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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7342497 No.7342497 [Reply] [Original]

Should I break my 2 week no fap to ease the tension of this crash?

>> No.7342569

is fart porn your weapon of choice?

>> No.7342700


>> No.7342762

not yet. wait until you see how many Names bring the shutters down tomorrow. The spaff your load thinking of them

>> No.7342930


The meme powers of nofap are going to make Bitcoin rally to 20k

>> No.7343393
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>> No.7343486

nah, you're just looking for an excuse.

>> No.7343589
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>> No.7343596
File: 361 KB, 800x800, PINKWOJAK98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol just fapped after a few days of trying. I HAVE FAILED YOU ITS GOING SUB 4K NOW

>> No.7343627

how is she so thin in the face but so thicc at the same time?


>> No.7343638


>> No.7343672
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>> No.7343694

No. Economy is going to collapse soon. You'll need your primal rage in order to survive.

>> No.7343701
File: 349 KB, 1200x1801, Maia-mitchell-attend-the-abc-family-s-25-days-of-christmas-winter-wonderland-event-in-new-york-city_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone trying to do permanent nofap? I'm on day 2

I am actually a fap addict. I literally fap 8-10 times a day, possibly more. I dont know why. Now its february so im trying to stop for good.

There is no reason to fap. It drains you of your testosterone, it makes you tired, lethargic, lose hair, lose energy, unconfident, scared, lazy, cant look people in the eye. gave me back problems, my balls would be fucking sore and it would hurt to walk. the Chinese believe that cum is a vital life energy, and every time you cum you shorten your life and your virility. I wouldnt be suprised if its true.

Nofap is the best investment you can make

>> No.7343721

this is a landwhale on the verge of being obese

>> No.7343823
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Porn is terrible for you, there is a plethora of empirical evidence and case-studies that prove this. However, there is no evidence that suggests no-fap is beneficial.
Basically, only fap to 2D, it's good for the soul.


>> No.7343828

Fuck my dick is hard

>> No.7343862
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>> No.7343901

on day 60 of hard mode. i feel like a fucking monk but really confident and productive

>> No.7343984

nice... have you fucked any sloots yet?

nofap is almost impossible for me if im not having sex

>> No.7344016

Yeah. I decided to quit permanently and not count streaks. I almost ejaculated yesterday in a weak moment after accidentally seeing porn on here, but I stopped myself and then had the worst blue balls of my life. My whole midsection started aching, not just the balls.

>> No.7344054

Nofap is hard and useless, just reduce the frequency of your faps over time (like starting with once a day/7 times a week and going down to once a week, by doing -1 every month . Also, watch vanilla porn pls.

And buy RLC

>> No.7344080
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>> No.7344095

yep, that shit is not fun. mine radiates to my abdomen. it happens if I fap too much also. or when I edge. its important not to edge, thats probably worse than fapping

my prostate is probably inflamed as fuck. i need a 90 day detox at the very least

>> No.7344100
File: 158 KB, 1280x1280, harambe_nudes_leaked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now I feel bad about tempting you, OP.

Here, have something revolting that'll help you stay on your path. Good luck.

>> No.7344220

nope... its fucking rough. broke up with crazy gf a few weeks prior to starting and havent really wanted to get back into it. going too deep into casual sex would probably set many of my benefits back right now. going for full 90 day reboot first

>> No.7344944


I think I might need to no-/biz/ just as much as I need to no-fap. Or at least limit it to an hour a day or something.

>> No.7344985
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>> No.7345106
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>> No.7345199
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dont do it lad, be strong. stronger than me b/c i ruined my 10 day streak today by edging/cumming to milkies

>> No.7345292

Damn - Tay Tay really let herself go

>> No.7345314
File: 73 KB, 750x1334, 1486854271234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the least optimized png i have ever seen, congrats

>> No.7345344
