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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 443 KB, 2724x796, 18C663D5-B412-4F6D-ABB3-F2FD08764734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7397827 No.7397827 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right?

>> No.7397923

he's either stupid or wants to buy cheap coins

>> No.7397927

lmao "cryptobro," "crypto army" what a faggot. I wouldn't be surprised if this retard is crypto Nick he acts like a 16 year old.

>> No.7398340

He might still be right you know

>> No.7398346

That's not what he said in the discord.

>> No.7398647

lol if you took his advice you wouldve lost out on 25% alt gains

>> No.7399505

I actually didn't screencap this. This is very convenient, thank you anon.

>> No.7399540

He’s a moron, you’d have to be retarded to listen to that dumbass

>> No.7399579


>> No.7399635

He's no more informed or intelligent than the rest of us but I agree with the post. This shit is dead

>> No.7399648

Did you sell? Show proof.

>> No.7400135

Yes, I did sell. No, I'm not going to disclose my finances to a stranger on the internet.

>> No.7400255


nope as usual he was wrong and retarded. as soon as he posted that BTC went up by 2000 points and everyone who sold on his advice is now poorer

>> No.7400268

Thanks for level-headed advice.

I am not a finance or businessman by any means, but the fanatical mentality of hodling and praying things will go back to what they were annoys me.

>> No.7400378

Well I think you're wrong about the 'bubble has popped.' I don't think it is even close. Best of luck though.

>> No.7400427


5 years of grinding up and down waits, fast moves are over for some time

>> No.7400499

No problem man, I make posts like those for people like you. In time they will go back up for sure. Crypto and blockchain is just too damn good at what it does. Being able to transfer money for next to no fees, decentralized transactions and not getting pounded 2.75% on purchases is a game changer. It's good and bad that's it's so volatile. If it were more stable we'd see more businesses adopt crypto payments faster.

The technology is superior, I just don't see massive mainstream money running to crypto.

No problem man, we can definitely agree to disagree. I appreciate your response and participation in this discussion though.

>> No.7400553

20k to 6k in under a month and you don't think the bubble popped? Are you retarded?

The bubble has most certainly popped the question now is when does the crash bottom out and when does the next bubble start. If you buy in with new fiat (regardless of if you held or sold recently) between those two dates you'll make a fortune.

The fact this tripfag retard was only up 1100% at the peak of the last bubble is proof enough you shouldn't listen to him though.

>> No.7400559

Photoshopped, the font for the numbers doesn’t match and the colour is wrong

>> No.7400610

You can literally ctrl + f in the archives for "the bubble has popped". The thread will show up

>> No.7400630
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>taking advice from someone who lost 50% potential gains
If he knows this much why didn't he pullout earlier
Fucking retards man

>> No.7400700

Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I'm off to bed.

>> No.7400710
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>> No.7400732

kill yourself soyboy

>> No.7400743
File: 105 KB, 1024x546, 4o27ZiSD1Kw41nCexUq31RWsagLuPadPnsYpADmoB0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are you buying back in fag?

>> No.7400775

>payments, currency, money, purchases
kek, that shit doesnt matter. Real crypto boom will be related to smart contracts and dapps.

Now that the bull market of november ended you cant just select any random coin and watch it moon, and the retards who paid for your advice would start to notice you dont have a fucking clue about what to do in a non 100% bull rush. Nice exit tho, I have to admit. I bet you will be back here next bull run to scam some retards.

And by the way selling now is a bad idea. Glad we have screenshots for when you come back in 2 or 3 months

>> No.7400784

Not even close, no. I think you'll see $20k again in early Spring, around late April. Then you'll really see a run-up to 'bubble' territory. Been in the 'game' a long time, was in the dot com "boom" and made some money there.

>> No.7400839

Post your trades my friend. Show us the great wealth you have generated.

When I see multiple days up until a week of green, it should signal the market starting to reverse. When I see these signs and see the total market sentiment change along with interest in cryptos in regards to search engine hits change, I'll hop back in.

>> No.7400926

Lets have a look at this tripfag larpers credentials
>started trading late 2017
>called the bubble has popped when BTC was less than 40% of it's peak value
>Made only 600% gains
>uses stupid reddit terminology and quotes shit movies
>has a self-forced motto
Yes I think I can safely say we should ignore it.

>> No.7400968
File: 77 KB, 790x766, piecoin no gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who's been here alot longer than you bitch boy

>> No.7400973


Kek ne crypton bro wee troost

>> No.7400978

1100% is just a 10x. I started 6 months ago and did a 100x. Now with the crash Im at 50x. Not even memeing, you could have done that 10x in just november

>> No.7401003
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>> No.7401017
File: 135 KB, 760x768, 3c4Nhky0uU0rmyoS8IZMQRHvk91ndFiKTuxz2bK9Vpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much link do you have?

How do you make money in the meantime?

>> No.7401067

Joe Biden is the creepiest man alive

>> No.7401070
File: 56 KB, 645x729, IMG_6753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to plebbit you fucking retard
You're a newcomer who lost 50% potential gains, no one takes you seriously kys

>> No.7401131

he's a confirmed pedo

>> No.7401158

cryptobrotheconfirmedpedo should be based bros new trip

>> No.7401193
File: 24 KB, 1181x196, 2018-02-07_01-27-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Really makes me think.
It doesn't matter really anyway, all you need to know is I've been in BTC since 2012 and most recently put new fiat in late 2016 and early 2017. Any spastic will be able to figure out 600% gains is literal horseshit to any of us who have been on /biz/ for over a year yet we don't get so up our own arse we need to tripfag and tell people how to live their lives.

You haven't made a single solid call and your gains are pitiful because you don't know how/when to sell properly you're just a buy in and hodl fag with little to no market knowledge (certainly not in the long term). You're not a risk taker and you don't trade you just hodl. You will stay poor, friend.

>> No.7401198

Tell me why you idiots care about some random basement dweller's opinion?

>> No.7401237

2-3 months would fit within my prediction. Like I said in my post, which you probably didn't bother to read because of your profound autism, we won't start seeing a bull market again for a few months to a year.

Wowee, you bought some crypto! Great work!

I like link, but I don't own any at the moment.

>> No.7401273

>Wowee, you bought some crypto! Great work!

Yep, PIEcoin, now SEND.

Then Verge.

Now let's see your trades little bitch.

>> No.7401391

Aww, look at the little baby getting upset on the internet and cursing. Good luck with your life guy.

Hahahaha stay mad guy. Practically all my calls hit the nail right on the head.

Anyways folks, I'm out. Adios!

>> No.7401490

No they didn't though. 'The bubble has popped' at -70% is not a good call, it was over a month late.

>> No.7401587


>> No.7401812

>SALT is great
>aXpire is great

I think I'll try my luck with other people thank you

>> No.7401873

This nigger told people to sell at 6k. If you sold you can go ahead and kys

>> No.7401949

I think it's fair and appropriate to say that my bubble pop call was late. I really didn't think it would pop so fast and so violently.

However, had people bought into my DRGN call at 44 cents and my XLM call at 22 cents, they'd still be up.

SALT is great. AXP is a good play. Even Teeka called SALT. Do what you'd like though.

>> No.7401992

Why is the 3500 - 4000 text in a different colour?

>> No.7402132

He shills his fucking paid Discord here all the time.

>> No.7402230

Fucking shivering at the KEKING GOING ON KEK LAMOOOO

>> No.7402294
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And his free info is just pasta from biz

>> No.7402485

The bubble hasn't popped you dumb fuck. It's just a series of coordinated fud bringing the price down. Cryptos havent been compromised in anyway.

>> No.7402610

>crypto Nick
I thought the exact same thing

>> No.7402685

Thought you were out kiddo?
It's nearing bedtime.

>> No.7402725

Cryptobro is such a soft faggot. So much of his behavior is geared towards milking his discord members.

>> No.7402741

KYS tripnigger

>> No.7402746
File: 22 KB, 445x552, maybe gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying right now with that same question. I'm thinking things are going to dip again after this green day so I may sell my alts tonight to rebuy tomorrow. The day charts show it might better to just wait, but hour charts show an opportunity to sell with at least a minor reversal. RSI and stochastics both show sell signal.

Anyone have legit opinions backed up by trades they're making tonight? Please no bully this is a real question and consideration.

>> No.7402892

Fuck yourself you tripfagging retard. Telling people to sell when the market is low as fuck is at best moronic and at worst malicious. We know that cryptos won't fail at this point into time so the risk associated with selling at low figures is way higher than the upsides. You'd know this if you weren't such a retard

>> No.7402991

fuck you faggot attention seeker

>> No.7402993

I only started in Crypto in December and was up 500% at the peak. How bad is this guy at trading?

>> No.7403076

You're essentially playing with fire by trading at this point. You should ideally day trade in low risk situations instead of high risk ones.

>> No.7403338

I think you're right. Literally every timeframe candle is in buy territory rather than 1hr which is sell. Trading against the trend is unnecessarily risky and there is more downside to upside.
Not trading tonight. Thanks cunt.

>> No.7403413
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>i sold my bags late
>sell after me pls

>> No.7403480
File: 6 KB, 182x277, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptobro didn't account for the fucking SEC and CFTC shilling bitcoin to congress. I don't even understand this timeline we are living on. For the most part cryptobro is correct, but the dip won't be as he predicted for 2 reasons: Stock market plunge, and SEC + CFTC offering favorable outlook for bitcoin.

We are out of the massive dip. We won't see 5K BTC. But the recovery won't be super strong super fast. He is correct in saying it will be months to a year before we are at December/Early Jan prices, but we will get there, and when we do, it will be stable.

>> No.7403484

Run along little phaggot

>> No.7403582


You told people to sell at the absolute bottom

You're a complete fucking retard and should be ashamed of ripping people off

>> No.7403677

WTF is this shitshow. Why does anyone give a fuck about some fag who only maxed out at 1100%? Literally anyone could have made that by throwing money into any coin in December.

>> No.7403747
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He was DEAD WRONG. Because DADDY saved us.

>> No.7403759
File: 15 KB, 350x420, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah e-everyone haha

>> No.7403793

you're a fucking faggot
You're only up 1100% and you were giving advice to people.
I was up double that.
Funny thing is everyone is up 1000% depending on how long they've been in.

Now fuck off with your nigger ass trip and stop trying to act like some genius.
Dumb nigger

>> No.7403920

he sold his whole 30 dollars worth of coins.
Cryptofag is a fraud, do the opposite he says.