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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 216 KB, 1010x655, bubble-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7328883 No.7328883 [Reply] [Original]

How do I know ? Everyone here is dead inside. There are barely any pink wojacks in the catalog, just "I wanna kill myself" threads
This is the bottom. Buy now

>> No.7328918

We merely entered capitulation.

>> No.7328958

We haven't even reached "return to "normal"" yet.

>> No.7328973

capitulation was 8k, we're below capitulation now

>> No.7328993


>> No.7329032

You're barely entering capitulation you delusional mong

>> No.7329095

This desu.
I wonder why there are so many threads with $5800 as floor. We're going much much lower

>> No.7329140


We are in the final stages of capitulation. It still needs to drop a bit more and go below the bear trap. It will bottom out somewhere between 4500-5000.

>> No.7329168

You’re retarded.

>> No.7329185

because those people saying that bought in at $5800

>> No.7329192

No we aren't, we're in despair
bitcoin is 60% down from ATH if you haven't noticed.

>> No.7329236
File: 19 KB, 692x583, return.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this much denial

This chart looks exactly like OP's

>> No.7329251

zoom out

>> No.7329250

you're retarded

>> No.7329254

Despair is when /biz/ traffic noticeably drops. It's when people actually start killing themselves.

>> No.7329262

And if you haven't noticed despair is below the take off. Which could be at 2-3k.

>> No.7329264

Also I cant believe this meme graph was right all along.

>> No.7329337

Why not? I don't fucking understand you faggots. We've been following the graph EXACTLY since the beginning. Like 1:1 exactly. And you STILL always said it's just a meme. How dense can you be?

>> No.7329345
File: 65 KB, 1395x808, Screenshot-2018-2-5_Bitcoin_(BTC)_price,_charts,_market_cap,_and_other_metrics_CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right

>> No.7329350

I already killed myself, sending this from the afterlife.
Protip: we're at despair. I can know because I'm the guy who originally shilled BTC to /biz/.

>> No.7329384

Me neither anon, me neither. Live and learn I guess.

>> No.7329413

I can, a market is a market.

>> No.7329426

still in capitulation

>> No.7329428
File: 56 KB, 150x150, 15147376001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ has barely entered capitulation. This drop still has another 7000 to go.

>> No.7329560

So i should buy? 50% now and 50% more in case it drops lower?

>> No.7329590
File: 16 KB, 624x361, Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch that actually. Zooming out I think the bear trap was in June 2017. We are going below 2000 boys.

>> No.7329592


>> No.7329602

1000 doesn't make sense, we're not going back to early 2017 levels
At worse we're going to September levels, I think 5k is the absolute bottom though

>> No.7329611

I'd like to think you're right OP, but I just don't think we're done yet. Terrified to buy this 'dip' and lose even more when it drops again tomorrow.

>> No.7329644

this is the bull trap

>> No.7329645
File: 14 KB, 502x417, autism-intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dense motherfuckers up in here. Read this article, then look at the date:

>> No.7329665

the BTC despair floor is $1000,

the return to mean price of $BTC is $2000

>> No.7329677

shorting this all the way down

>> No.7329678

Jesus Christ. Let me explain something to you. A drop doesn't stop until new buyers come in.
Now tell me who the fuck of the normies wants to step into bitcoin when it is crashing by 90%.
Its fucking over man.
Sell your tulips and run.

>> No.7329700

Except there won't be a "return to the mean" because the guys running btc exchanges will all do a runner soon

>> No.7329724

if anything you're at capitulation. Valuation is somewhere near 5k. Still room to plummet more this week

>> No.7329735

>There are barely any pink wojacks in the catalog, just "I wanna kill myself" threads
great market analysis, thanks

>> No.7329753

You stupid mouth breathers. We are at the "First sell off"

>> No.7329758
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>> No.7329771


Cool then I can buy nano at $1 and get in on a good price for once

>> No.7329777

the chinks just sold their coin to wall st

7k was the agreed buy-in point

>> No.7329779

We were at about 3000-5000. before the normies came in. Bitcoin will drop below that, recover a bit, then future performance will depend on technological advances etc.

>> No.7329781


>> No.7329785
File: 138 KB, 640x1439, 1517504402323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7329799

This is definitely not despair yet. Maaaaybe capitulation. I can't believe you guys haven't sold yet.
We won't be back at $8K for another few months at least -- why hold?

>> No.7329828

haha we're at fear faggot

>> No.7329832

>when it's crashing by 90%
It won't crash if it found a bottom.
Besides, by this logic every bitcoin crash would be 99% plus, but all of them stop somewhere, be it 40%, 60% or 80%.
Judging by how widespread bitcoin is, I doubt we can see a 80% or 90% drop like in pre 2014 bitcoin.
75% seems like the absolute worst it can get.

>> No.7329835

meme graph? lmao, all asset bubbles in history have followed this graph. Why people ever doubted it is beyond me

>> No.7329848

its both

>> No.7329851

new course --- 4500 USD

I'm calling it

>> No.7329867

Then those people should sell right now instead of shitposting here while their money burns away.

>> No.7329870

I'd like everyone to consider a simple matter of fact that last time, while the bubble was crashing, bitcoin, litecoin, even dogecoin adoption was growing, setting an infrastructure for eventual comeback that we witnessed over past year. Now hovever, there's completely opposite trend, countries and institutions are banning crypto, and/or planning on enforcing regulations, companies removing btw as a payment, etc.. There's absolutely no reason for any a leverage Joe to get involved with this shit, other than expectation of magic free money.. This crash will force most governments to regulate bitcoin, rendering it's most common use (black market deals) obsolete, and without free reign of pump and dump schemes, it'll just slowly wither into oblivion.

>> No.7329878
File: 55 KB, 500x367, 14b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in despair for decades. I feel no difference.

>> No.7329896

5800 is based on 70% loss after parabolic growth

>> No.7329916
File: 83 KB, 800x600, 1515105805864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin crashes but the alts don't.
Only reason why: weakhands left the market.

you guys remeber when a bitcoin hiccup caused the altcoin market to crash for 20-35%?
well look what's going on now. while whales and banks manipulate btc, the altcoin-market is almost indifferent.
xlm -2%
ada - 5%
eth -6%

christ, you guys, this is very good. we can finally start trading again.

>> No.7329935

You're missing the point. Normies come in ONCE. After you burned them they are scared and stay away.

>> No.7329949

crypto is being banned for the plebs. big difference.

>> No.7329965


>> No.7330002

>alts don't trade in usd
>alts only trade in currencies tied to btc
>btc crashes
>alts won't
Yeah, right.

>> No.7330014

Good, then any growth/shrinkage will be for valid reasons and not because of hype.

>> No.7330042

Yes but what happens when it inevitably rises again? *clicks purchase button*

>> No.7330043

I'm buying more once it drops under 6.5k Then it'll slow down around 6k and then the bulls take over again. Don't be narrow minded and just look at crypto, the entire stock market is suffering rn

>> No.7330049

It's okay, I can baghold. It actually took me like 5 months to break even after my first fiat investment, and it's not like I invested a lot of money into this thing anyway.
It's pretty annoying seeing me go from 3x my initial investment to 2x my initial investment. I thought I could time the dips and keep up a good balance through this crash but today took me completely by surprise. I bought BTC at 7,5k back in Friday and expected a strong recovery (and got one, for a day at least), yet got completely BTFO afterwards.

>> No.7330056

plebs pumped it from $500 to 20k

>> No.7330065

katy perry posting about crypto nails, and snoop dogg promoting robinhood. We are well past the first sell off, its only down from here fellas

>> No.7330069

>Normies come in ONCE

>> No.7330078
File: 134 KB, 2000x1273, Enron_closing_stock,_1997-2002.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just going to keep posting this pic.

Typically you don't see graphs of zero value stock because it is delisted from an exchange. Same for a fiat currency which people lose faith in as the exchange rate becomes comical and it is delisted and no longer supported.

People were still willing to pay for beanie babies and tulips after the bubble popped because the cost of maintaining them isn't high and they were valuable for what they were/not just useful as currencies. IIRC, at values under $1000 bitcoin is a money sink. It won't revert to some non-zero level, it'll rapidly crash to zero once it's transaction costs outweigh profit potential.

>> No.7330093

Eventually everyone who is willing to sell will have sold, and there will be a massive liquidity shortage that will drive the price to new highs.

>> No.7330092

Oh no you don't. You don't get to drag us along with this fucking meme chart you all believe in and then ignore the "return to mean" part at the end. This shit will go up again. It's in the chart.

>> No.7330123


>> No.7330145

This is cope. They will be back in larger numbers and greedier than ever at ATHs. Just make sure to sell before Christmas next year and move to short positions.

>> No.7330168

you guys underestimate greedy people, BUT the problem is heavy regulation hitting us so we will no longer see a bubble like this you fucktards

>> No.7330171

$4,500 - then year of stagnation - then uptrend

>> No.7330204

if you trust the meme chart this week is the time to buy

>> No.7330221

we're there now. to sell below 7k would be very silly

>> No.7330233
File: 121 KB, 900x900, IMG_4757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why they would put capitulation before despair. Once you've accepted that you're absolutely fucked no matter what happens why would it bother you at all? Whoever made this graph is an idiot

>> No.7330239

I unironically just did that. Bought ETH+RLC+OMG.

>> No.7330249

You're right. Regulation did a great job of preventing the Dot Com bubble, the Housing bubble, etc.

>> No.7330268
File: 18 KB, 480x347, t-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme money doesn't go back up

>> No.7330327

stay deluded you idiot
BTC is trash thats a fact

>> No.7330331

>once the casino burns them they never return

>> No.7330341

Thank God I've been HODL all this time! I bought the dip two weeks ago. Headed to the moon!!!!

>> No.7330387
File: 135 KB, 753x463, 1517657894252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall value of bitcoin grew with infrastructure built around it in last years. It is organicly worth more than year or two ago, so maybe 3000$ - 4000$.

>> No.7330409
File: 48 KB, 566x800, 1517690649181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're only at bear trap guys don't worry

>> No.7330411
File: 1.44 MB, 489x270, nocoiners_and_bitcoin_bubble_popping.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7330414

>true normie takes money from a loan shark and doubles down

>> No.7330451

I wish I could buy tulips, but after that crash Dutch sold them all and now are unobtainable. Retard.

>> No.7330468

Casinos have really really easy ways of throwing your money away. Slot machines and other devices that directly show how your gambling behavior can gain you money. Crypto is difficult for not miss and cashing out (immediate gain) is not so straightforward.

>> No.7330485

We haven’t entered the despair stage because your desperate ass is posting this garbage praying it’s the bottom - having watched your gains turn to dust... only when you lose your entire initial investment will the despair stage have even begun.

>> No.7330503

wall st isn't going to destroy their newest money spinner

>> No.7330533

Not miss=Normies lol

>> No.7330546

are you high right now?

>> No.7330574

This this this.

People don't realize that with healthy competition, BTC now has *zero* unique selling points and hence its value can fall to zero.

>> No.7330579



>> No.7330631

True. Despair is when the last bull has lost all hope and wants out.

>> No.7330637
File: 23 KB, 690x498, amazon bubble confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well have a look at this bubble, I better sell my amazon stocks now

>> No.7330662


Capitulation is a function of PRICE. Despair is a function of TIME.

Post-bubble, the falls, stagnation and dead-cat bounces go on for a long, long time.

A return to the BTC highs will be many, many years from now, if ever. THAT is the despair part.

Capitulation means you have accepted that the bubble has popped. Despair comes when you realize that it will not recover within an acceptable time frame, or that it will never recover at all.

>> No.7330663

>he lost money
laughing at you

>> No.7330716

Welcome to real world
All investments are bubble

>> No.7330811

we're in bear trap

>> No.7330818
File: 30 KB, 398x148, 1449440816665[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protip: we're at despair. I can know because I'm the guy who originally shilled BTC to /biz/.
>I'm the guy who originally shilled BTC to /biz/.
shit, so this really is hell huh

>> No.7330908

Nah, we're somewhere in between Fear and Capitulation. Wait til we're at 4-5k.

>> No.7331040

fuck bitcoin
buy eth, xlm or any other altcoin and trade them to fiat.
fairx is still about to be released. so I guess xlm will play a dominant role in the post-apocalyptic wasteland after the implosion of bitcoin.
we all knew that btc's time would end. it's too slow and expensive as a trading coin.
it's the internet explorer of coins.
sure it was one of the first, and pretty handy at the start - but today it's a slow, pain in the ass pre-installed shit-app.

>> No.7331088

Just sold and saved crypto for everyone

It will go up now

>> No.7331100

to be fair.

Yes. You should.
Short term drops of over 10% are imminent

>> No.7331117

Uhh, most alts are crashing on the same or worse percentage. Can't wait for direct fiat an dex so grandpa can die instead of taking all the coins with viable projects with it.

>> No.7331170
File: 74 KB, 561x785, 4E529374-6FCD-4398-B93A-7B32B0C163CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone post the next meme graph? like what happens after return to the mean?

>> No.7331189

this means we have entered capitulation pink wojak is fear indicator

>> No.7331210

Lmao! Yeah anon, buy high sell low. Just be sure it passes the price you sold for previously before you buy again

>> No.7331230

Holy shit it even has a bear trap, amazon confirmed in massive bubble that's greater than the net worth of all cryptos.

>> No.7331345


Dude are you retarded? Alts are down across the board at almost 2x that of Bitcoin.

Most people would've made out better just holding BTC this whole crash

>> No.7331388

Despair is when you notice that /biz/ traffic has gone and people are too embarrassed to talk about crypto anymore.

>> No.7331412

Based on the market cap compared to the dotcom bubble I don't think normies were really that involved desu.

>> No.7331540

No, just look at the relative share of market cap.

Bitcoin has crept up just a little bit over the last week, but it's still under 40% of market share.

>> No.7331542

We still haven't even hit normie bubble tier, only some of the more intelligent and some of the more scummy fringes of the population got into this so far. The regular Joe shmoe who always goes slow and steady as an immovable median line hasn't even gotten into this yet. The real FOMO kicks in when we're at 10 trillion MC

>> No.7331896

thank you for your sacrifice

>> No.7332266

use log scale you dumbass

>> No.7332277

Gonna be comfy in like April or so when we can get back to tons of "/biz/ pumps and dumps a new shitcoin" threads. I've moved around some BTC and ETH and I'm ready for those.

>> No.7332401

I'm an amazon wagecuck, but my stocks don't become mine for a few more months...

>> No.7332869

>it actually did

>> No.7332950
File: 980 KB, 1600x622, RipioCreditNetwork-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 1000 RCN.

>low supply
>loans in countries were you can break someones legs for not paying

It's like legal loan sharking. I fucking love this sale.

>> No.7333587

It's a figurative chart you fucking brainlet.

>> No.7333677
File: 153 KB, 999x607, buy at one thousand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what price I'm buying at for the next wild ride?

>> No.7333695

Cap and archive this thread to serve as a warning during the next bull run. We're all going to make it.

>> No.7333799
File: 83 KB, 393x325, 1470424786045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no no no no

t-the return to the mean will come any minute now..
any minute

>> No.7334497

Just wait until this cat bounces over 10k, then you'll see the "return to normal".

Despair is 1k

>> No.7334936
File: 1.45 MB, 372x206, lets do this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense. Despair is for fucking pussies anyway

>> No.7335135

When unused 1080tis and Vegas are less than 200 then we are in dispair

>> No.7335427

BTC = $4200
ETH= $415.95