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7382764 No.7382764 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7382819
File: 75 KB, 651x691, warrinwarren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 trillion jew dollars flooding into crypto over the next 2 years is still not enough to save you from the state. now go get a job at mcdonalds and get in line for foodstamps mister. this is what accountability looks like.

>> No.7382853


>> No.7382897

>Bitcoin is cool and shit my kids do it.
>We will look more into it but need more manpower.
>20 Trillion Marketcap bei 2020
>ICO's are bad scammy stuff.

>> No.7382945

Pulled this from a few separate posts.

>Security concerns
>People need to be protected from themselves
>Exchanges need to be regulated like stock exchanges
>People are investing into BTC for retirement - how do we stop them losing money
> Need to reduce volatility
> All ICOs have to register with SEC or they're illegal
> Need more stringent regulation before allowing people to invest
> Need greater oversight before ETFs can be implemented.
>Believe that the market has been manipulated.
>Believe that more regulation is needed.
>ICO are scams
>Blockchain has potential
>Can not protect the people from who buy into scams
> Regulation could lead to FINRA designations & minimum equity requirements

> possibly hit 20 trillion by 2020 if growth is sustained
> didn't ban crypto
> regulation leads to wall street investing

Might've missed shit, didn't watch myself.

>> No.7383005

Ok so this is probably a good thing longterm

>> No.7383307


not really. The regulations destroy the meaning of what cryptocurrency was meant for-- currency outside the regulation of a central bank and government.

Whats the point after that? I do believe there is still lots of room for growth, but these old obsolete bastards want to get their piece of the pie by making sure you play by their bullshit rules.

There's not need for regulations when your currency is governed by code. It can only improve from here on out, and regulations isn't going to make anything better.

Long story short, after this crash and correction, bitcoin will still remain a speculative tool and we're still going to see what we saw end of 2017 except on a much much bigger scale.

>> No.7383347
File: 112 KB, 1280x713, delet this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me, motherfucker. But I still needs a quick rundown.

>> No.7383456

>at the end of 2017

Do you mean the large rise we saw or the slight correction?

Also, it seems like it’s moving away from being the new frontier of trading but a place where early adopters will gain massively.

>> No.7383587

the rise...I seriously think we're heading for 1 trillion+ after this.

The only good thing I foresee from these regulations is culling out the shit ICOs, and I'm all for that shit. It hurts the tech and decent developers...right now it is those shitty ICOs that tarnished the image of cryptos.

>> No.7383646

Add to positives that half those goys are hodling something

>> No.7383695

this. we knew the ICOs would fuck up, this needs to happen at some point

>> No.7383876

whats wrong with jpg

>> No.7383924

LOL, you think this will cull out shit icos? all the good ICOs never operated in the USA anyway because they know of the regs. only scammy ICOs find some bs loophole to take USA funds. All that's gonna happen here is that good icos will continue to not take burger money, cuz why the fuck would they? Who would wanna go through the trouble of registering the SEC when they can easily collect funds elsewhere.

Gonna be great seeing ameritards having to fomo into shit at 10x even more from now on. enjoy your protection

>> No.7383932


>> No.7383986
File: 33 KB, 750x463, christopher-giancarlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US Congress is /ourguy/ except for that red jacket bitch.

/ourguys/ literally said
>"We owe it to the new generation, to embrace and protect their enthusiasm"

US is going to save crypto.

>> No.7383989
File: 1.36 MB, 854x480, quick rundown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7384027

key takeaway: $20T total marketcap soon™

>> No.7384099

Not ICOs are scams... scam ICOs are scams...

>> No.7384133

your negatives are retarded. if you read between the lines of what they were saying, you'd realize they declared they are going to do just about nothing, and they admit they don't even have jurisdiction or the ability to regulate crypto like people would like them to.

>> No.7384314

SEC guy told that
they are understaffed
they don't have enough budget
they have almost no jurisdiction
they can't regulate shit
they can't prosecute shit
no one gives a fuck about registering ICOs

>> No.7384561

A lot of those Negatives actually seem quite positive though.

>Believe that the market has been manipulated.
The markets are being manipulated and a lot of people are incompetent and loose money because of this.

>All ICOs have to register with SEC or they're illegal
Makes sorting scam ICOs from legit projects a lot easier

>Security concerns
Don't think anyone here wants their wallets or exchanges hacked.

>People are investing into BTC for retirement - how do we stop them losing money
A lot of people definitely are and i'm sure nobody wants to loose their pension fund to scams like bitconnect.

> Regulation could lead to FINRA designations & minimum equity requirements
Have to say this could be the worse thing that comes from this.

Overall it sounds quite positive to me. The potential of blockchain is being realised, not only as a speculative market but also as a technological advancement.