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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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731875 No.731875 [Reply] [Original]

What bad habits or vices do you need to get over to be the best entrepreneur you can be?

>> No.731878

Fear. :(

>> No.731879

Personally, I've got a really love-hate relationship with video games. I'll wake up in the morning, ready to work all day on my business and in school. I might say to myself, "yeah, maybe just a half-hour," and before I know it, the days half-over and be pissed at myself and ready to uninstall them all.

I want to be going to the gym, eating better, focusing so much more on business and school, but I get so caught up in games.

I keep telling myself I just need discipline and moderation, but I can't seem to actually act that out. I'm really thinking about just totally uninstalling all of them as I know its what's best for me long-term.

>> No.731890
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Every time

At least it's not alcohol or crack though...

>> No.731897

By the way

>I'm really thinking about just totally uninstalling all of them

Would it really work without discipline? What would prevent you from just playing shitty flash games instead?

Faggy story time:
One time I went cold turkey for 3 weeks. By the end I didn't even care anymore. After the 3 weeks I booted up my computer and played for an hour, but it felt like nothing and I just shut it off again. It really made me mature. I reconnected with a bunch of old friends, got a gf(still together 2 years later), landed an internship. But all the while it felt like something was missing. That little bit of excitement that makes life great, you know?

And yeah, like 3 months later I got bored one weekend and fell right back into my old habits. I really wonder why it is like that

>> No.731902

you play games because you enjoy them, so of course you'll be drawn back to them eventually.

>> No.731903

Posting on /biz/

>> No.731944

Caffeine dependence
Video games and anime
Sleep deprivation

I need to make a change

>> No.731950

4chan and the internet in general
Video games - I don't play them that often but when I do it's always for longer than I had planned
Not getting enough sleep - I feel too shot after work to be productive because I'm too tired

>> No.731951

>Would it really work without discipline? What would prevent you from just playing shitty flash games instead?

That depends. I uninstalled cs:go because a proper game takes 90 minutes. I left civilization 5 alone and its no problem , if i knock everything out for the week i maybe give it an hour or two whirl.

Certain games to certain people are just unavoidable time snatchers.

>> No.731966
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Getting a partner really helps if you want to start a business.

If I personally want to get things done on a lazy day, I just don't do anything and stare at a clock thinking and getting my priorities straight. When I'm thinking about doing the task, I'm getting motivated to do the task. So it's more like a pep talk to myself really

Also got this pic on my wall, it doesn't really help but it is inspiring.

>> No.731979



Imagine if instead of every hour you watched TV/wasted time on the web you read a book or learned a new skill instead.

I'd be the smartest fucking man on the planet.

>> No.731983

Thanks for sharing, I like this.

>> No.732002

I've done the same thing. Do very well, play either none or in moderation, and then spend a day or so bingeing and its like jumping through a door right back into it.

This is how I feel with my biggest time-sinks. I could be doing ANYTHING else, and getting something out of it.

>> No.732006

>Imagine if instead of every hour you watched TV/wasted time on the web you read a book or learned a new skill instead.

Same but with 4chan and videogames.

I'd be a programmer earning $150k/yr+ and have an extremely successful business.

>> No.732023

I had an awful gaming addiction i would even go as far as calling it.
The only way out that i found was to completely and utterly uninstall Steam, Origin, sell consoles, block /v/ on Chrome.

Its fucking hard as shit though, not going to lie. You will want to play games a lot.

And because gaming might have been a large timesink in your daily routine, Its challenging to fill that time with something more productive. Not impossible though.

>> No.732036

Are you me?

>> No.732070

Advice to people wasting time on 4chan, vidya games, etc. Just get super busy doing something productive.

I took 17 credits and worked 2 jobs (total 50 hours / week) this semester and wow it totally changed my view on time. Showed me overall how valuable time was.

If you have a lot of free time you're not busy enough so just find stuff to make yourself busy. Starting a company/venture is really good because there's TONS of work to do. Good luck

>> No.732078

Self-confidence and experience.

I have a few of what I think are good ideas, but I don't have the experience to justify taking out a loan and I don't have the self confidence to completely shift my life around a neat idea.

Like right now, I'd love to start a medieval themed bakery, but I have no professional experience in the area, so I know it's a terrible idea.

>> No.732079

Had a similar experience, it wasn't until I looked at my steam profile and added up all the hours I've spent on video games(somewhere 1000 not included off steam games) that I changed. Basically I dismantled my gaming computer, sold all my game consoles and trashed the rest. Took about 3 months until the impulses and sadness to go away. But hey I managed to get a gf afterwards.

>> No.732085
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>tfw got bored of video games and starting browsing 4chan more instead

Not sure if this is better or worse

>> No.732093

Jesus this is exactly me.

Stopped playing videogames because I would play them all day, now I'm just on /biz/, /g/ and /pol/ for the whole day for over a week now.

>> No.732098


This but internet. It's been awful for about one and a half years

>> No.733044
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Tony Robbins says you shouldnt worry about not having experience but rather seek out people who have gained rapid success in a field and model their behavior.

But then again Im a fucking expert on Tony Robbins and look where it's gotten me...

>> No.733053

So what'd you learn?

>> No.733068

I'm doing it right this second, uninstalling it all.
Wish me luck anon, its gonna be tough.

>> No.733072

Fear of failing
Student debt/lack of inclination to save up
Not scheduling my day

>> No.733102

Failure is just an opportunity to learn how to do it right next time, anon. I know that sounds like a Hallmark card, but its the truth.

Failure is the best teacher, and you've gotta open yourself up to it.

>> No.734022

Excessive Pride

It hard tointo poor to a full cup

>> No.734038

>It hard tointo poor to a full cup

>> No.734052
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>I looked at my steam profile and added up all the hours I've spent on video games(somewhere 1000 not included off steam games)
good for you, leaving while you still could

it only gets worse

>> No.734107

Jacking off so much

>> No.734121

Browsing 4chan.

>> No.734124
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>2828 hours
>divide by 8
>353.5 full working days

>> No.734125

i dream a lot