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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7365988 No.7365988 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that this bitch needs to die for causing this.

>> No.7366028

Simply one of the many catalysts.

>> No.7366036

Redhat me on this, goy. What did she do? She looks like the archetypal smug brown feminist

>> No.7366049
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At least she has a real job. I guess you can take "pro crypto trader" off your resume now LOL

>> No.7366055

dont hate the player sweetie

>> No.7366073

i wish i could curbstomp this filthy pajeet cunt. smug little tea sip AHHHHHH i would rape her with a fucking broomhandle

>> No.7366079

uniironically, it was bitconnect that started this crash.

first it was bitconnect, then the whole crypto ecosystem, now its going to crash the stock markets

>> No.7366089

I would peg a bounty on her if my monero was worth anything anymore kek

>> No.7366105

Look at her twitter, her FUD sparked a massive selloff that still hasn't stopped.

>> No.7366843

Diabetes will get her before we reach her.

>> No.7366961

List of people who need to be "taken care of":
Roger Ver (muh flippening autism)
Saheli Roy poodhrey
Bald coinbase faggot for catching the attention of SEC

>> No.7366962

her FUD started the fire

>> No.7367005

Why do women destroy everything biz?

>> No.7367038


>> No.7367040

*sips tea*
*pops your bubble*

>> No.7367044

This, I wonder how many women "need" to have more representation in Crypto now that it has crashed?

>> No.7367102
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You will all take the /pol/pill some day. I fear it may be too late by then

>> No.7367133

>listening to women for financial advice

The front bums only know how to waste money anon

>> No.7367155

Yeah man I'm sure a woman drinking tea caused all this

>> No.7367213

Oh, how could i forget bitfinex'd

>> No.7367215
File: 101 KB, 645x531, 80B13923-562C-4D8F-BB9E-2E16A02A54E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her Pakistani fingers hahahah that ring despite being xxl is choking her finger

>> No.7367249

Only betas ride the waves. Alphas cause the current my good boi.

>> No.7367284

>bushy unkept eyebrows
Imagine her mess of a vagene

>> No.7367300
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>some 20k a year junior journalist spiked a massive sell off from institutional investors and long-time holders and true believers
yeah ok

i dont buy a word of it

>> No.7367413

She's just a useful idiot. The owners of media conglomerates are the ones who need to die.

>> No.7367479
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I've never heard of her. Making threatening statements only hurts your position and makes you look unhinged while making her (who ever the fuck she is) look better. Quit being a sperg. Take a long walk, jack off, and take a nap.

>> No.7367502
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And don't for get her hairy butthole, anon. I bet she has dingleberries the size of grapes.

>> No.7367511

She has no impact at all on crypto lol

She unironically wrote an article about how Tether was "outperforming every other cryptocurrency"

>> No.7368042

I think the Coinsmarketcap delisting Korean exchanges really started it all. It was basically a dogpile from there that hasn't stopped.