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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7332978 No.7332978 [Reply] [Original]

Initial investment 1200. Got up to 2100 before the first crash. Not planning on suicide but idk what to do?

>> No.7333085

you won't make it

>> No.7333207

I would say hodl but those are shitcoins that only had value because of the crypto hype

>> No.7333216
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>put 180AUD in
>got up to 3k
>cashed out initial investment
>sitting at 1k now after dip.

How did you only make 900 dollars on a 1200 dollar investment? Are you retarded? Do you even research?

>> No.7333371
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Give me a break asshole. If you’re going to cry over that then you need to find another way to occupy your time. When there’s two numbers in front of a comma, then you can complain. You’ll likely sign checks on the back for the rest of your life. Never on the front.

>> No.7333430

Started like January 7th and the only thing that really moved was UFR but I didn’t cash out at ATH cause retarded

>> No.7333485

>only shittcoins
yeah u deserve to be poor

>> No.7333678

So what coins would you guys recommend? When I posted my portfolio a few weeks ago people told me my coins were pretty solid. Pretty sure it’s just if people don’t have a coin then they call it a shitcoin

>> No.7334014

You can still buy 300 RLC with that

>> No.7334144

always keep some money in the big players like btc ltc and eth
those coins wont turn to vapor as easily so you can hope for the long game

>> No.7334151


Buy things with solid fundamentals that might acutally be of use in blockchain. You should ask yourself "Can this coin help blockchain in anyway and can it survive a shitcoin purge?"

We are all gambling on blockchain suceeding.

I'm currently all in on AION (until at the very least EOM), but I think you should look into some of these :

> 0x

Alternatives that might be decent
> ICX (due to it dipping so hard)

>> No.7334240

>Lost 1800 dollars
>Even speaking about suicide

Lmao, anon.

>> No.7334408

That's actually a lot of money in 2nd/3rd world countries.