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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7335007 No.7335007 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread post your coin for dethroning of BTC, obviously crypto isn't dead but BTC might be eventually.

Bitcoin cash

With the upcoming lightning network which seems to be utter shit and against the purpose of bitcoin with out solving main issues there has to be a coin to dethrone eventually

>> No.7335044

Bitcoin Private or ETH.

>> No.7335081

i want frogposters to leave

>> No.7335096

Can you explain Bitcoin private sir or point me in the right direction for information on it?

>> No.7335117

Blockchains are dead

Fees, centralization due to PoW or PoS.
Not scaleable

IOTA is shit, no proof it will ever converge, not even theoretical sanity.

XRB Nano maybe, can be the killer, similar to DPoS but better.
XLM Stellar is very high quality contender, if it wasnt for inflationary policy

Ada, can not work is PoS.
ETH, old tech worst ever.

The winning coin has not been made yet.

>> No.7335133
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>> No.7335155
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>> No.7335185

What would it take? Ethereum can still be a strong hold for now.

What does the coin of the future require to survive?

>> No.7335261
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>Lot of popularity amongst the community
>privacy focused
>faster and cheaper transacions compared to BTC
>Viable for miners (like ZCL)
>Forks BTC and ZCL so many major exchanges are going to support it
>Bitcoin Name for publicity amongst normies

>> No.7335273
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>> No.7335336
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>> No.7335448
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I hodl link sir. but we need a stable currency for the sake of the community.

>> No.7335476

Security. ETH does not have that, instead it has a braindead retaraded "language" and security design.

Securiy is defeat for finance. No matter if ETH does sharding or plasma or raiden.

Make a coin alike XRB, with declarative smart contracts.
Or make a fork of Stellar which is not inflationary.

>> No.7335501
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In the future, there will only be LINK

>> No.7335529


>> No.7335578

1st ETH
then ADA in mid-to-late 2019

>> No.7335599

Is this a possibility?

>> No.7335611


>> No.7335669
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Why do you like XRP anon?

>> No.7335677
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or XDG :^)

>> No.7335804


LUX is an interesting mix of PoW and PoS but about 75% of current circulating supply is in user wallets/staking/masternodes

>> No.7335818
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Link is fucking terrible and was doomed from the start. Are you trying to b8 nocoiners?

Is everything on this board a meme? I'm learning to do the exact opposite of what /biz/ suggests. So far, it has turned out superb

>btc is at 15k, BUYBUYBUY
>The ark leaves in 3 days, get onboard or be poor
>buy raiblocks guise!!!!
>buy nano guise!!!

^ all of that is shit advice

>> No.7335851


>> No.7335863

Explain sir, wat you mean?

>> No.7335896
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Move the fuck out retards I'm going to be your new dad and I'm already fucking your mom.

>> No.7335903

whatever biz says, do the exact opposite.

>> No.7335963


>> No.7336019

Raiblocks was great, you just had to fill a lot of captchas and then dump it in January.

>> No.7336181

Monero. Litecoin. FUN.

>> No.7336234

Digibyte will be the way of the future.

It's old enough that people know it isn't some new pump and dump scam coin. It's fast as fuck to send and the fees aren't fucking stupid on it.
Multi algo mineable.
Coin price is reasonable so people don't think you're buying Zimbabwe fucking trillion dollar bills because its so fucking low, and it's never going to be so fucking high you have to explain that you can buy decimal points of it.

It really solves a lot of the problems without a bunch of the retard blocks of adoption of a new form of currency.

>> No.7336486

no, monero lol, scales even worst than bitcoin btc.

>> No.7336526

thx ill check it out

>> No.7336815

Monero is shit all around.
Litecoin is good but it has a shit name that'll keep it from becoming anything in the future.

If we're going to throw out fake shit like FUN we might as well say that xvg will be the new currency of the future or maybe even linda.

>> No.7336871

Why is monero shit all around?

>> No.7336926

>whatever biz says, do the exact opposite.
so what do I do?

>> No.7336950

Lux is one of few new pos coins that doesn't make you feel like you need a shower after seeing their pitch but it'll never be anything huge. It's better than Linda, Sparks and most of the other POS coins I've seen lately.

>> No.7336964

Ok, you have a point with Monero. But >fun >fake

Just pick a random coin to invest in and wait 3 months for profit.

>> No.7336995
File: 136 KB, 560x577, Smug asuka monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a soyboy faggot and probably a private shill aswell

>> No.7337040


>> No.7337184

Their "privacy" isn't as good as most other privacy coins.
The transaction fees are high and it can't scale.
The wallet is shit.
The user base and support base is shit.
If it weren't for a handful of retards on reddit it would trade for 10sats.

>Just pick a random coin to invest in and wait 3 months for profit.
Sometimes monkeydarts is the best way to make a buck.
kek. no fucking way.
Zcash has good concept but they can't even make a non-linux wallet that doesn't look like its something out of the fucking 90's.
A fucking shitty java wallet is going to take over the world. HAHAH

>> No.7337279

LN literally allows anyone to serve as their own bank - the source code for LN is public, so Blockstream won't be able to control it even if they wanted to
Despite that, I expect ETH to flip BTC eventually
Monero will obviously survive
Bcash has no future since ETH is superior to it. Cashies really remind me of LTCucks; they both suck up to the coin they expect to be #1.

>> No.7337309

In the short term its almost certainly going to be ETH. Bitcoin Cash is an interesting contender and its probably a good play to have some, but it doesn't have as much going for it as ETH. Long term it should probably be Monero or something similar.

>> No.7337541

WTF? Crypto already allows anyone to serve as their own bank. LN does nothing at all towards that goal. All it is is a half-baked solution to an artificially created problem. If they can ever get LN to legitimately work it'll just be used by die hard old fag BTC maximalists who lost touch with reality years ago and never really understood Bitcoin anyway to begin with. Everyone else will give no fucks and just use tokens with 0 to nearly 0 fees and instant transactions on chain.