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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7332013 No.7332013 [Reply] [Original]

First of all read this post:
Now match the post with the graph and discuss. I am not selling and will ride this shit down to 0 if I have to lol.

>> No.7332195

Now listen to this retarded ass theory I have. Institutional money is exiting the stock market through the interest rate bs meanwhile diversifying into cryptos and buying up the supply and manipulating the media to their advantage. I know this is some brainlet level conspiracy but it matches up with everything.

>> No.7332258

>People are panic selling. It will rise again.

It's bullshit though. No one knows what the actual value is and it's only worth what people will pay for it. It's a bubble. It's crashing. Get over it.

>> No.7332275
File: 121 KB, 559x559, 1490116266937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr nigger
go back to plebbit and finish your gender transition to shemale attack helicopter

>> No.7332645

>All that to text just to drive home the point that fiat has worth based on trust
Redditors need to learn how to condense their points

>> No.7333078

Bullshit. A sell off is not a +60% drop, the bubble fucking popped.

>> No.7333568

this your first time in the cryptosphere?

>> No.7333570

The mean is 800, not 8000

>> No.7334133

>+60% drop
Laughable. I had to deal with $1k to $100 drop in the past

>> No.7334458



Do we have an archive somewhere?

>> No.7334603

you came to crypto one month ago?

>> No.7334641

>thinks 60% is big for cryptocurrency
hello newfag

>> No.7334681

Sides. Mine.