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7309960 No.7309960 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't know Python
>He didn't write a trading bot
feels good to be intelligent enough to understand python

>> No.7309980

It's a language for children, anyone can read and write Python.

>> No.7309983


Post blockfolio faggot let's see how good you are

>> No.7309985

lol noob
learn a proper language

>> No.7309990
File: 68 KB, 306x306, 1516888274144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Understanding Python
> Thinks it implies intelligence

Oh, anon. How did you become so arrogant an deluded?

>> No.7309998

can confirm

made my first trading bot a couple of weeks ago and it's been making consistent 15-35% gains daily. i feel like ive found the cheat codes to life.

>> No.7310006

> Muh proper languages
You faggots are hilarious.

>> No.7310007

>he trusted his money to a bot written by himself
>he forgot that he's a retsrd

>> No.7310008


>> No.7310031

I use python err day at work

It doesn't help me though, I'm a shit trader manually, I'll just lose money faster with a bot doing it for me

>> No.7310048

biz: retards that think that they are smart people who act like retards

>> No.7310086

could you please elaborate, what does the bot do?

>> No.7310100

if you code a bot you can capture even .5% gains daily you will have 6x the money you started with at the beginning of the year

>> No.7310108


You just got lucky.

~25% daily gains for a year is 235,588,858,528,731,605,613,979,717,668,638,883 times your initial investment.

>> No.7310130 [DELETED] 
File: 994 KB, 1277x713, EB3555F1-E0B4-44C9-9F8A-B9443E87E1AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been working on a python trading bot for the greater part of a year now. It has consistently made over 10% gains per day for the past 3 months, with minor tweaks to the code. I am offering 10 copies for 90% off in return for reviews for my website which will be live next week, and the price will increase 10x. Updates will be available to purchase monthly to ensure a 10% daily return. Email for returns, questions, and review in the link.


>> No.7310133


>> No.7310146
File: 38 KB, 472x461, 5206E838-E988-452C-B651-95F1244C45AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeeeend it

>> No.7310160


>> No.7310162

why is it written in csharp though ?

>> No.7310167

Prove this isn't pictures of cheese. Your pic looks convincing but show a few lines of code

>> No.7310183

this is a scam

>> No.7310188
File: 971 KB, 1263x936, FD4227ED-EF97-4A1C-B720-3396CA4C63D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking legit

>> No.7310202

>he thinks writing a bot has anything to do with the language
Poor child

>> No.7310213

Just bought 100k
Obvious FUD is obvious. I’ll buy the rest just to JUST you

>> No.7310215

>code a bot

This phrase is how I know this is a larp

And how are you supposed to manage the risk for the bot if you can't do it manually?

>> No.7310216


I'm better at Python than you and probably most people on /g/. I'm telling you it's made for children.

>> No.7310217

Asking for $80 lmfao.

A trading bot with 10% consistent daily gains would turn $10K into $50M in 3 months.

No trading bot in the world can do 10% daily.

>> No.7310221

We can see you're on the same browser profile retard

>> No.7310226

Except coding a boot is piss fucking easy. Deciding its trading strategy is difficult

>> No.7310241

>doing hard work yourself
Just pay someone else to create a bot for you.

I personally invested in a company called bitconnect 2 months ago which has a bot. I haven't checked my account in a while though, might have a loo....OH NONONONONONONONONONONO

>> No.7310246

nigger if you fucking buy them all I will find you

>> No.7310256
File: 42 KB, 736x655, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fall for the scams

no massively successful trading bot will be on a site that DOES NOT have margin trading

because you cant sell overbought assets on non-margin accounts unless you bought them

>> No.7310257

Proof >>7310130 is a SCAM:


you are the same pajeet with a vpn, why is that you ((((((two))))) both have the same fucking bookmarks.... fucking hell

>> No.7310264

lmao took me a few months to understand php,js,sql then learned python in a few hours and im dumb as fuck lol

>> No.7310268


>> No.7310276

because people try to capture bigger than .5% gains daily and/or they dont want to sit watching charts all day

hell even 3% gains daily is good

>> No.7310294
File: 1.24 MB, 1592x802, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip: if your bot is unprofitable just flip the buy and sell commands

>> No.7310295


>> No.7310314

Top kek. I bet you're shit programmers. Real programmers know to use the most suitable language for every problem. Python + Numpy + Pandas + NetworkX = win

That combination will give you the flexibility of Python plus the speed of C and Fortran where it matters.

Trading bots are a waste of time. They work for a while (if they even do) and then the market changes, you lose money and have to start again.

Arbitrage is where consistent money is at.

>> No.7310335

How do I get into arbitrage?

>> No.7310355

Yeah, but what if it's a genetic algorithm?
That would cost millions but I think that it might work.

>> No.7310362

if your trading bot is unprofitable you need to get better and expand where you pull your data from

also margin accounts are necessary if you want to make money with assets. that way you can enter a position with a sell instead of always entering with buys

>> No.7310366

Nobody is going to help you. The more people arb, the quicker the market corrects. I don't mean to be rude, I'm in the same position as you. But it's simple math and a lot of code

>> No.7310382

>A trading bot with 10% consistent daily gains would turn $10K into $50M in 3 months.
You don't understand how it works. The amount is not scalable. It's always a percentage of a fixed amount.

>> No.7310387

>feels good to be intelligent enough to understand python
>can use language designed to be easy enough for children
how many layers of bait are you on?

>> No.7310405

>litterally the user-friendliest programming language, made for normie brainlets
you're kidding, right? you make me hate the language, normie brainlet. fuck you.

>> No.7310427
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>feels good to be intelligent enough to understand python
Hooray! You have a triple-digit IQ!

>> No.7310502

You don’t even need to write a bot- there’s open source ones available for free online. But figuring out the strategy will be virtually impossible. This is my ultimate fantasy- compound interest means if you could successfully do this you could turn $100 into unlimited money in a very short amount of time. But it’s impossible!!! If it wasn’t everyone would do it and we’d all be filthy rich!!!

>> No.7310557

It's designed to be readable, flexible and quick to prototype in. If you don't understand these concepts you clearly are not a software engineer, and thus your opinion of the language carries little weight.

>> No.7310741

I'm actually using a genetic algorithm in my arbitrage software. It's kind of complicated to implement the genetic operators (crossover and mutation) in a way that makes sense and works well.

In theory arbitrage is very simple: buy low and sell high. The problem is discovering the arbitrage opportunities.

If you stick to binary arbitrage (two exchanges), then you aren't going to make money because those are too easy to spot (you could do it manually with coinmarketcap...). You have to up your game and go into triangular arbitrage and higher. Of course, after a point (6-8 hops in my experience) it won't be profitable anymore. Partly because of the fees (which become negligible if you have enough capital though), and partly because of the time risk. Every time you do transfers between exchanges you are exposing yourself to more risk, because the prices can go against you.

If you trade with big capitals, you also have to take into account liquidity (so don't look at last price, that's useless).

Anyway, it's not that difficult to evaluate a series of trades and check if it's profitable (there are lots of detail to take into account, but it's not difficult, per se). What's really difficult is to find those arbitrage opportunities. That's because there are so many markets and currencies that a brute force algorithm doesn't work.

>> No.7310781

Thanks, I appreciate the advice

>> No.7310784

Do you just do crypto or other stuff as well?

(Are you stuco?)

>> No.7310844

I am the creator of the arbitrage platform I use, but now I found an investor who created a company to build a full-fledged product. I manage a team and when the product reaches a certain level of functionality we're going to make it public.

To cover expenses and salaries we might do an ICO. We'll see because there are actually many legal implications and it's not easy to do it right.

It will be one of the first ICOs with a working product. The token will probably be used to reduce the fees our platform charges and possibly earn money like KCS.

Don't worry anons, if we will do the ICO I will tip you off early. I will link back to this thread. The name of the platform starts with M...

>> No.7310866

s/if we will do/if we end up doing/

>> No.7310914

I graduated in Engineering Mathematics and did Data Science for a while. Now developing the arbitrage platform is my full time job. There's a lot of math really, plus the programming of course.

I don't know what do you mean by stuco. Student council? lol

>> No.7310916

its piss easy to write your own blockchain, its just you need decentralization

>> No.7310933

No no, I'm asking if you just do arbitrage on crypto or also other markets.

>> No.7311003

>clearly are not a software engineer
yeah, sure

>> No.7311005

Just crypto. In the stock markets it's insanely difficult.

I know that there are arbitrage opportunities in sports betting. I had started to look into it and it doesn't seem too difficult. I just never started because I didn't have time.

>> No.7311033
File: 74 KB, 178x213, youtubeyoutubeyoutuibe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit dude

>> No.7311074

if the method worked, you would be too rich to bother selling it to faggots on a Mongolian beef futures trading forum

>> No.7311338

>Trading bot
Top tier bait, good job OP.

>> No.7311477

I don't know what you are implying, but Python is a good choice for a trading bot, unless you are doing HFT, which you can't really do with crypto.

Unless you suck at programming, the speed of Python will always be enough, because the bottleneck will be I/O.

>> No.7311620

if high=true:
no need to thank me

>> No.7311787

Python is for prototyping only

>> No.7312643

>typing out "=true"
>Not knowing python will check boolean by default
Never gonna make it