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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7400340 No.7400340 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you holding PRL anon? easy 10x

>> No.7400362
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held through full bear massacre
>not selling till $10 now

>> No.7400408

because im not fucking retarded

>> No.7400422
File: 18 KB, 366x380, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>connected to IOTA tangle

I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Even they know this is a dumbass idea and have said they will change it in the future """"if"""" it doesn't work. Sounds promising.

>> No.7400441

wow people are STILL holding this scam at this point? thats insane

>> No.7400488

this exact same idea has been tried before it doesnt work. its malware. add to that the fact its built on a platform that doesnt work makes it scam^2

>> No.7400578

they've already tested their own tangle webhook and it works
>if it wont work they'll write their own DAG so weak FUD faggot

>> No.7400617

you literally retarded for not getting into biggest gainer of 2017 before massive alt bullrun tomorrow
>lol stay poor what can I say

>> No.7400659

Lol the fudders are so fucking stupid. They don't understand that the tangle is separate from the rest of IOTA.

4k pearlies ready to sell @ $5.

>> No.7400714

same here
>someone were selling 20k yesterday for 40 cent laughing my ass off

>> No.7400816
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, smuganimethot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the implications of this coin are bigger than most realize desu.

i have a huge stack of this, accumulated a lot through this crash, and will sell some at $15, but the majority of the stack i wont sell until $50. this will be my final moon mission before becoming a millionaire.

>> No.7400879

>lol stay poor what can I say
what are you 13? god I hope so cuz it would be pathetic for a grown man to fall for this MALWARE SCAM

>> No.7400951

stopped reading

>> No.7401137

so we are going to disrupt the online advertising industry using a popup that says 'let me use your computer to mine magic internet money in the background'? do you realize how absurd that is? 1) nobody would willingly agree to that
2) it will 100% be flagged as malware by google and and once that happens its game over
again, this is not an original idea. or a good one.

>> No.7401162

what are you even mumbling about faggot?
they whitelisted by everyone and have cookie law compliance with legal teams and budget to draft proposals and partnerships as they want.

>nobody is forcing you to buy faget - you'll fomo in one week from now
>checkem and screencap

>> No.7401222

dyor on cookie compliance for ads and storage aspect
>you so far away from reality it's not even funny

>> No.7401241

who here also /boughtat3dollarsormore/ like a retarded?

>> No.7401492
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it makes no difference to me whether you own it or not, your tiny bucks wont change anything.

it is funny watching /biz/ repeat the same story with different projects though, i've been here long enough to see ETH, ANS (NEO), DGB, OMG, WTC, IOTA so many projects moon, and it's always the same type of arguments "this can't work, it won't work, scam!" then it moons and you're left watching from the sidelines desu

>> No.7401573

lets say it doesnt get flagged even though it looks and feels like malware to your average person. lets say people dont report it (they will). you seriously think normies will willingly agree to this?
yeah go ahead and drain my phone battery and do god knows what else while i'm browsing this scammy site.

>> No.7401693

those other projects all have realistic real world applications. PRL is trying to fix a problem that doesnt exist. no matter how little resources it uses no fucking way i'm going to let some website drain my battery when i can just use brave or an ad blocker for free you silly faggot.

>> No.7401965
File: 107 KB, 640x702, taka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when WTC first got posted on biz it was trading at 50 cents or so, and there was a huge thread about how it was a scam, the website was in chnese, there was no twitter, it had to be a scam, and yet look at it now. the same applies to those other coins, and the same will apply to PRL. make whatever argument you want against it, you'll wake up one day to notice PRL is in the top 20 by market cap.

>> No.7402075

stopped reading

>> No.7402190

No where to go but up, this is the floor for this coin. I'm accumulating now

>> No.7402232

>comparing wtc to prl
please unironically kys you anime faggot
you will continue being poor holding this smart money bought the initial 5 cent buy wall on etherdelta and dumped in 3-4 dollar range

>> No.7402420


Trips have spoken

>> No.7402500
File: 32 KB, 600x339, aoidesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if months ago i compared WTC to NEO in terms of gain potential you would say the exact same thing, it's just the type of person you are.

>> No.7403209
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Well said my cuteposting nigger.

>> No.7403359

i bought at 20 cent and sold 30% of my stack at $4ish. dunno if its going to ever reach $4 again itll take a long time most def with this crash

>> No.7403452

how bigs your stack
2k here

>> No.7403618

this is most hold by pajeets and once in a while discord shilling. dont fall for this shit coin

>> No.7403868

All Pajeets dumped long time ago, 90% held by like 100 top addresses due to limited supply, they also doing 10mil coin burn

>> No.7403965

BAT may be dumb but this is downright fucking retard level coining.

>On the Tangle
Fucking IOTA is garbage and so is their coordinator that "gonna be shut off anyday now".

>literal malware that highjacks your PC
Ya, normies are def gonna agree to have this shit run in the backgroud. gg.

>Wait! its not a malware miner. Its a storage system!

Had to pivot because the original idea was so weak

>Hired a whole bunch of ex big four QA analysts who don't know how to code

Doesn't matter, the original dev Bruno is some 18 year old nigger who learned from Udemy.

>you faggots are hopeless.

>> No.7404141

thanks just bought 100k more