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7386852 No.7386852 [Reply] [Original]

Yo biz/ any of you actually talk with your family about crypto?

I still live with my mom and dad because of shitty socialist government making impossible to own a fucking apartment.

Yesterday I was telling my dad how I could be rich by 2020 bc I bought a lot of coins low and such... he started to laugh and told me to study hard, get a job and work 10 hrs a day like he does.

I dont want to get fat and lose all my fucking hair like he did just to afford a fucking house.

The future is fucking bleak...

>> No.7386997

You father is right. In order to be well off you have to work hard. Anyone telling you can get rich fast is trying to scam you. It happens to very few and not that often.

>> No.7387004

What's your portfolio?
If you don't have any LINK you will never make it

>> No.7387075

xrb, bch, btc, eth(a fucking lot) and fucking trx I FOMOd at 3 cents

>> No.7387134

So i need to get bald and fat to make it?


Im currently on med school and I can't barely take it anymore, the only upside of socialist shitholes is free college tough

>> No.7387207

holy fuck. no wonder your father thinks you're an idiot
market sell your XRB, BCH and TRX right fucking now. buy LINK with all of it. you can keep the ETH.

>> No.7387278

No, you don't have to get bald and fat. You can find a career that will make you BOTH happy and moderately well off. I recommend trades, like working in wood, metal, construction, cooking.

You don't have wreck your nerves trying to achieve in med school if you don't enjoy it. Try finding something you like and be good at it. If you really like it you can excell at it and make good money.

THEN you can start thinking about investing a bit.

>> No.7387293

90 % is eth I'm comfy and I will sell trx once I break even

XRB allows me to avoid taxes

>> No.7387324

thx anon

>> No.7387398

niggger you have to do both,get a decent job ande keep investing.if you make it then quit

>> No.7387417
File: 492 KB, 1200x1800, Nonsummerjack-egyptian-God-Anubis-115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with my dad sometimes it's seems that he more happy than me with make me more happy

>> No.7387429

TRX is already at 3 cents. You already broke even. I'm telling you, TRX is NEVER pumping again. Sell it right fucking now it's straight up the biggest shitcoin known to man.

XRB similarly I think has no future. A coin with no function or prospects other than being transacted quick and being used as a currency. Delusional. Such a thing has no market at all.
Also how does it let you avoid taxes? Monero does that.

>> No.7387554

i told my mom i was learning solidity becasue it looked like a good time investment while i wait for uni to begin again but she cant into anything computer related ,i didnt tell anything to my dad because he is a dumb gambler and i cant risk making him sudoku

>> No.7387556

A lot of ppl here use XRB to pay for stuff and since no banks are involved I pay no sale tax (it can reach well over 100% if we're talking booze, cigs or electronic games

>> No.7387584

Listen to your father.

>> No.7387626

Can you link me to some of those people. I haven't seen anything like that.

>> No.7387660
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You know it’s just a meme ....right?

>> No.7387728

It's mainly local commerce around my neighborhood.

It's actually pretty common here in south america, there is a reason XRB is popular in venezuela, bolivia and colombia

>> No.7387967

Interesting. So you're from the third world? And you're saying you're trading in your local community between third worlders using XRB?
I can't imagine that working out too well with all the volatility. You buy some kush from a dealer, XRB tanks and next morning he's holding a gun to your head demanding more money.