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73201 No.73201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here planning to go to China?

I have no future here. I can at least make a decent living over there, and if I learn the language, maybe I can make some good money with an international firm.

>> No.73206

Lol no, I'll pass on the pollution and getting raped by the gubbamint and criminals

Only decent places in Asia are Tokyo and Hong Kong.

>> No.73212

>The Chinese will hire you instead of one of their own

You'll be used as a token white guy for business relations, at most.

>> No.73219

>implying I'm not 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Japanese, and 1/4 French

>> No.73218

This isnt "Looper"

>> No.73228

>implying they would accept a full blooded Chinese Han if he wasn't a mainlander who spoke perfect Mandarin

>> No.73238

OP here, sorry I forgot to mention I'm black, like charcoal colour black. Will this hurt my chances?

>> No.73240
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jokes on you, I work in private equity and was just on a business trip in shanghai and beijing, things are more expensive than in the states. Food probably cost twice as much. RMB is seriously overvalued. You will literally starve to death.

Here is me at the Beijing Westin Master Suite.

>> No.73248
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dat smog, was hazardous at some point of my trip

>> No.73250

Honestly Shanghai and Beijing are shit tier cities compared to Hong Kong. I don't see why anyone would bother moving to mainland China.

>> No.73269
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shanghai wasn't bad. I would have sticker shock if I didn't have expense account though

>> No.73306
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Neither are that great. I like not having to spend 100k just to buy 3 series, thnx. Business is business.

>> No.73313

>You will literally starve to death.
This. Most non western countries have social welfare policy of "you can't feed yourself? then go die in a gutter somewhere."

Anyway, if you fail in murika, don't expect success anywhere else.

>> No.73326

Dear god, someone on 4chan who actually travels and does important things. /biz/ really is god tier.

>> No.73357

I'm not that guy, but I'll have stuff to contribute in the next couple months.
>Internship in France working for an international company in the summer
>They are paying for my flight
>Exchange term in Tokyo in the Fall as part of my undergrad degree
Life's getting good, all about dem networks boyo's

>> No.73352

Real OP here.


>> No.73364

>You will literally starve to death.

>implying 6-star hotels in Shanghai and Beijing = all of Chinar

>> No.73390


I am not talking about high end restaurant prices, which are also twice what they charge at the four seasons. Even mid tier restaurants, you'll have a hard time finding a meal for under 60 rmb.

>> No.73404

>know mandarin
>go into slums
>find some dude selling dog on a stick
>barter it down to 7 rmb
It's not that hard.

>> No.73427

better yet
>be strong, alpha burger american
>go into slums
>find dude selling dog on a stick
>snap his malnourished wrists and steal his shit
>bystander effect means everyone watches and takes photos but doesn't do anything

>> No.73433

5/5 clapped furiously

>> No.73434

China for Chinese. I'm white.

>> No.73451


Meats pretty expensive. That dog on a stick will probably cost you 20 rmb and be drenched in gutter oil. Most likely you'll just end up eating a lot of carbs because that's cheap

>> No.73537

Bystander effect only exists in 1st world.
In shithole countries, they will gladly mobbed you. One or two will even be nice enough to shell some cash to buy a jerry of gasoline to burn you to death.

>> No.73562

>Bystander effect only exists in 1st world.
>Bystander effect only exists in 1st world.
>Bystander effect only exists in 1st world.
>Bystander effect only exists in 1st world.

>> No.73569

if chinese can't save their own kind from a bicycle rack, they'll never be able to save them from an american

>> No.73597

Depends on which country.
China no one will help you, everyone is rude as shit there, it's a cultural thing. Bystanders get hit by cars regularly there and no one reacts.

>> No.73616

>tfw wanting to piss in the streets

Now I finally have a reason to wear crotchless bluejeans

>> No.73774

4Chan has been around for over a decade. More than enough time for an awkward high school student to graduate college with a decent degree and go to work for a respectable country. I was just in china over Christmas, Changsha and Chengdu.

Don't go to Beijing. Shit places and everything is overpriced. Do you have a degree OP? If you have ANY bachelors you can make more than a decent living as a english teacher. You'll get a free apartment and money to live. Plus you'll get offers to be a private tutor EVERY day. Then if you learn Chinese you can try an work for some company that needs token white people to look better. If you actually work hard they will take notice and you will get a better job.

>> No.73769

>You'll be used as a token white guy for business relations, at most.
Sounds like a pretty sweet gig. Do some english teaching on the side (straight up no requirements for it beyond being white) and you're set.

>> No.73784

Bullshit, have you ever been out of snobby ass rich as shit Beijing?

>> No.73785
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>More than enough time for an awkward high school student to graduate college with a decent degree and go to work for a respectable country
sure, absolutely. but it seems like for many, it just turned out like pic related.

>> No.73809
File: 180 KB, 728x485, Hong-Kong-Apartments-1-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent places in asia
>hong kong
>that population density
>that pollution

>general social bullshit

>> No.73856

What's funny is despite that they're still miles better than the mainland

>> No.74097

Hong Kong's very existence must make China so fucking mad.

>> No.78733

"English teacher" is a position that is filled largely by hipsters and idiots who fly abroad to fuck foreign women.

To be an ACTUAL english teacher, like, to get paid, you need a degree in translation, at least 3 years experience teaching/tutoring english to students speaking the language in which you are certified, among other things.

Of course, that's for korea. I'm sure you could find a slum in china that would pay you to teach them english/french/german curse words.

>> No.79310

That's the point, in China it's literally enough to be white and people will walk up to you on the street asking if you'd like to be their kid's private teacher or take up a position at a nearby school. They don't have to learn a thing in the process and you'll make a very competitive wage.

>> No.79445
File: 17 KB, 474x321, pudong blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did chinese for my undergrad, doing a business master now.

Protip: the only job you'll "pick up" in china is Engrish teacher, which is pretty much the bottom rung of the white people food chain out there.

You MIGHT pick up an internship or something if you make some serious contacts, but I wouldn't bet on it.

If you want to make $$$$$ in china, here's how you do it:
>get some skills (business/finance/engineering etc degree, for example)
>start doing classes in Mandarin (/int/ have a great sticky for it). DONT just go over and assume you'll pick it up. Take it from an obsessive language learner- you wont.
>Get a job with a big international firm with operations in China (HSBC, for example, or other big international banks)
>Get them to send you out

That is literally the only way to make a lot of cash in China. Otherwise you're on local salaries, which are literally lower than social welfare here in the west (average HK graduate salary is about €14k. Here in ireland if you have a degree, the dole is €16k. so you'd make more money fapping to chinese cartoons than you would working in HK)

If you're serious about it, that's the best way to go.

>> No.79475
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>things are more expensive than in the states. Food probably cost twice as much.

I chuckled.

The food is only expensive in the laowai places in pudong you were herded to because you can't speak Chinese.

I used to live in Shanghai, it's absolutely dirt cheap. Laowai businessmen get fooled into thinking it's some sort of futuristic metropolis because they go straight from PVG to the hotel, to conference and back to their room. You really don't know the half of it.

OP won't starve, very far from it, he'll live like a king if he has anything approaching a decent Western salary

>> No.79582


> the streets are paved with gold I tell ya, GOLD

>> No.79652

This, it really does happen.

Just don't make teaching engrish your only source of income. A lot of ex-NEETs do it, and everyone there thinks they're losers as a result. Chinese people expect westerners to be wealthy and well-educated, so when they see these retards living hand-to-mouth in China because they couldn't get a job at home, it gives us all a bad name.

People who teach it on the side are fine, but teaching english has a bit of a reputation out there.

Vid related:


>> No.79727

my sides have gone astronomical.

>> No.79834
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It's actually a fairly generous account- it doesn't mention the 50yo americans who still wear shorts and backward caps and get drunk every night...

Some of the references in it

>He needs a visa
China's visa control is pretty relaxed, so a lot of english teachers get away with teaching tourist visas (some interns do it too- getting internship visas is a fucking nightmare). Be warned though- if they check, you're fucked. It happened while I was there due to the nigger riots in guangzhou. I'd say every single flight and train to HK or Macau was packed to the rafters the day after the visa crackdown was announced

>Chicken St.
I only visited Shenzhen once, so I've never been to this steet, but as far as I know it's a bit like the Combat Zone in Taipei- i.e. very sleazy bar strip full of hookers

Some of the more interesting english teachers I've encountered:

>britbong who taught in the uni i studied mandarin in. He was a born-again christian who tried to convert students, and also was, eh ,"affectionate" with some of his female students

>another britbong who lived near me. Paid a hooker to abort his baby

>italian guy who could we literally couldn't understand but was making a living teaching english

>american guy in his 40s who had been a high school maths teacher. One day just said "fuck it, I'm going to Bali to fuck some hookers", so he gave up his job and did just that. I met him in Taiwan, where he was basically doing the same thing. Really nice guy, but that always struck me as the benchmark for your life going wrong.

>> No.79876
File: 414 KB, 686x502, 1392847100672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I forgot Chinabounder. This guy is literally King of the Engrish Teachers

chinabounder[dot]blogs pot [dot]ie/

Have a look at his older posts. Basically, he was really really good at seducing chinese women, and wrote a very detailed account of his adventures. Many of his early conquests were his students, but he then branched out. Unlike most english teachers, however, he spoke fluent Mandarin and Shanghainese, which is very rare.

He outed himself to promote his book- he got a lot of death threats.

He at least admits that he's a dickhead, and it's some damn entertaining reading.

Pic not really related, it was the view some guy on /int/ (white guy who grew up in HK) posted from his balcony

>> No.79971

>Hong Kong's very existence must make China so fucking rich.


>> No.80032

damn, u must be hot. pls be in london ;).

>> No.80088

You mean home of the biggest real-estate bubble? I'm actually leaving to study in China a few days from now, but it's definitely not a place to go at this point in time if you're hoping for a steady life. Wait until the market adjusts (which I imagine it will this year, the the despair of many Chinese in general), and then start thinking about going there once there's a stable economy.

>> No.80112

I'd like to go to Singapore but I know it's expensive as fuck

>> No.80124

Is Shanghai really expensive? I have a few friends who have traveled to China, but I never asked the ones from Shanghai exactly how expensive it was. From what understand, everywhere else, even Beijing, it's pretty dirt cheap.

>> No.80142

High salaries too though

Chinese people would consider it expensive, as it's pricey compared to the rest of China.

Compared to the West it's dirt cheap for most stuff though. It's only if you're buyng high-quality brands that it gets western-level expensive. A good restaurant won't cost much at all

>> No.80208


msichlings look disgusting or emaciated (think malcom gladwell, or theoddone), good looking mutts are rare and they still have that same air of frail, washed-out lack of vitality.

>> No.80222

malcom gladwell is a hottie

>> No.80318
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dude looks like hes a cancer survivor.

>> No.80339

Enjoy your horrible life.

>> No.80377
File: 16 KB, 291x262, MalcolmGladwell[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you hate on a face like this?

>> No.80490

i lived in shenzhen

how in the hell did i miss chicken street

>> No.80511

Is it even in Shenzhen city centre though?

I don't even remember hearing about it, and I tend to hit the guidebooks obsessively when I travel.

SZ doesn't have a great metro system though (it might do by now, actually), so it might not be the most accessible area without a taxi

>> No.81401

yeah i wasn't impressed with the sz metro, took forever to get anywhere; not to mention the hassle of the hk border crossing

taxis were so cheap, it just made sense to use them, but i got robbed by a driver there. straight up robbed. first time that happened to me...anywhere

>> No.81638

Its an enormous bubble.

>> No.81742

I have a bachelors in English and I've been thinking of teaching it in china or japan. Is it really a dead end job? Also I was thinking of doing porn if that doesn't work out. I'm black btw.
>inb4 lmao xDD useless major

>> No.81761

Not saying your are incorrect but, evidence pls?

>> No.81818


>> No.81821

real estate bubble

manufacturing bubble

people bubble

it's a great big bubble

>> No.81835


lol, prepare to experience real oppression

>> No.81876

I've heard this many times from relatives in china. That people literally spit on you for no reason, and make mean faces. Welp there's always porn.

>> No.81883



>> No.81903

thanks breh, gonna read right quick.

>> No.81919

it's a very very openly racist and nationalist society

that said, if you can deal with it, you should go. i did have a black friend who got a job teaching

>> No.81915
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>is it really a dead end job
>oh well there's always porn

Perhaps you should reexamine your skillset, I'm sure you must have something more valuable than muh dick.

>> No.81999

From what I've heard, teaching English overseas is a dead end job, no chance at getting a higher position or anything. And I just want to experience life in Asia for a few years.

>> No.83733
File: 96 KB, 561x381, china comes home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teach in china
>Catch students cheating
>They fucking riot

>> No.83742
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Welp trips confirm muh dick

>> No.84946

Sounds like bullshit. Chinese are extremely ignorant of foreigners because they rarely see them in China, but they rarely go full malicious racism unless you act like a nigger

>> No.84953

Why not go to somewhere in Europe like Serbia, Lithuana or Estonia?

>> No.84986

I've never been a nigger in China, but it has to be worse than how they treat whites, which isn't very pleasant.

>> No.85008

not bullshit, the black people I knew who lived in china for business reasons moved back to the US for those reasons

>> No.85022

The worst they treat whites is stare and take pictures. I've never heard of anyone being told to LEAVE COUNTRY GWEILO

>> No.85035

oh, i've seen *that* firsthand

and btw, it's typically not gweilo they say, it's LAOWAI

>> No.85071

Yeah, they do that because they're curious about the foreigners, not because they hate you. Like I said, rarely do they act hostile against foreigners for no reason, and if they did, chances are because they met some asshole that left them a really bad impression. I was in Guangzhou for a bit and that's what the locals call foreigners in Cantonese.

>> No.85103

Baltic is cold and Croatia > Serbia

>> No.86365

Nah, Singapore is the only city-state i'd ever migrate to if i was poor in the west

>> No.86389


And what makes you think that Singapore doesn't have prerequisites on migrating there?

It's very hard to get into Singapore without securing a job there.

>> No.86403

>It's very hard to get into Singapore without securing a job there.

lol tell that to all the indians who are flooding the city now

>> No.86409


1) They're doing shit jobs like floor sweepers and construction workers on slave wages and live in concentration camps.

2) They are low tier expats that earn far less than locals

3) They are low level corporates

I did business in Singapore a few years. I know my shit.

>> No.86434

Both are equally shit, hate to break it to you.
Paychecks are in the lower hundreds (of euros, obviously) and most work is under the table if you can find work at all, all the decent places are acquired by connections or daddy's money. If you're not a rich guy there, you won't live like one. Most people in the north are trying to get hungarian citizenship to work abroad.
source: serb who lived in both countries (and bosnia too)

>> No.86454

>If you're not a rich guy there, you won't live like one
meant to say, if you weren't born to influential mommy and daddy don't expect to get any money. Xenophobia is a very real thing there too, and people are so poor and envious of anyone else strutting their shit and showing off, odds are you'll get beat up.
The rich kids don't because their parents are criminals more often than not.

>> No.86466

And in the meantime this adds up to their current residentship, they can find someone to marry, maybe have kids....damn, knowing nobody just goes into singapore and you have them just working there makes me pretty jelly

>> No.86539

Also no potato.

>> No.86601

are you invisible or something!?!?! pls respond