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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7340496 No.7340496 [Reply] [Original]

In case you were wondering.

The current bitcoin course perfectly lines up with the Wall Street Cheat Sheet.

Enjoy the ride to hell.

>> No.7340575

4k is where the real panic will start. Chink miners will start unloading what's left of their bags.

>> No.7340651
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>> No.7340724

when will you faggots realize that the more down you go the harder it becomes to drop even more.
There is enormous resistance ever since 8k and everyone is dumping his bags. It's obvious that a reversal is close. The further down we go the more buyers there will be.

>> No.7340789
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>> No.7340817
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>buy share
>own part of company

>buy memecoin
>own a couple of bytes

>> No.7340822
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>> No.7340847

You fags have been saying this since 15k lol

>> No.7340884

Yeah we're clearly in capitulation state

>> No.7340901

Waiting for the right moment to long this bitch of a bitcoin and get my share of the cake. If you don't see the upcoming uptrend, you're retarded.

On the 02/10/2018 we'll be @ 10k+ again

Screencap this

>> No.7340909

its more of an anxiety now with SEC positive news

>> No.7340941

No I haven't, ever since 6-8k we haven't had a correction and now we have them all at once
It's obvious that we're around the mean

>> No.7340963

More like "catapult" stage cuz we're dropping like a rock

>> No.7340966

I agree but we just entered this phase, the bottom might be 5k.

>> No.7341010

honestly, it looks like we're only at denial/panic

>> No.7341021


These patterns are cyclical though. BTC has had several cycles already. Yeah you missed the sell window or you bought at the top, don't compound those mistakes by selling on your knees with your ass in the air.

>> No.7341149
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Yeah ok Larry.

Enjoy your fucking ride.

You gonna drink a cup of Sanka and watch squawk box after you put the dogs out?

You gonna wait til your wife goes to her job at the bank before you kill yourself or you gonna wait a couple more days.


>> No.7341171

>Buyers fall from trees
You're gonna have a bunch of buyers below 4k followed by a flatline all the way through because nobody is falling for the scam again

>> No.7341259

if boomers are fucked, how will neets get their tendie rations?

>> No.7341311

yup pretty mich the vibe Im getting, people are still in denial and buying dips

>> No.7341336

Who's going to buy it retard? The people who believe in crypto that have been all in for a long time or ran out of fiat "buying the dip" from 12k or the normies that all decided to take a chance buying in November and December at 15k and now think it's a complete scam?

I'm buying ETH at $200-$300.

>> No.7341352

I dont give a shit any more

Just chink us already and bottom it out this is getting boring af!!

>> No.7341406

he still thinks this is correction and not a crash

>> No.7341477
File: 74 KB, 1273x1043, 1517494496447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies have fucked off and they're not going to touch this thing again.
It has basically been labeled as a ponzi scam by the media.

>> No.7341507


he doesn't say that, you brainlet

>> No.7341588

Well, need to buy in times of depression then.

>> No.7341595

didnt the same thing happen in 2013?

>> No.7341648

Denial today, panic tomorrow

>> No.7341707



>> No.7341740

Next market pump will be in 1-2 years. Use the time to fill your bags and you will be successfull as the People who bought after 1k-100$ crash

>> No.7341751


then denial of recovering, then anger and vocal protest that this is all a scam, then greed and FOMO right back in

>> No.7341757

Leaning in the window with your whiny pussy little warnings. Crypto is for men. Not for you. Fuck off.

>> No.7341903

Just screencap it, retards

>> No.7341921

The amount of attention this has gotten is on a totally different level.
This was practically the public mania phase that we just went through with that climb to 20k.
You're going to be hard pressed to find a new source of greater fools to throw money into this thing.
That's not to say that you can't make money from crypto, but buying Bitcoin and hoping it's going to climb back up to those levels is crazy.
You're far better off putting your money into the smaller shitcoins and gambling with them with the whale pumps.

>> No.7342251

>enormous resistance since 8k
>current price 6,9k and tanking


>> No.7342461

so is it just bitcoin that's dead, or the whole crypto market? up until now whenever bitcoin goes down everything else crashes ten times harder, so i guess it's the latter...

>> No.7342527



>> No.7342594


>> No.7342656

does anyone think their dad would let them get a loan to buy this bitcoin dip?

im afraid he will say no

>> No.7342702

That chart puts the bottom at about $3200.