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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7358606 No.7358606 [Reply] [Original]

Get in bros
ITT we laugh at cryptoniggers lose everything

>> No.7358695
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I am enjoying the chaos.

>> No.7358790

They tho they could get rich by not working and bring neets lol
Like, they ACTUALLY thought that

>> No.7358802
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>tfw i bought into crypto early 2016.
>tfw i bought etherum for single digits
>tfw i worked all year in 2017 and completely forgot about my blockfolia
>tfw i sold pretty much everything at ATH
>tfw i am just comfy pink wojak posting and stirr up panic cause i want to buy the bottom



>> No.7358809
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feels good

>> No.7358834

>Didn't buy into the cryptojew
>Just the gold and silver meme
loving every laugh

>> No.7358863
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doing good my no-coiner bro

>> No.7358864
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First time in /biz/, here only to laugh at the cryptocucks.

>> No.7358899
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loving it

>> No.7358901

Oh no but my investment account is down 2% aafter a 25% run in 2017. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.7358935

Mcdonalds for life biz, for life.

>> No.7358938

I remember when i was a salty nocoiner

>> No.7358967


>> No.7358981

Lel i made a large chunk of change doing nothing. It’s crashing now but who cares. Filthy jealous nocoiners

>> No.7358984

have very few coins left
just laughing as it all crashes and burns now at this point
hope this is the end
im tired fo researching shitty coins
let it burn

>> No.7358990
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TFW nearly FOMOd into BTC at the peak but didn't because lazy

>> No.7358998


>> No.7359004

I truly hope you sold all stocks today anon.

>> No.7359064
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>Pic related: Couples divide up Beanie Babies during Divorce proceedings

>> No.7359170

I wish I had studied how to trade it back in 2017 as one can make a lot of money as a 3rd party within a ponzi scheme as long as you time it so you're not holding the bag at the end

>> No.7359225

Was crushing bitcoin is part of your plan?

>> No.7359246

I bought 25k worth of bitcoin @ 15k a pop

what's the quickest way to end myself?

>> No.7359255
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>"Holds" are synthetic long options on margin.
>80% cash, 20% fixed income.
>Roll down my options while I buy in low with cash.

>> No.7359274

Print out the blockchain and use it as kindling to set yourself on fire

>> No.7359296
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feels GOOD

>> No.7359298
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Overconfidence is a flimsy shield

>> No.7359374
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I bought a bicycle today for $150 that I'm pretty confident will sell for around $300 after I wipe the dust off it. R8 my poorfag gains /biz/

>> No.7359383
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No coiner here. Not gonna lie mad jealous of those gains when bitcoin was cracking 10k wanted to kms now I don't so its all good desu.

>> No.7359410
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I told them to sell

They didn't listen

>> No.7359476

comfy af, sold my stack at 19.5k

>> No.7359478
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hahahahahaha cryptofags lost everything

>> No.7359801

If you're mental well-being is tied to how much other people are succeeding and failing you're gonna have a bad time my dude.

>> No.7360134
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>mfw cryptoniggers

>> No.7360313

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

>> No.7360618

*is homeless before BTC goes back to 10k*

>> No.7360755

Just got out today, excited to buy back in at $1k

It's like running out of a burning house and then sitting back and roasting marshmallows off it just watching the glow

>> No.7360804


congrats. I'm happy for you :))

>> No.7360889
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tfw professional forex trader and witnessing the biggest collapse
tfw I could have shorted ETH/USD cfds but missed out because mt5 platform needs to be installed and I was too lazy

>> No.7360964
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>tfw no cryptocurrency
>tfw no stocks
>tfw no mutual fund
>tfw no 401k
>tfw no pension
>tfw no savings account
>tfw no CD
>tfw no checking account
>tfw no property
>tfw no cash
>tfw no money
>tfw no property
>tfw no food
>tfw nothing

i have ascended

>> No.7360975
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>Invested $100 cause why not.
>made $7,000 and cashed out.
fucking spergs in this board that actually lose money lmfao.

>> No.7361008

>he sold
>trend reversal

>> No.7361093
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Thanks senpai

>> No.7361241
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sold the last satoshi at 13k feels absolutely amazing, love trolling coiners since

>> No.7361264
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>yfw you arent a cryptonigger

>> No.7361352

sell now. next week you won't be feeling so well.

>> No.7361428

Does it piss anyone else off that it can't go lower than 0? These people deserve to suffer so much more, it seems unfair that there's a limit

>> No.7361442
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>> No.7361467

almost bought 1 litecoin a month ago as my first coin. staying the fuck away from this shit now

>> No.7361485

>still up 700x
yeah, i'm bankrupt. what ever shall I do?

>> No.7361569
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Best part about 4ch lately
No pokemon news yet but /v/ is celebrating low gpu prices
The fools

>> No.7361727
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>tfw saving old fashioned way and just putting certain amount away every month

>> No.7361836
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>> No.7361868

>Advice for Crypto Investors

How to work the McDonalds fryer:

I don't know about your store, but mines has two fry vats. Each vat has space for two baskets, so that's a total of four spaces. When you put the first basket in, you put it in the left side of the leftmost vat. If you have to put in a second one while the first one is not up yet, you put it in the left side of the vat that's to the right of the previous one. For the third basket, put it in the right side in the leftmost vat. The fourth one goes on the right side of the next vat. As you can see, you are supposed to avoid putting them next to each other. but when you do, make sure there's at least 30 secs in between.

Whenever you put down a basket, press the timer button. They are the buttons labeled 1 and 2, with 1 being for the left side and 2 being for the right side. When the timer beeps, you'll see the words PULL appear. It'll appear on the left side of the LED small panel indicating that the left side's fries are ready to be pulled up, or on the right side indicating the right side is ready. Just press the corresponding timer to get it to stop.


You should always have 3 smalls, 3 mediums, and 1 large ready at all times. Act like as if every customer/car will take 2 smalls and 2 mediums. That way most of the time you won't have to worry about running out. Of course make sure you don't have too much extra. But some managers may get really nitpicky about you making too much/too little. It's possible that one day a manager will complain that you are making too little, but then the next day a different one will warn you about making too much.

If the fries have been sitting there for over 5 mins, make news ones and throw the old ones away.

Fries are every easy, but can get exhausting after 2 straight hours due to the pace and the heat.

>> No.7361969
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>> No.7362047
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>> No.7362106 [DELETED] 

is this a turtle shill thread now? if so drop some on me
yes yes, its me again posting it

>> No.7362189
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>> No.7362227

I know but how can I not, im such a loser!

>> No.7362255
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>bought 120 coins in 2012 for use on silk road.
>made 20% profit on my 3k investment
>avoided all this crash nonsense
feels good bros.

>> No.7362290
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>mfw I have to be up in 6 hours

Too fun to read this shit, I hate rich people so much I got hard tonight. Still hungry though. We're gonna make it.

>> No.7362389

Your mentality is why you're a loser. If you can change it you can succeed.

>> No.7362437

probably sell at this point since you've been too retarded to so at the ATH. You don't understand this is it for cryptofags do you? Shit's going back < $1000

>> No.7362550

Im subpar at everything, cant change that

>> No.7362637

>tfw no classes tomorrow AND no coiner so i can just sit and watch the shitshow
feels good

>> No.7362648
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>tfw you see a coinman sleeping in the street and you do him the favor of running him over with your car

>> No.7362790

Subconsciously you're jealous asf

>> No.7362824
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>> No.7362864

>being jealous of people losing 75% of investments over the course of a few days

>> No.7362951

Hehe, sure am glad to toast in this bread
Been telling my mates for months to dump crypto, that a bunch of crashes were coming. They stood by their Johnny come lately earnings, a lot buying at 10 and 15k, almost convinced me to buy into the scam. Now they’re the ones going back to their girlfriends explaining why they’re canceling that weekend in Miami. Tough break nerds, see you on the flip.

>> No.7362955
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>tfw I have 300k in a nice safe trust fund that my grandparents left me
I also have no debt, a degree and a job I like

>> No.7362970
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>> No.7363026

Now if only all of that money could buy you a personality.

>> No.7363092

You know people just a little smarter then you made lots of free money and youre mad jelly so you take out your anger by watching the people who lost

>> No.7363207
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At least I have montanes heh heh

>> No.7363215

I truly don't understand how people can be so stupid to have bought into this. The appeal of crypto was that your transactions couldn't be traced; now that its in the spotlight, front and center which means security risk for drug dealers etc. The reason it rose so fast was that big firms and traders saw a way to make a quick buck.

>> No.7363240

so fucking close to 5 on gdax

>> No.7363297

Or you could have sold at 20k and made serious bank.
Salty nocoiners don't realize this is the BEST time to buy in. I'll be seeing your tears next bull run. It's so easy to buy now but no, you're all brainless emotional traders.

>The appeal of crypto was that your transactions couldn't be traced
Bitcoin transactions could always be traced idiot. That was never the point, it was used in the deepweb because it was the ONLY crypto. Now that Monero exists (100% untracable) thats all the dark markets are using.

>> No.7363320

Not really, if it was initially free for everyone then yeah, I would be pissed.

Life isn't fair, just because you can literally afford the PRIVLEDGE to hop onto the crypto trend doesn't mean everyone else can.

I hate rich people and it's not because of my own missed opportunities. It's the wealth (lol) of opportunities they're born with that they don't appreciate. I'd rob everyone if I could get away with it.

>> No.7363357

bought $500 worth at $3k a coin and sold at $3.5k a coin.
Am I one of you?

>> No.7363469

You could've bought at 0.05$ or mined it. But you're just like everyone in this thread: driven by emotion.
People here actually think its a bad time to buy. The mentality of this thread is HIGH = GOOD, LOW = BAD. Literally BUY HIGH AND SELL LOW.

You were born with the opportunity to hop on the crypto train and you missed it. No amount of wealth changes this, unless you were literally living in a mud-hut in 2009. You could've mined entire blocks on a laptop.

>> No.7363516

Not as easily traceable...once Monero starts to see more interest, it will collapse once it draws too much attention. Once the spotlight is on anything it will be less used in dark markets, and its price will go down.

>> No.7363651

>watching it dip lower and lower
feels so good
what is the floor, you think?

I'm guessing around 4.5-5 but im happy to see it at 6

>> No.7363837

whatever it is I hope it reaches it soon. This is so fucking good for accumulation. I don't give a single flying fuck about fiat value anymore, I only see my portfolio in BTC value.

>> No.7364258

tfw up 60 % in my high risk portfolio and 20 % in my low risk portfolio

tfw don't draw lines

>> No.7364452
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same, came here for cryptonigger tears.

>> No.7364579

>guys, I'm thinking of buying a few satoshis now that bitcoin hit $100,000
>mfw i couldve bought for 6k in 2018 but im a salty nocoiner who only cared about crypto once it became mainstream
If bitcoin went to 600$ it would still be on target for this estimation. 6k and it's still on target for 1 million by 2020.
see you in a few years.

>> No.7364637
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>mfw up at 3am because insomnia watching people scream over imaginary internet coins that i dont even own

>> No.7364772

>completely unregulated pseudo internet currency
>not jewish as fuck


>> No.7364861

Pick ONE Schlomo.

>> No.7364898

get some sleep. It's only money.

>> No.7365041
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Can anyone explain to me how crypto currencies hold any worth EVER?

I honestly don't understand.

>> No.7365206

There's a couple lines of thought as far as I can tell.
1. There's "value" in the electricity, and hardware and calculations performed in mining.
2. There's "value" in the technology of the blockchain.
3. It's a fucking ponzi scheme

>> No.7365215

Only thing comfier than being a nocoiners right now is being a cool hand who has seen this self same crash four (4) times now.

The big crash shows that everything is happening just as before. Because there was nothing other than "this is what BTC always does" to make this crash happen, this time. It means the moon is still in the table, and the lambos are still an option.

>> No.7365253
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>be cryptogoy with cryptobux
>go to store to buy goods/services
>"that will be $Amount sir"
>"s-sure, w-what's your email s-so I can e-email you some crypto?"
>"Sir we require real money"
>*stammering*"t-t-that is r...real m-money"
>*tears start to form*
>*runs away*

there we are. Crypto currency and their holders 101

>> No.7365318

It's not that there's value in the electricity, per second. It's that crypto-economy s doubles the scarcity of fossil fuels, and funds the drive to renewables.

You pay for power, but the currency you use to pay consumes power, so you have to pay for that as well. Unless your power is pre-paying, free renewables.

>> No.7365336

I tried resetting my sleep schedule yesterday and ended up sleeping for 18 hours, so I'm kind of fucked either way.
Thanks though, I just need to remind myself I'm just looking at numbers on a screen.

Read the original BTC whitepaper. It's the first time in human history a p2p payment network was made without the use of a middle man or central party, instead using mathematics in replace of trust. Crypto is basically the death of the middle man once it takes off.

Cryptos also typically have a limited supply like a precious metal. You can't press a button to print more Gold bars, just like you can't press a button to mint yourself some Bitcoins. Crypto made it possible to make a digital asset that CANNOT be duplicated. This is a very, VERY big deal from a technological standpoint.

>go to store
>swipe BTC debit card
>works more often than my normal credit card when travelling because I don't have to ask my slave masters at the bank for permission
I thought you millennials knew how to use google?

>> No.7365359

>Per second
*Per se. Phone posting from the toilet.

>> No.7365419

laughing especially the shitcoin owners... bitconnectniggers and the rest. hope you die.

>> No.7365437
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t. goodest goy

>> No.7365446

>>tfw I remember reading a post by a shitcoiner berating gamers and acting smug because he uses his GPU mines to put food on the table
Oh the glory. I hope he and his girlfriend's children starve and suffer.

>> No.7365467

>finally get a job
>economy now in ruins
not even mad

>> No.7365491

>Read the original BTC whitepaper. It's the first time in human history a p2p payment

only that it's far as p2p it can be.. cryptoshills just re-invented banks with exchanges and every time they were robbed they tried to reinvent banks and courthouses

> muh no taxes. fuck gov.
> gets robbed. where can I file a lawsuit?

>> No.7365537
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>> No.7365625

Can you do anything other than post reddit memes and anime?
Why do you love the Jews so damn much that you'd want to see international bankers win over crypto? Are you that salty of a nocoiner that you'd actually side with the global banking cabal?

a lot of miners don't hold and sell immediately. If he was putting food on the table he was definitely selling immediately. Considering the difficulty dropped and I'm still making profit, I figure he's doing pretty well.
Sad you'd want someone to suffer just because your gaming toys are expensive, but what can I expect from a Low-IQ nocoiner /v/eddit refugee.

if anyone on this board bought bitconnect I have zero hope for them

>> No.7365675

>once it takes off
Enjoy waiting for never.

>> No.7365718

You sound just like my buddies who thought I was a freak for owning a computer in the 90s.
They all have a facebook now.

>> No.7365727

>If he was putting food on the table he was definitely selling immediately.
Nah he was a miner. Poor retard was bragging about making 4 dollars a day or some shit, granted this was almost a year ago when MSM didn't pick up on it. Still hilarious to watch shitcoiners meltdown after all their shittalking, but "currency of the internet" amirite?

>> No.7365789
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>> No.7365818

if it hits 4300 itll be the end of crypto for good

>> No.7365819
File: 19 KB, 300x250, 7C5EF880-2281-44DD-9521-D60A3EAFDFF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real state agency sells an appart for 40 btc when it was at 14k
>it has dipped real hard since
>tfw they lost half their money and the buyer now has 550k house

>> No.7365829




HAHAHA, fucking shitcoiners.
Greatest fucking entertainment right now after they bragged about beeing millionairs and buying lambos.

The fucking irony.

>> No.7365831

Too bad you didn't invest in Facebook.

>> No.7365863
File: 481 KB, 1900x2474, Screen Shot 2018-02-06 at 08.38.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptonggers keep trying to say how smart they are
>when in reality they are part of the 95% who lose everything to yet another Ponzi scheme
>constantly mock regular stocks and muh FIAT currency
>pic related happens

Laughing hard here frens

>> No.7365894

Would be enjoying this more if muh stocks weren't in the shitter right now, although it does seem to be a good buying opportunity coming up

>> No.7365906
File: 48 KB, 924x560, 90f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me nocoiner, how much is ethereum up since the start of the year? How much did you make on your stocks this year? Heh, that's what I thought.

>> No.7365964


>> No.7365972

>ITT we laugh at cryptoniggers lose everything

OK, I'll start.


>> No.7366038

What a retard. Making 4$ a day doing nothing. Man he's so dumb he figured out how to profit off of sitting of of his ass. I bet you wish you were as dumb as him. I'm also really fucking stupid. I paid off both of my graphics cards by mining whenever I wasn't gaming in 2017. Not even 24/7. Just when not in use. Man I'm so fucking dumb. Making all that extra money on the side with only 6 cents a day in electricity costs.

>facebook was around in the 90s
yeah I was one of those idiots who thought microsoft was going to do good. Shouldve bought those facebook stocks in the early 90s.

>ponzi scheme
the internet has this new feature called google where you can figure out what words mean. It's really useful in making yourself look smarter online for upvotes.

also im still up a few thousand percent from the beginning of 2017. Man I got scammed. Fuck I'm so STUPID I made so much money what do i do with it?

>> No.7366044


Etherum went down 16% while my stocks are still going up. The SMI and swiss francs have been stable like always but hey.

Keep dreaming.

>> No.7366059
File: 249 KB, 556x506, 1517576704224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice long term investment you have there son, what are you gonna do when crypto is worth pennies again? How are you gonna make your money then? You'll come asking and I for one won't tell you.

It is a giant Ponzi scheme and if you can't see it for what it is then more fool you.

>> No.7366119
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This is the most mentally ill picture I have ever seen

>> No.7366210

>long term investment
That's where you're wrong, friend. Do you really think I'd be bragging about my gains if I still held coins? I cashed out 30 minutes ago.

>> No.7366221

Check how much ethereum made since Feb 2017, now check your stocks.
explain why it's a ponzi scheme then mr big brain. Surely if it's so easy to spot you can explain it in words and not just regurgitate what the news anchor told you.

Oh wait you can't because you're just copying whatever reddit told you. Make sure to drop by next bull run so I can laugh at you.

>> No.7366254

Im going to buy some stuff when the crash ends, why not?

>> No.7366355

if you need someone to explain to you what a Ponzi scheme is no wonder your "investing" in this garbage.

>> No.7366404


My stocks are actually worth something.

Wait on your mememoney to drop to 0 together with Bitcoin.

I cant wait to see those suicide remarks in my newspaper.

>> No.7366627

I know what a ponzi scheme is. I asked you to explain WHY Bitcoin is one, you illiterate nigger. Please learn to read before stealing the nearest iPhone, shitskin. Healthcare is more of a ponzi than Bitcoin.

>it will drop to 0 this time
>s-s-s-surely this time is different and it won't recover
It went to nothing in 2011, in 2013 it died. It died like 20 fucking times I don't care what you have to say about it.

How much you wanna bet my stocks are worth more than yours? :^)

>> No.7367318

Feels pretty great, doesn't it? Getting verified and exchanges and whatnot was just too much bother.

>> No.7367356

Based anon

>> No.7367424

too bad you didn't FOMO at the 5.5 dip. You would have already made gains on this rebound.

>> No.7367446

literal 8x over a month as a noob... do you nocoiners stay out because you know you're not smart enough to make money at this? srs q

>> No.7367519

they only get interested when it's high priced. then they think its bad to buy in when it's low. You take a guess.

>> No.7367534

>bitcoincuck this mad that he is getting BTFO
Tulip soon

>> No.7367553

Remember how comfy /biz/ was before the influx of crypto-shills in 2016?

>> No.7367602

It was born to contain crypto shills, /biz/ was never good.

>> No.7367623

let them stay out and read about the tech...
I came not understanding a shit.
people like this are making all the market pump-and-dump shit and because of them shitcoins grow.

I started understanding what am I doing the month after I caem. Thank God I didn't lost a lot and I sold all useless shit just because I felt sick of it.

I'm not qualified enough to make a full research through the code etc. but at least I understand what am I investing it.

like investing in tesla doesn't require being an engineer.

>> No.7367649

>550k house
he thinks he has 550k house

>> No.7367684

>explain WHY Bitcoin is one, you illiterate nigger.

Because its value has been driven not by demand for bitcoin as a currency, but as an asset for investment.
People bought in expecting the value to increase and then sell it to someone for 50, 100, 150, 200% of their initial investment who is expecting to do the same thing.
All this without any intrinsic value being tied to bitcoin (unlike, say, stock in a company that generates wealth via products & services or bonds).

This is the very definition of a ponzi scheme.

>> No.7367723
File: 973 KB, 500x372, Nomoney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying the dip, green says I'll make it.

>> No.7367800

If the Switch doesn't get Snap 2 I'm going to be pissed

>> No.7367801

>guys I copied what CNN said, am I smart now?
You realize how fucking dumb you look comparing a peer to peer payment network with over 20k nodes to A TULIP. A cryptographically unbreakable system to a FUCKING FLOWER. The Jews really brainwashed you didn't they.
>mad that im getting btfo
go look at the start of 2017 compared to now. Or are you too scared to realize just how fucking rich this made me in the last year? Don't be a pussyboy. I'm just trying to tell you guys you buy when there's blood on the streets.

Are you new? /biz/ was made to contain crypto shilling when it was all over /g/ in 2013.

the intrinsic value is the technology and network itself, dipshit. If it's a ponzi scheme why can't I just print more bitcoins to scam people with? If it's a ponzi scheme why is there a futures market for it? Do you actually think you know better than the top financial institutions about bitcoin? Because they invested in bitcoin while calling it a scam, just to keep others away from it so they could buy more. If you can't connect the dots im really sorry for you.

>> No.7367811

>muh real state doesn’t hold value

Look at the crypto turd, he’s jealous of things that actually hold value instead of losing it like btc

>> No.7367871

>how fucking rich this made me in the last year?
If you havn't cashed in you have literally nothing but an illusion that is crashing hard.

>> No.7367943

>nigger at work
>spent the last n months bragging about all the money he made on bitcoin, dismissing all criticism
>called out sick this week, had a "family emergency"
l m a o

>> No.7367961

>Being so retarded that you can't separate blockchain from bitcoin
>Still not understanding what a ponzi scheme is

>> No.7367963

holding a value and having a value are two different things. Some jew told you that that house is worth 550k and you believed him whereas its worth something around 100k. You are just a pawn

>> No.7368049

I want to believe

>> No.7368055

Clearly you haven't seen two disabled, mentally challenged, cripples being held up by ropes and positioned in various sexual positions in some sort of hospital environment.

>> No.7368058

>suicide soon

>> No.7368132

I wish there was a longer version to play on repeat.

>> No.7368151

OP has too much invested

>> No.7368173

I hope the people who mined buttcoins on their CPU when it first started out get to be rich and everyone else loses. Its nice to think people just doing something for the fun of it might be rewarded sometime.

>> No.7368207

Right. Let me know how the Chinese are treating that real estate bubble.

If I wanted something that loses it's value constantly id just hold a bunch of US dollar bills.

I already took my profits. Just put some into rebuying actually. Already up 5%. Man this is easy. All you have to do is sell when idiots like you say buy, and buy when idiots like you say sell.
I could program a trading bot to do the opposite of /biz/ and id make billions.

>you can separate the engine from a Ford model T and put it on a horse and buggy
lol, sorry dummy. Bitcoin IS the blockchain and it isn't going away. If you seriously think a centralized blockchain has any use you should just stay away from computers for the rest of your life

Also, Already at 6800. man it feels good to buy dips. I just made more money in 30 minutes than people make in the stock markets in MONTHS lmao.

>> No.7368285

>Also, Already at 6800. man it feels good to buy dips.
better sell before that cat drops

>> No.7368522

IT’s in spain, there’s no real state bubble here. Keep crying whike holding your worthless bytes.

>> No.7368669


- NANO AT $25
- ICX AT $10
- VEN AT $7
- LTC AT $300
- BTC AT 16K


>> No.7368676
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I got the personality but I am broke as fuck

>> No.7369431
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>> No.7369488

>edgy nigger music
end yourself.

>> No.7369656

You alright
I'm alright
I'm quite altright
And my money's altright, yeah
Countin' them bands all way to the top 'til they be fallin' over
Countin' them bands on my way to the top 'til we fallin' over
I don't really care if you cry
On the real you should've never lied
Should've saw the way coins looked in my eyes
She said baby I am not afraid to, die
Push me to the edge
All my coins are dead
Push me to the edge

>> No.7369794
File: 180 KB, 461x270, SUCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying high
you fell into >pic related

>> No.7369808


>> No.7369866

Imagine thinking that an arbitrary gimmick would make the general populace adopt a volatile online-focused currency instead of one's backed by the biggest economic powerhouses in the world. lmao these hapas know nothing about economics, it's like athiests trying to explain evolutionary biology in depth.

>> No.7369948
File: 333 KB, 792x825, !!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nocoiner here. I invest in commodities, REITs and forex.

The bitcoin surge is a one trick pony.

>There will be a day when /biz/ is free from crypto faggotry

Future looks bright lads.

>> No.7370165

God damn, that is sad.

I thought it might be staged, but its actually in a courthouse with members of the public looking on and everything.

Ive seen a lot of death and a lot of sad stories, but this just has a quality of complete patheticness and finality to it. Its real, its actually happening to those poor people, theres no going back now, the dream is over. You can see it all in those poor saps faces.

Its eerily thoughy provoking, I want to know more, like the macabre need drivers have to slow down and peer in at the remains if a headon collision. Whi were these fools, how did they fall in love, hiw did they lose it? How did it crash so hard that they are literally scraping around on the ground?

I can be a vindictive, grudeholding asshole, but I wouldnt wish the feels those people are going thru on my worst enemy.

>> No.7370328
File: 144 KB, 1000x700, brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, this picture of the BTC december buyers club is pretty mentally ill

>> No.7370414

i hope you niggers finally die so gpu prices can go back down

like i literally want all y'all to go bankrupt as fuck so i can buy gpus for 380$. i'd sign for it right now

>> No.7370463
File: 12 KB, 250x188, Sakura_Kinomoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, but it might be a blessing in disguise for me.
I'll wait BTC fall to 1~2k before buying some.
Even if it recovers now it will go down further afterward.
I predict a bull trap.

>> No.7370524
File: 37 KB, 640x753, 1323578059001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will /biz/ be used for now?

Any chance we can get some actual stock discussion?

>> No.7370549

I'm only up 5x from November. Feelsbadman.

>> No.7370908

Cherish your grandparents, they worked hard for you.

>> No.7371014

I basically gamble calls and puts on FDA trials for Pharma companies
but I bought into BTC at like $1,200 I swear like a month or two before WannaCry. I then assumed some regulation shit would get slapped on Bitcoin so I sold out and lost that money elsewhere

>> No.7371083
File: 50 KB, 600x579, akydgdgrthytrboiwhufwfygt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7371204

Dunno, bought some ORA during lunch time since it is at a low rn.

>> No.7371217

Tfw no exchange would accept my bank when buying at 18k

Sometimes being a exUSSRfag has its benefits

>> No.7371292

you won't laugh for very long

>> No.7371551

im waiting to buy 10 btc at 100$ desu

>> No.7371780
File: 173 KB, 290x400, 1516562622247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nocoiner
Get fucked niggers

>> No.7372345

Why are you sad though? You're making more money than coiners ever will

>> No.7372419

>tfw coiner
buying some more on the dip
feels good bros

>> No.7372476
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>> No.7372508

Comfy in FIAT (not tether).

>> No.7372535

before being dumped another 30 % next day.

>> No.7372549

Same, just visiting here for the lulz

>> No.7372664

My feelings about everything what happening with the beetcoin and other stock shits right now.


>> No.7372680

>Have a coworker who bought 3 coins at $7500
>Constantly talked about how rich he would be
>How it would be 100k by the end of 2018
>He says he's going to retire off of bitcoin
>Argue with him that we're in a bubble
>Show him the meme chart
>Plead with him to sell his coins at $10,000
>"LOL you're just a hater! You hate me because you're too poor to afford bitcoins"
>He taunts me all the way up to $19,500
>It starts to drop
>"I told you so"
>"Man get out of here you're a hater! I'm already up almost 300%!"
>Drops to 14,000
>He still won't sell
>Drops to 12,000
>Drops down to 10,000
>At this point he refuses to talk to me anymore
>Continues dropping
>After 8000 I stop seeing him show up to work.

I haven't seen him since last Thursday and I'm legitimately concerned about him. He might have killed himself.

>> No.7372744

the only reason to visit /biz/ anyway

>> No.7372766
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>> No.7372769
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some cunt was on /fa/ the other day, saying that he made it big and wanted to blow some money on clothes.

>> No.7372776

good riddance, lmao
i have this shitter who
>c-cashed out b-before xmas haha
but when i ask him about any figures, he suddenly goes silent

>> No.7372779
File: 3.69 MB, 500x332, 1455074543569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120k salary nocoiner checking in. If only they had invested in themselves instead of a get-rich-quick scheme.

>> No.7372809
File: 37 KB, 450x410, 2F4CE990-526F-4FDC-B9CA-A691020B7380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Seriously what the fuck did you guys think was gonna happen

>> No.7372835

oh no

>> No.7372953

Have you heard of the high elves?

>> No.7372997

Cool quote but stop pretending like investing in Crypto was some valiant effort and not just a bunch of degenerates gambling

>> No.7373177

/pol/s latest meetup looks unusually white for once

>> No.7373290

>once again nocoiners are failing to buy the dip and unironically bragging about it

Gotta screenshot this whole thread.

>> No.7373301


Made more than that last year just from coins wagecuck. Gonna make 10x that this year.

>> No.7373366
File: 24 KB, 400x400, pepe-kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha fuckin losers!
>t. XIV owner

>> No.7373441

If you know it’s going to crash why don’t you sell at the ATH and buy back in with those earnings?

>> No.7373525

be sure to screenshot your an heroing too :)

>> No.7373553

How do you time the ATH?

>> No.7373589


>> No.7373632


>> No.7373659

good find anon, remember to pump up the tires and tighten the chain

>> No.7373677

Just waiting for confirmed bottom so I can buy back 2x the BTC I had 2 days ago when I tethered due to not being a raging mongoloid

>> No.7373706

No coiner here. Laughing my ass off at these coinlets losing their life savings

>> No.7373713
File: 229 KB, 467x348, 1494635201-risitas-fin-du-monde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This,I'm not even from fucking 4chan. We came from all over the world to laugh at you /biz/

>> No.7373716

Now you're just a broke coiner.

>> No.7373725

>literal 8x in a day at the craps tables as a noob... do you nogamblers stay out because you know you're not smart enough to make money at this? srs q

>> No.7373737
File: 1.16 MB, 200x200, 1456384477633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure you will anon. It's good to have hope. Best of luck.

>> No.7373770
File: 64 KB, 640x427, IMG_5861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw comfy in ecommerce

laughing all the way to the bank at you coinfags

>> No.7373801

Lol I’m buying when it hits $800

>> No.7373858

Idk, how do you know it’ll bounce back after the crash?

>> No.7373865
File: 448 KB, 546x780, 2018-02-06 13.38.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I just wanted to get rich by parking my wagecuck savings and watch them multiply by 10x for no reason
hahahaha retards

>> No.7373908

is that grrrrrrrrrrrrafix?

>> No.7373919
File: 2.38 MB, 362x236, 1513075635630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My only investment in crypto in my life is 10$ BTC that I did yesterday. I don't care at all. Just came here to make fun of the cryptocucks.

>> No.7373950
File: 324 KB, 2040x1589, 27709583_1674217029305267_6809463261501942762_o.jpg?oh=b769a5853b4f4b0fb2a09e641256701b&amp;oe=5B24BC45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, Zyklon Ben did it

>> No.7374041


Good thing the Republican tax bill loaded us up with even more debt, eh?

>> No.7374072

Be kind to coiners. With the latest bull run they actually managed to break even for a few hours.

>> No.7374078

the ride never ends :^)

>> No.7374100

>Thinks the taxpayers incurred the debt

That's some mental gymnastics

>> No.7374240

ITT: Nocoiners thinking smart coiners are crying because of BTC correction, when its all that we expected. Enjoy being poor with your 10% ROI.

>> No.7374600

there's 3 kinds of people, people who make a profit from coins, people who lose their money to the people who make a profit, and people who wouldn't touch that dumb fiat-swapping game with a ten foot pole.

>> No.7374681

This is the thread where nocoiners get screencapped and laughed at in 3 or 4 years, right?

>o-only up 3000% over the past few years? h-heh, get rekt cryptonerds!

>> No.7374841
File: 43 KB, 418x488, 1516588801733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah anyone who was smart new that this bubble was self induced by Rothschild niggers. I may be a nocoiner, but even then I was telling people to hold their coins;if it was possible BUY MORE.
>tfw the one night I could of possibly had the financial income to invest in cuckcoin passed
I had 8.5k coming in, and was going to invest into a car until this had come. Would have literally waited a month, and then sold regardless of what I had to just get a nicer car KEK. LAMBOS NIGGERS

>> No.7374892

First I came to warn them. Now I laugh at them.

>> No.7374924

And what would a nocoiner know about that?

>> No.7374957

what a dumb comment is that? Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.7375224
File: 74 KB, 227x349, yeahrip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually came here to try and glean a little information on the stock market imploding, but the catalog was full of crying cryptobabies instead. I'd laugh but seems like we're all about to get kicked in the nuts.

>> No.7375260

You and the cryptocucks are the reason /biz/ is shit

>> No.7375599


I am jewish and i warned them daddy Rothchild and friends gonna crash that shit if it gets out of hand.

Nobody was gonna let neets become millionaires.

Should have sold at 20k lol