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7310454 No.7310454 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if this is the best place to rant but I don't know where else to write so I'll post it here.

I first heard about bitcoin like five-six years ago here, on 4chan, didn't even think about buying back then, didn't think about buying it other times I've seen it being mentioned, just didn't care. My friend told me about bitcoin again like 6 months ago, we thought about buying but didn't. Then we talked about it 2 months ago, he bought it, I didn't but I started reading /biz/ and /r/cryptocurrency a lot. Then January happened, I talked to him again, he made 5x, I FOMOd, bought on 10-12th January right before early Korea crash, then invested more money 3 days ago when India news hit the market and after that Bitcoin fell to 8k.

I have spent all my free time playing games, watching movies and browsing 4chan for last 5-6 years. I've never had any passion in my life, I wasn't interested in anything but sitting in my room doing nothing. That friend is my only friend I ever had. My mom always told me that if I found something I was passionate about, I'd be very successful in life. I really liked reading stuff about cryptocurrencies, but I was always too lazy to actually do something and invest just like I was always too lazy to do anything about my life. Then I finally made myself invest in it, I thought it was a good time, it Korea news just hit the market and I thought it wouldn't go any lower. I invested $8500. I stopped playing games completely and spent all free time reading about cryptocurrency. I felt really good, I found something I was passionate about. Few weeks later that $8500 became $4000. Then India banning crypto news hit the market and I invested another $3000 cause I thought it was a good time, Bitcoin hit 10k and I was sure it wouldnt go lower and I really believed in technology and its future so I invested more. It dipped lower. I now have $4498 in my blockfolio from my $11500 invested total. I feel like throwing up.

>> No.7310464


>> No.7310481

This was the only thing that I thought would give me somewhat of a purpose, a passion in life, but its another spit in my face from my life. I know I shouldn't invest more than I can afford to lose. I didn't, I only invested my student loans. If I lose this money, it would be a huge a dissapointment, but it won't drastically change my life right now. I just feel fucking destroyed and don't know what to do. It's not even the loss of money that hurts the most althought it hurts a lot, its just the fact that another attempt to change something made things even worse, much worse. As usual.

>> No.7310506

go play games, watch movies, and fap for a month and come back

>> No.7310534

Time heals everything, my dude.

There's a lot of FUD in the air and weak hands don't know how to react.

Give this a watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hlN2nel5HI

>> No.7310563

/adv is this way

>> No.7310566

dont worry anon, there will come a time in your life where things will start to come together. you'll meet some friends who understand you, maybe you meet a girl who legitimately loves you, you'll get a well paying, interesting job and you'll feel hopeful and upbeat for once in your miserable life.

and then you'll fuck it all up again and go right back to where you are now. happens all the time. i'm on my third go of it and I'm not even 30 yet. good luck bro

>> No.7310573

Hey man, through all the memes I just felt you should hear there are similar situations to yours, although perhaps not as bad.

I entered the market on december 19. I went all-in on ICX when it was about 2.70. with 11,000 dollars.

Man in the following weeks i felt like a fucking king. we went past 10 and even 12 dollars. Then a friend told me about a low marketcap coin (I will not mention the coin) and that I should quickly move my ICON gains from that coin to this other one.

Long story short, the new coin had just finished mooning and was due for a correction. Then the market crashed.

I am still all-in on said coin, as i believe it can recover, but I just 30 minutes ago went below my initial investment. I was up over 4x my initial investment prior to this.

Call it a fools hope but I had begun to see a good life for myself coming out of this. Perhaps it was foolishness and greed.

Look man what im trying to say is there are alot of people getting fucked out here and ive thought of the rope in the past few days as well.

This shit can't possibly go much lower. I thought 8k would be as low as it would possibly go, but now im thinking 6k. I really don't think it will go any further than this.

Dont give up hope man.

>> No.7310577


Your portfolio dipping by 50% isn't a failure. The reason you are a failure is because you think $11,500 is a lot of money.

>> No.7310630

shut the fuck up with this stupid bullshit.
Alot of people scrape by with all their willpower to put 5-10k into this shit.

Just because you haven't left moms basement doesn't mean other people have the same life circumstances as you. Most people are drooling idiots, yet on the same token your average human cannot scrape together 2k for a life or death emergency. Even in developed countries it's a fucking rarity to have someone with 10k ready to invest into something.

>> No.7310676

You are just like me but I started after medicated my depression. It's chronic, and it's always been with me. Before that I was
>lazy lazy lazy
Anon, keep in that in mind, 'cause I predict that even if you become rich this shit won't go away.

>> No.7310723

that sucks OP but $4,000 is really not a lot of money. get a fucking job and you’ll make that in a month

>> No.7310740

>Yeah, just "go get a job" that pays $25 an hour OP

It's so easy!

>> No.7310744

Put what you have left in BCH and thank me in a few months

I know you probably won't listen to me, so screencap this and then cry about the missed opportunity a few months from now, it was staring you right in the face and you didn't listen

>> No.7310774

I have $17,400 from $3,000 invested. My top was $130,000 .. for like half a day. I don't feel good or bad. I'm going to go play some Fallout 4 VR I think.

>> No.7310777

babies first dip.
just keep holding and stop looking at crypto/blockfolio
Keep playing your games for like 2 years.
Bitcoin always go back higher

>> No.7310797


it is easy if you stop playing vidya and jerking off for half the day

>> No.7310841

he has no degree and likely no work experience. you aint getting anything over $15 unless you got some comfy kneepads

>> No.7310865

wrong and wrong

not only are you wrong on both of those fronts, but i'm also not skinnyfat with a protruding gut and acne like you.

>> No.7310885

Just hold bro, you haven’t lost money until you sell. Don’t listen to all the fud around here, it’ll pick up eventually. It’s deliberate fear mongering to get us to panic sell while smart money buys up. When (((((they))))) want the price to go up it will boom

>> No.7310891

Alright goys, lets bring in the government because OP is a retard

>> No.7310921

what's your degree in? what notable companies have you worked at?

>> No.7310936

im a paramedic

>> No.7310943

I did the same thing. I knew about bitcoin in 2011. I talked about it with a friend in 2015. We didnt invest.
In late november originally i put in 1000 and quickly jumped to 1500. After reading all about it I was convinced.

I chucked another 5k into bitcoin. Keep in mind I'm fuckin broke beyond belief grad student who lives on 200 a week. This money was years of saving.

I'm now sitting on about 2.4k after literally losing more and more with every trade i made. I cannot fucking believe how much i have lost in a month. Im still losing.

Money is so precious to me i feel like harming myself over 6k. I know its nothing but its everything to me. I dont know what to do, but i have found a little bit of solace in your story and that im not alone in my suffering

>> No.7310948

google "average salary no degree," I'll wait

>> No.7310953
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Either sell, eat your losses and move on, or just hold what you have and ignore it until Crypto makes a comeback (If at all).

Then just find a job doing something. Anything. And yes, fast food jobs are an option, but if there are other opportunities, try those first. Build up a decent work history/resume and work your way to a better job or to the point where you can use your degree along with work experience to get a normal career job.

If you are serious about this, and you aren't lying, It will take a pretty drastic change in lifestyle, but it is possible if you put in the time and effort.

>> No.7310954

Thanks a lot for cheering up. I don't even dream about 4x and moon anymore. I would be very happy if I just got my invested money back or if the sea of red finally stops. With current market I can't even decide what altcoins to trade for eth, what coins to buy, whether I should accept 80% loss on some of the coins and trade them for eth or keep holding, all this "buy low, sell high" isnt working anymore when I'm low on every single coin. Its impossible to trade for me in this market so I'm just watching my blockfolio amount shrinking every time I open the app. I know that most people here have been in this market for months and they are losing their profit, I'm just watching my money burn. Since I've invested, its red sea every day.

Yeah, I know. I'm on meds too and I know it won't go away, I just hoped it could be better and it felt better once I found something I liked.
I will hold, I have no choice. I will probably put even more money if this crash will last few months, its just crushing me that this crash is so big and so long. I was here reading stuff during Chinese ban, during December dip, I invested in January cause I thought Korea news was a good time and now I understand that it was only a beginning. I invested in worst time possible, like literally, a week earlier and I would do x2, a week later and bitcoin would be much cheaper to buy.

>> No.7310987

well then you don't have a degree, so the guy you responded to wasn't completely wrong.

>> No.7311009

Tbh I choose to think this will recover and continue to grow. I mean, that chart that usually gets posted is sort of infinite. One th crash happens the whole process starts again. Idk if this can be considered a crash but I remember thinking to myself "I wish I had had bitcoin back when it was cheap" if thi is really the crash then fuck it. I can wait, this time I'll be ready, this time I'll be a part of it.

Also if you did your research you know the tecnology can change a lot of industries, for this reason I'm not panicking. I can wait. It will go up eventually.

>> No.7311044

Alright? I mean does anyone actually give a fuck?

5-10k is a lot for someone to save in most cases. The sweeping generalization of "10k initial investment isnt a lot to me so it shouldnt be for you!" is retarded.

Just give it a rest.

>Heh, something something your degree!

>> No.7311057

Learn TA and you will understand prices you fucking moron. Here's something to calm you down:


>> No.7311069

A lot of people in the last month learned that crypto isn't always a money printing machine they thought it is.

>> No.7311085

Seize your future. You can hold it or you can throw in the towel. Don't put any more in. Leave in as much as you can bare to be without for a year at least.

>> No.7311096

BTW it's never raising again.

>> No.7311111

lol faggot why don' you cash out and forget about crypto? it will be race to the bottom, only shills behind ponzi schemes and shitcoins make threads and hype their shit here. are you really that stupid?

>> No.7311115

>lazy NEETs bawwing the get rich quick scheme did not work for them

abloobloo so fucking sad, meanwhile I am now on the 6th miserable year of medschool, get fucked OP, I would punch useless shitters like you if I had the chance

>> No.7311138


>> No.7311140

You don't know that. Literally no one knows that.

>> No.7311150
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>> No.7311156
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>> No.7311169

>I use ta to prove im right instead of making money and if you dont agree with me im going to call you names on the internet
Stop trading with your emotions son. Fuck ta and learn to read price action

>> No.7311172


Learn TA you fucking morons, fuck sake it pisses me off when people speak out of their ass. You fucking retards, I almost hope you lose your money.



fucking panicked /biz/

>> No.7311174

You have the wrong link
Here is the one that suits better.

I still think that the market will recover and that hopefully, I will get my money back, maybe its coping but if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't put so much money in the first place.

I'd punch and shoot myself if I wasnt such a pussy.

>> No.7311181


>> No.7311186

Hope you never become a doctor.

>> No.7311205

A lot of people have made mad gainz off of BTC and altcoins. That money didn't just appear out of the sky. That money came from stupid people like you. Thank you. People like you are necessary for these bubbles to come about.

BTW, you will still get a chance to cash out at a higher price in ~5 years. That is if you didn't invest it all in Buttcoin and invested in some rare alt that will actually survive the long purge.

>> No.7311208
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korea/india might've had a impact ... the killer is still tether/bitfinex + USA regulations that will follow

shit was on the up and up until the subpoena for tether/bitfinex was made official ... which was already around for months

^ 8% of the total (and active volume) ...

this won't end pretty all circumstantial evidence points towards it (a multitude of mt gox's) and months of a bear market depending on how quick other exchanges rebound and regulations affect the outcome ...

idk but this is the worst and best time for crypto to buy in or to be massively fucked ... talking about another -50% although i can't imagine muss less than that - if it survives you might be able to hodl through it...

>> No.7311215

>I now have $4498 in my blockfolio from my $11500 invested total.
Who cares? It's an investment that is known to be volatile. We are experiencing a downturn in the market, just because you're a fucking idiot that ignored Bitcoin for years, does not make it a bad investment. BTC will be $50k, will you still be crying? no. Some prick will be though, so please excuse me for not giving a shit about your losses.

>> No.7311222

post a vid of you punching yourself in the balls a couple of times and ill give you 1 eth

>> No.7311243
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I'm sure you know why it bounced off 7800 right? and how 2000 BTC buying wall just got eaten on that level.

Long term BTC is still great investment. Even if it goes down to bottom 5-6k$.

>> No.7311262

I never said I chose a bad investment, I chose the bad time. I thought that there was a dip in December and there won't be another one for months after Korean dip and then that bitcoin wouldn't go any lower after India dip. Now everyone is expecting a downturn, back when I invested nobody did. Most people were talking about lambos and moon.

>> No.7311297

>dollar cost average
>never chase pumps
>dont get discouraged
>you are in this until more mainstream adoption

Who would win
>mainstream media and entire banking infrastucture
>handful of neets in their basement

>> No.7311329

Stop looking at the price of BTC, come back in August and smile. I've seen my portfolio crash so many times, I'm immune to it. Now I just skim money off the top when it hits an ATH.

>> No.7311354

Lol you fucking pleb. Handful of neets in their basement any day.

What are the top 3 market cap companies in the WORLD and how did the founders start? Please go back to "debating" politics with you co-workers in Mcdonalds

>> No.7311370


>he thinks banks, insitutions and every algo in existance of trading isn't buying BTC @SMA200 level = 6k$

>he doesn't understand media is used to push the prices down so they can buy lower

>he doesn't understand anything about how trading works

bravo you fucking retard, media is really treating you well I see

>> No.7311373

Shut the fuck up mate how are you helping? Salty no coiner brainlet. Probably a fuckin boomer

>> No.7311410

hopeful and upbeat or having a job, you can only choose one

>> No.7311415

Please excuse my friend in community college. He's half way in taking econ and psych 101 and thinks he knows the world now. What I'd give to get that feeling back lol.

>> No.7311428

*autistic screeching*

>> No.7311436

Mate, so many of you absolute faggots have come out of the woodwork as soon as we have a big correction. Where the fuck were you in December? Sounds like you have no money to throw into the once in a lifetime opportunity that is cryptocurrency and are salty as fuck. You are the true loser on this thread not OP

>> No.7311444

it worked for /pol/

>> No.7311448
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>I only invested my student loans.
>I know I shouldn't invest more than I can afford to lose.

>> No.7311465

Under-rated comment here. Hear hear anon

>> No.7311469

Yes cunt, classic 4chan autistic screeching meme. Good one

>> No.7311493

hahaha i started back in april im up so fucking much lmao with so little effort. literally just got lucky while you have to work for it so hard, lmao 6 years at medschool hahaha

>> No.7311505

TA doesn't take into account news and is much less effective for long term forecasts.
TA is meant to be combined with fundamental analysis.
Example: There are a shitload of people who bought BTC at $10k and above who are praying for BTC to rise again so they can dump their coins. Do you think the Jews want to pay full price for all those coins? The Jews can afford to keep the price of BTC suppressed for a very long time while they accumulate.

>> No.7311526

if it's a lot to you then you shouldn't invest that much in a highly volative investment you don't understand

>> No.7311550

You're a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect...barely better off than the shitters drawing bull flags on BTC and saying it was going to moon in Jan.

>> No.7311566

Let me guess it was UFR wasnt it ?

>> No.7311574


I kind of agree with first part about combining fundamental and TA, even though fundamental is only a part of TA

the other part about jews suppressing BTC is:

*tinfoil hat intensifies*

>> No.7311575

Dumbfuck manchild. Should have done your own research.

>> No.7311602


Nah, everybody knew 20k$ is psychological channel and once it fell out bellow channels trendline that was in for the majority of December smart money got out.

I think you have no idea how TA works and are just salty. Not my problem if you can't draw few lines and look at history retracement and recovery.

but w/e, some make money in this market, others don't.

>> No.7311613

lol faggot with small balls OP, crypto is not for your weak hands. take that rope or put a bullet in your head, you disgusting waste of sperm

>> No.7311640


>> No.7311796

Well, you self identify as "lazy". That is nto really acceptable if you want to be "successful" at anything

I can relate, I used to self identify as lazy also. I got so close to so many things that could have made me lots of money if i just put more effort into them.

You need to get tired of that schtick. Grind hard, get rich, then you can be "lazy" (if you desire) and feel good about it long term instead of short term.

Seems like your laziness is what made you lose money here, not anything else. All you had to do was put forth the effort that you ended up putting forth anyway, earlier.

>> No.7311813

It might take a year, it might take a lifetime, but if you look for it one day something might click up and you will find peace. who knows, maybe crypto is your thing, you just were extremely unlucky about it. I would first sit back and think what you did wrong this time, trying to be as objective as possible so that you learn from it. Also if you feel any better, you are not the only one that his life went to worse the time he decided to do something with it, but you gotta hold on

that being said
>I really believed in technology and its future
why did you believe in bitcoin's technology? the concept of cryptocurrencies really blew my mind the first time I read it, but I just had to see the fees to realize that bitcoin itself was really obsolete.

>> No.7311911

I hope you get dick cancer

>> No.7311922

>i found my life passion!
>gives up after 3 weeks
actually kill yourself, loser.

>> No.7311934

Bitcoin is. Ethereum and many altcoins are the future. I'm trying to learn from it. I probably could have predicted the huge dip after the ride in January but everyone was saying that it would moon and I was just telling myself that I was too lasy to invest and used any excuses to delay, so I put my money in.

>> No.7311963

If you knew about bitcoin for 6 years and are not a millionaire, then you are a retard.

>> No.7312017

Still being a stupid fuck. Everyone who started crypto in the past 2 months is down right now with very few exceptions.

Every one of them were ignorant of what they were getting into by your standards right?

Stop being a pompous fuck. I understand this is the only part of your life where you have any control but just know that at the end of the day your little cheeky comments mean nothing

>> No.7312103
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It was a rhetorical question you fucking half-cocked emotional brainlets. OP shouldnt have bought twice with two large sums of money, he should have bought slowly overtime or he should have split his money up into a mining rig and dollar cost averaging. He should not be trying to day trade either. You goofballs always try to convince people to day trade or use your memelines. If someone clearly doesnt know what theyre doing, youre doing them a disservice by not giving them any kind of foundation. Its clear cryptocurrency is going to get a lot larger.

The absolute state of biz.

I actually left college to go all in on bitcoin in 2011 and now run a crypto payment processor for businesses. Cryptos bought me houses and financial freedom for eternity. I left college after realizing it was full of retards like you.

>> No.7312146
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good, then start reading about shitcoins all day every day. I'm of the belief that this is just the beginning of the crypto mania. your average joe doesn't know about smart contracts, let alone about oracles, and when they do shit is going to blow up. if ChainLink can deliver on their ideas then I can finally understand why so many shilling and memes came out of it
good luck

>> No.7312208

Op, thats not so bad.

I had a laptop in 2010, and I mined out a few thousand BTC. Got bored, thought it was all shit and worthless. Dropped it one day, and threw it out.

I literally threw away millions OP. And I'm a poor NEET ffs. It made me fucking insane for a while over December.

I actually bought back in, in October. So I'm still up. Feels bad though to see the drop.

Honestly, this thing has a long way to run yet IMO. All the markets are dumping today - this shit happens. If it keeps going, it'll probably boom again though and you'll be fine.

>> No.7312271

This guy gets it.

>> No.7312610

>I had a laptop in 2010, and I mined out a few thousand BTC. Got bored, thought it was all shit and worthless. Dropped it one day, and threw it out.

Wow. My condolences.

>> No.7312631


>> No.7312689

>5-10k is a lot for someone to save in most cases
i live in poor eastern europe and i find $5-10k saved ridiculously small. what are you, black?

>> No.7312814

Get into therapy buddy. It really helped me after a long depressive period and a NEET lifestyle. Now I work in a career I enjoy and can actively develop in (film industry), live in a nice flat with GF, and invest in shitcoins for lols.

>> No.7312864

To be fair, you would've sold all of them when BTC hit $1k or even $100

>> No.7313009

Yep, I mined a million turtlecoins and sold them as soon as they went up. Bitcoin in 2010 was like turtle now.

>> No.7313049

I started mining in 2010 when I first heard about it and i dedicated my gpu to mining it.
Was told by my relatives to sell it because it was a scam. had accumulated about 50 btc.

>> No.7313511

Its funny how quickly sentiment changes. In december everyone dreamed about lambos and said btc will be 100k shortly. Its not possible as long as some people like winklewoss bross hold 170k btc. Imagine how much that would be... You cant cash out billions from bitcoin and expect for average students to invest as much for price increase. And we have miners which are always paid in btc... writing was on the wall about incoming crash. Tether is fine they said...

>> No.7313574

Larp much. Average wage in eastern europe is about 800-900 usd. Try saving 10k with rent, food and other stuff costing as much as rest of europe

>> No.7313753

i do software dev for americans and i get around $2-3k/month. you're delusional

my rent is $200/month for a 3-room apartment, though. cost of living is really low. gigabit fiber with no cap costs less than $12

>> No.7313816

I knew about Bitcoin the day it was released thanks to /g/

>> No.7313889

Larp... implying everyone in east europe does programming or IT stuff... because you are whole world you know... 10k is big sum east or west europe you fuck

>> No.7313912

you didnt deserve that money in the first place faggot, watch jordan peterson and quit being a nigger

>> No.7313975

Almost the same. Differnce is i never invested. Random porn videos cosed aa much as 10 btc back then. Was strange concept. Tried to mine btc on core client miner but pc was shit so mined just 0.5btc in a night. Said waist of electricity and stopped. Oh well...

>> No.7313991

>I have spent all my free time playing games, watching movies and browsing 4chan for last 5-6 years. I've never had any passion in my life, I wasn't interested in anything but sitting in my room doing nothing.

And this is why I love crypto, because worthless lazy scum like you get scammed the fuck out. Get a fucking job and get some education you filthy degenerate.

Also how do you have 12k to invest if you’re a NEET? Please don’t tell me you’ve wasted your parents money.

>> No.7314176
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>> No.7314400

>MFW I lost 300 Euro but reading such stories make me feel better.

>> No.7314561

Motherfucker that is too true to exist

>> No.7314599
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tfw all of them

>> No.7314610


>> No.7314626

>literally everyone think like this
What's the point of that bingo?

>> No.7314683

dont sell at a loss, just wait it out.. I fucked up in the past and lost 15k on a Sunday.. But thankfully got it all back in a few months.

>> No.7314803

There is virtually not a single individual that doesnt fill in at least half of those.

>> No.7314838

People who do the opposite of each case are actually less common. I mean who the fuck doesn't like validation?

>> No.7314983

Same here OP.

I invested $5,000 from my saved $110,000 to see if I could make it. Now I'm at $3,000 and a bit sad but it doesn't fucking matter because I'm not an idiot who put in what he couldn't afford to lose.

>> No.7315166


I began with 6500$, It crashed a month after, stayed with 3000$, Half a year later, and during this dip I have 15000$.

All you need is patiance, and what I learnt is that it's best to first find a good entry point before FOMOing in, so study the market and learn from your mistakes.

>> No.7315249
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>He fell for the HODL meme

fking kys autismo

>> No.7315328

It's not about how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up. Or something like that.

I never had significant setbacks in life but I wish you the best anon.

>> No.7315511

Take some solid advice from the bitconnecters.


>> No.7315632


>> No.7315683

Yes, the cycles of self-destruction. Though in the end it doesn't matter if you can identify with this bingo. The world is fucked and everyone has their own path to travel, so fucking what.

>> No.7315697

If I had $150,000 in my block chain portfolio (fot example) what could I do with it? Can you cash out that much into actual money in the bank?

I don't really understand the crypto meme.

>> No.7315722

> My mom always told me that if I found something I was passionate about, I'd be very successful in life.
Here is your problem OP. Your mother is a woman, women lie to make men feel good so they protect them. It is natural. Stop listening to your mother, beside if it comes to child raising till the age of 10.

>> No.7315742

don't get mad mate. It is well said that you didn't lose until you sell it.

>> No.7315962

>This was the only thing that I thought would give me somewhat of a purpose, a passion in life
If gambling is your 'purpose', your 'passion in life', you have much bigger problems than you realize.

>> No.7316041

Feel free to ignore my advice, I'm not trying to hurt you despite the unfortunate tone of my previous reply.

But try to find a way to be useful to other people, in a way that benefits society as a whole, that is in alignment with your own interests.

Speculation will be less of a drain to your emotions.