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File: 179 KB, 1814x1104, Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 9.26.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7397303 No.7397303 [Reply] [Original]

don't post this in the main lamden or you'll get banned. happened to me last night. this is much more damaging

Has anyone else looked at the Tau public ledger on coinmarketcap or eitherscan and noticed that there are 30+ acct's worth 1million tau+ that received it within the first month that now have 0 tau? I have a lot of money in Lamden, but after looking at the public wallet transactions it seems pretty obvious that we all got scammed. Best part is they'll probably delete this post before anyone gets to see it. Would really appreciate someone telling me why I'm wrong. But at this point tau is worth .13 and it seems pretty obvious we all got completely screwed over. Could someone please explain this to me? Also anyone that still believes in Tau could you explain why? It seems crystal clear that the COO leaving the company was a planned move to make the dumping of tau by Stu look less sketchy. SERIOUSLY, look at the public transactions of Tau. There are hundreds of accts trading 1m+ right when it was worth $1.20 that now have 0 tau. LITTERALLY ZERO now. Also, anyone else notice that anytime anyone questions Lamden they immediately get shit on with comments saying, "are you a child? real investors know to hodl" "you're an immature kid, hodl" It's so obvious that this is a scam I can't believe they haven't already gotten criminal charges. I can't wait for one of the lamden tau staff to comment on this post insulting me personally to say that this is wrong. This isn't even a well run scam. I hate that I have so much money invested I don't want to pull out. Guarantee someone replies, probably 'jason' to this and says "the cryptocurrency market is crashing, hodl, it'll recover." Literally IDC I lost a lot of money here, and I learned a valuable lesson, what I find surprising is how many people are still falling for this.

seriously I posted an hour ago had mad replies and got banned. Look at the public ledger it's unbelievably obvious that it's a pump and dump bro

>> No.7397402

It spells nedmal backwards. Just saying..

>> No.7397419

This is true.
t. didn't sell at 1.20 like a retard, sold at .75

>> No.7397498

Could someone post the public ledger for me?

I am a brainlet

>> No.7397500

lol brainlet detected

>> No.7397589

No shit. I've been calling this out as a scam since day one. It's obvious as fuck.

>> No.7397634

OP needs to post proof if he's going to make accusations.

>> No.7397696
File: 503 KB, 1400x1042, scamcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7397788

so no proof OP?

>> No.7397906

You actually added a NEO column just to FUD. AHAHAHA

>> No.7397984

So because some people bought a lot of TAU and decided to do whatever the fuck with it it's a scam got it

>> No.7398017


Are you that reddit faggot? All the teams coins are locked away you dumb fuck. This is publicly accessable information. Whoever dumped it obviously bought it with the intention of doing so. Why are you such a dumb fuck to think this wouldnt happen since it happens with every ICO? I dont want you to hodl I want you to sell because youre fucking retarded.

>> No.7398140

This isn't fuckin /b/ or /pol/ take your tinfoil hate somewhere else you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.7398190
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>> No.7398208
File: 15 KB, 249x228, 4D3EB1E8-3BA3-4388-BFE9-C01E5551F91C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice photoshop

>> No.7398245



>> No.7398463

Also please say literallllllyyyy mooorreeeee lolol fucking idiot

>> No.7399412


I told you guys they were secretly dumping on you fools. And then they orchestrated a falling out with Nick to make it look like the team is falling apart. Now they're continuing to work on the project to make themselves look legit and after a few months they're going to quit and let you guys down easily. They won't get in trouble because you idiot bagholders will be understanding. Meanwhile they've already been millionaires since January. =) You're a fool if you didn't sell for a x10 profit.

>> No.7399527
File: 31 KB, 220x294, 5249C20B-2755-49FC-91D5-BABF17E13073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the point of fudding like this? So you scare up some nubs to sell you their TAU to get a 0.01% discount?

>> No.7399618

Some people FUD their own holdings for odd reasons, unknown for themselves even.

It's like women giving shit tests, checking reactions.

>> No.7399633


Tau is literally worthless right now so why would he FUD? lmfao.

>> No.7399661
File: 1.42 MB, 1056x1087, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the official /Biz/ Discord server
it's not a pump and dump server we do AMA's with Developers and have high quality discussions
We're going to have a AMA with the TurtleCoin Developers at 2/8/16 7pm EST
We had an AMA with the LAMDEN devs you can find it in one of our channels

>> No.7399847

i dont even think started as a pump and dump i just think that the dev and leadership are complete shit and it will fail because of that. also lol at them shit talking similar projects when they cant even distribute airdrops correctly or keep their team together. what a pile of shit

>> No.7399921

I know the developers personally, I know big announcements are on the pipeline of some companies they're working with.

their ICO was supposed to just finish last week but they hit their cap 4 weeks too early