all going to be dead before we can benefit from it :)

>> No.7405627

A single asteroid can end the our species overnight, my man

>> No.7405701

Virtual reality is the future, sorry anon

Why waste time building a real mansion with scarce resources when you can fool your brain into believing you own an entire universe?

>> No.7405706

Yeah and I could theoretically lose my virginity but neither is actually going to happen.

>> No.7405772

15 btc and I'll ride you silly for a night.

>> No.7405820

I've lived without sex for long enough to become a wizard, why would I waste money on it now?

>> No.7405826

by that time the only 2 races left in the world will be indian and chinese

>> No.7406117
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I wish I had your optimism.
Still, if they will allow anyone to come to the moon or mars, I'd the one of the first to join.
America might die due to corruption and aristocratic oligarchs, but we can just build a new one in space. One of these days, they will fuck up. And then it will be Kek's time to bask in the light.

>> No.7406711

Because you need to maintain real world to power and maintain the virtual one ?

>> No.7406753


>mining asteroids

Please stop with this fucking meme. There will be no viable mining of asteroids in our lifetime. We do not have the technology nor will we for the forseeable future.

>> No.7406868

I'm not so sure, there's plenty of financial incentive if someone were able to pull it off. I don't think it'd be soon but perhaps in sixty or seventy years it may have happened.

>> No.7406967

The biggest hurdle is getting the equipment into space and Elon Musk just made that VASTLY cheaper

You can literally use gravity to get minerals down from space and travel in space is easy

>> No.7406979
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inb4 that car survives for a billion years only to smash into some tiny rock

>> No.7407045
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strap in boyos

>> No.7407072

What coin is this?

>> No.7407155


We still have to intercept the asteroid, put people on it safely with living quarters, somehow work it in near zero g and devoid of oxygen, transport minerals across it, then launch back off of it.

All with nobody dying.

>> No.7407159
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I'm just saying that unless there's some existential crisis, spacefags will take their time while politicians are trying to get their house in order and chickens in a row, diplomatically speaking.
Real talk, we're going to be slowly boiled to death with our freedoms taken from us piece by piece until we become mindless tools. The Jewish Holocaust was just a test run for the real thing.
Of course, keep feeling optimistic. I'll be dead anyways. Not that I wanted to live forever under the hidden tyranny of psychopaths anyways.

>> No.7407243
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what are the best stocks to cash in on w/ the space boom

>> No.7407275

Where can I short the fuck out of this because the earth is flat?

>> No.7407289

If leave them on the ship using drones to actually dig then it’s basicalky like flying a big dump truck back to earth

Crew stays on the ship mostly and you can even send out resupplies

Remember as the next couple of decades continue getting into space will only get cheaper and they’ll actually start building giant ships on space rather than on earth etc.

And people will die, and ships will be destroyed and I’ll make loads of moey insuring that shit.

Do you have any idea the types of terms and conditions and premiums I can get for workers comp on a fucking mining mission in space?

Free fucking money m8

>> No.7407315
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Or, I mean like, you can send a robot? Like...y'know, what would be expected for something like this? What the fuck century do you think we're in?

>> No.7407397

this. robots literally already living on fucking mars

>> No.7407418


We don't even mine with "robots" on earth ya fucking knucklehead. This is MINING we're talking about, not taking a goddamn soil sample. Jesus christ some of you people are incredibly dense.

>> No.7407448
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>All these brianletts to big to become mega trillionairs in the age of space

Anon, you and I are going to kill it

>> No.7407530
File: 225 KB, 1044x770, 29D643FD-0E53-4D54-AEE2-370DFF883003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you think we drill under the ocean

What do you call pic related

>> No.7407556
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Good luck doing that when there are already entrenched insurance companies.

Only way around that is to hope that they're all retarded and don't see the opportunity while you scoop up the contracts and keep low so that regulation doesn't fuck you in the ass when it rears its ugly head in a virgin market.

>> No.7407579


>boring a hole is mining

Go away, idiot.

>> No.7407612

Are you crazy?! 1.5 at most.

>> No.7407651

the new rocket ate shit, 90mil down the drain. At least we got some kino out of it though.

>> No.7407676


Oh and in case you didn't know, there's PEOPLE INSIDE those machines running the fucking thing. Fucking moron.

>> No.7407700

They'll just print more money to back the resources

>> No.7407723

2 of the 3 boosters landed safely and can be reused

0% of NASA rockets are reusable

>> No.7407745


For you dumbasses, see pic related

This rocket can launch payloads at $1600 per payload even if never used again which beats every other rocket by far

And 2/3 of it survived me ain’t the next launch is only going to cost like 1200 per kilo and he more they use it the cheaper they get.

This will literally change space travel you brianletts

>can dig tunnels for miles under ground using a single autonomous machine
>can drill under miles of water and miles of rock with robots and sensors
>can launch probes that report back data for 30+ years into deep space

A robot that can pull resources out of an asteroid that’s basicalky like a giant pile of grave and sand really strikes you as impossible?

You have no vision

>> No.7407768
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Shot pic related

>> No.7408034


The only minerals that would make asteroid mining viable would be precious metals. Do you have any idea how complicated of a process that is? No, you don't. And that's why you're posting this retarded fucking nonsense.

>> No.7408106

That isn’t true at all rare earth metals and precious metals, as the demand for those drives cheaper space flight more resources become viable.

When the new word was discovered it made no sense to do much beyond bring back silver and gold but as time went on everything from timber to corn to raw ore was worth shipping back and forth fag

You fail at thinking

>> No.7408213


You're not getting it. If you want to mine an asteroid be my guest, but there is absolutely NO WAY of doing it without people on site. And there won't be for the forseeable future. This isn't fucking star trek.

>> No.7408307

Why would you need little people on space suites to dig chunks out of a giant floating ball of sand and dirt?

>> No.7408338

Fuck guys I just watched the launch and teared up a bit, this shit is beautiful. Colonise the galaxy when?

>> No.7408418

oh look its the asteroid mining guy again, werent you proposing a rail gun to send the asteroid into earth a couple weeks back

>> No.7408425

Regarding the center booster, it wasn't destroyed it just landed in the water instead of on the platform barge. SpaceX was able to salvage a falcon9 booster that landed that way in a previous launch.

>> No.7408441

fake news

>> No.7408460

anon rare earth metals arent rare were more likely to run out of helium rather than the rare earth you spoke off

>> No.7408470

Guess what’s also found in near infinite supply in space

>> No.7408476
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what coin is this?

>> No.7408483

upload your brain to the cloud in 20 years

>> No.7408484
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farm nigger here. I think we should just give up on earth. Its probably way easier to just farm on the moon or mars. Might as well just let all the soil erode into the ocean because we have mars to farm now.

>> No.7408499
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>tfw so few people are buying Teslas that its more fun to just shoot them off into space

>> No.7408507

Wait, no, i'm wrong. It hit water at around 300mph, debris hit the drone ship and damaged that as well. Center core sank. So yep, not recoverable.

>> No.7408549

it sure isnt found on asteroids, meh dunno why youre so adamant about this when your gonna die before it even gets started

>> No.7408561

big if true

>> No.7408569

Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about space? Until we can travel to a marvelous world with marvelous life kinds like ours, I don't give a shit about ugly, boring and unimpressive planets or satellites.

>> No.7408624

We aren't going to benefit from it unless some miraculous technology breakthrough allows us to upload our consciousness into robots within our lifetimes (and I fucking hope it does), but it's the only way to ensure survival of our bloodline in the long term so it should be an evolutionary instinct to pursue it. Most of you autists won't reproduce though so doesn't bother you.

>> No.7408695

it doesnt really mean something untill we can move to other star systems.
there are only enough mineral resources in our solar system. the real moon missions start when intergalactic mining starts

>> No.7408731

I doubt well progress to a space faring species tho, humans are extremely greedy and already shows that we dont take authority really well

>one world government
wont happen since humans dont like being repressed but the only way to actually get people to work together

someone really needs to get going and conquer the world already

>> No.7408766

>someone really needs to get going and conquer the world already
Jews have been working on this for some time now.

>> No.7408827

And who do you think is going to have the economy to support it?

Please, tell me. Which currency do you use in space?

>> No.7408835

well they kinda fucked up on killing some guy from nazareth, who may or may not exist depending on who you ask

runied all their plans for one guy

>> No.7408839


>> No.7408876

I legitimately think we'll make it, but it will take far longer than most people think and won't be harmonious utopian undertaking.

>> No.7408904

Seamount mining is the next frontier

>> No.7409023

Do you even know how long "our lifetime" is? People who are born today have a decent shot at living to be past 200 with all the medical advances we'll see.

>> No.7409079

were probably going to be a feudal system based on money, you can already see the signs going there

>> No.7409121


>can put a roadster into space
>can't build and deliver an affordable mid-price EV to the market
>apparently automobile manufacturing is harder than rocket science

Fuck me, these liberal millenials are easy to pander to. Just muster up a stunt after stunt as a distraction and they gobble it up faster than a soy latte heated by a flamethrower.

>> No.7409173

>tfw linkmarines become a literal military unit

>> No.7409177

>implying they'd send literal human miners with pickaxes to an asteroid

>> No.7409191
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>using crypto to send money from planet to planet
>demand for instantaneous transfer kills bitcoin and other slowcoins alike

which should I buy?!

>> No.7409231
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>my man

prajeet, a single virulent poo will end your species overnight

>> No.7410278
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This launch was nothing but the last stage of Calos Mantos' exit scam

>> No.7410346

Who gives a flying fuck that some rich guy is shooting holes in the atmosphere? My coins are in the red. This is /biz not /g faggot.

>> No.7410391
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>> No.7410457


We could finally find homes for all the refugees in fucking SPACE! Nice and safe there, anybody who wants to kill you can't breathe so they can't kill you.

>> No.7410464

I despised that movie

>> No.7410582

Ball earth pic when elong?

>> No.7410921

>upload our consciousness into robots
Bad news anon, you won't be kept alive, only a copy of consciousness will.

>> No.7410952

If Earth is round how can the rockets land somewhere else?
Checkmate Elon Tesla

>> No.7411034
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>we now do what the soviets did in the eighties
>at roughly *2.1 of publicly disclosed costs

We're going somewhere with this, I guess one option is space.

>> No.7411150

>>we now do what the soviets did in the eighties
I'm not sure what you mean here.

>> No.7411437

He is retarded kid who dont know shit or even historic timeline
>soviets were done long before 80th

>> No.7411476
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100 satoshi

>bitcoin will be $1million in 2023 per coin screencap this

>> No.7411554

Guard that magic wand with your life, young Gandalf.

>> No.7411563
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I hope that we get to discover antiaging weed before 2050 tho

>> No.7412006

What stops an automatic machinery from breaking a big piece of asteroid, taking and storing the piece inside it and then take it back to earth (for more accurate processing)?

>> No.7412243

All it has to do is attach some boosters that will propel it towards earth and make a controlled landing somewhere in the desert.

>> No.7412300

I volunteer to be space miner.

Wont be too long before space pirates now.

>> No.7412356


Just remember to repeatedly bring up the bonus situation.

>> No.7412706

all the minerals we need are here the point in minig space rocks is the build things in space instead of sending them from earth wich is costly

>> No.7412733

>using kerosene

Man fuck that shit. Nigga best start using liquid hydrogen.

>> No.7412911

I was at a garden party not long ago. I met an Australian mining magnate who for some reason was chilling at this party together with me and my friends and their friends. We started talking, and I mentioned asteroid mining to him and asked him what his thoughts were.

"Fucking stupid" was his answer.

>> No.7413007

>Which currency do you use in space?
Do you realize on which board you're posting?

>> No.7413043

What is consciousness?

>> No.7413458

this. just build a spaceport/shipyard on the moon.

>> No.7413491

>mfw dot com bubble , subprime bubble, crypto bubble
holy shit space bubble is upon us
BUY BUY BUY we are still on ground floor of this baby

>> No.7413530

>implying they wont slowly pour resources into the market so prices dont dip

>> No.7413538
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"Speculations concerning mind uploading suggest it is possible to transfer a human mind from an organic brain to a computer, incrementally and in such a way that consciousness is never interrupted, e.g. by replacing neurons one by one with electronics designed to simulate the neurons' firing patterns. Yet the result of this process is an object entirely physically distinct from the starting point."

Consider that we replace most of our cells in our body yet still feel the same, I doubt that it will be different if is done slowly throughout the brain.
We also change in personality. When I say that I am not the same person from 10 years ago, I mean that metaphorically. Yes, I am vastly different. Yet with my memories and an uninterrupted series of events that preserve my consciousness, I am as much of me as I am ten years ago.

Yet here we have a man whose brain remains unchanged and pristine, yet we call him disabled.

As with my prior wikipedia link, it is preservation of the intent that keeps something from losing its identity.

Also, we're getting closer. We're not nearly there. Not even in this century. But soon.

>> No.7413637

>his rocket can launch payloads at $1600 per payload even if never used again which beats every other rocket by far
This is litteraly false tho.

>> No.7413740

>We're not nearly there. Not even in this century.

What gives you the authority to pretend you know what will happen in 60 years? For fuck's sake, 15 years ago cellphones basically didn't exist and now they're more powerful than some computers. I'm sure that in 40 years' time, we'll live in an entirely different world.

Plus, life-extending treatments will most certainly come. Although they'll definitely have a steep cost at first, I can see myself living more than a century. And by then, the singularity will have come to reality.

>> No.7413942

My biggest ambition for becoming crypto-rich is to extend my life as long as possible.

>> No.7414028

nice, thanks for the articles

>> No.7414054

>implying the elite class will allow their tax sheep to become immortal when they already breed

>> No.7414070

>implying I won't become the elite class

>> No.7414101

funny mine is the opposite

>> No.7414119

You don't need money to sudoku anon

>> No.7414124

Good luck without a strong family lineage

>> No.7414151

>Jewish holocaust
>actually happening

But it should have and it will.

>> No.7414157

If you believe in Musk, in Tesla and SpaceX. You should invest in IOTA for the long term. Bosch is making Tesla's electronics for selfdriving. And as you know: Bosch loves IOTA.


>> No.7414158

Every elite family line started with an ambitious normalfag.

>> No.7414178

hella fucking redpilled /b/ro

>> No.7414266
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We need some kind of space-coin to fund a mission to Mars. In exchange for helping the project, the top coin-holders will be put on the first list to go to the red planet (you still have to show that you're body can hack that trip, it doesn't guarantee you a trip, just an opportunity).

>> No.7414320

Hella bluepilled, reddit niggerfaggot.

>> No.7414390
