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7365813 No.7365813 [Reply] [Original]

I am a classical performer and composer

I’m beginning to feel like the whole thing is just pointless. There’s so many fucking musicians out there, I feel like anything I do is just a drop in an ocean.

On any given night there are tons of musicians performing around my city. Some of them are good, some aren’t. Some have followings, some don’t.

Either way, doesn’t really matter. There’s a trillion bands who are “on tour” coming through here every day. Nobody really gives a fuck, it’s all pretty boring. Maybe something to do on a Friday night with your girlfriend or something.

Every single genre is so extremely over-saturated with musicians, you can’t even ingest all of it. I’ll hear a song I like and think “wow that’s cool” and then never listen to it again, simply because there’s so much access to music that it barely even matters.

I feel like music has lost it’s meaning to some degree. It used to be something special that you were lucky to see performed live, now it’s about as special as porn. It’s just there.

Why the fuck are there so many cunts playing music

>> No.7365847

Try being good.

>> No.7365855

just get gud faggot

>> No.7365875

I too am a performer, composer, and music theorist. I came to the same realization as you about a year ago. I was a prolific artist making lots of music with a fairly nice following. Now I am just focusing on finances and growing my own businesses. Playing, creating, thinking, and experiencing music will never dull for me. But performance is totally cucked and worthless imo.

>> No.7365885
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its a hard life on the strings

>> No.7365907

oh yeah? never heard of you

>> No.7365930

For the record, I have toured the world in various ensemble both contemporary bands and more eclectic "classical" ensembles.

The reality is economics. It's supply and demand. We are competing for the attention (demand) and the market is extremely over supplied.

Just keep making your music for intrinsic, self growth and that's all that matters.

>> No.7365941

i'm trying to be a musician too and i know how you feel m8. the truth that people don't want to admit is that you need a bit of luck in order to "make it"

>> No.7365986

This isn’t really about me, it’s about the current state of music.

One of my albums was in bandcamp’s best sellers for a while, and I’ve got a few big concerts coming up... so I mean, I’m happy with that.

But it’s like, there’s also a trillion other classical musicians who are better than me, and who I will never be as good as. And I feel like that’s how most genres are. A handful of really good bands/musicians and then literally thousands of others in the genre who are over supplying the genre and watering the overall quality of it down

I used to hear something I liked and think “holy shit I need to buy this album”. Now I hear it and I’m like “eh yeah I’ll find it on YouTube again if I want to or something”.

>> No.7366006

what do you now for a living? what are your businesses?

>> No.7366047

>there’s also a trillion other classical musicians who are better than me
git better
>who I will never be as good as
or kill yourself, you defeatist faggot

>> No.7366124

I teach private lessons. Mostly a niche field of voice science but also a lot of composition and theory.

Been scaling my business for awhile. Nice global customer base and long term students.

I have done some "apprenticeships" where its essentially extended studies with me where they stay for 1-2 weeks or so.

>> No.7366129

Why would you say performance is cucked?

I am also a business-focused person. I have literal interest in making money from music, I only pursue classical music because I want to just write something that connects with non-classical people some day. I want classical music to live on

But now I’m thinking maybe there’s little i can do about that. Maybe people just don’t give a fuck about classical music anymore, sort of like nobody really cares about any genre of music anymore. It’s all just clickbait in the form of YouTube videos at this point.

>> No.7366134

There are too many people right now, the earth's population should never go above 1 billion if you want universal comfy

>> No.7366183


Git better, market yourself and be in the right place at the right time

>> No.7366185

Calm down autismo

I was teaching private classical lessons at a music school after college but they were paying me $15 an hour, and then I had some private students at home who paid me $25 per 30 minutes

I wasn’t making enough so I got an insurance sales job. I do like teaching though

>> No.7366206

Came to post this. Overpopulation kills grandeur

>> No.7366227

sounds like you didn't want it enough

>> No.7366258

Of course, that’s the main goal

But I think I could do that and it still wouldn’t matter. There are a few classical musicians doing some pretty interesting and amazing things but nobody really gives a fuck. It’s just background noise for them, or something interesting to see on YouTube for 3 mins

>> No.7366300

>want it enough

Well I don’t really understand how teaching works, because you can’t really raise your rates any higher at a certain point. It’s like you hit a wage ceiling around 33-40k forever

>> No.7366304

just join the symphony lmao

>> No.7366327

It basically seems like it takes more talent and practice now for less returns than you could expect 30 or 50 years ago.

>> No.7366328

I would give pic related 15 children

>> No.7366373

Try making meaningful music for you and not for the fame and fortune or whatever the fuck. Most retards listen to trash anyway.

>> No.7366394

Dude there are pianists absolutely shredding through 40 minute programs of virtuoso music, and like 8 people come to see them.

It’s depressing

>> No.7366438

Performance is cucked because unless you are performing in a highly niche market with a specialized audience you are essentially a glorified .mp3 that nobody actually gives a shit about.

Jazz and some more low key contemporary styles are the exceptions but most "pop" fields (pop, r&b, rock, etc) are accessory to some other focal point. Music is intended to be listened to but modern audiences don't listen and don't have the sensitivity or aural faculty (which is a learned skill as we understand from aural skills acquisition and ear training pedagogy).

tl;dr unless you are some niche erudite performer, art music performer, or microfraction of commercially successful pop artists, you are gonna be making shit money for people that honestly don't give a fuck what you are doing any are more invested in the "experience" or affect of the music rather than the music.

you could say that is still a valuable experience to deliver a listener but w/e.

i still perform in circles with audiences that will appreciate the craft but at this point I turn down most gig opportunities even if they are standard industry pay.

btw does anyone here realize how much effort and working touring really is unless? even most "big" bands now a days outside of the most contemporary pop sphere are literally grinding their asses off for near minimum wage if you factored in the overall time of work.

>> No.7366478

Lots of nothing music. Meaningless. We need a resurgence of 20s-70s music

>> No.7366481

Teaching for others or teaching in institutionally controlled setups is totally cucked.

I charge $80 per hour lesson and I am booked straight for the next 6 weeks.

doing independent contracting positions where you teach through people is just a middle man taking your profit.

get really good and people will want to learn from you. period.

>> No.7366560

only good music market in last 10 years was vocaloid and citypop

there's too many artists, too much fucking availability, it's a dead end career now

i want to pioneer a new business angle to music

Music Porn - where musicians fuck each other while playing music, a girl playing violin while getting a cumshot to the face, 2 guys dping a asian slut while she's playing the drums
Maybe cut some albums from it
There's a huge business opportunity there to make money off both porn and music

>> No.7366605

>Music Porn - where musicians fuck each other while playing music, a girl playing violin while getting a cumshot to the face, 2 guys dping a asian slut while she's playing the drums
Maybe cut some albums from it
There's a huge business opportunity there to make money off both porn and music

The absolute state of modern nihilism

>> No.7366639

How on earth do you market yourself, and to who?

My classical teacher charges that, but he doesn’t have many students

>> No.7366640

ITT all the butthurt over saturation fags OP was talking about

Being a musician used to mean playing In a shitty pub every night for peanuts. Radio and TV came along and it exploded, Internet age has killed it. Move on

>> No.7366719

If you have such a good grasp of theory and composition then you should have no problem making commercial diddies and background music for shows and shit. Sure, there's a market for strictly classical comps or shit like avant garde jazz, but it's always going to be somewhat small. I know a ton of jazz musicians in Denver, and maybe 3-4 of them actually play full time, the rest are either teachers or have a day job. That's always how it's been outside of the select few virtuoso's or those with enough commercial appeal to be sold en masse.

That being said, I haven't heard a great new album in ages. I look at review sites all the time and listen to the top rated shit and none of it grabs me anymore. I listen to music constantly but new stuff is on my list less and less...

>> No.7366745

Music criticizing modern degeneracy would be provocative and sexy, but that’s kind of an off-limits topic at the moment in the art world.

Ever done a Groupmuse concert?

I got invited for one but had to turn it down, kind of a neat idea. Re-emergence of the salon style concert

>> No.7366971

Fuck the world. Real music resurgence NOW. Fuck being popular. Just write it and post here and on /pol/ ... reddit will follow.

>> No.7366980

I used to play in a metal core band from 20010-2013

People fucking loved us. They would drive hours to come see us play, they knew the lyrics, posted about us on social media and all that. They were legitimately into it and excited about it, and we were just an “underground” band or whatever.

I don’t see that with hardly any bands these days. Even soundcloud rappers, people are just kind of apathetically dragging themselves into a venue to see some faggot lip synch to a backing track. And the music I was playing back in 2010-2013 is DEFINTELT dead. If I came out with that shit today, people would be cringing.

I don’t get the current state of music. It feels like it kind of died in the last few years.

>> No.7367032

I market myself through videos that demonstrate my teaching and publications in theory journals (where most of my theory students come from,)

Most new students are referral or reach out to me. I started private teaching 6 years ago at $15 per hour.

>> No.7367151

This is very accurate.

Never heard of that. Sounds really cool though. Salon setting was ace. Sometimes I'll do in home live music for wealthy people. Kinda a fun casual-esque, well paying gig. I enjoy filling big fancy houses with rich harmony on pianos I can't afford.

>> No.7367250

If you live in the USA, you should sign up.

Just look up “groupmuse”, they will add you to the roster.

>> No.7367453

Holy fucking shit I just realized this is the /biz/ board

I meant to post this on /mu/ top kek

I was wondering why the replies were so intelligent

>> No.7367875

If you are unable to enter a trance from playing music. You are not really much of one. You over estimate how many true musicians there are. Lots of entertainers and demonstrators, sure. Music is an aspect of ritual. Study african rhythms. Stop being a narcissist and give into the shamanistic powers, if you even have them.

>> No.7367924


Hey I know that feel. I play jazz and there's pretty much no way I will ever play jazz in the local scene because it's so saturated with people and all of them have been playing for years and shit.

I'm just gonna look for wedding gigs and private gigs, at least they pay a bit.

>> No.7367930

He wasn't talking about himself you cum guzzling fucktard. Learn what reading comprehension is

>> No.7367946

Just buy BTC

>> No.7368026

>muh nigger shit

Lmao fuck off with that bullshit. Shamans are degenerate and should be shot

The Bible says music is used for all sorts of purposes, and that God even enjoys melodies. So it definitely has a spiritual aspect.

>muh trance

You are sort of on to something. There is some music that almost achieves a divine sound. Maybe Bach’s chaconne for example.

>> No.7368062


>literal interest

when are you fucking morons going to stop talking like tards

>> No.7368162

cool story bro
leave brittany here and gtfo to >>>/mu/
this board is for wojaks only

>> No.7368163
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>im a musician

>> No.7368214

Like with Crypto, u seem to have missed the hype of the 60s and 70s. There is no more music, there is mass productions of shitcoins (shitsongs) copycats for quick money. Its the story with everything else, mobile fones, computers, etc. Copy/Paste society. There are no computer programmers anymore, the word "assembler" now refers to a kid putting PC together from shiny boxed parts. Our civilization is dying. Thats all to it. Make some cash, find a woman and an island to enjoy whats left of life.

>> No.7368218
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I feel you,op. Lost all interest , and beyond desensitized right now. Also, the fact that the brain is wired to like new music less and less over the age of 33. I rememebr listening to the same cd album over and over, and not doing anything else while doing it, simply listening to a physical cd bought at the store
>inb4 le wrong generation man
NO. It's a simple matter of supply and demand. Music used to be as accessable as your pocket money allowed you, and you would cherish it. Music nowadays has the longevity of a fucking facebook status. Just shit to play in the background while you're doing ten other things, probably not giving a shit about all of them

>> No.7368248
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Im gonna need sauce on that pic

>> No.7368347

>cool story bro

Ok Reddit

>I’m a day trader

This comment absolutely made me laugh my ass off and I’m not sure why. It’s true and un-true at the same time

Music was objectively better before the 60’s. I am finding music I’ve never heard and that I love constantly from the 1800’s-1950’s. Even frank Sinatra type shit I love

>> No.7368535

Yea, only listening to old stuff and some classical rn, but not as often as i used to.
btw /mu/ is the worst lol

>> No.7368574

music is like the new religion of the human race. you have to be like SRV or hendrix good to get noticed. Its a fucking hobby now, im sorry anon were both fucked.

>> No.7368611

I'm a writer, same state of my industry, just as in all others. It's what happens when the common man reigns supreme, by definition they cannot have any true taste.

>> No.7368615
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I just turned thirty. I play drums.

When I was twenty I was in a pop punk band and this girl saw me play and asked me to join her pop band. She was on this TV show called " search for the next pussycat doll" (she didn't win) and had a small online following, end of MySpace era.

I said yes and played some cool shows, met some cool people but let me tell you OP. It was the most soul sucking thing I had ever been a part of. We were playing a show in Nashville and we went to hang out with another client of the manager we had listened to the client play piano, guitar, drums and sing incredibly.

The girl was seriously talented. Unfortunately, she was really ugly. At that moment it hit me hard how vapid the music scene was. Are there actually quality musicians out there today? Of course. But being in the environment where I was at low to mid tier sized shows (200-500 people) a night just gave me a taste of how vapid and superficial the life was. No one was real. Everyone was your best friendfriend. Everyone was about to get signed. Just a constant stream of bullshit.

Anyway, they kicked me out for not wearing the shirt that one of our clothing sponsors gave us when everybody else in the band was wearing one of their shirts and no one even knew who we were. I stopped playing drums. All I'm saying OP is that if you want to make music, don't even sell out once, if you have any soul in you it will make you jaded for life

>> No.7368806

I might be wrong, but I have a feeling that electronic dance music is the actual popular art music nowadays, in the sense that it's possible to draw large crowds while putting out stuff that actually has intellectual value. Remember, people actually went to see Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and so on. If you make good electronic dance music, it will still probably be hard to make money, but not as hard as if you try to play baroque/classical/romantic music.

>> No.7368809

Music isn't about money or notoriety, not unless you're a kosher dick sucking faggot.

Music is about bitches, play live music = get bitches it doesn't matter how many other dickheads there are out there who are better than you - if you're the one playing up on that stage bitches will want to fuck you.

>> No.7369053

>waste years of your life for the chance to score some druggies

>> No.7369259

Call me a niggerlover but i think brittany is adorable

>> No.7369280
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>[Life] isn't about money or notoriety, not unless you're a kosher dick sucking faggot.
>[Life] is about bitches, [be alive] = get bitches it doesn't matter how many other dickheads there are out there who are better than you - if you're the one [alive] up on that [existence] bitches will want to fuck you

spoken like a true insect

>> No.7369353

It is time for a new musical style. Do it!

>> No.7369383

The entire world is suffering from overpopulation. If your aim is to make money off your hobby then you have to be willing to make sacrifices. You have to be willing to step on people.

That's all there is to it. Its not about effort or skill. Its about which people are the right people to step on.

>> No.7369453

Can you do a cheap sountrack if youre so desperate? 20 dollars a minute or something. If lots of supply then drop prices

>> No.7369482


>> No.7369492

Porn sounds are part of the masturbatory experience, what a fucking stupid idea

>> No.7369542

I play classical guitar for a hobby. I take lessons that cost $60/h. I like the way how reading the sheet music and playing stimulates my brain. I definitely see value in learning music and playing. It's amazing how playing even some really simple stuff feels wonderful but listening someone else play it is just boring as hell. I don't attend to concerts anymore and I unsubscribed spotify last year. Right now I haven't listened anything in two weeks. I'm really fed up listening others perform/compose mediocre shit.

>> No.7369578

not him but, more people more competition. Since you're probably not exceptional in many ways you'll have to sacrifice either yourself or others to reach your goals. If those goals are remotely ambitious that is.

>> No.7369604

Being exceptional just makes you a target for someone to step on and use you to prop themselves up as well.

>> No.7369638

Music nowdays has become a ponzi like imaginary internet money.

>> No.7369646

what if im exceptional in stepping on people and not getting stepped on nerd

>> No.7369671

Then you'd be making too much money to waste time shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.7369726

Every little girl wants to be a princess but there aren't enough kingdoms around.

A while ago I fucked around with making some student films and the number of actors signing onto the casting call knowing full well the entire shoot is unpaid was staggering. From memory it reached circa 150 applications within 2 days.

>> No.7369737

Stupid question: if all jobs are oversaturated why we dont thrown manpower at math research for new techs? A mathematician in 1000 that does a theorem in his lifetime has payed for all. UBI and scores of mathematicians will make next spacetechs.

>> No.7369831

The reason innovations aren't happening are not because of lack of funding. Its purely greed related.
Innovation is always a negative profit industry. Planned obsolescence creates profit.
Technology is being held back on purpose.

>> No.7369879

is it easy to get published these days? What does it take to get published/noticed?

>> No.7369895

Planned obsolescence would mean new breakthroughs, no?

>> No.7369916

I have a masters degree in music and can mop the floor with you intelectually as well as pratically, but none of it matters because I can play a repetitve phrase like a mantra to transcend. I am more devine than you. You can recognize Bachs devinity but havent realized your own because you are a dumb nigger trying to impress people. Been there done that got the degree and tons of pussy to show it. Grow up loser. No one cares that you make a point to name drop Bach. You just come off as a tryhard to real deal motherfuckers like me.

>> No.7369923


>> No.7369924

Just to expand/reiterating: The money isn't in the cure, its in the medicine.

So what do you do about it? You throw people who intentionally create "lemons" in jail and use their money and research to make lemonade.
Oil companies buying up patents for future tech to destroy or burry them? Throw those fuckers in jail.
Publishing companies buying up IPs to sit on them? Throw those fuckers in jail.

>> No.7369958

No absolutely not. It means a breakthrough was already achieved, but to make money they milk it as long as possible until they can figure out a new breakthrough.

>> No.7369984

huh? You have to PAY a publisher to get your book out?

>> No.7370021

Look, i sent some text to a writing media and they responded back not with criticism but by ads to pay them so they could publish text in web columbs and such. So theres that i suppose

>> No.7370050


>> No.7370107

>I have a masters degree in music
>listen to African jungle beats

Wow was your degree focus in niggerology. Can you refer me to pieces composed with fried chicken bones and half-empty cups of kook aid too?

>> No.7370131

I know what OP means
everyone has written some good responses but I think something else has come into play
music back in the dawn of man was intertwined heavily with religion and spirituality or however you want to say it
it wasn't about making money, getting groupies on yo dik, being the center of attention
it was bigger than the musicians and the audience and it brought it all together for everybody
the rest of it is just a byproduct
it was a way to kill time when bored as well with friends and not for some huge ritual

this is what I like to think and some of what I read backs up this
but now no one wants to make anything new because no one will listen to anything new
yet there are also too many people that trying to make new things

really, what it is is another big flashing warning sign to me that things are not good for people in societies that are like this
also fate slaps me in the face again as I've been having similar difficulties with music and I see this

basically buy all the shitcoins and yell about it you want.... /x/ is correct thinking when you don't go full retard
music needs soul and people are weak on the soul side
the performers and the audience

>> No.7370137

That is literally what a publisher does. They're no different than a bank. You invest your property to them. Sometimes they ask for a down payment.

>> No.7370179

just be good faggot, LOL

>> No.7370213

>music theorist

Get a fucking job you bum. Humanity needs music theorists like it needs play dough structural engineers. Sure you can be one but no one ever is going to pay you. Ever because you are doing something useless and artificial.

>> No.7370242

>beyond desensitized right now

boo fucking hoo

>> No.7370265

Does your ability to be highly paid determine your value? A prostitute is more valuable than a teacher, then. Why do you people need to be told this?

>> No.7370284

Im obviously speaking to someone who has no idea what a clave is. Yes music just sprang up independently in isolated cultures. Its not like a chain of information that ties back to our origins in Africa. You are bluepilled. We are all nig nogs. Some cultures and people evolve others keep thier animal form such as yourself. You may be white but only in appearance. You are mentally pure nigger teir. You keep idolzing other humans and hating others. Keep avoiding being and keep doing. Cheers dumbfuck. Cant waste time on plebs like you.

>> No.7370303

disregarding the religious aspect which is still contentious, music has always always always at the core been about two things equally, expression and making money. the reason you see more shit music nowadays isn't necessarily because the quality of music has gone down but because the exposure to all music is so massive because of the internet

>> No.7370339
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Just make dance music. People will always want to dance.

>> No.7370345

Being useful determines your value.

>> No.7370349

bro just play better lmao

>> No.7370351

Similar here anon. Child prodigy, went to uni did 2/3 music degree then dropped out when I realised only viable option was becoming a music teacher IE wierd cunt. Worked construction. After a few years stopped playing in bands. After about another decade stopped recording. Now just enjoy it for relaxation. Can’t play anything I used to perform anymore but I don’t care. About once a year watch videos of old performances for a laugh but it soon reminds me why I left it. So much work so much stress and for what? Fuck all. I let my kid go to piano classes but I don’t make her practise and the teacher can’t believe my kid is so bad lol. I just never want her to go through what I went through where it becomes a torture to get that good. I lost interest in most commercial music when auto tune came out and these days mostly listen to comedy records lol

>> No.7370357

If all your value is in the material world then how else can you see the world
something like that

>> No.7370365

/mu/ is this way

>> No.7370423

OP why dont make music for causes that you believe in (politics, art, religion etc)

>> No.7370431

>literally believing we all originated from Africa
>literally being a darwincuck
>literally respecting subhuman nigger filth for anything ever

Go swap nigger poz loads down at the glory hole you worthless faggot

>it’s so comforting to know we are all #onerace

>> No.7370477

Send me your shit mate, I want to hear it.

>I love classical, can tell the difference between good and bad shit (e.g. Shostakovich is dogshit)

>> No.7370480

yeah the internet has ruined everything, but in some cases in ancient history music was pretty much a great part of the priest/funnyhatman caste and all about that
guess I was more trying to say that the idea that it's the expression of just the artist is why music also now sucks
like how modern art in general sucks
let's not look at how crappy this painting is, but lets give it a lengthly bs story on how it's expressing some more bs
when all it is is shit in a can

>> No.7370493

This really inspired me to quit music

Not even joking

If I knew I could quit music and not regret it, I probably would. I can’t imagine the liberation

>> No.7370500

Do you even harmonise bro?

>> No.7370503



>> No.7370527

If you're incredible, I'll literally be a patron for you. If you're not going to write any amazing symphonies anytime soon then back off fuckface

>> No.7370536

duder whats a good comedy album I need some laughs

>> No.7370562

being a musician is like being an actor in that you need to either have a gimmick or be the literal best or youll be sucking dicks for b list fame

>> No.7370569
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>that God even enjoys melodies.
As much as he enjoys killing children, senpai?

>> No.7370588

>I am a classical performer and composer

You're out of touch just like every classical performer. Music is about sound, go listen to some music that sounds like the world we live in.

>> No.7370621

Yeah that's a bit BS, but belief in God in most cases can only help with compositions. Nietzsche basically thought the same thing, even though he correctly saw through the lies - they are beautiful lies though. When he said God is dead, he remains dead and we have killed him - he meant that in a mournful way (as in, the most beautiful creation of the human race has been killed by our intelligence gaining knowledge about the world ourselves)

>> No.7370670

Ah yes, the sound of autotune and (c)rap. Such worldly divinity.

>> No.7370678

Would creampie Venti 24/7

>> No.7370679

Modern music isn't all that bad, but you sure sound like a filthy plebian

>> No.7370680

What a creamy cartoon post. Your simple thoughts taste like a really smooth peanut butter.

>> No.7370686

I write suites and solo pieces

>> No.7370741

>I write suites and solo pieces
Hmm, hopefully they have some depth. Try writing a symphony to test how good you really are - playing on a nice melody you've thought up isn't worth much unless you're a master of harmony like Bach

>> No.7370750


HAHAHA oh fuck I hope this is true, t. fairly washed up drummer who plays in a grind band at the moment but wants to play jazz/math post rock again

>> No.7370760

Nietzsche believed God was an idea or a social construct

I believe the Christian God is real and everything in the Bible literally happened.

So did Bach.

That’s why Bach had 15 kids and made music that made people happy and inspired and nietzsche was a sad cunt reminiscing on nihilism

But banter aside, yeah I agree having a real religious belief is going to give you divine inspiration

>> No.7370767

It seems like everything is oversaturated today.

>> No.7370800

I’m mostly a solo performer so I write solo pieces on piano and classical guitar

Some of them are like a modernized Bach, others are a little more contemporary

>> No.7370804

Hahahaha. But it is a /biz topic too. Bored of crypto memers, good to see some real economy on /biz.

>> No.7370828

It is true

I made this same thread on /mu/ and its fucking brainlet replies over there

>> No.7370833

You're truly a pleb if you think that this is all modern music has to offer. Music has to exist in the now to be relevant. Nobody played Bach's music after he died, even his children didn't give a shit. It was old. And that was fucking Bach. You can't expect people from 21st century to care about something that's not current. There will always be music lovers, the hard core audience but that's never been the majority.

>> No.7370868

that place is fuckin trash
worst board on here

>> No.7370878
File: 61 KB, 322x252, 1358313221648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot worthless artist who never learnt to adapt to a market if they want to actually make money out of something.

Customers/clients pay your fucking income. You tailor to their tastes and charge them handsomely for it.

>hurr music has lost meaning
implying patterns of sound have ever fucking mattered in the grand scheme of things?

Just neck yourself now cuckforbrains.

>> No.7370879

Memories of miscarried children, the elderly and infirm, the dead, unused village churches, shabby local mining museums, pets and Stonehenge are all quite useless.

>> No.7370903

Way too much bullshit ITT...
If people want to listen to you play that's good, if they don't who cares, just play.

>> No.7370911

Listening to Neil Hamburger Country Winners at the moment. Good musos funny singing.

>> No.7370946


Bell curve my friend. Only so many people with the IQ necessary to be math geniuses or engineers are born. And even within these groups a bell curve exists. Basically to be the best is a genetic accident. So as more people are born there is more competition in the lower levels of society and a more pressing need for people in the higher positions. Idiocy breeds exponentially and genius linearly.

>> No.7370947

>That’s why Bach had 15 kids and made music that made people happy

Bach's children would describe his music as "old wig" and "boring maths". They didn't play it, they didn't care. Only one of his kids bothered to actually preserve the archive of his music but he didn't play it either. On the top of that, bach's music was seen as boring and antiquated while he still was alive.

>> No.7370968

is that 12 candles I'm counting? That can't be right

>> No.7370970

To appreciate art you have to appreciate life. We collectively don't know dick about shit besides neurotic anxiety and callously smashing randoms if you're above the fuckable threshold, and songs about that were done better and beat into the ground in the 90's. In pretty much every creative media facet all we can really seem to think to do is rehash the shit we know, including rebooting shit like fucking Will and Grace. Between that and the apparent next best idea being even more degenerate trash like the dude talking about musical porn we are fucked. The system is stagnant at best and on the verge of collapse, but maybe crypto will be a big part of what pushes us towards a culture with a semblance of substance beyond rehashed dogshit to inspire us. It'll probably be just as difficult for musicians to stand out as now but at least something interesting might happen. I think it's becoming more and more apparent even to normans that brainless media consumption is rotting our souls and killing any notion of beauty.

>> No.7371002

>implying patterns of sound have ever fucking mattered in the grand scheme of things?

Yes music has and always will matter immensely. Your simple lobster brain can only comprehend the sea bed shell clicks.

>> No.7371011

There are too many mediocre musicians. The number of good musicians is either the same or decreased.

>> No.7371033

Yes but throwing manpower at lesser taken scientific paths with low environmental footprint could be substitute for genius.

>> No.7371049

I don't think a 12yr old would be allowed to wear make-up, good catch!

>> No.7371067

you can blame the jews for centralising and corrupting the music industry
welcome to the cause brother

>> No.7371076

lmao OP

Jazz musicians are fucking touring constantly, playing literally everywhere, recording, teaching and you don't hear them complain. And Jazz is an absolute niche. If you're good enough you can easily make good money from music.

>> No.7371078

thank you
that also brings up a salient point
no more wigs == no more good classical

>> No.7371086

>being a musician
Not only did you choose the lowest art form of all, you also choose the one that will be automated first. The already oversaturated music market will be flooded by computer generated music in the coming years to the point where people will not be able to distinguish between "real" and "fake" music anymore. Slap a computer generated artist's name and a computer generated album cover on your computer generated songs and release thousands upon thousands into the market. That's what people will do and apart from established global brands with extensive live performances like Taylor swift no human musician will survive the next 20 or even 15 years.

I am a data scientist that has actual experience creating ML systems that do stuff like this, and while I am not actually working on music generation (although I'd love to) I have been predicting this for years.

>> No.7371090


But compare bach’s Impact to nierzsche.... well that’s kind of a stupid comparison actually, they are both extremely different people in extremely different times. Nietzsche was just observing something.

Today bach’s music is considered timeless though. Many people consider chaconne to be the greatest piece ever written, although I like his suites from 800-1015. Most of them are absolutely insane. Pure autism really.

>> No.7371105

Based anon

>> No.7371125

Right but I might argue they are wasting their time

Nobody gives a shit what they are doing, really. There is no second coming of Cher Baker, yknow?

>> No.7371223
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hearing about all these non success stories from people who pursued music after highschool makes me feel good.

highschool crush did the same thing after rejecting me

>> No.7371233


>> No.7371261

Fuck I forgot to mention I used to be a Holy Spirit anointed worship leader in a charismatic mega church. Should do an AMA thread about that sometime wew lads what a life.

>> No.7371319

That's an interesting point, computers really could pretty well generate most of the shit that's being pumped out nowadays.

However -there's a magic to live music (or can be if the artist is good enough) that computers are still a long way off.

>> No.7371353

Very true

Art is a reflection of culture

Our culture is pure nihilism. People just kind of vaguely want to make like 40k-60k and then maybe marry somebody they kind of like and then work out at a strip mall gym after work and take a vacation to Florida/Colorado/Europe

People have nothing to live for except trying to make ends meet, then once they become financially comfortable they can do pointless degenerate shit like drink more and travel to tourist destinations

Those are the functional normies too. The dysfunctional ones who are out swapping STDs and bar tending/working retail/doing a temporary administration job are nearly unredeemable

It’s disgusting and I want out. I want a new system where we actually believe in God and have nice architecture and don’t have 50% divorce rate and degenerate behavior isn’t tolerated in our communities and people become embrarsssed to use social media and fucking watch Netflix

It’s a train wreck, but we do have food and shelter, and medicine. And cảrs. So that’s good

>> No.7371373


>> No.7371383

I’ve played guitar for a charasmatic church

I’m a Christian but I want to inflict violence on those retarded faggots holy shit what a bunch of weirdos

>> No.7371434


I thought that too, but the problem is that as your IQ rises so does the ability to conceptualize certain abstract problems. You ever had someone explain something to you but it was like they were speaking in tongues? That's how it is like for IQ people when trying to comprehend these higher order abstract problems. None of it makes any sense.

When you reach down to IQs of 70 it becomes difficult to even conceptualize things like the future. As you work your way up your ability to abstract increases. It's a hardware problem, throwing a bunch of low IQs at the problem doesn't fix it sadly.

>> No.7371482

Because a heroic generation is settling into adulthood while an artistic generation is seeking to find itself [1].

FWIW, I think music is a whole dimension of intelligence for good reason, and we've only scratched the surface of what can be achieved with a deeper understanding of it. The experiments with alzheimers patients listening to music from their childhood is a great example.

But, I think that 'recreational music' is the only use we generally recognize, and as a result there's a lot of people who intuit there's a potential to music trying to compete in a limited sphere. If I were musically talented and wanted music to be a part of my career, I'd branch out - look into neuroscience, wearable technology, group meditation/ corporate morale building, narration, pedagoguey/ custom mnemonics...

You're good in an important area where too many other people are also good. To get the most of this area, you need to get good in an additional area where very few of the same people are good [2]. It doesn't matter if you don't see an obvious way the two fields interact, the more obvious such a way is to a novice the more musicians are trying to work in the overlap.

[1] The fourth turning, Strauss and Howe
[2] How to fail at nearly everything and still win big, Adams

>> No.7371496


Everything we do will be done better by computers. Should we stop living? All of us will be obsolete you data scientist nigger, even you. But when you're replaced we're in some real shit.

>> No.7371535

I mean... it’s hard to gauge success with music

Nobody really goes into it planning to make a sustainable income. You can do that if you play weddings and restaurants, but most people prefer a desk job to that.

I guess pursuing music is usually trying to aquire a following.

>> No.7371631

You are right, but it ultimately is not about the if, but the when. We still have some time left that we will have to work and fit into society as it is today. Being an artist you will face troubles much sooner than other professions.

I do CG rendering as a hobby and have been a game developer years ago. I do understand the creative process and enjoy it, but I would never make it my career.

>> No.7371738

>a heroic generation is settling into adulthood while an artistic generation is seeking to find itself

Fuck gayeee hipster bullshit. How fucking much did your mother tell you that you were special. Hint. You are not. Or talented. Or heroic. Or unique. You fucking useless snowflake

>> No.7371770

>I do understand the creative process

more faggotry. Go did a hole that someone needs dug.

>> No.7371818

well i think she went off to do some course for music as a form of therapy. something psuedo like that

>> No.7371821

I've been producing music on my computer for a year now - at first I was terrible - now I'm just awful

They told me to quit - they told me ''everyone is doing music on their computer lol''

then i looked up the stats

There's only something like 20 million producers total in the world.

out of 6-7 billion people

And most of them only stick to one genre or do commercials/sound effects for games and movies.

To be good at music is to be a genius.

Have you seen our world?

>> No.7371832

>Does your ability to be highly paid determine your value?

Now much other people need what you offer determines its value yes you dumb hippy snowflake faggot. Yes a whore probably as more value than you. That just indicates how worthless what you offer is.

>> No.7371970

~T. buttmad Xer

>> No.7372021

I have like 3 years experience with FL studio. Used to make tracks every day. Learned a lot.

I also make games now and then, so I definately found a use for it. Amateur game developers need some tracks, so you can use it there.

Besides that, I create mobile apps as well. It helps to know how to edit sound with "clicks" etc.

Knowing a bit about everything really helps with everything. Unironically the only thing I feel I wasted time on is university. I use every single one of my hobbies today for earning money today.

The only thing education has helped me with is math...

>> No.7372025

>Does your ability to be highly paid determine your value?
Economically, they're the same thing. More collective enjoyment is derived from radio music, Starbucks, and Budweiser. More people like them, and like them more, so they make more money.

Thankfully, nobody is forced to pay more than they want to a musician for their delusional entitlement about their ability or their own perceived "value to art" or "value to the human soul" or whatever the fuck ("I haven't written anything that resonates with people, but I could, so people need to pay me more")

>A prostitute is more valuable than a teacher, then.
Some prostitutes are more valuable than some teachers.
The US is top 5 in the world for public primary and secondary school expenditures, with corresponding tax paid. Society already did its part to pay its teachers. Ask your admins and your teacher's unions where the money is going.

>> No.7372081

Kek if you are doing music as anything else than a hobby, trying to focus you life into it, you need to do a reality check.
Even if you really want to 'make it', you need to do more marketing than actual music, and still in the end you would have to make music that would appeal to the masses. That or get some connections and somehow convince them that you're not worthless. Like most musicians are.

The reason why I do music is pure self-interest, I know from experience there is literally no market for the music I play. That's why I'll keep doing my obscure songs, I get to have my kicks and not be worried about 'does anyone like it'. Get a real fucking job (or crypto, whatever).

>> No.7372165

Real question here :
What music style would like to see on stage more often ?
Do you feel live music scene lack something ? (visuals, overall experience, artist live skills)
Personnaly I don't go to clubs anymore but I would pay to experience a live with LORN, Justice, Koan Sound for example.
Looking for deep experiences not this shitty derp house with skinny bitches

>> No.7372310


>> No.7372348

There are too many people on earth, blame the white man man for giving medicine and technology to the rest of the world.

>> No.7372396
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Pretty sure it's Brittany Venti

>> No.7372416

What a disgusting mutt, truly americans are abominations.

>> No.7372523

70s era Dead when they were on and not too fucked up to play
not in a huge venue either
lots of LSD without worry

>> No.7372564

I'm actually naturally talented and I enjoy making music not for money or recognition, but because I want to create great art.

I realize that it's hard to make money out of it, so I have crypto to sustain me financially. If I devote all my time to it though, I think I have a high probability for success.

>> No.7372657

even the cuckiest nazi knows that's just not true and it's bullshit the jews fed you to give you grandeur allusions and keep you away from the other people so you can be good soldier #8473482 or good goy spender alone in your bubble.

may I remind you white people gave us christianity and catholicism - which set us back 1.5k years and cause the neo-feminazi degeneracy wave we experience today?

>> No.7372702

So, how is your crypto thing working out? Better apply for a job at McDonald's.

>> No.7372709

That's my goal too.
Being able to be financially secure so you can go 125% on your craft ...
Yeah 70s definetely.

>> No.7372718

The music business isn’t music, it’s actually theatre.
You’re unhappy because you haven’t really come to terms with that yet

>> No.7372804
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More vocaloid + holograms, don't want to have to look at 3DPD while enjoying my anime weeb music

>> No.7372814

>implying patterns of sound have ever fucking mattered in the grand scheme of things

It's like you enjoy being subhuman and this stupid

>> No.7372834

Working out great. I believe in the tech of what I invested. I always plan long term.

Ya I just want to get to a point where I can devote all my time and energy into it. Also, for live performances, if I got the opportunity, I would try to incorporate a narrative throughout the show for extra emotional interaction. I think Porter could've done this during his world tour.

>> No.7372856

this isn't biz

>> No.7372960

I guess it's just a function of the internet allowing everyone to publish , and software making it easier to compose.
the same thing is happening with every creative endeavour.
I like making games but there's hundreds coming out every day, a lot of them pretty good.
Everyone's been fed the whole "follow your dreams do what makes you happy" , and here we are.

>> No.7373050

Because every single boomer mother wanted their kids to learn to play the piano, join band in school, etc.

>> No.7373075

Nobody plays jazz for money and fame. Jazz musicians play jazz for themselves. The money, the carrier - that's just bonus.

>> No.7373174

More dance music. More EDM live acts. Give me a producer with controllers, a live drummer, a guy with a sax going through a bunch of effects and a vocalist playing tight-ass deep house. I want good musicians playing modern music I can dance to.

>> No.7373213

Here's the problem: how long does it take to get good at something as competitive as music?

For art music, we're looking at more than a decade, right?

Well, all of your talent is worth as much as a party trick that people only enjoy once. It can be reduced to a YouTube video with some flashy shit that children will be able to replicate in no time.

Then everyone moves on to the next "impressive" party trick.

Everything is treated like shallow entertainment.

>> No.7373379

i want to marry this beautiful white girl

>> No.7373524

>christianity and catholicism - which set us back 1.5k years
Back to r/atheism with your unecducated ass

>> No.7373547

San Holo and Sweaterbeats had some sick guitar solos.

>> No.7373565

music is for fags

>> No.7373612

This is the inconvenient truth every would be musician should hear

>> No.7373653

>more faggotry. Go did a hole that someone needs dug.

>> No.7374124

>tfw no communism so you can make beats in bed all day

>> No.7374380

thank god metal core is dead, that was a fucking horrible time period

>> No.7375165

this is a highly overlooked metric

>> No.7375402
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>> No.7375523


As someone with know-how in ML and also an (amateur) musician, this would mostly only apply for the mainstream crap to be fed to the masses.

For the underground folks, this automatization would be mostly inconsequential (except for the scene pandering shit, but good riddance to those). Actually, there would be a renaissance on music has bereft as possible of modernities.

Either way, I welcome both.

>> No.7375890

1) This isn't /mu/.
2) You're a talentless hipster contrarian hack.

>> No.7376392

dude there is too many somethings in each and every field nowdays

u have no idea things are heading towards

>> No.7376453

Everyone needs to be a marketer as well as whatever their profession is. Competition is a bitch. My advice as a novice marketer is take advantage of the niche of VR music videos. Bands with almost no notoriety are getting millions of views.

>> No.7376582


My girlfriend was a broadway performer and I red pilled her about the arts, got her to quit, now she runs drop shipping stores for me. Music is competitive as fuck because there's no barrier to entry.

>> No.7376623

Well, yes. A prostitute is indeed more valuable than a teacher. But it's more valuable because she's investing more (her body instead of her knowledge), so there's a downside to her profession. She solves an immediate problem, whereas the teacher solves a more abstract one.

>> No.7376676

I'm not a musician, but you're clinically retarded if you genuinely believe that.

>> No.7376735

Listen to d&b, we're currently in another golden era

>> No.7376850

This is spot on.

>> No.7376907


>> No.7377061
File: 91 KB, 504x400, pink dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad i locked my meymeycoins at 18k now i would toss my trezor at my vault and forget about all this shit for a while, focus on my family my wife and kids and thank god for my mistake

>be me (who else?)
>buy shiny new trezor because ''muh hakzors muh hardwallet'' trend
>sees it has a locking function
>''hey, maybe it's for added security dont now maybe if it get lost or stolen people wont grab my little coins (got like 4 at the beginning of the craze)
>it feels good tho
>bitcoin drops 6k
>wanted to panic sell
>i can't because locked coins
>research about the ''locked'' feature
>tfw i see /biz/ crash and burn while im comfy as fuck

>> No.7377077

save your money for the crash, had a similar situation that all went to shit in 2008 cause no one gives a fuck about music when they struggle to pay their mortgage

>> No.7377419

Is that 56 la creatura Brittany venti?

>> No.7377837

The real problem is deplatforming. There used to be an order of magnitude more successful touring musicians/acts. Not that there is too much competition today.

Music is just what is on to pass the time. Music on the radio is programming. Having to actually hear the music environments, spaces are saturated with is a burden. Most people know better than to waste effort on hearing communication, as they are experts at filtering out all but their incessant ego which needs all silence to be filled as to avoid actual, uncomfortable, self reflection.

This is both demoralization and chemical/electromagnetic lobotomy.

Clif likes to talk about how you cannot build a stardivarius anymore because the complexity, the vibration of what is embedded in new materials, cannot carry those tones.

This also has to do with moving the tuning up to a440 from a432, delibrate destruction of a coherent vibrational landscape to destroy life. As always, the eternal Jew is responsible. There is nothing new under the sun, and good songwriters seem to admit that a lot of matrial is essentially channeled.

>> No.7378165

>mfw reading this utterly pretentious crap
>yup there it goes, another A432 loonie
Watch the vid and never write another post, ever again

>> No.7378179

Are you okay anon?

>> No.7378326

The music industry has always been about more than just your music my dude

It's also about looks

If you don't have looks then it's about your personality and you're uniqueness as a character.

Some people go for likable goofball, others go for being the asshole that hates everything, find the thing that's closest to who you truly are.

Also your style of clothing is important, you have to go with whatever 'aesthetic' people are currently enjoying.

All of this is if you want to make it though, and that's you're goal, you just have to try super hard in more areas than just music.

If wanna you do like me, just find a band, have fun all the time, don't worry about being broke, and one day you'll make it. God bless

>> No.7378429
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es la creatura...

>> No.7378530
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It's not like people are unaware. Problem is how to get the population down in a way that retains as much of the developed, educated and thus already slow breeding people. It's horrible to say it, but the street shitting, tribal warring, wholly uneducated and illiterate masses from third world countries are unnecessary. Yet they are the ones who outbreed everyone else.

The logical solution would be discreet soft genocide via chemical/hormonal mechanisms. But who wants that? Who could shoulder the burden of that position?

We need intelligent, rational engineers, scientists, agriculturalists, arborists, medical personnel, psychologists etc, not the average tribal grunt in a savannah with an AK. Humanity needs the astronomers, physicists, materials and chemical engineers, the mathematicians, not the opioid addled Afghanistani villager who fucks little boys.

Hell, even the laborers of our brighter future will have to have a high baseline of general intelligence. The average worker in a technophilic meritocracy would ideally also be smart, creative and autonomous to a high degree, productive at work and at home.

The low birthrates were supposed to be offset by automation of menial labor as communities are left with more and more time and money to seek higher fields of education and generally enjoy lives more, producing an unprecedented level of general wellbeing. It was not supposed to be the death knell for developed civilizations via mass immigration and destabilization.

Shit has gone very wrong.

>> No.7378695

I feel like everyone is ignoring OP's remarks, and dismissing them with:
>get good
>you'll make it eventually
>play for yourself

I believe that OP's point was:
The music industry is saturated. And even though is saturated, it seems boring and unimaginative nowadays (unlike the 60s or 70s). And nobody cares, with good reason. There's too much mediocre stuff, nothing stands out.

In my opinion, in literature is the same thing. So many people self-publishing, at the same time that as humanity we've reached an colossal corpus of literature and, AT THE SAME TIME, people reading less and less.

>> No.7378747

>he worships a jewish false god

>> No.7378905

What you think humanity needs is different from what will actually happen. For good or bad, nature doesn't need humanity to "progress" as you understand progress.
It's gone wrong for our expectations? Sure.
It's gone wrong for nature? Not at all.

>> No.7378929

There's a SHITTONNE more imaginative music and other art than there ever was before, Jose.

>> No.7378938

I went to school for Music Production as well as Composition. Truth is, you're not going to make money as a musician. If you thought you were, you're fucking wrong. Everyone with even a turds worth of musical skill tries to make music.

First things first, you are going to have to offer your skills as a service. If you only have composition/writing skills then you're much more limited because people really want the technical side because like you said, there are too many musicians, so you need to cater to them until you are financially sound enough to be putting out your own content. The ratio of energy/time to compensation for you work is going to be terrible at first.

So to make money, you need to learn production. Learn this. Learn how to mix and master your own music as well as dialogue and other peoples compositions.

Start by building an extensive portfolio of compositions for short films and small media projects. This is the only way you start to show you can do something.

During this time, you find out that most "musicians" are actually retarded. 50% (or more) have no real basis in music theory and that's why they make one album consisting of all their best work and then the next time they release something it's either shit or the same thing they did before.

Truly great musicians don't always get recognition until incredible amounts of work are put in. But if you're a classical performer and composer you need to start with soundtracks and film. This is how you get to do bigger and better compositions that you truly want to do.

>> No.7378940

>Every single genre is so extremely over-saturated with musicians, you can’t even ingest all of it.
>simply because there’s so much access to music that it barely even matters.

It's the same with every art or thing in the modern world, we're so saturated with people that almost everything you do or think someone probably thought about it before.
The only way to be above the rest is to be incredibly good or a genius.
There's an abundance of everything, even humans, and that's why human life is meaningless.
If 1,000 chinese guys died suddenly it wouldn't affect me in the slightest, my life would be exactly the same, that's how irrelevant human life is, there's too much supply.

>> No.7379012

More people are experimenting and doing more with music now than ever before, because you have access to every recording method/technique/instrument you wish to go for. Also the fact that computers exist totally changed the way people create music.

There has always been mediocre stuff, even if you look back as far as the 60s - people predominantly listened to whatever is on the radio, but buried beneath the top 40 radio hits there is a ton of fantastic music that comes out every year.

Just because no one enjoys your crappy tunes, or you haven't found an audience that does - it's your problem, dude, blaming it on anything else is pointless.

>> No.7379056

No, there isn't. Absolutely not. How are you so out of touch, you fucking retard?

>> No.7379057

>I have literal interest in making money from music,

Lmao. Unless you're a product of the jewish agencies or production studios (you're not), don't expect to become in any way successfull off performing music.

Recording music? Helping fags like you record their shitty albums for "cheap" prices of 100$? That's how you make money on music. If you want to be a performer and make money off your music, prepare to suck some kosher cock

>> No.7379080

usually the more educated women are, the less children they have. This holds pretty well almost everywhere.

They don't need to genocide, they just need to work out who doesn't need to be born.

>> No.7379136

You lack a bit of self-reflection yourself. Seems like you are projecting in a truly narcissistic manner.

>> No.7379181

>there has always been mediocre stuff

>More people are experimenting and doing more with music now than ever before
It's all garbage.

And I don't do music you fuckface, you can't even comprehend a single post, no wonder you have no awareness. Just get it through your head, everything is getting shittier and shittier (not just music, every single industry). You will realize that during the next decade.

>> No.7379208

I'm a producer for 16 years, for one. Second, I know how to look for good music. Even on YouTube you can do that. It's literally that easy.

>> No.7379226

Only way to really make money with music are connections. If you don't know someone in the industry just forget it. Your 'talent' is worthless. There are thousands upon thousands others like you, that could do the same you can. Most are probably better. Everyone thinks his music is so special, when in reality everyone and their grandma could do the same. Trying to get into music right now is nothing else but a gigantic waste of time.

>> No.7379232

>During this time, you find out that most "musicians" are actually retarded. 50% (or more) have no real basis in music theory and that's why they make one album consisting of all their best work and then the next time they release something it's either shit or the same thing they did before.
Very interesting anon

>> No.7379314

far too asshurt over vibronic frequencies

>> No.7379329

Music will be replaced by AI just like everything else

>> No.7379394

No there isn't dude and bebop skat isn't all that imaginative jazz has been done and redone for 60 years numbnuts

>> No.7379464

you seem really upset by something my man, If I were you, I'd grow out of puberty before starting to spout my opinions everywhere thinking that I'm right.

If you don't make music, and you're not in the industry, why are you arguing like you are correct?

>> No.7379582

Why are you dropping one single genre name as if that matters, at all? You do not know how to look for interesting music, period.

>> No.7379633

AI is a fucking buzzword. You mean, general AI? We're decades away from that (considering it will happen at all). What we have today is just finding patterns (deep learning, neural networks), which is good and has a specific use, but it's a not fit-all. Explain exactly how it will replace it, you fucking piece of shit.
I despise people like you that fall for every meme and cannot think by themselves.

>> No.7379861

Yeah I'm upset by the amount of people who cannot think straight in this board. It's like talking to a wall. You guys just get lost in the noise and don't see the real signals.
Like I said, I'm not musician, but OP is on to something. You cannot simply dismiss it.

>> No.7380043

>You guys just get lost in the noise
Oh the irony

>> No.7380057
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All day. It's n-not race mixing, r-r-right? I'm just diluting her African DNA.

>> No.7380070

lay of the coke man no one is fighting with you, and yet here you are all pissed of that people disagree with you? someone not accepting your shitty opinion doesn't equate talking to a brick wall

yeah I can dismiss it because he's wrong, theres always been a ton of people making music, a select few make it trhough, it's all on you, blaming something else won't change it

>> No.7380309
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>> No.7380317
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Is there someone else here who thinks that the underground music scene has been occupied by circlejerking rich kids?

t. Berlinfag

>> No.7380490

I guess even though you guys are objectively wrong (not really blaming you, a lot of people have been in human history), it's healthy to have a variety of opinions. It's what makes the world turn ultimately. Godspeed.

>> No.7380498

>waah music is bad now
>music was better
>when *I* was younger


>> No.7380572

>Why the fuck are there so many cunts playing music
Because they love music?
Fuck off OP

>> No.7380700

>is lazy and can't put the effort in finding good music
>everything is shit guise
>yuo guis objectivatelyty wrongg

>> No.7380823

Post some exceptions, guys.

This kid taught himself jazz piano and reached this level in 4 years.


>> No.7380859

Nice try, /pol/.

>> No.7380934

>mixing your work and your passion
don't do that

>> No.7380946

no matter how many musicians there are the top few will get all the gigs and make all the money. Like any skill it falls into a Pareto distribution. You literally have to be better than 99.9% of whats out there.

>> No.7380959

I'm not him but i am doing a piano concerto


>> No.7381011

>During this time, you find out that most "musicians" are actually retarded. 50% (or more) have no real basis in music theory and that's why they make one album consisting of all their best work and then the next time they release something it's either shit or the same thing they did before

Like every loser from music school you overestimate the importance of music theory. There are entire genres full of incredibly successful artists with absolutely minimal knowledge of theory.

Think fucking techno producers give a shit about your progressions and circle of fifths? No, because they'll never need that shit.

Blues artists? You can learn all the theory you'll ever need to play blues in couple of hours.

Hiphop? Nobody gives a fuck, they don't need it.

Get off your high horse, music theory is a tool, it can help you make better music but depending on what you do you might as well not give a fuck because it's worthless for you anyway. Music is sound, it's not maths.

>> No.7381073

>>I didn't reveal my identity.
>oh yeah? never heard of you
not terribly bright, are you?

>> No.7381102



>> No.7381125

ex professional musician here... most of the guys at pol are ex artists.. pretty common. not sure why we end up this way. welcome to the ranks

>> No.7381203

thank you tho

>> No.7381248

Because you had unrealistic expectations of the field and yourself and started blaming everyone else but yourself?

>> No.7381395

look at how many soundcloud artists blow up, all you need is pop sensibility, charisma and markebility

>> No.7381451

Why is her room so messy?

>> No.7381488

Goddamit I want Brittany so bad

>> No.7381563

care to share your band?
core-fag here, singing in my own band

>> No.7381610

If bach was born today he would be playing in death metal band.

>> No.7381625
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So glad I didn't fall for the "success" meme. I play traditional folk music, only play at festivals where likeminded people are. It is an incredibly niche thing to do and only a few thousand people in the entire country even care about this music anymore so the "pop music success" never even entered my mind. All I want is to play the music of my ancestors and play it well, and play it with others who also play it well. So much better to have an unpretentious jam with 5-6 people with the music you truly love for a whole day than to chase that whole "wah i need to make money and get famous :(" train, fuck that. The problem with everyone in this thread is that you guys adore pop music, and want to become a pop star. Yes, even your cool hip shoegaze band or whatever is essentially pop music.

>> No.7381645

>started blaming everyone else but yourself
That part started way earlier for every artist who is featured on Heathen Harvest.

>> No.7381650

I was making 60k a year off of my craft that I studied for about 10 years. it seemed pretty good and fair. I enjoy playing music but the industry eventually gets really nasty. I didnt really read the thread. I just did session work/coaching/performances... the problem roots from a lack in appreciation of quality these days. maybe the unrealistic expectation you speak of is lack of respect for outstanding quality, that's the hardest thing to cope with. you can still make a killin in the industry

>> No.7381765

>thinking that music theory doesn't matter
just because people can make music "by ear" doesn't change the fact that music theory is applicable. Music theory is a tool that allows you to purposefully create, while those without it are accidentally putting the fundamentals together until something good comes out.

No one said you can't create music without theory.

>> No.7382282

>wahh wahh why can't I make money on music
>it's everyone else's fault,
>it's the music industry!
>people are retarded and can't appreciate good music!
>other people need to make good music for people to enjoy my music!
>it's never my fault!

this is the mentality of a person that puts puts blame on everyone else instead of himself. he is always the victim, it's never his fault. this kind of person is doomed to forever be mediocre in whatever he tries to pursue. he thinks it's a smooth ride with no bumps to achieve greatness. newsflash, it's not... otherwise everyone would be successful. Best thing you can do is get the fuck outta the way with your defeatist cuckold mentality and let mentally strong people achieve their goals.

>> No.7382327

The world doesn't own you nothing, you hippie fuck. You wanted an easy life doing what you love? Too bad for you, no one cares you piece of shit. If you want money, sell something that people want to buy. You are wasting a lot of money not doing BJs everyday. Btw, in your case, selling your body is better than annoying us to listen your garbage compositions, which are good only in your head, not even your mom stands this piece of shit you call music. Kys asap, retard

>> No.7382439
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>But it’s like, there’s also a trillion other classical musicians who are better than me, and who I will never be as good as.

This is true for everything, if you didn't start doing something productive at age 8-12 and made it your profession you will always be just a cog in the wheel. This is relevant to STEM fields/sports/art and everything else based on personal skill and knowledge. Welcome to grown up life, you can thank your parents for not giving a fuck and hiding before "giving you a freedom of choice".

Pretty much all of us in /biz/ made that realization, why else would there be so many cryptobuyers etc.?

>> No.7382549

is this the only face she makes?

>> No.7382571

You don't need to "tour" to be a success
Music is transforming faster than ever in this day and its a good thing
The tired shit will fall off, the great shit will do well enough to spur enough copycats

and for years and years and years to come, plenty of hidden shit that may only come into popularity long after its initial release

Some of my most favorite music I've recently happened across is from old Myspace bands circa 2003

The numbers probability makes it harder to succeed, in the traditional sense anyway. But people are gradually more and more tuning out radio shit.

>> No.7382638

Retard alert.

Value and use is determined by supply and demand. There is high demand for my service. So objectively you are wrong.

>> No.7382796

>making music for any reason that isn't a personal pursuit
Why? Maybe it's different for me because I do noise and dark ambient, but idk.

>> No.7383549

He's not dead though.

>> No.7383583

you will always be mediocre if you focus on what an occupation can give you instead of focusing on the occupation exclusively. Even in fields like computer science, it is true that you very easily gain employment and money from knowing CS compared to music, but at the same time you'll see the pattern repeat itself time and time again. The arhitect or programmer that does it for the money will be 1% as productive as the programmer that does it because he likes it. And this reflects in wages too

>> No.7383660

music is not about skills boi u got that wrong

>> No.7383690

Why is this thread so long. There is no business in music

>> No.7383729

Well you just need to be cute girl

>> No.7383740
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>> No.7383751

This is wrong
t. works in the arts

>> No.7383818

Charisma > musical talent

(unless you are a mozart like savant in which you can overcome not having charisma)

That being said Music should be a hobby for you, not a business.

>> No.7383896

This. I want this, but without any /pol autism.

>> No.7383958

From a financial point of view only the trendiest artists/musicians make it. You gotta build up a fan base if you wanna get gud and make big bucks.

>> No.7384095

Your ego mate.
Do what you do, for Christ. Not for yourself or fame.

>> No.7384149

>That being said, I haven't heard a great new album in ages. I look at review sites all the time and listen to the top rated shit and none of it grabs me anymore. I listen to music constantly but new stuff is on my list less and less...

For real this, you really have to dig to get at anything interesting these days, I find better stuff as just one-offs on some amateur soundcloud than I do on 10+ albums out now. Also the main culture around modern music now is pretty shit imo

>> No.7384866

I was trying to be an electronic musician but then crypto's came and they blew my mind. Now I'm making sound design for videos and pushing money into shitcoins. Won 1000bnb recently.

>> No.7384898


>> No.7385024
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>I don't know anything about music and it makes me ANGRY


>> No.7385145

scroll entire thread, nobody dumping pics of her....the fuck

>> No.7385194

What? You mean you don't like whiny male singers trying their damndest to sound like lesbians getting kicked in the genitals?

>> No.7385283

i'm confused about a lot of things in this thread.

There's never been more money in the music industry than there is now.

>inb4 but not in the hands of most musicians

like any other profession. music is a business, if you aren't approaching it like a business than you deserve to be poor. i'm not saying you can't be creative or that you have to completely whore yourself out, but you need to have something more concrete than "durr i just want to play/compose/tour". having a solid plan and a realistic idea of your strengths and weakness is key. marketing yourself and doing shit you aren't comfortable or weren't trained to do or is beneath you is also key. having a website is important too.

there's literally a shitton of ways to make money, and the cool thing about being a musician is that the ceiling doesn't have to be glass. you can always improve, and adjust.

fagets who think that how you or what play is the determining factor deserve to be poor. everyone can learn to play well regardless of what style they play, and some asshole who only plays or writes or composes in his house can end up with a piece of music that is the next hit or the a brilliant sonata, post that shit on youtube and then you'll make another thread on the how music is devalued and how much of a faget you are. yeah it's devalued, adjust and survive. if you actually expected people to listen to your shit entirely based on its artistic merit than you're misguided. the market is saturated in general. you can always carve yourself out a piece and make a large sum of money instead of cucking yourself focusing on what other people are doing.

if you do land a tour or hit something big than properly investing investing your money is also key, cuz those occurrences are rare and depending on your path as a musician, you might not have a retirement fund.

get it together guys.

t. successful performing musician without a college degree

>> No.7385414
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It's not just some idea that it's all "feminized" or whatever, there is also this aesthetic quality in all the main stuff that's popular now, in hip-hop, indie rock, etc that sounds like what pic related looks like. Like gaudy, construction paper, like some 15 year old girl's idea of what "artsy" is and it's present in fucking everything and it's truly awful. Like a combination of overproduced and tacky. Hard to pin it down in words. I don't even hate st. vincent that much but her videos point to that awful aesthetic that's present in everything atm

>> No.7385590
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>> No.7385662
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damn me too

>> No.7385687

mods please remove, this thread doesnt belong in biz

>> No.7386168

The mods don't give a shit. You can bomb the whole board with the nastiest CP and even then they wouldn't lift a finger.

>> No.7386192


Fuck off you cuck faggot.

>> No.7386203

This bullshit looks like a tranny.

>> No.7386209

Buy Audiocoin

>> No.7386256

how good are you? ever thought of doing session work?