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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 220 KB, 625x977, 1512242402338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7319174 No.7319174 [Reply] [Original]

My gf is not happy about this crash :(

>> No.7319216

fake and gay no ones falling for this again

>> No.7319235

Sell gf
Bad investment

>> No.7319241


>> No.7319269

So dump her and tell her to invest her own money if she's so smart

>> No.7319274

This op sell your gf to the armenian mafia to cover up your loses

>> No.7319280

We told you it was a Ponzi /biz/ now kill yourselves

>> No.7319288

DAE le all girlfriends are EVIL HA HA HA!

>> No.7319296


She was texting you this as she got rammed from behind by your bull I bet.

>> No.7319306

she's not supportive, toxic relationship, dump and hodl single-life till btc hits 100k then go get something more supportive.

>> No.7319311
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Dump this birch before she cucks you. She will do it and use this as an justification.

>> No.7319315

oh trust me, it's very real.

>> No.7319321 [DELETED] 

Anyone who responds is a retard

>> No.7319330


>> No.7319344


What a stupid bitch. The man does everything, and when it's time to cash out the bitch has suddenly grown some brain-cells and thinks she knows it all.

>> No.7319354

Post her nudes

>> No.7319357

>"WE" had 100k and "YOU" didn't sell

Get rid of her quick

>> No.7319358
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>thinking op has a gf
probably his mom if he isnt messaging himself

>> No.7319361

Nice imagination my projecting friend.

>> No.7319363

>she's not supportive, toxic relationship, dump and hodl single-life till btc hits 100k then go get something more supportive.

seems true but to be fair op is a greedy dumbass so they r a perfect match

>> No.7319384

lol shit gf
dump her and hold
rub in her face in 6 months

>> No.7319399

This has to be LARP, no way OP is that hopeless

>> No.7319411

>then go get something more supportive
Not how this works buddy, unfortunately. Western women are fucked. Every last one of them

>> No.7319413
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Into the trash

>> No.7319433

>gf bragging about how she's going to tell her friends how stupid you are because of a crypto correction
why are you with this person again?

>> No.7319453

Jesus. An annoying heavy bag that text you shit
Just dump it

>> No.7319462

My gf is like hahaha I was right. And I go like: but you said I'm stupid for day trading and hodl was the winning move. And she's like Bob from Marketing did hodl an quit last month so he must have done something right that you have done wrong. Why can't you be more like Bob and less like you?!

I think I hate Bob now.

>> No.7319481


aghhaha dump that dumb slut and show a screencap when youre back at 300k in three months.

>> No.7319498

why do people reply to fake text threads? I don't get it.

>> No.7319506

she has big titties though

>> No.7319511

Did you gamble with her money, or was it all yours? Are you married?

>> No.7319519

>real conversations that happened

>> No.7319525

The only way to reverse the crash and save all of the coiners from their horrible fate is to...

Post your cunt gf's nudes in this thread.

>> No.7319533

>dat """dialogue"""
You watch too much TV.

>> No.7319537

>not using wealth to take advantage of the vast network of information gathering potential modern day technology has and hiring consultants to locate the best genetic and personality / trait matches for reproduction to continue a legacy.
>not getting in touch with Hollywood mafia to have a female clone created for you with pre-programmed traits ( risk of killtrigger preprogram tho )
>not using the millionaire/billionaire matchmaking agencies already available that find you a perfect match

>> No.7319544

I have a cousin who went to Sandy Hook and I assure you it really happened.

>> No.7319564

show penis with timestamp

>> No.7319579

Tell her to buy your game.

>> No.7319585

its real guys
My dad worked for sandy hook

>> No.7319610

Say "I was just kidding, I did sell."

And then dump her.

>> No.7319629

>if you're not with me on my losses you won't be around when I win

dump her

>> No.7319639


>> No.7319656

The pussy ain't worth her treating you like shit. Loneliness is better than being a door mat.

Drop that bitch like a sack of potatoes.

>> No.7319679

if real and it's your money then ditch the bitch

>> No.7319788


Dishonesty in a relationship. Bedrock of marriage.

At least he will feel alpha without doing anything to deserve it.

>> No.7319819

why do you lie, anon?

>> No.7319863
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>> No.7319898
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goddamnit Todd

>> No.7319920

Leave her, too aggressive, a good woman should support his man

>> No.7319941

if this is real then holy shit dump her right on the spot please
what a fucking cunt
just dont panic sell OP its way too late now you better wait for recovery
give it 2 months top

>> No.7319956

Post them now!!!

>> No.7319965

What a cuck you are. And who is this bitch? Dump this quick if you still have some honor left.

>> No.7319973

>its another anon posts a conversation with himself and gets 200 replies thread

>> No.7319976

the fact she even thinks this petty manipulation is appropriate and might even work on you (regardless if it does) you are a flipping cuck my dude

>> No.7319980

What the actual fuck?
Is this how relationships work now?
Not having a GF doesn't seem so bad now.

>> No.7319984

I think this is fake, but if it isn't and you're tolerating this, you are a bitch beta cuck.

>> No.7319990


>> No.7319993

When you were partying i studied the blade
When you were having premarital sex i mastered the blockchain
While you wasted your days in the gym in pursuit of vanity i cultivated inner strength
And now that my money is crashing you have the audacity to laugh at me

>> No.7320013

Underrated post

>> No.7320021

>buy high sell low
This is why women are poor

>> No.7320027

Nevermind, you're a beta faggot.

>> No.7320035

the state of men nowadays.

I would fuck her ass until she shits with my big cock while she has to eat 100$ notes

>> No.7320036

Lol grow some balls you pathetic fuck

>> No.7320056

Now I know why people beat their women.

>> No.7320059

punished for greed, nothing to see here.

>> No.7320061

>f-facebook friends?

Oh it's 2009 again? Fuck off gramps.

>> No.7320074

I get where you're going with this, but how would that prove that the text conversation is real?

>> No.7320077

stop fucking larping todd you fucking retard!!

>> No.7320079

fuck me, you're pathetic beta piece of shit you are gonna end up with dick in your ass, not even joking

>> No.7320124

dump that cunt immediately, as in right fucking now. if you are still together in 3 minutes then you are a pathetic cuck and undeserving of any concern

>> No.7320144

Dumb that cunt ASAP

>> No.7320178

Ok so when your 25 is worth 300k in June
What she doing then? Apart from sucking your tip and calling you master

>> No.7320221

Confirmed for the real reality of sandy hook. My wife, who also doesnt give two shits about a crypto correction cuz hands o feminine steel, works at sandy hook.

>> No.7320223

Ok poo face come back 20k eom fucking turbo brainlet nigger brain damaged cunt

>> No.7320231

doesn't matter

>> No.7320259

Have you seen how beta this guy is? His cunt gf would pretend this never happened and would just go shopping with his money

>> No.7320299

gfs are the heaviest bags one can carry
they even annoy you by texting you. jeez.

>> No.7320316

For fuck sake, if this is real then can't you just tell this entitled bitch to fuck off. And then punch her in the face.

>> No.7320319


>> No.7320346


>> No.7320364

women are stupid, but they're greedier than most men can ever dare to be. they will sugar talk and pander to ur faggotry in hopes that it will hit the moon, they "believed" in you all along :^)

oh, and anon, i believed in you while everyone scoffed at you :( can you halp me pay off my CC & student loan? PLEASEEEEEEE

>> No.7320377

Now imagine you tried to get your boys hood rich when shit was just starting to blow and btc was 14k+ and on the way to 19k. Now day ones are ringing my shit sending death threats and I had to relocate my moms and move from my old spot, all while losing paper due to the concurrent dips. Taught all my niggas how to eat and the shit backfired so hard guess this is what happens.

>> No.7320390

This better be fake OP
Otherwise you are just plain stupid and you will never make it with this gains goblin by your side

>> No.7320426

If it really is her money as well, go on yobit and begin rolling the dice right now

>> No.7320440


>> No.7320445

shieeet... work in secret man. you tried to do good, but this is how normies act. usually when u know and believe in ur work, u keep that ONLY to yourself untill you accomplish it, then u can talk. some weird hebejebe voodoo tier way the universe works

>> No.7320450



>> No.7320489

Dump her, really, gold digger detected

And post the tits

>> No.7320533


Drop the cunt.

>> No.7320553
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>larping this hard

>> No.7320561

you are too naive
i only told my dad and were both /ironhands/
my dad wanted to get my uncle into it too but i specifically told him this is our shit and financial stuff like this can always backfire and then youre the ass

>> No.7320573
File: 1.48 MB, 512x384, 22197F8E-999F-46C0-89A9-C9C2968F696B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad real

>> No.7320575
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>> No.7320579

her value wont bounce op

>> No.7320628

Just shit out another Skyrim port and you'll be fine.

>> No.7320652

Women are bad with money anyway

>> No.7320667

nice, thats real blessing having a family on board with iron hand that you can jerk each other off with. but really, having a senpai member that won't b bummed out and be all negative in the process... and will reap the harvest together with when the time comes is a true form of blessing. best of luck anon

>> No.7320675

"we had"

How much of that money was actually hers?

>> No.7320683 [DELETED] 
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>hodl while I'm selling goy

>> No.7320692

I know this is fake but on the slim chance that you're not larping here's what you do. Tell her you were joking around and that you didn't loose any money (make a fake blockfolio with 100k usd). Then once she see's you rich and trys to suck your dick dump the bitch right there on the spot and post her reaction. Also post any tits if you have them.

>> No.7320713

I know this is fake but I still fucking hate women

>> No.7320724

ask why she did not advise you to sell?
its her fault to

>> No.7320738

not bad but make it more than 100k to get her eyes really googly and really come beg and work that dick hard.

>> No.7320802
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>OP gets roasted by his mom

>> No.7320845

Even better make it 150K and say you shorted BTC and made bank.

>> No.7320876

Get rid of her.

When the market comes back, you can show her a picture of it being $900k and she'll say "So hey, how've you been, was thinking about you lately, want to catch up?"

>> No.7320886

>GMT: Saturday, December 2, 2017 7:20:02.338 PM
>Your time zone: Saturday, December 2, 2017 2:20:02.338 PM

I checked the /biz/ archive and it wasn't there. What board did you get this from?

>> No.7320895

If it was also "her" money, why didn't she sell then? This has to be fake.

>> No.7320898
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tfw your imaginary girlfriend hates you

>> No.7320934

I know this is a new board but you guys should at least know how the board system works.

>> No.7320947

What the fuck? Dump her.
If this thread isn't a larp you need to learn how to be cold. Men are supposed to be cold. I'm serious. Say "Alright" and then block her number. Wait for her to find a way to contact you and then be direct when she does by telling her "I don't think you're a nice person so I decided to stop talking to you." Women can't handle that kind of thing.

>> No.7320958

This is crypto, there's fucking risks, nobody has a crystal ball to know when to get out, her opinions are literally pointless.

>> No.7320966

Good one.

>> No.7320980

>*we had*

>> No.7320985

>had to relocate my moms
What? They were threatening your mother?

>> No.7321014

there niggers what do you expect

>> No.7321058

This. Just put lol I was kidding, but it's stuck in USDT and locked on the exchange for now.

>> No.7321065
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I-i wouldn't call them "shitty" anon just mildly disappointing. No need to be harsh fellow anon

>> No.7321112

not worth it

>> No.7321113

>I had sex with Katie

>> No.7321159


>> No.7321167

Yea, break up with her. Move on with your life and send her blockfolio updates in the summer when you're sitting on 200k.

>> No.7321213

>When anon tries to larp a relationship but has no experience so fucks up completely

>> No.7321217
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>We had
You don't have them until you cash out.

>> No.7321233

If this is real, your girlfriend is either a cunt or a child. Either way, you need to find someone more mature.

>> No.7321389
File: 13 KB, 438x336, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of ironic that (((they))), are laughing at you righ now anon, huh? ;-)

protip: hodl the coin, dump the bitch

>> No.7321394
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normad FUCKING shits loosing money always makes my day, thanks OP

>> No.7321469

Your a weak ass bitch. We all know who runs things in your house.

>> No.7321486

This. Dump that greedy hoe.

>> No.7321506

Go all in and buy even more to surprise her when the next boom happens.

>> No.7321654

>implying girls know wtf that means

>> No.7321670

This, tell her you wanted to know her reactions if you were a poor fuck. Now you know she isnt worth it. Dump her if you have even a little bit of respect for yourself. Nobody deserve that. Its not cool

>> No.7321687

No buy more but tell her you sold it all instead.
Than when the inevitable pump happen keep on bitching to her. Make her pay.
Also tits.

>> No.7321729


>> No.7321730


>> No.7321776


>> No.7321785

Why do you feel the need to make this thread?

If real, which it isn't: you obviously already know what to do, and what biz's reaction will be.

If not real (ding ding ding): you are a sad cunt mate

>> No.7321799


Sell gf and hold crypto till a million. If this is real you are a bitch. I would have said “do you not know what a correction is woman? Im holding till a million then ill be telling your friends what an idiot YOU are.”

>> No.7321833

Maybe it's time for new wife lmao

>> No.7321997


>> No.7322078

This is the moment you tell her that your real folio was $500k and that you're only down to $360 because you sold half of it at the top.

Then dump her.

>> No.7322103

no wait thats real lmao nobody is that pathetic

>> No.7322150

>So dump her and tell her to invest her own money if she's so smart

Had this problem with the wife with day to day finances. Told her fine, you take care of the bills this month. She blew through our two weeks worth of paychecks in 2 days. Then she came crying that our electric was about to be turned off.

I asked her who was the idiot now, and to never argue with me about the bills and money again. She hasn't said a word so far. Been six months.

>> No.7322297

don't hodl gf, she will 2x

>> No.7322338

This, if you know her for more than a month and she thinks this is a good approach... Get cucked

>> No.7322376
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i wanna hodl gf

>> No.7322436
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>tfw wife convinced me to go all in on ETH last year.

>made nearly 700k in USD cashed out
>this year was up to 500k and now crashed down to 40k
>she doesn't care and says to just buy more at the bottom

bless her greedy asian genes.

>> No.7322441
File: 25 KB, 500x707, sxx5PDf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg. You dump her and you dump her fast.

>> No.7322465


>> No.7322488

Having a gf is a pump and dump scheme anyway

>> No.7322523

>he divulged meme numbers pre-profit taking
your brainlet is showing
speaking of which, what does you larp partner has to know shit

>> No.7322531

I doubt this is real, but if it is...you're just as much of an idiot than she is for staying with her...wtf

You said GIRLFRIEND...not wife. Why the fuck does she care?

Also you're letting her treat you like shit. I would NOT be having that shit. Mutual respect of get the fuck out of here.

Stop being a spineless bitch. Too many beta faggots like the ones on here who crumble at their first contact with a female...and cuck themselves.

>> No.7322542

haha...similar story but Jew wife.

>> No.7322585

"we had $100k"
wtf is "we"
dump this bitch.

>> No.7322645

Say this:

I wanted to see how supportive you would be in such a situation to see if you were wife material. You are not. I now have a half million thanks to the crash. We should stop seeing each other.

>> No.7322675

>Being a manipulative passive-aggressive cunt.
Are you a woman, by chance?

>> No.7322718
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>b-but bitcoin killed fiat money

>> No.7322737

Do you want a girl that laughs at you to her friends? She should be supporting you at all times. Even when you never even hear about it.

>> No.7322811

>She should be supporting you at all times.
That is not a healthy relationship. But I guess it's okay for her to fuck Tyrone, because you should be supporting her at all times, right? An SO isn't someone who follows your every lead and command 24/7,

>> No.7322837
File: 65 KB, 453x604, DFCF0F7A-D2E2-4ADC-B7EC-00B5EE2F64A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poorfag, I'm talkin trailer park level poorfag
>made $60k off of bitcoin by selling before it started to dip
>Had bought BTC before I got married when it was cheap as fuck
>wife hasn't the faintest idea, mainly because she's dumb as fuck and I do our taxes
I want to tell her, I want to so bad, but she is fucking TERRIBLE with money. I just spend it a little bit at a time to make sure we are always ahead on finances.

>> No.7322962

if real, dump her

>> No.7322963
File: 34 KB, 250x331, 1367993744693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the kind of person I want to find their success in Crypto. Keep up the good fight, anonkin.

>> No.7323041 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 700x430, 1357921974412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the kind of person that I want to see success in Crypto. Keep up the good fight anon.

>> No.7323048
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>> No.7323063

Tbh I can understand her rage
You were talking a lot about having a future together with that money: I can understand she's mad
You both invested in this: I can understand she's mad, but is dumb to expect the other person to be the only one to manage it
Is your money and she is for some reason mad that you lost it: fuck that, dump her

>> No.7323077

Are you dumb? Your girl SHOULD be supportive at all times, doesn't mean she's a yes girl or won't question you, but a bitch that says she'll go around telling other people you're stupid is garbage no matter how you cut it.

OP dodged a bullet desu

I remembered a story about a guy who told his chick his portfolio just devalued like from 100k to 50k or something and she just said "that's OK honey, I know you'll always be able to provide for our family", then he said he was just messing with her and told her to put on a nice dress to go out for fine dining because he had just broken 200k (don't pin me on the numbers, but the that's the gist of it), wife material right there.

>tfw my girl is just like that
>tfw even if I'm conned my country has no alimony kek (Italy)
Just gotta make some more bank so I can uproot her from the "working" meme, women shouldn't work

>> No.7323092

DESU i would ditch that bitch. Its clear she is with you for the money, and if she gets an opportunity to monkeybranch she will.

>> No.7323108


The hole going around kvetching like a jew harpie is healthy though?

>> No.7323150
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dump that emotionally abusive piece of trash and go away

>> No.7323163

Dubs of truth

>> No.7323183
File: 30 KB, 400x400, PEPE - Golden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your gonna make it bro

>> No.7323242

2 fake 2 furious

>> No.7323313

I’ve gone down from 250k to 70k. My GF has been bothing but supporting and caring. I would unironically dump her if she was such an abrasive and dangerous piece of cruel vagina

>> No.7323424

My girlfriend is also named Todd

>> No.7323452 [DELETED] 
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>down from 250k to 70k
>My GF has been bothing but supporting and caring

Two weeks later....

>> No.7323527


>> No.7323551

your gf sounds like a faggot bitch

>> No.7323556


>> No.7323686

Waaaa one crash and everyone thinks it's over. Jesus dude you'll be looking at 500k easy in 1-2 years tops. Might as well keep holding at this point in my opinion. I'm slowly buying back in myself over the coming month.

>> No.7323796

What a cunt of a girlfriend fucking get rid of her.

>> No.7323834

We shall create Girlfriendcoin (GIRLF).

Its behaviour will be like this:
>you can only hold one GIRLF, but each GIRLF may be linked with several JAMC (Jamalcoin)
>daily depreciates; if you hold one of these, you must pump money into it to make sure it's always at 1 GIRLF
>prices will be stable but periodically every month; crashes hard
>prices can also be completely unstable at times for absolutely no reason
>attempting to sell your 1 GIRLF will make you lose 50% of your belongings, and you're in debt forever, monthly

>> No.7323839

dump her NOW, before she does it

>> No.7323982


>> No.7324008

Pls do this and post her reaction

>> No.7324016

Fake. kys

>> No.7324060

This is fake and gay but I would dump her ass if she talked like that. Why do guys put up with this?

>> No.7324139

A belief they can't do better
A desperate fear of being alone
An identity which only exists due to the relationship

>> No.7324194

Your first mistake was telling her in the first place. If you're going to share financials like that with your SO you better be damn sure about it. My wife gave me a god-tier repsonse. "Well the losses suck, but this is almost like getting in on the stock market in the very beginning who knows what it will be worth in 10 years." Sorry about your cuck lifestyle.

>> No.7324205

lol you let your GF call you a dumb shit? dude... dump that bitch

>> No.7324300
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>> No.7324313

shes a keeper, good job man!

>> No.7324343

do you understand what it says about yourself to be dating someone like that?

>> No.7324364

Must be the same faggot that faked a fight with his mother and sister
What a fucking loser

>> No.7324398

Can't be real

>> No.7324402

my problems become yours, your wealth becomes mine

>> No.7324480


It's fake idiot.

>> No.7324596

>she's dating an idiot
says more about her than you desu

>> No.7324598
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>> No.7324650

Screenshot with time stamps. Also, say “whoop there it is” and post response. You are a liar if you don’t.

>> No.7324810
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This sounds great, how do I buy in?? I just want someone to hodl...

>> No.7325041

Why? she is clearly worth the investment advice she can give OP. I mean it's basic fundamental shit but it's simple really. Fucking sell high buy low. I know we meme about it. But I think 90% of this board things any bullrun no matter how inflated, unsustainable or undeserved, is just "the beginingg BUY MORE!" and then either cash out at the bottom because they are scared of losing more, or just never sell thinking paper profits = money.

>> No.7325109

i peaked at 120k and am at like 25k now. If my gf said this to me I would instantly dump her. You are a serious cuck otherwise

>> No.7325365

>dumping a girl for giving you a much needed awakening.
Why is this board so obsessed with comfortable lies. If this wasn't a huge learning experience for you, you missed the plot.

>> No.7325514


>> No.7325572


>> No.7325596

>my gf
>we had $100,000
Bitch isn't even married to you yet and thinks she's entitled to your money, dump those bags.

>> No.7325598

fake, no one talks like that.

>> No.7325777

>make 100k, sell near peak
>pretend you're still in the market during bear
>oh no babe its only 25k now
>"fuck you we're all laughing at you give me half"
>here's your 12.5k babe, half, like you asked
>walk away with 87.5k

i hope thats what op did

>> No.7325811

because its my money and I am going to do what I want with it. It's as simple as that.

>> No.7325901

>girlfriend becomes mad once
>holy shit cuck dump that fucking whore how dare she question you
Obviously not a lot of people have been in a relationship ITT...

>> No.7325959

Actually now I read the second screenshot and she sounds like an abusive and manipulative person. Stay away from her Opee

>> No.7325966

>Giving your money to your gf ever

God, what wasted trips by a fucking cuck.

>> No.7325973

>OP doesn't come back and do this
nice RP thread

>> No.7326014

well its better not to tell her how much you have in the first place. but if you're married and she already knows, then my plan is probably cheaper then going to court.
>in b4 you cash out through monero and flee the country

>> No.7326041

member of MGTOW here, fuck that bitch she doesn't deserve you.

>> No.7326061

even just living in the same house for 10 months you probably have to give her half lol. i don't bother with women at all so i don't know

>> No.7326153

Dude what kind of cuck relationship are you in where your gf says "we are all laughing at you right now"? Any normal gf would support you.

Inb4 hehe bro u never even had a gf mang xDD

>> No.7326215

I told my gf earlier I'm paying off my loan with crypto and getting a bigger one right after.
"Anon stop, you know this shit will only go down from here"
I told her to stop flapping her hole because she knows she doesn't know shit about crypto.
"I just think it's dumb to take loans over loans for this crypto shit xD"

>> No.7326236


dump this whore.

>> No.7326245

That is not how this shit works unless you are dating a girl with no ambitions whatsoever. Paying for dates, fine. Presents on certain occasions, fine. But if you have to fork over your money so she can go shopping, you are dating a fucking golddigger with no ambition. If that's what you want, fine. But it's a shitty life to live.

>> No.7326256

She is weak

Money is not for her

Drop her and move on you don't need her

>> No.7326264

she sounds like a selfish cunt. Dump her. She is too materialistic.

>> No.7326286

Dump her ass she didnt earn shit

>> No.7326318

Yes this is good

>> No.7326374

kill yourself faggot

>> No.7326399

anyone else thinking of dumping their gf? I'm 24 and do love her and know it's supposed to be hard but I feel like I'm just carrying deadweight for sex.

>> No.7326408

Found the twisted beef

>> No.7326412

This. You deserve this Todd for not letting Obsidian develop Fallout 4.

>> No.7326548

yeah sure, i wouldn't give her anything unless i was legally obligated to do so. but the courts favour women, prenups get thrown out. it's a concern many guys have. and i know you're mr internet tough guy but you may one day find yourself defending your earnings in court against a greedy roastie. it can happen to anyone

>> No.7326583
File: 253 KB, 653x945, 1508443861122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre so predictable

>> No.7326668

you fucking tool

>> No.7326727

Verty fynny!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7326729
File: 149 KB, 322x443, 1517096557264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7326731

Jesus Christ anon. At least post her tits for wasting our time with this thread.

>> No.7326749
File: 612 KB, 588x804, gUuAkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait but still gay

>> No.7326769
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, 1512340300984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i stumbled into lovers corner


>> No.7326807

You. Motherfucking. Tool.
I am seriously cringing right now in real life.
I feel bad for some stupid motherfucker I'll never meet. I bet this is bait. Otherwise you're such a little bitch.

>> No.7326812

I hate you.
Can't wait until she divorces your ass and gets half your money plus the house.

>> No.7326821

oh, never mind, and now it shoots back up again. like i thought it would. it'll come crashing back down. i dnt even know whats going on anymore

>> No.7326832

Holy shit dump her ass, cash out even higher than 100k just to prove a point.

>> No.7326877

This. During the divorce proceedings she will present these text messages from you as PROOF that all your money was actually shared in common. Fucking loser.


>> No.7326878
File: 110 KB, 640x640, DQmSsjA6kgo5sRSTqfH5icoU2VncNT71aYG5kfqkNDLmfHM_1680x8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are actually a joke, hopefully you get cucked big time

>> No.7326923

>not wanting a loud in charge womyn that submits to your dick

>> No.7326932

fake af

>> No.7326970

Post her fucking tits you cringey cuck

>> No.7326976
File: 73 KB, 620x630, BushCOrn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes you feel like a fool
>make her feel like a fool
>turns it around with the love u
>you feel like a fool twice

>> No.7326991


Christ I'm fucking throwing up, you are such a cuck. Please be a fucking larp

>> No.7327024
File: 55 KB, 540x960, 1514052024627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be fake btw

>> No.7327072

>has a gf or wife

Lol fucking normie.

How does it feel not being able to live without the weaker sex?

>> No.7327108

she's not submitting to your dick though. she's submitting to your cryto portfolio. as soon as she thinks you've lost money she's lost all submission. thats been demonstrated.

>> No.7327159

You deserve to lose all your money in the divorce proceedings. Stupid nu-cuck.

>> No.7327180
File: 1.72 MB, 969x1024, black sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trick me once, shame on you.Trick me again, shame on me.

>> No.7327191


>> No.7327209

she is about to leave you anon, leave her first.

>> No.7327225

What a larper

>> No.7327234


>> No.7327242

It was fake from the god damn start

>> No.7327316
File: 631 KB, 1280x1858, 1514915206418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.7327429


>> No.7327697

I hope he dumps that golddigger! bitches are quick to jump ship the moment something goes wrong

>> No.7327790
File: 927 KB, 3000x664, 1515071612554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you incapable of right-click, image search you nigger?

>> No.7328078

>Lost 75k
>Name is Todd

Which is worse, I wonder?

>> No.7328194

>Best guess for this image: cartoon
>only link is to an /a/ thread with no sauce
>no relevant matches

Just give me a name faggot

>> No.7328223
File: 47 KB, 501x464, 182917_177208618991216_157899434255468_417693_2494771_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Married anon here. Dodge yourself a bullet, dump her ass but GOOD

>> No.7328443

Kozakura Kumaneko Daite Daite Daite

>> No.7328509

sometimes people who care about you don't want you doing stupid shit. Ever have parents? also sounds like its her money too.

>> No.7328704
File: 128 KB, 1410x948, 7b5ad89bec16934bc34aad5a09581d33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no relevant matches

>> No.7328911

A gold-digging thot is what she sounds like...

>> No.7329042
File: 80 KB, 460x276, 1517417687888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also sounds like its her money too

>> No.7329049

ur gf is me and you are me and i hate myself

>> No.7329096


>> No.7329116

what about your gf kids? think about them m8

>> No.7329133

On the off chance this isn't a larp, this is exactly why you don't tell ANYONE about gains or losses. You make a ton of money, suddenly every fucker in the world is your friend and wants to rip a fucking piece from you. You lose a ton of money, suddenly you're fucking scum and no one wants to be around or help when you're in trouble. This is even true for most people who you thought "loved" you. Remember that love is money soluble.

>> No.7329213

reading comprehension much?

>> No.7329538

>Posts bad bait
>Gets (You)s anyways
>Jerks offs
>Continues to use fake screens without any names or indication its real.