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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 1800x1150, screen_shot_20171211_at_2.30.26_pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7390840 No.7390840 [Reply] [Original]

you morons didnt learn from the last couple weeks? this is just another bull trap were going back to sub 5k youre an idiot if youre buying now

>hard floor at 10k
>muh floor at 8k
>floor at 7k

>> No.7390883

Fuck off

>> No.7390906

Wow you connected two arbitrary points on the graph, congrats OP

>> No.7390936

Salty nocoiner who missed the bottom

>> No.7390938


>> No.7390971
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>> No.7390990

i have my buy orders set for the bottom at 1-2k dollar averaging all the way down from 1-2k to maximize my profit for next years moon. this is a 6-12 month bear market folks

>> No.7391000


you mean resitance, fuckin dumbass

>> No.7391037

we broke the 6k resistance what makes you think its not going back down

>> No.7391051

>people unironically thinking bear market lasts for 3 weeks
>People unironically believing ANYONE of importance (big bucks) believes BTC is worth more then 2K

This shit is dropping to 4k very soon

>> No.7391099

The volume on this 1 day is much more significant that any bounce before. This is legit bullrun. Question is how far it will go?

>> No.7391122

the rsi is rising too for the first time in 2 weeks

>> No.7391159

>people unironically trying to connect this whale moves to today's hearing

>> No.7391186

support was/is around $5800 where it last faced natural growth downtrend in early November (before massive pumping)

>> No.7391187

kill yourself nocoinigger

>> No.7391189

this all the way. these guys who bought 19k think its going back there

>> No.7391192

someone is late for the dip

>> No.7391204


this is crypto fella
everything moves fast as fuck booooooooooooy

>> No.7391263

This is clearly a bull trap. ETH/USD 4H moving averages clearly tell you that. And this drop will be even worse. I tethered up.

>> No.7391275
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it's time, though.

>> No.7391287

yes due to massive pumping the big investors have already cashed out and were not going back to 20k. no one with an iota of brain values bitcoin over $100

>> No.7391300

This. Shit is a joke

>> No.7391305

He right you know. I hope it stays green but a las if not I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m holding til December regardless. I took my initial and some gains out already so it’s all gravy at this point. Riding it into the ground or into orbit my niqqa

>> No.7391328

can't tell if bitcoin FUD or subtle IOTA shill

>> No.7391341

your empty shell of a noggin is showing anon shut your mouth while you still have a shred of dignity

>> No.7391390
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1514736958909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up goy they must not know

>> No.7391391

Feel free to open a massive short then.

>> No.7391396

lol @ bears who thought they could time the bottom

>> No.7391411

faggot. what i love more than anything about this bear market is the stupid pajeet shilling stopped and we actually have constructive threads on /biz/ again

>> No.7391425
File: 53 KB, 498x498, aladdin_genesis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinks start selling their BTC stack
>Price drops Wai Tu Lo
>Throw in a few big purchases and stop selling
>Bulls come in and price rises
>Commence sell off at better price

>> No.7391451

>bull trap
we had multiple bull traps on the way down, this pump is actually associated with positive news, it's different

>> No.7391452

We just got some amazing news that the US government wants to support and protect the crypto markets. We’re going to 50k and you’re so mad you sold at the bottom. Top kek nigger faggot get bent.

>> No.7391460

stay mad kike sell while you can its dropping by end of day

>> No.7391488
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bears can never time the bottom and bulls can never time the top

I think this might be the only thing I've learned so far

>> No.7391508

crypto trades 24 hours though. define day.

>> No.7391517

post sauce or shut up faggot

>> No.7391520


>> No.7391532

This guy gets it. The fleecing will carry on unabated until the last red Wojak is posted.

>> No.7391551

bitcoin is on its way down to $100 and there has been and will be more dead cat bounces like this. sell now

>> No.7391558

>crypto trades 24 hrs
>doesnt know when a day ends

youre literally fucking retarded

>> No.7391562

>took initial

No, it's not just the "extra money, I have nothing at stake"
You do own those coins at the current price. It was YOUR money at the ATH. You can try and justify it whatever way you want but those are facts.

You had X value, you have Y value now.
Whatever you do with that, it's always yours.
Man up and realize your losses. We are recovering anyway.

>> No.7391587
File: 106 KB, 400x518, 1516481034629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc 100$ eth 20$ ltc 7$ 5 weeks

>> No.7391589

This. Volume went from 20k BTC to 100k on gdax alone. It's happening

>> No.7391614

Check cross-exchange volume retard.

>> No.7391620
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people are going to get rekt

>> No.7391647

I suspect big pump n' dump before Tether goes *boom* and falls over.

For everyone who's buying into the SEC comments, and upcoming statements - they're more about protecting consumers here, than shilling crypto. They're calling for regulation, which goes against the very nature of crypto. It's not what you think it is. The public only remembers the crash of the last month.

But it's your money, put it where you want. My investments are recovering already, so I'm comfy right here. Let the games continue.

>> No.7391689

>muh initial
retards dont know how to invest best not to help them

>> No.7391693

>people actually believe there won't be new ATH-s this year.

>> No.7391698

so... by the 7th? cuz it's already the 7th in Aus, faggot.

the 8th then? eat a bag of dicks home slice.

>> No.7391729
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pump it to 8k make them feel safe, then short it to 4k.

>> No.7391771

seriusly now, its actually having trouble breaking 7700$ i think its going down

>> No.7391787

Well said sir

>> No.7391835

Suck it fag it just broke 7700

>> No.7391854

Take a look at the board. Apart from your there is only two (2) other FUD threads. It is over OP. You were a weak handed faggot who sold the dip. I know you are angry, but try to learn how not being retarded for the next time.

>> No.7391863

It's not about using deterministic knowledge to buy at what you know is the absolute floor or roof, but buying something you consider undervalued to make money long term. If you buy something undervalued that continues to drop short term, it's no loss if it eventually climbs to it's deserved value. Same thing if you sell something that is overvalued and it continues to climb short term.

The reality is this is closer to BTC's current true value, now that the 'get rich quick' scheme has been shattered for many new buyers who drove it to such heights in the first place. It may drop or grow a bit, and it will continue to see volatility, but as it stands there is no reason for it to climb back to it's lofty heights, lest absurd speculation continues.

I think, more than anything, has shown it's weakness as a store of value. It's grown with the economy, and falters when the economy falters. It is not gold, it's a speculative asset that will only grow in good times.

>> No.7391864


>> No.7391936

I don’t really give a fuck because eventually my alts will be decoupled from grandpa shitcoin, but until that day I care a lot so fuck you.

>> No.7391969

Good post

>I think, more than anything, has shown it's weakness as a store of value. It's grown with the economy, and falters when the economy falters. It is not gold, it's a speculative asset that will only grow in good times.
This applies to gold too, though. Crypto at least has the theoretical chance of being currency some day, but it's not gonna happen in the near future

>> No.7392065


>> No.7392091

lol you guys really think a bear market ends just like that ? how dumb can someone be ?

we are 100% sure going back to 4-5k in the next couple of days, stop being stupid people, btc was 700usd 1 fucking year ago

well i guess it won't matter, you all went through all of this already at 12k, 10k,9k,8k, exact same threads, exact same we are back memes, and now falling again in the 7k range, there is really not hope, feel free to lose it all

>> No.7392204

the senate hearings regarding crypto

>> No.7392231

Dumb shorter, I'll see you crash and burn there.

>> No.7392296


Don't you people want cheap bitcoins why are you even buying its going to go down as soon as China and Hong Kong give their talk!

>> No.7392339

lol fuck you

>> No.7392347


we need the bear market to continue for at few more months at least

>> No.7392396

>Take a look at the board. Apart from your there is only two (2) other FUD threads. It is over OP.
You must be retarded if you believe that the board's sentiments are in any way indicative of how the price is going to behave in 12-48 hours

>> No.7392447

>He didn't realize shill activity is an indicator
Lmaoing at your life retard.

>> No.7392454

it's support, so who's the fucking retard here

>> No.7392471

We literally had this before every other downswing

>> No.7392478

No, gold at least, at the end of the day, leaves you with a lump of metal, which has actual uses. Same for oil, frozen orange juice, or hog jowls. Crypto is a group consensus tht it has worth, as long as people believe that it's worth the equal in fiat when they purchase it, is has value. In that regard, it's more like fiat, but with no guarantee from the government or banks.

Crypto will end up somewhere, but it's future is so far off, it's useless to speculate. The work has to be done to develop and evolve it, and that's happening - the shipping companies using blockchain tech is really cool stuff. But replacing currency? I wouldn't expect that in your lifetime.

This was Bitcoin 1.0. It crashed/popped. Now is the wait for Bitcoin 2.0 to rise from the ashes. Could be next week, could be next decade. The next one will be better, and that one will be attacked by the scammers/pumpers/get rich quick people, and fail, and die. Then it's on to 3.0.

Gonna be a bumpy ride, but it's gonna happen.

>> No.7392511

>tfw I never sold in the first place

>> No.7392515

That’s literally as complicated as TA gets

>> No.7392570

Strong support for Bitcoin to hit $1,000,000 by 2020. Some guy said that so it must be true. It doesn't matter that it makes no sense and the normie rush is already gone.

>> No.7392572

>meanwhile it could literally drop to $880 before starting to climb and you’re a retard if you’re still holding now

>> No.7392579

And then suddenly stopped like now. Have you not learned anything in the last year?

>> No.7392596

Dubs op is btfo for all time

>> No.7392614

Delete this

>> No.7392640

Can you explain how the lines you drew AREN'T arbitrary? Do not respond to me unless you can provide mathematical proof for whatever statement you're claiming.

>> No.7392651
File: 69 KB, 972x887, it will go back up guys its a currency!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keep holding, like those buds you have, they will go back up someday! someone will put value back into the virtual item again r-right guys?

>> No.7392657

>Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.7392658

you spelled bear wrong

>> No.7392686
File: 124 KB, 660x1080, 4fd84e310b3b12343d3fb899f2bd0a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny to see faggots post the same shit every day when bitcoin goes up or down. you run like clock work

>> No.7392727

Have you? Nobody believed we'll ever fall below 10k. The board is full of green wojaks and 100k EOY predictions during every upswing. The masses are dumb and don't predict anything farther than their dick.

>> No.7392733

>leaves you with a lump of metal
Which is absolutely worthless to you
>has actual uses
Aka very limited industrial use

Crypto is almost the same thing. It can be used for shady payments, but arguably an even lesser percentage of its price is intrinsic value

>> No.7392737

OP has 90 IQ and can't do math, he won't respond to me btw.

>> No.7392789

Yeah 50k in 2020. This shit aint done dropping.

>> No.7392822

alts lose fiat value if btc goes down, say ripple is worth 0,80$ at btc 10k$ if btc goes to 1k ripple is worth 0,08$ losing 10x its value. how can you say alts are decouped from btc?
it doesnt even matter if they gain value in sats if btc goes down faster than the gain, plus since most people know this they will sell alts to tether up or cash out,sending alt price in sats even lower

>> No.7392828
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Back to 25$ btc faggots

>> No.7392867
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I sold low and fell for the FUD

please fall back to 6.5k

>> No.7392875

Okay buddy. They need you to sell the bottom and normies to buy the top. For the recovery, though, they need nobody so I don't even need to convince you. Time will tell.

>> No.7392933
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btc 100$ eth 20$ ltc /$

>> No.7392944

Yes TA is 100% correct every time, i think you're the dumb one here.

>> No.7392957

I saw TA charts and hundreds of anons claiming turnarounds at 17k, 15k, 13k, 10k, 8k, 7k, 6k etc.

Every time same thing. Some meme lines, claims of “sting support” at a certain price. Nobody here has a clue, they are all degenerate gamblers which is why I am sure this is dropping below $4k possibly below $800

>> No.7393009

As it stands, if confidence in the USD was lost, gold would likely become a currency before BTC. It's why gold rose so much during the recession, in the face of weakening currencies and economies, a scarce resource like gold will grow USD denominated values, same with oil.
You are right though, crypto could become the same, eventually, if widespread acceptance and adoption becomes a reality, and people stop speculating the damn things to absurd value.

>> No.7393028
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>> No.7393186

>gold would likely become a currency before BTC.
Maybe, maybe not. In fact during recessions fiat tends to deflate and gold dump, it would require hyperinflation for people to jump ship from fiat. At that point people might as well look at crypto and go "hey, why not use that". It's a highly unlikely scenario though, but so is gold IMO. How many actually have gold?

>> No.7393196

You can't really compare gold and oil. Gold, while it has some practical uses, the demand isn't determined by that. Oil is largely. Gold is valuable because it's shiny and scarce.

As it stands though, it's safe to say that most people would be more comfortable trading a shiny rocks than imaginary 0s and 1s, if something like the USD were to collapse.

>> No.7393228
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>> No.7393326
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>> No.7393336

The Senate hearing changed everything this time.

>> No.7393345

we need more of these

>> No.7393398

This is a real possibility. Without it, I wouldn't even consider buying back in yet. Now I'm on the edge, might be a decent time to average in

>> No.7393410
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>> No.7393452

On the other hand the hearing honestly wasn't that big of a deal. At least there's no ban, but nobody was expecting that anyway

>> No.7393500

it was a comfy little dip. sat back laughed at some memes and bought the bottom.

>> No.7393534

What's rsi

>> No.7393537

There will be massive resistance at 8k. You can already kinda see it. Then it crashes back through 6k hard and we test at 4.

>> No.7393569

OP mad as fuck he couldn't time the bottom. Not surprising.

>> No.7393571
File: 484 KB, 737x736, GG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU IDIOTS keep falling for the bait

Bears will win... and demolish all our supports. Give in and submit to them you cucks. Also... buy in cheap, simple. Do not resist

>> No.7393631
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>1 month span

Thank god I'm a /nocoiner/. How do you cryptoniggers get any sleep?

>> No.7393641

Man you are going to become a meme about being an utter retard like bitfinexed.

>> No.7393675

>1 red dildo on the 1 min chart

>> No.7393813
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like this. all night long.

>> No.7394262
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and the most retarded post of the year goes to this /v/edditor!

>> No.7394492

biz in a nutshell

>> No.7394655


>> No.7394684

BTC at the moment on the 1 day chart has the highest volume its ever had for the day. Does this mean anything?

>> No.7395005

The BOOLS are back boys

>> No.7395051

literally me

>> No.7395888

exactly like this

>> No.7396760
File: 88 KB, 667x443, Screenshot 2018-02-06 at 23.35.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erm guys... the single largest green volume dildo EVER in BTC... what could it mean?!

>> No.7396809
File: 1.88 MB, 480x264, NovaMakesUThink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7396849

Going down.

>> No.7397023


can't ignore that volume. The bear has gone the big players shaking out weak hands. I suspect we have now started another bull market

>> No.7397072

>we have now started another bull market
declaring bull market after several hours of green
biz literally went full retard today

>> No.7397103

lol this

>> No.7397108


I think it was because of Giancarlo. Asians don't read that shit so the double top that is forming is going to feed right into the Asian selling spree in a few hours.

>> No.7397115

Look at that fucking candle

>> No.7397138

Yeah it's just going to be a bulltrap after bulltrap until $0. Mad you sold for $5900

>> No.7397155


>> No.7397162


If you think we are in a bull market right now you need to wake up. We still have some shakeout to be had. You don't just lose that much and start another bull. You're going sideways for a considerable amount of time.

>> No.7397188


biggest GREEN volume dildo ever, EVER. thats buying, big players are buying look at all the dildos before it in the bear market, tiny, hits 6k then it fucking explodes.

>> No.7397215

It is a floor, for it remained almost the same for a relatively long period of time.

>> No.7397237

I'm trapped here, that's usually decent for alts, right?

>> No.7397275
File: 50 KB, 582x425, 1391004719276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftypol here
suck my left nut, we're watching this thing burn beautifully

>> No.7397277


Depends on the wounds BTC gets from the way it goes slashing during rough sideways periods. But yeah probs good.

>> No.7397326


>commie wants decentralised wealth distribution to die and wants central banks to win.

really makes me think


>> No.7397331

it doesn't make it a bull market though

>> No.7397375


perhaps, but that volume spike is not many little fish, its fucking huge amounts of money.

>> No.7397517

yes everyone bought at the bottom
now they will want to sell along all the people who been trapped above and who will dump their bags at first chance
so somebody else has to buy now with much higher risk reward ratio

>> No.7397553

So why aren't you shorting with a sure margin of 20% faggot? you can only win.

>> No.7397619
File: 168 KB, 753x549, Screenshot 2018-02-06 at 23.59.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus h Christ just look at the volume. its HIGHER than before december. its been steadly bleeding out since late dec with tiny dildos, somthing happened today and big money is comeing back in. people may sell but that volume tells me there will be buyers.

>> No.7397820

ugh i got your point first time, no need to keep repeating
it still doesn't make it bull market yet
it can go sideways for months, especially now with futures market bitcoin can loose all the volatility

>> No.7397844

And your explanation for Runescape party hats, whose value has surpassed gold cap and is still climbing to this day?

>> No.7397877
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>> No.7397885

No it means there was biggest selling/buying at that point and bulls won. Smart money will wait for 2k, the price BTC was actually at 5months ago

>> No.7398035


Ok it might not be the start of a bull market, is it the continuation of the the bear market? with all we have seen when it comes to volume is it the continuation of the bear market, side ways is better than down, but if the volume continues like that is it a bear market still?




Put your buy order at 2k then faggot

>> No.7398194

>That feel when the bull trap was JUST high enough to liquidate my short.

>> No.7398239


Let me see your short order.

>> No.7398247
File: 52 KB, 1165x652, porky death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more porkies loose their money, the more economic instability, the more likely the proletariat will awaken.

Y'know American socialist organizations saw a great resurgence after the great depression, maybe people won't buy into sucdem tricks this time.

>> No.7398272

were gonna drop to 5k or are we going to hit 9k tomorrow

>> No.7398343


not an argument

>> No.7398377

not arguing against centralized economy since some of us do, you're dumb if you think we want it through corporatism tho

>> No.7398417

probably to 5k.
The bounce from 6k to 7.8k looks really similar to the one from 8k to 9.5k.
A proper bull run won't start until the price is low enough that no one is willing to sell and everyone wants to buy

>> No.7398441


corpratism is cancer, but a bigger cancer is fucking communism you fucking retarded faggot

>> No.7398453
File: 39 KB, 600x528, 1503390960006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And apparently you didn't learn anything in the last couple months. Get lost you mong the volume is here this time.
Kek I'm gonna laugh so hard when we get back to 17k and idiotic smartasses like you are left with your fiat waiting for the "floor".

>> No.7398553

btc $100 eth $10...

>> No.7398628
File: 82 KB, 269x276, 1300952898211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument

>> No.7398657


>> No.7398672

How many fucking bull traps did that chart have?

>> No.7398733
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>> No.7398756



>>7397275 -> >>7397326 -> >>7398247 -> >>7398343


Commies are fucking retarded

>> No.7398786
File: 27 KB, 600x695, 154354354643465464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7398787

Bear trap is over, time for the bubble to start

>> No.7398793

the floor is realistically $0

>> No.7398863

You are absolutely retarded if you even entertain the thought about normies or wallstreet coming in at this price after justing and manipulation that happened in December. Once (they)) push the price down with massive fud and panic, then they are in. When every little bitch ass btc holder like Richard Heart is crying like a girl, thats when they will come in.

Lol at smart money getting in on 3-4x the price it was last September.

>> No.7398951


so put your buy order at 2k, buttknuckle

>> No.7398962

everyone with light left in their bulbs knows this, but people are still going to gamble
the regulations are inbound but they are nowhere near actually being here yet
the real money won't show up until then, so the king shitcoin should continue to bleed until then
but then again, buttcoin never should've gone to 19k, so there is no telling what these retards in the market will do

>> No.7400100
File: 827 KB, 1000x559, 1512512999709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto will destroy commie scum like yourself

All communists need to be thrown from helicopters
They are massive pussies

>> No.7400153
File: 54 KB, 715x704, 1517800520386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until all marxists are killed.
You poverty loving self hating brainlets.

>> No.7400161

Right but what happens if we hit $2k - $5k levels and whales line up to 10x their original BTC stacks?

>> No.7400242

corporatism is objectively MUCH better than communism

At least we have food, shelter and fewer working hours under corporatism

>> No.7400561

pretty sure wallstreet and funds are buying otc. how much do you think heebs are market buying on ching chong exchanges? they play their own games.

>> No.7400607
File: 233 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-01-29-12-54-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that every fucking person now says it's going to go down and that this is a bull trap tells me it's actually going to go up. Volume increasing and price going up. Bitcoin always does opposite of wtf everyone is saying. ALWAYS. All top 5 TAers on TD have continuously failed to predict what BTC is going to do next. All of them. They guess correctly every now and then but the majority of the time they fucking bomb. This market is highly manipulated. Hold and gtfo of here for a year and you'll see a lot of fucking gains. No one, not one person with their right mind would disagree that cryptocurrency doesn't have a place in the future. So no matter wtf the price is now DOESNT FUCKING MATTER. IT WILL BE HIGHER A FEW YEARS LATER.


>> No.7400827


>> No.7400850
File: 188 KB, 1232x578, Screen Shot 2018-02-06 at 8.23.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sustained high volume during parabolic panic movements is a good indication of a bottom or near bottom.
as panic spreads, it increases, leading to parabolic sell off which eventually hits a peak and has a strong short term bounce. whether it's a total reversal requires some wider scale perspective see circles in picture for instances of parabolic panic sell off with bounce

>> No.7400946

Just ignore all commufag posters. They're just edgy kids going through a phase.

>> No.7401545

this is literally the exact same thought process i had. when /biz/ did to buy as its going up it went down. people are now saying its going down so its time for up.

>> No.7401897

I’m not joking I wake up in the middle of the nights a lot and look at my blockfolio

>> No.7401918

this isn't healthy anon.

>> No.7402079

Just set alarms on blockfolio, or set up some auto sells and buys in binance or whatever you use if you are that paranoid. I mean, what are you going to do if you are awake vs sleep. You are going to shit a brick and do nothing or panic sell. How many times did you wake up to see you gained over night... then go look at the charts and see that they dropped fast for 4 hours before the gain? Just set some alarms for major collapse if you have a plan not to hodl and forget unless you are trying to swing trade.

>> No.7402363


how much are they paying you pajeet?

>> No.7402788

Hey everyone.

I'm sorry to say this but OP is right.

The best method to predict bills and bears is using the DOGEBTC all time chart.

We're not even near the bottom. This is a dead cat.

>> No.7402822

seams like OP was right

>> No.7402920

The current price of BTC doesn't take into consideration the Tether implosion that awaits. We're nowhere near the bottom you stupid NEET fucks.

>> No.7402922

Daily reminder that commie scum want absolute authority over everyone's lives so they can run us into the ground as machines.

>> No.7403051

>how much are they paying you pajeet?

$5 in the finest poo per day.

>> No.7403168

Oh? Then why did it take 8 years to get to 19k?

>> No.7403186
File: 79 KB, 1547x849, Screenshot from 2018-02-07 03-21-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue of TA, just as you pajeets.

>> No.7403415

And we just broke through that line. If we stay under it we go down again.

>> No.7403514

sir i agre sir

>> No.7403613

floor at 2k and it stays that way for a while

>> No.7403862
File: 89 KB, 1246x539, q1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink line is yours. which it has broke through and is starting to dip. we might kiss the 6k floor again or hit that 8k line. who honestly knows. but I think were going to have another dip.

>> No.7403989

TA doesnt work:

>> No.7404022

yep heading towards 5k for sure

>> No.7404170

All of you who sold will regret it in 12 hours

>> No.7404493

I fucking hope so. I sold a whole btc at 5.5k last year. playing it safe I said. LMFAO.

>> No.7404669
File: 6 KB, 126x126, 1286246122860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7404703

inb4 spam of wojacks saying


honestly probably just /pol/ being dickheads. most likely.