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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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730725 No.730725 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

I was hoping if any of you could give me some information as to how to start a company.

I have a couple ideas/products I've been playing with and I was wondering how;

I start a legitimate organization

I get the legal paperwork or whatever okays I need.

I manufacture the products themselves

Any advice or explanation of the steps and stages of development would be wonderful.

>> No.730801
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If you want to start a sole proprietorship it's pretty easy. If you live in the US you can probably do it all online at your state and city website for less than $100 total. You don't need any legal paperwork until you start getting into corporations

>> No.730810

write up a business plan. share the plan with your cats, and get their opinion on it.


>> No.730825
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Okay, how about actually producing the product? How would I do that?

>> No.730844

What is the product?

>> No.730856
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For this example lets say electronics and Glassware.

>> No.730861
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Shit bro, way above my pay grade... You need a contract prototype fabricator. One that does lens grinding, packaged electronics, plastic extrusion, and metal fan.

You have drawings of this thing? If not, you'll need a contract designer, or two, first.

>> No.730869

I can put you in touch with all of the above, but you're going to have to be fucking loaded dude.

>> No.730880
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I have plenty of rough drafts drawn up, I'm just looking for more information on the following stages.

I figured I would make the cheaper products first until I made enough profit to make progressively the more complex and expensive ones.

>> No.730894

Better than nothing.
Part 1
You need a design for manufacturing guy to get drawings and work instructions put together. $40/hr and the actual hours depend on how detailed and workable your sketches are and how complex the assembly is. More parts(especially custom) will take longer. Aim for "off the shelf" components whenever possible.
Part 2
Fabrication. If it's all off the shelf parts, or simple cnc parts, a hands on mechanical design guy may be able to do the prototype. If not, time to shop around for a prototype fab shop. They may have minimum orders, if your thing is all custom parts that require specialty molds, fixtures, jigs. Either way, expect to spend a metric shit ton on the prototype versus what the chinks will charge for a container full.

>> No.730899

As a engineer i would love to 'help', anyway you see this going to work?

>> No.730901

Tell me something else. Does this device have sophisticated optomechanical components?

If so, you're going to need a whole new class of actual engineers and designers; moreover, you're going to need a badass prototype lab or convince some kids from Rochester University/ Arizona State to build your shit.

>> No.730923
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so basically pay a guy to make a prototype and then use that to see if anyone wants to mass produce it?

Any way I can just order parts and construct it myself?
I think that I mainly need help with getting my drafts into more technical design sheets with all of the proper circuitry etc.
Not yet but if I want to make my higher-end designs, yes. Had some good ideas for future tech designs.

Pretty broke though. Business loan?

>> No.730934

>Any way I can just order parts and construct it myself?
Yes you can, if you have the sheets all set up for the stuff you cant do at home.

>> No.730935

>construct it myself
Absolutely! If you can do it, do it! I'd recommend collaborating with an engineer, or at least an engineering student to do it.

Is this something that would work with a kickstarter campaign?

>> No.730963
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This is gonna be a huge longshot question, but is anyone experienced with laws regarding packaging and labeling dietary supplements?

I'm trying to create a brand of tea, but the certain tea leaf I'm trying to use isn't approved by the FDA so it cannot be sold for human consumption. It can be sold as a dietary supplement however as long as its not marketed as edible for humans.

You're not allowed to use any words that imply the intended use such as "tea", "soda", "beverage". But you are required to list ingredients. A possible way around this law that I thought of would be to list "tea" as one of the ingredients. That way you're not labeling the product as tea, and you're required to list all ingredients


>> No.730964

Maybe /ck/ can help you bro? Possibly even/fit/? I'm totally in the dark on that one.

>> No.730966
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Yeah, possibly. I guess I'll just read up a bit more on electronic schematics then take it to whoever can create a prototype model?

>> No.730968
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If people know that it's regular use is a tea, they'll probably just drink it regardless of what the packaging says.

If the FDA deems it unsafe though, why would you make it, and why would anyone want to drink it?

You could always sell it on the internet I guess.