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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7335655 No.7335655 [Reply] [Original]

You realise the smart money is buying right now, anon?

It's not fucking hard to make money in this market. You buy when people are selling and sell when people are buying. Amazing how people are such emotional investors that they can't follow the most simple of advice.

Have fun FOMOing in later when this shit skyrockets again.

Enjoy being poor, retards.

>> No.7335762

Shill harder. Smart money starts buying in a year, maybe.

>> No.7336717

Then why can't to you do a consistent 2x2x2, moonfag?

>> No.7336769

anons are too retarded to realize this
you are new to this aren't you.

>> No.7336773

>buying the crash

Lol no. Smart money bought in stealth phase 2 years ago and exited in december

>> No.7336806

This works right up until it doesn't.

>> No.7336830
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>smm-mm-art muuhnn-eeyy

>> No.7336835

>Smart money left in Dec
>Left before mainstream adoption

>> No.7336859

i can't
coinbase is trusted by like no one
localbitcoins require you to meet up with people and what kind of basement NEET does that
ugh, and I know it's going to go up again why is it so hard

>> No.7336901

>ignoring the fact that 2013 was the beginning of a 4-year bear market
>the same pattern repeats now
Honestly, fuck off already.

>> No.7337044

It was funny to watch all the threads pop up saying be greedy when others are fearful. Now those same people actually understand what true fear is and now they're playing right into the smart money's hands.

>> No.7337069

yes because after widespread adoption, establishment of the tech, institutional investment and additional development things will repeat themselves exactly like they did after MtGox exit scammed.
Also don't you mean 2014?