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File: 307 KB, 590x406, mcafee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7301173 No.7301173 [Reply] [Original]

Is John McAfee right? Will BTC be worth $1 million in 2020?

>> No.7301212

No, he just really wants to eat his dick. Crypto will survive but BTC will be dethroned.

>> No.7301258

Obviously. Does anyone seriously believe BTC will not be at least $1-10min in 2 years?

>> No.7301292
File: 550 KB, 750x795, bch 1517679423499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is correct but don't forget BCH is bitcoin.
He actually is talking about BCH when he says btc. You can find interviews in which he clears that up but he doesn't say it often as he doesn't like being shitstormed by twitter corecucks

>> No.7301301

It wll be if we want it to be

>> No.7301316

i see it hitting at least $55,000 a major correction then $100,000.

fuck the FUD

>> No.7301320


>> No.7301321

lol that guy in the background is running a full node on his phone but doesn't have enough to pay transactions fees.

>> No.7301329
File: 239 KB, 1248x894, big_boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's always right

>> No.7301352

He never really made it clear which btc hes talking about

>> No.7301354
File: 850 KB, 960x960, History of Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea because he is listening to core devs and just uses fiat.

>> No.7301384

Whenever I want advice I typically look for coked out murderers

>> No.7301396

Lol. How bout his safex pick? Pretty sure he said his majority stake was in safex. Why does anyone take this stupid drug addict seriously?

>> No.7301451
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>> No.7301457

I guess he's hoping he'll be dead by 2020 so he doesn't look like even more of an idiot

>> No.7301458

This is complete bullshit lol
>he doesn’t like being shitstormed
John Mcafee lives to be shitstormed, he is still married to the prostitute who tried to kill him with her ex pimp

>> No.7301475


>> No.7301481

at 44:40

>> No.7301498

Btw this is the guy who lost all his money in the 2008 housing crash

>> No.7301522


Cuck. John is accumulating BCH while you cucks ride his dick.

>> No.7301532
File: 815 KB, 1280x720, 1517722048361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not on your nelly

>> No.7301556

Of course he wants BTC to be worth 1 mil, he owns BTC. Crypto will be around for a looooong time, BTC... Nup.

>> No.7301586


at 44:40

>> No.7301672
File: 241 KB, 1125x2001, IMG_1936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If bitcoin will be $1mil, what do you think $.02 SAFEX is going to be? There's still time Biz

>> No.7301708

If you sleep on Safex now, you will cry later.

>> No.7301768

BTC will be worth 1 dollar in 2020. It serves no useful purpose. Crypto is over, it has no real use case aside from speculation. Any useful blockchain applications will be done on private chains.

Anyone who became a millionaire should be happy that they have enough to buy startup equity and become a registered investor, since that's where real gains come from. Not any more in crypto, though.

>> No.7301813

Lol sounds like he was trying to be clever to get people to buy his bags, this guy is confirmed twitter PnD. Nothing more.

>> No.7301821
File: 24 KB, 630x224, mcafeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this guy

>> No.7301839

>Country goes to war
>People flee
>''Alright, who has the youngest anus for all our jewelry to hide in?''

BTC is an excellent way to carry your money across borders in case of war, excellent way to offshore money etc etc.

>> No.7301881

lol yea I dont want to think abou when the really stupid slaves enter crypto end of this year.

>> No.7301893

Ok, maybe it'll be 10 dollars. the crypto market will lose 99% of its value over the next month or two.

>> No.7301920


Im going to 10x before 2018 ends, cuck.

>> No.7301927

I hope so

>> No.7302023

But I mean.. let's hope the shit about it replacing gold as a safer option is legit. That would basically value it around $350k.

>> No.7302041

>no useful purpose
how new are you for fuck sake?
>private chains
or are you actually retarded?

>> No.7302057

At current market rates. But what happens to gold during a stock market crash?

>> No.7302094

>1 million is conservative
uh guys, what are you going to do with that money? My plan was to grind up enough BTCs until I reached 800k in 2019...but now, even if I stop trading now I will have at least 20m.

I never planned to have that much money. I literally dont know what to do.

>> No.7302099
File: 43 KB, 468x576, 1475722270645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any useful blockchain applications will be done on private chains.

Your new here aren't you?

>> No.7302117

Don't worry, by then we will have hit hyper inflation and it'll cost 5 grand for a gallon of milk.

>> No.7302138

It'll fluctuate around 5k for a couple of years before the next moon mission

>> No.7302148

same thing as always they print more paper shorts

>> No.7302218

LOL, he got so mad because someone told the truth. Just because something has happened in the past before doesn't mean it'll repeat infinitely.

>> No.7302222


>> No.7302665

Yes, only he's referring to the real bitcoin as BCH Bcash baby - him and Jihan are good buddies

>> No.7302721


That's the best thing about it. You won't even need to sell your bitcoins. Anyone will even 1 BTC now will be the top 1% of wealth.

>> No.7302768

Well, we're winning either way. Either it does and we make money, or it doesn't and we either make or lose money, but laugh at McAfee for having to eat himself. It's a good deal.

>> No.7302770

It totally will, u should be all in at this point.

>> No.7302813

is that sam hyde

>> No.7302830
File: 104 KB, 1500x383, 71rN1lIy5YS._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.7302861

I believe this. Big moon mission but most are underestimating the amount of time it will stagnate

>> No.7302992
File: 2.87 MB, 438x259, 1508048460332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see if he actually eats his dicks

>mfw he is crazy enough to actually do it

>> No.7303146
File: 222 KB, 643x660, John-McAfee-Hops-China-Will-Not-Ban-Bitcoin-Mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic Related

>> No.7303480

>taking financial advice from a meth addict who has consistently been shown to just be PnDing bags on his twitter followers

lmao you guys crack me up

>> No.7303708


>> No.7303743
File: 67 KB, 750x725, 1512325822583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won't eat his whole dick if it comes to it. I think what will happen is he'll get circumcised and fry up the foreskin and eat that. That's basically honouring the bet anyway, and then he'll finally transcend into the king jew status he's been working hard towards.
The guy is basically a jew already for all the pnds schemes he has been running.
My predicition is that after btc does another bull run in late 2019 and narrowly misses the 1mill, he'll eat his foreskin on national television and be officially adopted into the jew faith behind the scenes.
If you're not born into Judiasm you gotta prove your worth bro. These days racemixing, drug degeneracy and conning people out of money just isn't enough. Eating your own foreskin on national television could be the new way to be officially accepted into the faith.

>> No.7303989

All btc maybe

>> No.7304301

Why don’t you call him and ask? He’ll pick up. Seven three one 608-8837

>> No.7304355

when rich people tell you to buy you sell. it's that simple really.

>> No.7304378

yes it will hit $1,000,000 easily. bitcoin has created a new paradigm where corrections do not exist.

>> No.7304908

this, fuck that scammer

>> No.7305195

>BTC rises to $1M
>transaction cost is now $3000

>> No.7305217
File: 35 KB, 460x466, 1517802867000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but /cgl/ said its a scam


>> No.7305229

this desu
He can't just eat his dick, he needs some excuse to make it look less weird.

>> No.7305251

Sssshhhhhh I'm accumulating!

>> No.7305255

It will hit $1,000,000 because eventually the number of Bitcoins in circulations will continue to fall as it is, of course, a depreciating asset. Meanwhile the US dollar is appreciating.

Eventually, some day, this will force the price of BTC up to $1,000,000. Whether $1,000,000 is worth anything when that happens remains to be seen.

>> No.7305358

That nigress on the left looks like she sucks a mean dick.

>> No.7305378

You are correct. If Bitcoins were worth $56,000 right now in 100 years they would be worth $1,000,000. McAfee's a genius!

But really I despise pump and dump scam artists like McAfee and the Jews so much.

>> No.7305534
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw it becomes a new american tradition to keep your foreskin intact, but only so that you can engage in ritual and very public cannibalism once you make your first crypto million.

>> No.7305579


I called him amd asked him if he still has his foreskin. He said, and I quote: "Of course I do and how the fuck did you get this number you little piece of shit?" Then he hung up because I started giggling.

>> No.7306297


Someday, most definitely. In 2020? Doubtful.

>> No.7307004

yeah so is litecoin lmao

>> No.7307066

Maybe thats why he believes so much in crypto.... THIS IS WHY BTC WAS CREATED