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7402784 No.7402784 [Reply] [Original]

What are some alternatives to cuckbase?

What do you guys use for exchanging crypto for fiat, and vise versa?

How trustworthy is your excahnge? How much are fees? Additional info, etc.

>> No.7402967
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common silly boys, don't hold out on meeeee

>> No.7403146


>> No.7403483
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I was looking for alternatives to Coinbase... is that literally it? They jew the shit out of your transactions. Selling crypto above spot price, buying it back significantly lower than spot price AND charging a % of the transaction both ways... there's gotta be a better way.

>> No.7403524

I tried coinjar, but that shit is slow

>> No.7403535

Try coinbase

>> No.7403537


>> No.7403657


>> No.7403827

Thanks gents, any comments on Fees? I'm trying to shave off costs on my conversions.

>> No.7403887


>> No.7404001
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Forgot to post milkies

Common, anyone want to say something about their experiences with any of these exchanges?

>> No.7404024

I use bitstamp. It's cheap.

>> No.7404412
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thanks I'm looking at it now

>> No.7404439

Payfair this summer and Hawala.Today this Fall

>> No.7404585

I'm looking at these places and they all have % fees. That's horse shit.

Will Payfair have % fees?

>> No.7404641
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>> No.7404875
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Taxes are going to be gay enough, just trying to not get fleeced by every grubby hand on my way out.

So far from what I've looked at, bitstamp has the cheapest crypto-to-fiat fees.

>> No.7405052

Yes they are expected to be around 3% because they will use escrow services (fiat, gold, physical goods, etc.)
Hawala.Today isn't set in stone yet but presumably they will have fees. Expect to pay fees if you are cashing out for real money.

>> No.7405398

Soon Bittrex and Bancor will be accepting fiat too.

>> No.7405444

I don't mind paying fees, I just feel like a % of what I'm cashing out is fucking bullshit. Flat fees would be way more reasonable.

I'm also new to all this, so I don't understand why they would need a % to process my orders and making a small profit, rather than a reasonable flat fee.

>> No.7405471

Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to cash out without getting taken to the cleaners by both the gov AND the exchange.

>> No.7405483

coinbase is actually pretty awesome but there's quite a few others that I can't recommend because I haven't bothered with them

I'm gonna spoonfeed you like someone spoonfed me, coinbase is gdax and once you learn to use gdax you're good

>> No.7405807

I know gdax is the same thing.

But can you cash out from gdax on less fees than coinbase? Highly doubt, but I'm listening.

Also, coinbase (for me) is 1.49% in and 1.49% out. Kinda steep, don't you think?

>> No.7406006
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Am I just being Jewish?

>> No.7406102

nah, fuck fees

I actually don't intend to cash out and am transitioning to a lifestyle where I can live without fiat so I haven't looked into what gdax charges for that, but otherwise I don't pay fees there at all except bank wires cost $10 but I just deposit my paycheck every week for free

>> No.7406135

somone please post that braaap pasta meme

>> No.7406583

Payfair in a month no worries