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7331232 No.7331232 [Reply] [Original]

Make over 125k salaried

Just finished my taxes
$300 back, paid about total $40k in taxes 2017

>> No.7331426

Shaneekwa and Jerome's kids thank you.

>> No.7331466

kik your uncle raped you huh?

>> No.7331488

miguel and tyrone need them gibs it's a small price to pay for white privilege

>> No.7331597
File: 49 KB, 595x469, köksal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf nigger that ain't shit that's like 30% in taxes in my country NO ONE not even the president makes 125k and if they did they'd be taxed over 60% fucking americans i swear by Christ

>> No.7331627

you just paid for my loser single mother sister with 4 kids to get $5k back in taxes

how does it feel? :/

>> No.7331644

what country?

>> No.7331723

Why can't we have optional taxes?

Like in Somalia where my cousins live no one pays taxes and it's not so bad.

>> No.7331766

>it's a small price to pay for white privilege

White privilege? Do you know how hard it was to move to America for me and one day make it in this career? Do you guys know how much work and time I had to sacrifice to make it in this career and than the govt comes in and wants a slice

>> No.7331833

>how does it feel? :/
feels like shit knowing I worked my ass off to get into this career and struggled for many years, to one day be considered an enemy of this country and they literally tax everything from income, to sales tax, to property tax, to my damn company paid/earned BONUSES

>> No.7331905
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>> No.7332028

It's funny how all those poor retards hate those better off than them but seem to forget the rich are who end up paying for everything the poor enjoy.

Even before I "made it" and barely scraping by I always disliked those who hated on the rich. They dont understand.

>> No.7332094

dont worry
my sister will be sure to spend the money on a new phone, going out to eat with her friends, and not spend a cent on it on birth control when she fucks another deadbeat and has a kid with him

>> No.7332197
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>America, land of the free (Jew).

>> No.7332232

Lol my sister got 2 kids with a nigger that left her 6 months into their second child. Now she receives like 3k a month just by doing nothing other than take care of the kids and smoke weed at her appartment.

Fuck I''m happy I moved to Switzerland hehe

>> No.7332240

>stupid gringo whining after making 80k $ a year and living in a developed nation

Is probably better to earn a good first world salary and pay your due taxes that the government use to finance itself rather than to live in a shit world nation like Venezuela (where i live ) and have the government control the entire economy and oil revenues and use it to generate deficit, devaluation to support niggers who don´t work.

Last time i check the U.S was a safe country with clean cities, great police and good roads and shit .

But hey, you can come be a worker in Venezuela , low taxes, plenty of subsidies who you don´t pay for, but you earn 1$ a month KEK no biggie

>> No.7332311
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We're whining because our post-industrial stable white countries are going to turn into south american socialist shit holes.

>> No.7332599

At least you get something from your government, white people don't even get healthcare in the states.

>> No.7332617

They already are, ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you.

>> No.7332689

>safe country
some of it
>clean cities
>great police
>good roads

>> No.7332757

Fortunately 2018 taxes should be less. I'm in similar tax bracket and it is painful

>> No.7332768

Thank you for giving schlomo shekelberg and his friends a cut of your earnings, diego and jayquan thank you too.

..I often wonder what the USA would be like if it didn't gouge it citizens and piss away their money. Like what if they cut all the welfare and worthless social programs, and literally only cared about national security and infrastructure? like what the fuck else do you need? After that they could afford to send every american to college and give them free healthcare.

>> No.7332816


>> No.7332873

>what if we replaced welfare and social programs with welfare and social programs?

>> No.7332961

be glad you can pay taxes. don't like it? resign. try to have a life with minimum wage.

>> No.7332967

>send every american to college and give them free healthcare
This doesn't work when you have spics and niggers you retard. Demographics is everything. Do you know of any brown skin shitholes that have working socialism that provides top-tier service? Better off only giving free healthcare and college to citizens based on IQ and merit to weed out the hordes.

>> No.7332969

>Last time i check the U.S was a safe country
Japan and Singapore are safe countries. America ranks as low as fucking Zimbabwe, Pakistan and other shitholes.

>> No.7333007

he made 125k

try to keep up.

>> No.7333050

Tell me about it, fuck this fucked up system it's BULLSHIT all the times I've done these tax's I've always have had to pay not until last year I got 200$ back,yet they hit me with the fine for "no insurance". You gotta be fuckin kidding me

>> No.7333055

>sending kids to school and giving healthcare is worthless

I'm talking more along them lines of the city pissing away millions on a "get niggers to work" initiative or other bullshit. Or giving shaniqua and sanchez literal gibs. Of course you knew that and just wanted to shit post.

>> No.7333067

>gibs for Tytrone's kids
>free college for white taxpayers

you have to admit, they're a lil different

>> No.7333084

We get a school that functions at the same level as yours, 5x less policemen per capita (I don't even bother calling them anymore it is ridiculous how understaffed they are), pretty good healthcare that's true, and absolutely zero military.

The rest goes to making sure to fill the country with arab and african farmers and goatherders

>> No.7333090


Tbh My country is shit and I hope it collapses so whites can finally move on

>> No.7333622

>I earned 95k in 2017
How far in debt are you that that's bad?

>> No.7333637

If we send everyone to college for free college becomes worthless you muppet. It was tried in the UK now they have masses of unemployed youth deep in debt because there are more degree holders than jobs.

The free healthcare I can support but ironically it's minorities which you hate most who will end up benefiting the most from it. The problem with US welfare is that it encourages dependence and discourages the self-sufficient nuclear family. Change it so that Sanchez is incentivized to come off it at some point and get a job. Change it so that Shaniqua is incentivized to not pop out more babies. If you scrap it completely then crime will just skyrocket.
>free college for white taxpayers
Well that is not going to happen outside your fantasies now is it?

>> No.7333716

>no military or policeman funding
>Importing in mass amounts of niggers and goatfuckers
You better be getting prepared for a quite bloody civil war soon

>> No.7333732

*breathes in*


>> No.7333842

Nah mate I am not even ethnically swedish I don't care about this country I'll get the fuck out as soon as I'm done studying

>> No.7333948

Welp, good luck getting out in time then, are you a slav instead of a scandi?

>> No.7334147

Nothing you can personally do to change tax laws overnight. Be glad you didn't pay more than what you owe by law and that you've maximized your free capital to invest throughout the year I guess. I like to get as close as I can to breaking even on my returns, regardless of the current tax rates in place.

>> No.7334219

and im just here slav squatting and paying 0% tax

>> No.7334498

eat shit retard

>> No.7334585
File: 59 KB, 800x445, 1B6FA5E9-99E1-4CFC-9B92-05C9A82229C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This! They’re severely underprivileged! Affirmative action and FREE money from the government isn’t enough for them! Juan Lopez and Jose Gonzalez don’t get enough of the white mans money either! Even though Spics and Niggers have bigger populations it doesn’t mean that they have more working hands! It just means they need more MONEY, from a white person of course! And if anyone says otherwise then that makes you a RAYCIST.

>> No.7334773

Thank you based Jews and niggers you are my greatest appreciating assets.

>> No.7334932

>he made 125k
>try to keep up.

Yeah, after 40k in taxes is still fucking 85k .

You look like crybabies you fucking gringos.

>Japan and Singapore are safe countries

Good luck earning that much money as a salaryman in Japan dude. You´ll be the company´s fuckboi and die of exhaustion trying to pay for a 3x3 feet closet to sleep in.

>are going to turn into south american socialist shit holes.

You really have no clue with what you are comparing yourselves with you spoiled brats. Pay your shit, you are still more privileged than 99% other parts of the world.

Salary in Venezuela is quite literally 1$ a month, 2$ with the food stamps.

>> No.7335474

>If we send everyone to college for free college becomes worthless you muppet.

>A college degree is only worth how much money you throw at it
College is such a fucking joke.

>> No.7335699

that pic holy shit

>> No.7336186

Basically the same shit, greek