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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7364264 No.7364264 [Reply] [Original]

HAHAHA I told all millionairs to cash out and buy a farm on jan 18th. Literally would have saved you 600% in most altcoins if you had listened. WHY DIDNT YOU LISTEN??

>> No.7364302
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>> No.7364340
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>> No.7364382
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There's a farmcoin now?

>> No.7364546

You fucking morons could have invested in silvopasture and become insanely wealthy but instead you had to gamble.

>> No.7364577
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>> No.7364594

You the "BUY LAND" anon?

I've only been in fiat myself now for a few weeks, I dunno what I'd do with a farm when I'm not willing to spend all my time working on it

>> No.7364622

Can someone explain what's going on?

>> No.7364672

Stocks are failing, crypto is failing. Owning some land right now is not the worst move. Although if things get even worse it's just gonna get pillaged by rioters

>> No.7364701

>not putting wojaks in the field

>> No.7364753

Does that just mean it's a good time to buy up before it goes back up?

>> No.7364774

This makes me sad because I actually would like to buy a farm.

>> No.7364807

Not really, because everything is gonna sink into the fucking ground if the ship doesn't turn around soon

>> No.7364821

me too

>> No.7364863

Can I work in your farm OP?

>> No.7364931
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>not doing Warbands to level farming

>> No.7364957

yessir. silver and clay.

yessir. I start planting chestnuts, hazelnuts, and plums in 2 months!

>> No.7364995

are you in rsg?

>> No.7365032

I'd be interested in funding a farm desu. Don't know if that's possible though

>> No.7365036

>Buy land
>During a housing bubble

>> No.7365088


>> No.7365126

Stocks: yes
Crypto: that shit's dead

>> No.7365136
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Still playing RuneScape in 2018

What a loser hahahahahahaga

>> No.7365290

Ehh I would just invest in organic valley or something like that. organic processing facilities make people rich. Its really a long term thing tho, youd want to get a 200 acres and set it up to a silvopasture/ ally crop farm where you can raise your family and pass it off to your kids and make them very wealthy.

Just keep your eye out for silvopasture and ally cropping because it is the future of farming 100%. Nobody is doing or investing in this shit yet and it is about to blow up eventually.

>> No.7365390

Im talking about investing in agroforestry farming practices and becoming rich off that while also holding land obviously be default.

>> No.7365570
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heres a turnip i grew this last year.

>> No.7365891


>> No.7366074

screen or didnt happen

>> No.7366135

Post proof

>> No.7366422

it happened, I remember anon

>> No.7366594

It happened anons. I unironically tried to warn you.

>> No.7366690

Since you seem to be knowledgeable about farming, is there a future of good farming practices that are fruit and veggie based?

>> No.7366892

ally cropping anon. grow fruit trees spaced 40 feet apart, then grow vegtables in between the trees while they are maturing. where do you live?

>> No.7367024
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This guy has hazelnuts and chestnuts with squash in between. you can pretty much do any combo of trees and vegetables. Ive seen cherry trees with salad greens, walnuts with corns, apples with beans/ peppers, chestnuts with asparagus.. etc.

This is the future of farming 100%. Might as well get in early.

>> No.7367061
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>> No.7367095
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Here is a pall kinds of fruits trees with grass and the animals graze it.

>> No.7367369


Thank you anon

>> No.7367748

That looks comfy as hell

>> No.7367912

right man imagine having plums, cherries, apples, chestnuts, hazelnuts, grapes, raspberries, bacon, ham, honey, eggs, fried chicken, currants, and all kinds of other shit available from your backyard. even if you dont sell anything you can still eat like a king and hook your friends and family up. best case scenario you end up selling your organic currants or grapes for a killing while taking care of the biological world at the same time.

>> No.7367934

I-i've never farmed before but I have a copy of farming simulator 2k15 on my steam account...

Should i start playing?

>> No.7368265

lol no idea. just grow some tomatoes and watermelons anon. save yourself get in the real food bunker.

>> No.7368336

I hate farms

>> No.7368549

I remeber you threads they were prettt good.

Redpilling city boiis

>> No.7368915

Im well on my way to 1000 bee hives, am i doin it rite anon

>> No.7369011


I own a farm I inherited from my father. Too bad we're in the EU and it all turned unprofitable long ago, leaving me with very slowly crumbling buildings that used to house thousands of pigs, while my brother got the land, thus evenly distributing their value.

Thank God my father managed to get out of debt... by selling like 4/5 of our land. It's a comfy feel but it always hurts we had to let it go.

My brother has taken up beekeeping, while I experiment with rare spices, hops, peppers and fruit for the hipsters. Too bad my wageslaving and /agdg/ addiction leave me little time to properly take care of the crops. I hope my wife will help me this year during her maternity leave.

>> No.7369092
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I said the same thing at that time. It is times like this I regret not having invested in bitcoin.

Oh well, there are always ways to make money, even in the darkest of times.

>> No.7369273
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heyy, you are actually the farmbro !
I cashed out 45k $ in January,
I'm a third worlder so acres are very cheap here. problem is, everybody's dishonest and will try to cheat you, even maybe burn your farm to eliminate competition.
do you still recommend farming with 3rd world peasants ?

>> No.7369294
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yea farming has been a shit business for 50 years but its all going to turn around soon. farmers will have their day soon don't worry. Just keep some acres and keep your skills up.

sweet man thats great. where do you live? I live in wisconsin where its cold as shit so im still experimenting to see if they will make it through the winter. I think they will be okay tho. Study up on permaculture, keyline design, agroforestry, silvopasture, and ally cropping if you can anon. It will take every last human to turn this shitshow around.

>> No.7369405


>> No.7369469

Did you grow your own pink wojak.

>> No.7369550

What do you boys think I could do with the tiny plot of land I'm inheriting from my father, maybe a couple of acres in a semi-rural area.

I can sell it for $400k canadabux, or I could hold it and grow things on it, or I could rent it out.

>> No.7369641

check cci-reanalyzer.org for the climate in your region in 10 years. plant trees ahead so they'll fit future climate.

>> No.7369849

how many acres is a couple? Idk I would build a little cabin and farm there during the warm months. even if you dont make a bunch of money right away you will other the course of the next 20 years as people pay more and more for non gmo and top quality.

>> No.7369919

>other the course of the next 20 years as people pay more and more for non gmo and top quality
you're completely wrong
high efficiency organic is booming and the production cost is dropping

>> No.7369969

also, I would like to add that the organic industry propagates the GMO fear

>> No.7370031

>tfw literally cashed out at $19,112

sold my 4.78~ BTC at binance, initial investment was $8,000 something

not a lambo owner but still better than nothing

>> No.7370042

>well on my way to 1000 bee hives
cool shit, my man.
When did you start your adventure with beekeeping?
Do you have any problems with varroa infestation?
Did you have to hire people?
Do you sow phacelia, buckwheat, canola or something else? Or do the farmers pay you for pollination of their crops (something that never happens over here)? Or do you have lime trees planted?

>going to turn around soon. farmers will have their day soon don't worry
thanks, bro. People tell me to move out but fuck that. It's the only place on Earth I want to be. And even it it doesn't turn around, I own something, which is more than most of my friends can say.

>Just keep some acres
I want more, though.
I really want to buy back the land we sold to get out of debt. The situation ain't too bad because we're still actually allowed to use/lease some of it.
And the childless neighbors will soon be too old to keep farming. The law states that I'm allowed to buy their land. It's not even greed, I just won't stand seeing it barren.

> keep your skills up
I'm still gathering the skills and asking my father for advice. He's skeptical about both my and my brother's chances of success, but he never refuses to help.

well, your climate is essentially like what we have here in Poland. Just make sure to give them extra food and kill the fucking mites.

doesn that require me to have cows? My father in law keeps a small herd so my wife knows enough about the animals to discourage me from breeding them. Not to mention that those farm buildings were purpose-built for one animal - the most unprofitable one to keep, of course.

no. never do that to land, unless you divide it into parcels that will each have a much higher value.
>could rent it out
not a bad idea if you can't be assed to actually do it yourself.

>> No.7370043
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I'm in NSW Australia, its probably far warmer here. They dont mind the cold i guess our idea of whats cold is probably different as well. (Pic related)

I screenshotted your reply as well, intend on reading up.

Rarely keep a large amount for longer in once place for extended periods of time theyre always being moved for either new flower or pollination contracts

>> No.7370054
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Because I was only up 7k from initial investment, farmbro

I ain’t no millionair

>> No.7370072

I haven't made enough money gambling yet anon just be patient

>> No.7370120

trust me op that's my dream. but:
- frogistan citizen. 85% taxes on cashing out, so the only option is to make millions, spend a year in another country and never come back.
- white. Won't be able to immigrate to the US without an investor visa (500k minimum).

>> No.7370156

Few years ago, my dads got experience in commercial agriculter management so hes been pushing me the whole way to be honest.

No ones been hired just but its getting to the point its overtaking both of our lives so we will need to soon.

We actually keep them mainly on native gum forests (ausfag) and about 10% in paid polination contracts for non pesticide heavy farms

>> No.7370186

Lol that guy in the pic is scratching his butt he probably got it in the ass the night before by an aboriginal. The dude got didgeridood

>> No.7370191

I seem illiterate sorry typed reply fast

>> No.7370216

I said the same thing op. Pic related

>> No.7370234


dat is some fraggle rock shit

>> No.7370246
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Fuck me. Forgot pic.

>> No.7370280
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Enjoy picking beans.
Sell 19.9 buy 6.1 was the Patrician play

>> No.7370329

>pollination contracts
yeah, we're fucked. Poland doesn't have a culture for that. Serf mentality. You have to ask permition to bring your hives on another farmer's land. They's charge you if they could.
So what's the number of hives you can realistically take care of just with your dad?

>got bit in the ass the night before by an aboriginal
or you know... a bee

>> No.7370471

Thats strange to me. How do they effectively pollinate their crops? Most food crops are shit as for honey and usually knock the hoves around due to chemicals

maybe 1000 if we both started working 5 days week. No way hes gonna do that though

>> No.7370647

draw me some neet pink wojacks when im making 500k a year on 100 acres. A already go my trees in the ground foo. Fud somewhere else.

no it doesnt require cows you can do pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, lamas, whatever lol. My fav combo is pigs eating grass/ apples/ chestnuts/ walnuts/ mulberries. They will be the most expensive bacon on the market. No fucking joke you can sell to restaurants for 500 a ham If you do it right.

thats epic anon great job. yea thos terms i was throwing around will get you some good info, I was lucky enough to stumble upon one of mark shepards videos. the faggot has send me to all the right places and will probably end up making me rich as fuck over the next 50 years. glad there is anons like you on here broski.

>> No.7370661

Farmlet here.
What do you guys think about using hydroponics and vertical farming for producing food for self sufficency & eventually even commercially? Couldnt you produce more food using less space with this method?

>> No.7370786

lol ill enjoy dipping them in a batter and frying the shit out of them yes.

I honestly think its unnecessary junk but there are big money players making it work just fine. Id rather just go out in the field in april and plow up a patch and throw down some cabbage seeds, come back in 2 months and start picking cabbage. maybe if i lived in the city I want to do that tho. rooftop farming would be a blast.

>> No.7370853

honestly commendable, you made your money, enough to buy some land of your own plus a bit more to live off and you peaced out and will live a fulfilling happy life
better goal than a lambo

>> No.7370882

Actually been wondering if there was anyone else on here into this kinda business, its reassuring. Gonna start farm posting from time to time.

Good money in honey as well. Once cash flow is large enough i plan on acting as a exporter as well. Currently i have another family member who does that with their already fully devolved busniess so we get top dollar for our honey anyway

>> No.7370976

>No way hes gonna do that though
yeah, same for me and my bro. He has ambitions of steadily

>How do they effectively pollinate their crops?
well the ones that actually want to be marginally succesfull keep their own bees or bumblebees (which are more effective for some plants).
The others... I don't think they care. Not to mention most lack any education whatsoever. Case in point: there are still cases of people spraying pesticides during the day, which obviously is illegal because of the harm it does to the bees.
There are wild bees and various other insects that likely do the trick. Artificial pollination is a thing too.
Also it's worth mentioning that an average farm here is maybe ~20 acres large and you can't really stop your bees from just flying to other farms :^)

>They will be the most expensive bacon on the market
We added herbs to the feed we gave our pigs, this actually improves gains and lowers fat content in the meat. You don't get paid for any other tissue than muscle, so we got paid more but it was still around 1 USD per kilogramme. Now it's little below 2 USD per kg but the pork cycle goes on. With how the livestock market works, it's hard for me to be optimistic.
Oh. And we're not allowed to butcher the pigs ourselves, even if you have a vet that can test it for worms.

>> No.7370981

I always listen to advice from pepe, you should too

>> No.7371007

didnt finish
>yeah, same for me and my bro. He has ambitions of steadily increasing the number of hives but he's stil working 10-12 hours a day

>> No.7371111
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>Buy farm when everything has already grown and business is booming
>Suddenly winter, crops all dead
>Sell farm in a panic
>Spring comes, maybe farming isn't so bad
>Buy back farm but can only afford half as many acres
>Drought happens
>Now down to a rocking chair and half of a basset hound

>> No.7371218

thanks anon. i cashed out like 90k after taxes thanks at least partially due to shillings on biz lmfao.

yea for sure man ill be lurking and maybe we can have a farm thread a few times a month!

thats a good idea to give them some herbs, im sure it gives them an extra kick. Yea the market has been fucking horrible but that why you buy low. farmers will literally have to get paid more otherwise people will starve, we are at a point right now where all the farmers are old and not getting paid shit. no one wants to replace them until the prices for some of this shit goes way up.

>> No.7371250

lmfao exactly. thats why i tried to shill for wealthy anons to buy a farm. you literally can fucking lose. all you have to do is hodl and you cant get fucked hodling like u can in crypto or stocks.

>> No.7371252

lul /biz/

>> No.7371255

Id like a UK or Scotland farm. Hows the countryside over there?

>> No.7371279

I wish I shorted with 100x leverage at 20k

>> No.7371309



>> No.7371316

nice turnip

>> No.7371356

You could have moved funds to USDT you cretin.

>> No.7371391

Yes, Bitbean.

>> No.7371438

that's a big turnip

>> No.7371637

>had acreage
>hobby farmed
>farming is fucking backbreaking work
>buy positive cashflow properties
>buy some fallow land
>house on land with a garden, tops

>> No.7371644

haha thanks guys. I knew that was going to be a big ass turnip when she was like twice as big as all the other ones at 2 or 3 weeks old.

>> No.7371656

I spent some time in Scotland working for aproducer of in vitro plants and kept hearing how they are sold to millionaire fruit and potato farmers, which supposedly all started small. But that might be anegdotal. Only livestock I saw were sheep but I didn's spend much time in the countryside. Other than that, I hear it's gorgeous because unlike here, you have to keep the architecture appropriate.

>farmers will literally have to get paid more otherwise people will starve
hope so. As the situation is right now, we had 10 farms with livestock in our small village. Now we have 1 farmer with a large herd of cows (and huge loans) and two with a typical balanced stock of cows, pigs and chickens (one of which lives in poverty and the other has to work a full time job). The rest sold off all their livestock and if they do anything with the farms, it's growing cereals. Young people are leaving and don't want to work on a farm ever in their lives. They sell off their land and city folk move into parceled lots. I'm afraid my family likely won't be allowed to have any pigs now because the new neighbours will call police on us because of the smell. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7371705

thats like saying I bought bitcoin at 1k in 2014 then sold in 2016 at 250. yes farming has been shit work for 50 years or so but that doesnt mean things are ready to change.

>> No.7371708

I'd rather buy something else than risk losing everything to a hailstorm or a locust swarm 2bh

>> No.7371892

I see.
What also attracts me to hydroponics is the greater potential for automation and climate&pest control. But then again im no expert so maybe im wrong.

Btw i live in the city but i also have a bunch of acres on the countryside. What can i grow without going there everyday that has a decent yeld?

>> No.7371925

you're right. that doesn't mean things are ready to change. farm for fun, keep it simple, trust me

>> No.7371999

well beans, tomatoes, and cucumbers you have to pick daily so not them lol. Watermelons, cantalopes, winter squash, and pumpkins are great because you only have to harvest them once! I like to grow a fuck ton of watermelons because they are so frikkn easy and everyone loves them. potatoes are another good crop if your only going to want to harvest once.

>> No.7372064

yea i agree they might no change, but the human race is fucked if we dont start getting into this anyways. What a depressing life tho to be someone who sees all this shit and cant do anything about it lol.

>> No.7372075

>risk losing everything to a hailstorm or a locust swarm
well, you can get insurance if that's a likely occurance in yoru area. Spring freezes are a problem over here, for example.

>What can i grow without going there everyday that has a decent yeld?
If you'd be willing to buy a tractor, I'd say cereals, the rare breeds are popular among hipsters recently. Spelt, for example. You'd have to see what will grow best on the class of land you own, though.

>> No.7372146

You could do a farmshare

>> No.7372458

Ok thank you anon, i will look into those.

A tractor is a bit too much for me, but i'll keep that possibility in mind. Thanks!

>> No.7372670
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone that has a basic idea of farming knows that you run on low profit with your permaculture, sell your farm and buy the dip anon, tic toc tic toc times coming

(or atleast plant sandalwood to make the pajeets mad)

>> No.7372895

Where are you from

>> No.7372927

whats a farm

>> No.7372959

i only had 30k in crypto. not enough to cash out.

>> No.7373058

I already have a farm so I didn't

>> No.7373206

I unironically plan to buy a small farm once I made like 100k.
I know a place where I could easily buy terrain for cheap and know a dude willing to teach me for free since he loves his job. I makes 70k a year by just selling honey alone since he focuses on high quality products, he'd be making even more if our country didn't put a shit embargo since Russians and Chinks paid him triple the price.

>> No.7373287

Well, tell your farmbros more.

>> No.7373312

>makes 70k a year by just selling honey alone
can't wait for the honey bubble to happen.

>> No.7373362

How much money to start a decent farm in EU?

>> No.7373405

>rs3 economy
>/biz/ user playing rs3 instead of osrs
> not understanding the basics of economy
>"AAAAHHHHH muh investments getting destroyed. biz lied to me! "

>> No.7373459

>a decent farm in EU
From scratch? a few million euros

>> No.7373593

>Suddenly winter, crops all dead
>Sell farm in a panic
LUL " BIZ lied to me, they said that my trees and shit would not die wtf I am kms *posts pink wojak*".

>> No.7374079

That turnip looks like it just lost 50k

>> No.7374185

damn son thats silly. i wonder if people will buy my walnut syrup hmmm.

>> No.7374260

lmfao kys id rather die sucking cock to rebuy chainlink than become a hipster farmer

>> No.7374289

> Bonds are better

>> No.7374307

>become a hipster farmer
so what's the difference between a hipster farmer and a proper farmer?

>> No.7374384

your a faggot for not realizing we have real issues that can only be solved farming. you making money is crypto wont make the world better but any organic tree crop farmer can.

>> No.7374466
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i did listen. i cashed out in mid december. all these wojack tears are so refreshing.

>> No.7374471

My house doubled in value the last two years here in Miami Beach. We have another housing bubble on our hands too I think. I bought it for 2million in 2009 and now it was just appraised for 10 million. I put another 500k into it.

>> No.7374541

You can grow potatoes in vertical containers and get a ton of them even if you don't have much of a garden so there's always options

>> No.7374542
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the fuck anon id be selling that shit unless you really like it lol. good job anon.

pic related

>> No.7374654


>> No.7374709

I do like it, and I think long term it will have a big dip but then go back up. My area is really good and I think in the next 10-20 years or so Miami Beach will be San Francisco expensive. If I sell it now it's a question of where do I move and what do I pay to move there. If I sold for 10 and bought a new place for 7, I'm still paying property taxes on a 7 million dollar house rather than a 2 million dollar one. But yeah, I think about selling a lot.

I've actually been wanting to buy some commercial real estate to house some of my cars, but that is /extremely/ expensive right now. Some real shit is going for high dollars. I have some FOMO but I'm gritting it and waiting for a dip.

It's kind of a funny thing though because while I don't have a lot of money in the stock market, my business does best when the stock market is high. So, I'm pretty much invested in it by business design.

>> No.7374757

Fellow Aus anon here thats interested in setting up a hive operation. Would be keen to have a chat on your exlerience and here your advice.

Some actual agribusiness threads would be good here

>> No.7375069

>he lives near niggers.

Feeling comfy in my nig free country. Sure it’ll get a bit shitty here as well. But I don’t have to worry about Jarqwan and Shit’tesha breaking into my house because they ain’t got no mo money fo dem programs anymore.

>> No.7375168


>> No.7375556

I guess things can be scaled down so don't be too discouraged. What I consider "decent" are so called medium-sized farms

1. land, which over here costs ~10 000 EUR per hectare. Better land costs more, of course. And if you want to grow vegetables, you need better land. A small farm is up to 20 hectares, medium up to 100. I heard that Ukraine has much cheaper lands, so you might consider buying outside of the EU.
2. heavy machinery, if you want to suck on the EU shekel, you'll need to buy them new. These things cost hundreds of thousands of EUR. The more land you have, the bigger tractor you'll need. Add to that plows, seeders, etc.
3. Infrastructure. You might not want to keep livestock but you'll need siloses for grain and freezers for other foods, as well as a place to live. You could buy and old farmhouse but that's still further hundreds of thousands. Some crops will require you to place electric fences because hunters have their hands tied and you will have deer and boars eat your stuff if you can't prevent it.
4. If you do choose to keep livestock, other than having buildings up to spec (you WILL be inspected), you'll both be investing into the animals and into feeding them. If you want to keep more of them, a feeding system will come in handy.
5. Growing plants is an investment too. You'll need fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides even if you go small. Choosing to go organic is adding bureaucracy to your everyday work, which will be much harder because of whiteflies, beetles, caterpillars, thrips and other pests. Remember to make sure the seeds and seedlings come with certificates in any case, otherwise no one will buy them except for people on local markets, which are disappearing cuz food grows in supermarkets, right?
6. Some plants apply to zoning laws. I can only grow hops as a hobby for example. Can't sell them, at least not on a large scale.

You can go small but it should remain a hobby, at least until the miracle O5DcogVl talks about happens