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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7340104 No.7340104 [Reply] [Original]

The stock market isn't collapsing. Just heard my dad say he only lost $280 today. How much did you coiners lose?

>> No.7340159

Half of /biz/ has portfolios larger than your dad if he only lost $280

>> No.7340161

Yeah stock market crashes take years because boomers.

>> No.7340258

Lol yeah, I'm 20, own stocks and cryptos, and lost more on stocks today than $280. OP is a faggot.

>> No.7340358
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Boomers cant do crypto because they would all die of heart attacks.

mfw up 1000% and down 80% all within 2 months!!

>> No.7340400

>any post referencing "my dad" is bait
>noone would post on an indonesian kimchi enthusiast forum about what their father said that day

>> No.7340464

about tree fiddy... k
didn't sell the top
I'm patient tho

>> No.7340483

yeah it's only down the most in one day in history.
wait till tomorrow when it beats that record.

>> No.7340527

my dad said he found a nice beer at a new beer shop in town.

>> No.7340596

>up 1000%
>not selling
do you hate money anon?

>> No.7340699

Lost $70 today (really $71 because I bought some stock - fees) honestly not that bad. Down about $200 since the selloff started.
It’s really because asset values in the stock market are more accurately represented. Companies don’t add 10x their value overnight, nor do they lose 80% overnight, barring serious events like bankruptcy.

>> No.7340902
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>2 days of 150 losses
>1 day of 300 loss
>1 day of 666 loss
>today 1500 loss
Tomorrow 3000 points lads?

>> No.7340937

Punching Pepe can get you a fine of up to $1 million

>> No.7341001

I'm 19 and down 40k since the crash started. Not even blinking, my other businesses are picking up the slack.

OP's dad is a poorfag

>> No.7341026
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About a million

>> No.7341083

>ummm no sweety
>we coiners don't ""lose"" money, because we bought in at lower prices so we are in the green still

>> No.7341786

120 bucks gone. I feel physically ill.