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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7323798 No.7323798 [Reply] [Original]

Fudders, really, yall are not fucking funny. A lot of people on here, like me, are losing a shit ton of money and all you are doing is making people feel bad about it. Some us are really in bad places mentally. I'm bordering on depression because I feel like my dreams have literally been ripped away from me. Although the truth is, I'll be a practicing attorney later this year so I'll recover financially. But still, the amount of money I've lost the past two months is humiliating. So just please stop the FUD because it isn't helping.

My mom always told me one thing growing up: If you can't say anything positive, don't say anything at all.

>> No.7323823


>> No.7323844
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Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.7323865
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Fu bizzzzzzz

>> No.7323912

look at this post, OP.
Welcome to reality.

Crypto is based on the premise, just like the stock market, that some uninformed faggot buys overpriced bags/shares of somebody who knows WTF they're doing.

We're all gonna make it is a meme. Become a wolf or stay a sheep.

>> No.7323963

Can't tell if LARP. If not, I'm sorry to hear about your losses but this isn't the board for you. Stop looking here. The solution is YOU GO AWAY, not EVERYONE ELSE DOES. Did your mommy teach you that the world doesn't fucking revolve around you?

>> No.7323977

This is the fudders and shillers board. If you surround yourself with crackheads, then you end up one. So why surround yourself in 4chan biz if you don't want to become the same?

>> No.7324003

I’m glad you lost money, anon.

>> No.7324007
File: 407 KB, 1500x1119, BF1BDA9C-5EFC-4806-BAF0-456BD2CC3E98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel I had dreams of retiring a decade earlier because of crypto and it feels like they are being yanked away. Like there was a brief second I might escape wage slavery and live a comfortable life free from (((them))) but then they yanked that rope that was dangling the carrot in front of my face. It really shows you the type of broken deranged edge lords that post on this site, always trying to bring each other down and shill their shit coins in the hopes they lift make a shekel or two. They’re no better than the kikes they bitch about.

>> No.7324033

It's 4chan ffs, people here are not known to be compassionate about other peoples failure, and it's a damn good thing... People here are honest and true to their nature, it's good for you to learn not to be naive and play victim. Rule of thumb for success NEVER PLAY THE VICTIM CARD, sharks will prey on it and you will look pathetic.

It's human nature to be like this, we are animals after all, learn and adapt to it, because otherwise you will get crushed, the difference is, people in the "real" world will not tell you on your face, and here people are honest. The doubled edged sword of anonymity.

>> No.7324106


what is fud?

>> No.7324137

I know that feel bro. I've lost about 200 dollars.

>> No.7324153

Ah, tried to evade our bitcoin taxes did we?

>> No.7324197


Meh, I'm not playing victim. I take full responsibility for my actions. What I have a problem with is the pieces of shit on this board who do nothing but bring others down, like get a fucking life.

>> No.7324231

Nice bait

>> No.7324272

How do you feel knowing that a Jew like myself is making mad bux off shorting, the last few weeks?

I don't even need the money at this point, it's just funny.

>> No.7324282

You are playing victim man, you can lie to yourself all you want, you might be aware of your actions, but you are doing exactly the opposite, just ignore the posts, it's easier.

>> No.7324403

Maybe you should leave and return to reddit maybe.

>> No.7324434

Fear Uncertainty and Doubt

>> No.7324461

i'm not fuding i'm just telling you this trash is going to 6k, i've been saying it since 18k, but no, you just had to hodl your bags

>> No.7324545
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FUD disgusts me as well bull run imminent just HODL we all gonna make it

>> No.7324548
File: 91 KB, 617x606, 26355EF2-43E2-4D7E-9A32-9A7DB7780024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s just FUD, crypto is going to recover

>> No.7324566
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>pic related

>> No.7324588

>an open letter to the fudders on /biz/
>Fudders, really, yall are not fucking funny. A lot of people on here, like me, are losing a shit ton of money and all you are doing is making people feel bad about it. Some us are really in bad places
>mentally. I'm bordering on depression because I feel like my dreams have literally been ripped away from me. Although the truth is, I'll be a practicing attorney later this year so I'll recover financially. But still, the amount of money I've lost the past two months is humiliating. So just please stop the FUD because it isn't helping.

>My mom always told me one thing growing up: If you can't say anything positive, don't say anything at all.

Nice LARP. Like there is a single sensible person on 4chan.

>> No.7324777

I called my local news station just to tell them it was all crashing and the madmen actually did a story on it. I'm going to buy the dip.

Stay mad op, I'm going to lambotown.

>> No.7324921

It’s like no-one told him what shitposting is.

>> No.7324960
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>> No.7324968

Honestly, I find the pajeetposts and banter as funny as the next anon but it really does get out of hand sometimes. When you see people on this board reacting to seemingly genuine suicide-posts or depressed anons with sociopath-level coldness, it's pretty scary.

I get that being edgy is fun at times, but being emotionally content with telling others to kill themselves or laughing at total financial ruin can't be good for you psychologically.

>> No.7324983

the market has been in the most obvious downtrend since mid january. the absolute most normie meme TA chart has predicted it so far 100%.

you actually have a bent philosophical outlook on a completely manipulated market that is at the entire whim of a few dozen massive whales, as well as ponzi riding fake money printers and scam startups.

you aren't proving anything but what an utterly gullible rube you are. cannon fodder for the whales. you the pawns that march in their game, which currently consists of shorting you to insolvency, knowing that there are enough hodlers to buoy up the next bounce, before shorting you again. all the way to the bottom.

how can you be so dense as to approach this with any kind of philosophy is beyond me. you clung on to the whale's fins on the way up, now you're going to be dragged down with them.

it's hubris beyond belief to stay in now. hubris, delusion and an inflated sense of self importance, terrified of being dropped back into a world where you have no skills beyond relying on the wealth of others.

people with a life outside of crypto are taking their earnings and counting it as a fun little adventure with a nice bit of profit, while those who are all in and can't face a life without cheat codes are going to burn up in the descent.

>> No.7325010

Found the plebbit.

>> No.7325019

fuck you I will kill you I have 100 confirmed killz lol

>> No.7325026

Feels good that one day we will hang you from trees while we shovel the ashes of your family into an oven hook nosed yid. I unitonically bully kikes at my gym IRL cuz of kikes like you Kek.

>> No.7325039

>I'm losing everything but people pointing out that fact is what makes me feel bad

>> No.7325057

Cuck Boomer detected

>> No.7325058

BIG if true.
xD xD xD

hahaha this guy is going to be an attorney..

AAAAAAAAAHAHAHA i hope you are burger my friend. Go join the club of competent leaders. oh my sides...

>> No.7325081


>> No.7325119


>> No.7325143
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>not buying your bitcoins in 2016

>> No.7325144

found the goldman sachs paid shiller

>> No.7325206

> 4chan
> never plays the victim
... every 3rd poster is mentally disabled, telling that some religious jews are preventing him from doing work he likes. Or making money. For christs sake, siiiiiiigh

>> No.7325216

should have listened to the fudders warning you about jewish tricks and shorted instead of hodling like a good goy

>> No.7325268

>kikes own 90% of property
>you're just lazy ass faggot get a grip
yeah nah, kikes are the problem

>> No.7325326

you idiots deserve to be cyber bullied. memecoins were a mistake

>> No.7325328
File: 571 KB, 1497x1913, A8AC1583-9E74-4AFF-887B-FCED37ADBAD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t get to call “getting rich quick and easy off of Monopoly money” your “dream”.

You didn’t work for shit, you didn’t do anything more than read a few hours a day and click your mouse

Your “dream”. Pursuing a career, starting a business and putting years of your life into it are “dreams”.

Crypto was desperately hitting the “Skip” button and freaking out when it didn’t work.

>> No.7325395

I look at all you goyim the same way now, you're all as lazy and jealous as niggers. It warms my heart to know that all your "pure" women are selling their bodies to the highest bidder and slurping up non-white semen. It's past the point of no return now, Jews have nothing to worry about anymore. We won.

>> No.7325397

I was trying to help you guys out last week before the shtf...get out and get proper investments. Got nothing but insults. So from that day on I just went on shitposted threads and told people to HODL. I mean, that's what you really wanted to hear, right?

>> No.7325417

Most of the FUDsters are either actual bots or paid pajeets, stop being such a pussy and never ever fucking spend more than you can afford to lose on anything.

Literally, just one fucking rule. If you're getting anxious you are just a cunt who stepped over the one rule when you shouldn't have.

If you hadn't you'd be having a laugh now, too.

>> No.7325455
File: 72 KB, 640x799, 1517803040164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've spoken to that german guy who made those when he did an exhibition in london
now he was a visionary

>> No.7325463


>> No.7325472

when you are considering killing yourself, whats the method at the top of your list? maybe we can advise something more efficient

>> No.7325500

>I feel like my dreams have literally been ripped away from me.
your dreams of what? getting money out of thin air?
you should have sold when everyone told you to buy

>> No.7325503

this must be the craziest mental disorder of all time.
While the top leaders are white agnostic males, and own most of the wealth and are fucking with the US population bigly.

They somehow still vote for more of the same.
And victimize themselves.
Yeees, anon, you poor bastart are the victim. Yeees, some religion did bad to you. Sweet jesus, hitler would have gased such retardation... he did actually.

>> No.7325519

Yes, your deluded financial decisions are surely (((their))) fault and have nothing to do with you. Take some damn responsibility for your actions.

>> No.7325536

Nice LARP post Nose or fuck off

>> No.7325546

what did he say?

>> No.7325557

Here’s some bad news for you
Jews are in a bubble

>> No.7325648
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That's a pepe crying with joy stupid redditfag

>> No.7325659

>putting all your life into work is a le dream
When will wagecucks and workaholics ever learn

>> No.7325664

hitler was a fucking faggot he didn't even gas the kikes

>> No.7325716
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>> No.7325717
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baby gonna cry? you probably put your entire life savings in at 19k, didn't you?

Man, how does it feel to be both late to the party, and retarded with money? This is why you are poor, and always will be.

Now go cry in the corner, pussy.

>> No.7325746

the fudders have obviously been right, but half the people here like to ignore them. there have been SO many tether threads about whats going on. if anyone took 5 seconds to read and understand they'd know that it's been propping up the market to its insane levels. it's open knowledge. fraud is a huge bubble indicator. one honest look around and you'd know crypto is overvalued.

anyway, it's going to correct even further. and it's a good thing for the market, but it sucks for everyone that's been burned

>> No.7325791

Fucking hell that shit looks delicious. Eggs look great and what wasin the upper right corner pickles?

>> No.7325855

This faggots is still whining

>> No.7325908

probably peaches

>> No.7325950

You're such a bitter piece of shit. Taking pleasure in others misfortune will bring upon your own.

>> No.7325961

well... we know for a fact he did.
I know, i know, you americans can't believe anything, because you don't have proper schools.
But our grandmothers and -fathers died and have killed. And they are not so shy to tell their stories.
In every village, we knew who was doing what. Who got deported, killed or participated.

It's not like a big secret, brainlet.

>> No.7325965

>My mom always told me one thing growing up: If you can't say anything positive, don't say anything at all.

Get a new mom.
She is being PC and sheltering you from the truth.

>> No.7325984

So should I just cut the loss or do I stay? I don't know what to think?

>> No.7326064

> we know for a fact he did.
show me the facts

>> No.7326145

>There are people on this board who bought in at 20k, borrowed from banks and told their family to buy in over Christmas

Laughing at wojaks is the only thing keeping me going.

>> No.7326195

why would you do such a thing?

>> No.7326601

Could this be the anger stage of the meme chart?

>> No.7326829
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First thing, fuck you. Go choke to death on a used tampon, we aren't nice here. Plebbit is more for you.

Second, this wasn't a surprise, as early as October of last year, we knew that with shorts there was no reason for a constant upwards trend for the whales to make money anymore. They could make a killing shorting all the way down to $100 and then buy everything back cheap as fuck. But so many people here ignored these warnings.