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7306779 No.7306779 [Reply] [Original]

i wont sell at a loss and wait minimum 3 months. just give it to me straight please so i dont get my hopes up.

i went all in at 9$
ath is at 12$
price now 4$

did my research and it looked like a dope project with actual substance but now i feel sick. its been worst performer for many days now and i wonder why that is when its supossed to be a blue chip?

do the whales know more reason they unloading?

help me bizbros

>> No.7306806

Sell it all and earn your money back elsewhere

>> No.7306828



>> No.7306848

Well a Korean Ethereum with 380 mill coins in circulation but with a total of 800 mill coins minted that will be released over time. If it does a 3 or 4x from its current price that would put it in the top 10. Idk man.

Just build your dApp on Ethereum or NEO bro.

>> No.7306850

I just got in today with 1200 at 49700 sats.

>> No.7306874

ICX looks good for the coming year, just be a real investor and stick with the project that you believed in moron.

EOS and ETH also look for the coming year once you make some of your money back.

Any platform that dapps that people will want to use are being built on will have value

>> No.7306892


>> No.7306902
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just hold it. your research is correct. stick to your guns. you will be rewarded with 5000 cryptosluts in valhalla

>> No.7306908

hodl it u fuck, it has just as much promise as any coin in the top 5 if not more than some. It already has fucking vending machines and if we know anything about vending machines, they buy lambos.

>> No.7307102


thanks bizbro

>> No.7307219

What makes you think its top 5 other than its going to have a huge circulating supply driving up its total marketcap when it goes up a bit lol? Don't get me wrong I plan to buy back in to, but the circulating supply is so high for an ethereum clone with more to come. It was so overvalued, I had to sell it when it was high no matter how much I believed in it.

>> No.7307253


I know this compared to NEO a lot, but do you really want to be the guy that sold antshares at $3 after it crashed from $18? (yes I did this, I was a newfag)


>> No.7307304


muh high supply

have u looked at ada, nem, tron, iota, xrp, xlm????

what is this supply meme ffs???

icon gonn be used by a whole fken nation if they pull it off. they do need some sort of low inflation and supply.

this isnt a btc meme. brainlets who think a tiny capped supply can be used as a currency. basic economic not even once

>> No.7307305

Just hold brother. I did research as well. Holding a huge stack and have not sweat once. You have a seat on the rocket. Just hold on to your ticket (s).

>> No.7307363

mainnet JUST launched, development on dapps and use cases for ICX has only just begun

give it time...

>> No.7307427

Yeah those coins are being propped up by their huge circulating supply bro. Also, do you really want to be comparing ICX to actually shitcoins like tron or xrp? Circulating supply is not a meme sometimes bro. Think about it, if it does a 4x then it already surpassed NEO. If it does a little over 5x, it beat litecoin. I maybe wrong, but I think this coin is going to rely on the total marketcap of crypto going up for it to also keep breaking new highs.

>> No.7307433

Don't follow that retarded advice.
He's trying to convince you to buy high and sell low.
Hold and infuse your fiat into other promising coins.

>> No.7307536

If you're being serious you're a retard OP. Honestly just sell, i cant stand you fuckers.

>> No.7307589

I bought at $7 and I'm slightly in the green still, because I wasted a lot of time doing small trades yesterday. It's really not much though.

>> No.7307702


i know lol. was just curious what shitcoin he wanted to shill me

>> No.7307735
File: 51 KB, 384x313, 33413123345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if it is a top 5 coin at current marketcap of $400 billion total crypto cap. Lets say each icon is $30 bucks each. Multiply that by 380 million current circulating supply would put it at like $11.4 billion right behind Bitcoin cash. So maybe this coin is reliant on total marketcap of crypto for it to keep going up even if they deliver on their promises? Or maybe I'm just completely wrong.

>> No.7307740

when there starts being news about this gaining traction in Korea it will moon like fuck

>> No.7307766

I don't regret having it but my modest stack now feels tiny at these prices. I didn't day trade and got screwed. Might just buy some more.

>> No.7308413


i hope so desu. i pray for coinone

>> No.7308456

>Korean eth
>Korean exchanges no longer allow any new registration
>people can't even deposit money anymore

What do you think

>> No.7308457
File: 119 KB, 697x485, 420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's create korean eth, dude
>we also need a wallet, dude
>and partners, dude
This is so obviously a shitcoin, ask yourself:
what do they actually do?
You unironically think they will replace korean fiat you fucking brainlet?

>> No.7308484

Isn't this an erc20 token? How can it replace eth?

>> No.7308512
File: 191 KB, 1199x1057, ek7wknd6cb601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this retarded

Dayli Financial Group, a house of Korean fintech startups, is working oncreating an ecosystem calledICONthat will allow government departments, universities, hospitals, securities, banks and any privatecompany to interact without third-party networks that charge transaction fees or delay the process. The applications could range from trading not only digital currencies but also stocks, games, security information and even hospital databases.

The technology is already institutionalized, with the backing of the financial sector. It has signed on various projects for a securities consortium, a university, a hospital and insurance providers. Working blockchain engine that is to be deployed in the banking, medical and university sectors,

>> No.7308558

>tfw being loaded up on korean eth
sure dude sure.
Simple question: Why would somebody buy icx for the 100x amount in 10 years from me?
You can't answer that, nobody here could.
It's not a share, this coin has no inherent value, it could cost 1 euro or 1 cent it would basically be the same.
You invested in a korean 420 pipe dream anon.

>> No.7308579

So far I haven't seen anything to indicate that ICX has the level of "potential" that these hype masters and youtube shills were trying to say it does.

It appears to be nothing more than korean eth. How it accomplishes its performance doesn't really matter, since its performance is about the same.

It doesn't do anything new or interesting. I simply don't understand how it ever had any hype at all.

>> No.7308585


>no inherent value, it could cost 1 euro or 1 cent it would basically be the same.

you sound like a nocoiner anon. or maybe shill me your valued coins. im dying to know

>> No.7308617
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>nothing new or interesting

>> No.7308677
File: 154 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180205-014852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even during yesterday's 9k bulltrap it failed to break out of the downtrend unlike all other alts. This coin is over. $1 by EOW.

>> No.7308745



>> No.7308795

koreans can't even buy this coin yet. 1/3 employed koreans invest in crypto. just wait until the gooks are actually able to trade this, everyone in that region will buy. use your instincts, and don't listen to these idiots with FUD. the entire market is down, but this coin actually has a legit working product and roadmap, unlike 90% of these shit meme coins.

>> No.7308845

Easy $70 EOY at least. Just hold. This was always going to be a long term coin for me anyway.

>> No.7308962
File: 10 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw loaded up on korean eth
There is so few anon..probably VEN, if they are true to what they say, VIBE is nice because muh 3D sex, Kyber Network if they manage to actually allow 'locking in the price' via derivatives..ETH obviously, but already on the moon, NEO, same..I would look for blue chips with 'working' products, I come from the stock market and smart money is not interested in some methheads whitepaper vision for muh future takeover the world, but it will take 30 years muh. shitcoins will get justed in 2018, mark my words.
As of now I consider ICX a shitcoin, I wish I wouldn't, the logo and everything is so nice.

>> No.7309011


>working product

are you retarded m8?

ven, kyber, vibe are all erc20 tokens with no working product lmfao.

icx has launched its mainnet, its live. token swap will be in 3 weeks.

your post comfirmed that youre a brainlet with sub 6 digits portfolio. im comfy you outed urself.

>> No.7309151

Hold you fuckwit it will go up past ATH after the bleeding stops

literally being this retarded. Fuck off boomer I know the dow jones chasing wiped ur annual 6% return into the red but crypto is for the big boys. Why don't you sit on the sidelines and find out why people fomo in 100x firsthand in 2 months.

>> No.7309165

Why don't you explain why people should buy ICX with a premium from me in 10 years?
You can't. There is nothing that pushes up real value, it's a meme coin my little retarded korean fanboy. You will get justed, consider yourself warned.

>> No.7309170


>a bunch of made up marketing shit that means nothing, and/or features that the other products do offer, except with different names

see: nothing new or interesting

LFT is just a fancy name for mixed pos / pow

>> No.7309176

No boomer here. We will see about it, you will mark my words.
Do yourself a favor and diversify, your shitcoin holding will ruin you.
PS btc is dead, keep dreaming

>> No.7309196
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>taking advice from somebody who shilled me vibe

>> No.7309202

I did this too and I too am a faggot.

Hold, you imbecile. ffs, it's a real project, don't be dumb

>> No.7309223


the chart looks like marketing, i give you that.

but interchains and dexs are big af anon. u will remember this part this year.

>> No.7309238

Went all in on this instead of VEN...someone end me

>> No.7309851

VEN and ICX were justed pretty equally in the crash, you can still change horses at this point or keep holding ICX, hell even 50/50 It if that will keep you from FOMO hopping later. Either way, give it time, we will recover.

>> No.7309874

Buy VEN for it rebrand pump then dump it for ICX

>> No.7309895

Just hold you fuckin nigger, you aren't going to get rich over night holy shit.

>> No.7309901

you bought at a bad time but you will be rewarded if you hold

>> No.7310400

This is why you lose. Because you sell your weak hand.

You deserve it.

>> No.7310403

Mainnet launched over a week ago fuckface

>> No.7310799


>> No.7310923

>but you will be rewarded if you hold

with another -50% discount ;^)