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File: 79 KB, 1500x500, NEO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7404129 No.7404129 [Reply] [Original]

You won't make it if you don't hold NEO in 2018

>will be one of the most scarce cryptocurrencies; only 100M WHOLE shares
>pays dividends in the form of GAS
>Superior custom smart contracts (C#, Python, etc)

>> No.7404156

nano better lol

>> No.7404162

just banned all crypto

>> No.7404316
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foolish niggers

>> No.7404554

just bought 200k

>> No.7404598

raiblocks can never become huge because it was given away freely to stinky pajeets for solving captchas. a currency in the hands of those people isn't something any normal non-speculative user is ever going to want.

>> No.7404621

only on foreign exchanges. They are limiting domestic as they put in their strict regulations. Who is going to benefit from those? A legit china crypto called NEO

>> No.7404657

I just don't get Neo and have been too caught up with school to read up on it

>> No.7404670

This has always been the kicker for NEO... IF it gets special treatment from the government it will moon far higher than it has any right to

>> No.7404779

I am still waiting for the Go and JavaScript smart contracts, then I will make a shitty token based on this chincoin

>> No.7404845

If, if? theres no if about it, Neo are so far up the governments ass crack they're practically flossing their teeth in corn strewed shit

>> No.7404877

How so?

>> No.7404885

I have 36 neo, will.i.fucking.make.it?

>> No.7404932

Yes IF, but I would be in no way surprised if it happens.

>> No.7404940

^ this. I'll take the fucking risk with my beta poor ass 5 NEO lol

>> No.7404967

>outdated but without Vitalik

>> No.7404976

no i don't think so, maybe 10x on the prerequisite of a market wide reversal

>> No.7405026

Hey it's worth a go, but there are probably much smaller projects right now that need less for more.. NEO is more suitable for those who actually need the liquidity. Still, I guess a safer option if you're all in or something

>> No.7405122
File: 402 KB, 3088x2508, Founders-NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not getting into the finer details but essentially the Chinese gov have a quasi investment in NEO, they are putting citizens data onto the chain, its already loaded on a side chain. Its going to become the standard. Your next move after Neo pumps to $600 should be to Nebulas.

>> No.7405133

NEO is just my top holding. Strong faith in AMB, ICX, WTC, and ADA/XLM (cause imma cuck)

>> No.7405167

same here, what the fuck is gas and why do I have it to open a fake account that is a total security risk on my fucking computer, metamask sounds like the next bitconnect and i cant get my head around this shit

>> No.7405274
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To shill you cunts one last time, Nebulas will provide Ethereum with a Nebulas powered Search engine.

>> No.7405334

you don't you afterbirth. Get an account on binance and buy it there. I believe they pay out GAS dividends once a month. GAS is another crypto with only 15mil total supply. Are you a dumb pajeet or are you gonna buy what will be one of the best cryptos of all time?

>> No.7405358

My suggestion would be to consider more smaller offerings over most of those larger coins. With those amounts you're able to slide in and out of lower volume coins more easily, you will likely increase your risk, but you need some good moon missions first to be able to make it off the big coins. Basically if you can afford to lose these monies then give it a real good shot

>> No.7405546

why did they quit NEO

>> No.7405579

i'm not a pejeet you goat placenta, I just hate this stupid complicated scammy shit seems like pajeets or chinks invented to fuck us

>> No.7405640

How do you get the gas then? I read you have to get a Neo wallet and put it in there but don't know more than that. "It automatically generates "Gas" the token that runs the network. To receive your Gas, all you have to do is move your NEO off of any exchange and into an official NEO wallet."

>> No.7405747

It's not hard, you hold NEO and you get GAS. Depending on where you hold it, you can get it daily or monthly. The official neo wallet should give it every day and binance gives it every month

>> No.7405775

not if its on binance. it will show up in your funds on binance

>> No.7405777

Other ambitions, saw more potential in creating their own chain, from the ground up. Based their HQ in San Fran to avoid Chinese gov intervention & regulation.

>> No.7405784

I agree that NEO has some great potential. First it is faster than ETH, sends and recieves super fast. Not easy to create scam coins. At the moment I think it cost the equivalent of 25k in gas to start a dapp. No need to for PoW which appeals to China electricity issue. Does not deal with fractions. (while some argue against it I think it makes it more valuable and lucrative [think amazon stock being 1400$ it is not as easy an investment for retail investors as say amd at 12$ for example.]) NEO has already faired well with China's black swan, if it doesnt get the green light so be it. However, if it gets the green light from China it will sky rocket to > 1000usd easily. The wallet, community, ease of getting gas and upcoming Dapps (tky) look promising. I would stock up on ETH NEO VEN WTC LINK in that order. People can argue about smaller coins and shit but I think we will see exchanges that dont require bitcoin to buy alts leading to an unpairing, coins like NEO and ETH will take off and alts and btc will die if they server no purpose or use case

>> No.7405823

What about a place like MEW?

>> No.7405880

Oh I can just hold it on Binance? Are there any negatives to that? And does getting your gas only once a month matter if you're holding long term, I assume they just accumulate it and send it once a month so they aren't paying for it daily.

>> No.7405955

it doesnt seem like theres much hype behind it though

>> No.7405962

I've also been looking for wallets that allow many coins on it (like Exodus) so I don't get just'd in a Binance hack but haven't found one with the shit coins you usually see on biz

>All my shit coins are unironically still way up for me

>> No.7406057

If ETH takes a long time to roll out it's PoS then NEO will gain more and more momentum. I thikn China realises that blockchain is important for the future and want to create as much FUD as possible to shake out ETH and BTC in China and Asia. I was not a fan of NEO until I played around with some on testnet. Once you realize the speed, and that you can program any major language on it... That is a huge advantage. C++ and Java are huge in Asia. If you are skeptical of NEO buy 1 NEO on Binance and send it to your NEON wallet set up another NEON wallet and send them back and forth for free. do the math for GAS generation and sit back.

>> No.7406107

I use Exodus and Hodl everything

>> No.7406126

How much Gas is generated per Neo a day?

>> No.7406156

so is the consensus that qtum is done for then? wasnt it qtum and neo that had the little chink rivalry?

>> No.7406165

Setting up a wallet is super easy same as MEW but NEON wallet only holds NEO GAS and NEO dapps NEON wallet also allows you to participate in ICO's directly through the wallet when they become available, which has been profiitable and useful for me as well.

>> No.7406191

biggest problem I can see is they're too ambitious with how many things they want to do spelled out in their white paper. That said, want to do != will do

>> No.7406201


>> No.7406203
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it doesnt matter, crypto is dead

miners are selling everything

>> No.7406208

not much at all. go to neoToGas dot com and punch in the numbers I have 2000 NEO so I get half a gas per day

>> No.7406300

So what happens when the Gas limit is reached?

>> No.7406328

NEO $96.10
GAS $35.73
need one for the other I'm BTFO just doesnt make sense

>> No.7406336

Having the NEO in a wallet generates GAS and since it is not on binance I am not tempted to do a stupid move when I get impulse and FOMO on something. Look at anyone in crypto who has done well they bought and hold and come back a year or two later VEN WTC NEO ETH SHIP will all be fine regardless of what happens. ETH & NEO are your best bet if you actually have money and a life I think. YOu can spend all day reading 4chan trading back and forth between shitcoins or you can buy a few good ones set it and forget and get on with your life and focus on yoru career and come back every once and a while and check to be pleasantly surprised. I dont care how you slice it the 10X on a month days are gone.

>> No.7406377

is neoexplorer.co not updating gas anymore?

>> No.7406424

You dont need GAS. You generate GAS by holding NEO. GAS is burned when your dapp completes tasks. NEO is whole values 1,2,3 etc.. instead of point of work you get rewarded for point of stake. Something ETH is working on

>> No.7406457

I use neotracker.co

>> No.7406459

Ven is the other coin I've been meaning to look into but just have been too busy. I mistakenly held my LTC way too long thinking it had a good future as ETH went up and now am considering selling 10 coins for another project and keeping 15 just in case ;___;

>> No.7406508

I was thinking about VEN too, but is there any official news on how THOR is going to work?

>> No.7406560

>it's named after a tranny sci-fi flick about how nothing digital is real

who else /allin/ on Neo?

>> No.7406679

Not the same use case but okay guy

>> No.7406771

THOR will come out in June when mainnet launches VET will generate THOR you must have your VET in a special wallet to generate THOR Thor will be used by clients in dapps. Same as NEO and GAS except VEN/VET already has a lot of partnerships. One of the only coins wiht a usecase.

>> No.7406817

think about it dude, gas hits 500, you're making 250/day. hows it feel?

>> No.7406851

thanks. does your address on neoexplorer.co show the wrong gas amount though?

>> No.7406860

60/40 NEO/NAS

>> No.7407138

if gas hit 500, neo would hit say maybe 1000. basically 2000 * 1000 = $2,000,000 for $250 a day? that's funny man.
Even if NEO hit only 500, that's still $1,000,000 for only $250 a day, not enough.

>> No.7408519


They pay out gas in network fees to NEO holders

>> No.7408545

>no dapps
try again

>> No.7408571

Why does this matter? Difficulty will just go down so the smart people who waited 2 days will still profit (me).

>> No.7408595

that's $91250 per year anon...

>> No.7408600

Serious question, can there only be one survivor between eth and neo? Or can both succeed

>> No.7408650

Microsoft and Apple both succeed.

>> No.7408727

Scam. You don't get shit all GAS, which is the only reason to buy this shitcoin.

>> No.7408740
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I got my gas today. I only got 30 cents out of it. Is there any reason for me to sell?

>> No.7408783

how many neo do you hold?

>> No.7408788

QTUM is superior

>> No.7409222

> Aero Wang

>> No.7409349



>> No.7409412


>bans it's one citizens from using it
>$25k to deploy a smart contract

Lol NEO is a shitcoin. One day it's chinacoin then the next day it's decentralized

Nobody fucking cares. ETH has won.

>> No.7409890

NEO is just ethpyramid with less dividends

>> No.7409904

Isn't that a ponzi

>> No.7409945

You forgot the part where the company owns like 50% of the supply.
Enjoy getting consistently dumped on.

>> No.7409997

Just saw your reply, but I did actually drop XLM and ADA for more NEO, AMB, ICX, and a bit o WTC :)

>> No.7410038

Will Trinity pay out dividends?

Also in regards to Venchain, is it worth going in hard now? The whole Thor generation has a Neo vibe to it and I want more dividend coins in my porfolio.

>> No.7410215

But that's a little under 10% annual returns. Don't low risk investments usually give something like 2.5%