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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7347177 No.7347177 [Reply] [Original]

-Can foods
-Alcohol swabs
-Ammo (Primarily 9mm & Shotgun shells. Even if you don’t have a gun. These will be good for trade. Gold and silver are useless.)

Get as much as you can of the above TONIGHT!
2008 is actually now. All credit cards will stop. All debit cards will stop working. No banks will be opened.

This is only the beginning.

>> No.7347213

stfu take ur meds

>> No.7347263

I wish there was a bank run, crypto would moon so hard it would change the world forever.

>> No.7347347

I have alcohol swabs, will I make it?

>> No.7347389

i have been doing that for such a long time, silver, guns, food... only for nothing to happen. and now. i want nothing to happen. ffs let me get crypto rich first before shtf

>> No.7347417
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bruh I literally just bought $500 worth of stuff online today and will be making a supermarket trip for more stuff tonight, this shit is scaring me now

>> No.7347505

>Amerimutts living in fantasy since 9/11.
> Every show on TV , every sport , every movie is pure sensationalist with loud sound effects and dramatic music.
> Media in general is all about clickbait whether you are left or right wing, and both sides always react like little soyboys numales..
>Every day of their lifes is a big loud drama , but everyday begins and ends the same
I urge you little /biz/man to stop being a puppet and to focus on making money or you will end up like /pol/. The only thing they have is their big fancy and daily circus..

>> No.7347606

Alcohol and cigarettes, friendo.

>> No.7347624

medical supplies are very valuable in such a situation

also teach yourself how to repair shoes tonight, people with useful skills like that always eat.

>> No.7347685


>> No.7347750
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>2008 is now
so nothing major is happening, except alot of people losing their money and being laid off their jobs

don't see the reason to LARP like this, nice trips though

>> No.7347768

What gets me about this so called growth was how good news crashed it.

>> No.7347901
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>brainlet happeningfag thinks this is a crash

the only thing crashing with no survivors is shitcoin. the world won't end because your world is over after wasting your life savings on a ponzi scheme.

>> No.7348000
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>pic related: this is OP watching prisonplanet.tv

>> No.7348007

As /biz/ becomes more popular it is attracting economic illiterates and turning into /pol/ where underages think the world is always about to end because they've haven't lived long enough to witness these events before.

>> No.7348236

Anyone who says stock up on guns and ammo is a brainlet who never bothered to read real accounts of what happens when SHTF

A gun or two, sure. If you need to use them you're not going to last very long anyway.
Anti-biotics first
Water, dry food, lighters/batteries/fuel
Honey, salt and alcohol
Family group. You won't survive solo

All worth infinitely more than ammo.

>> No.7348647

Buy alcohol, guns, and ammo.

>> No.7348689

So you can get drunk and kill yourself.

>> No.7348759

Don't forget gold and silver and keep cash outside of the banks.

>> No.7348768

alcohol would be worth more than gold in such a situation. all vices.

learn to distill alcohol and grow weed/tobacco plants

>> No.7349027

hmm what shall I eat tonight...
I know!! WEED!!

Having shit like that will get you killed, all it takes is one psychopath to say "fuck it, I'll take that for myself".

>> No.7349076

if someone can take something from you, you deserve for it to happen.

welcome to natural law.

>> No.7349115

Ehh, sure cryprto would moon but it is way to early,money would lose all value, no one would know how to value anything. No one would have incentive to work, shit would fall apart really, really quick. Basically leading to the death of everything on the planet.

This dude sums it up great, appropriate vid for this thread,

>> No.7349126


>> No.7349174

>coinlets trying to get the adults to sell so they don't feel alone in their loss