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7300089 No.7300089 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7300117

Because I only watch real football, not handegg.

>> No.7300189

>Being American

>> No.7300197

begone thot!

>> No.7300237

I don't watch amerimutt sports

>> No.7300261

>signs that someone has less than 10k in crypto

>> No.7300269

That's a man btw

>> No.7300279

I'm watching the superbowl, NALCS, and /biz/

>> No.7300303


>> No.7300327

my neck hurts a lot from staring at poorly placed second monitor, I'm tired from no sleep, my family is annoying, I don't have friends, football is very boring and all I hear blasting from TV is

I might go dip into the alcohol though god knows I need it today.

>> No.7300362
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I unironically find niggers repulsive desu.

Maybe if you're a burger you eventually develop some kind of racial stockholm syndrome that allows you to tolerate their presence, but I'm not capable of deluding myself in this matter.

>> No.7300386

it's kind of stupid isn't it? Why is this shit so polular in america?

>> No.7300405

Because I only watch real football, not some niggers playing gay in mud.

>> No.7300451

hahaha nigga like what the fuck, who the fuck likes sports, like nigga, shut your eyes hahaha

but seriously, who the fuck enjoys watching niggers chase a ball around

>> No.7300472
File: 30 KB, 236x353, 9D05751F-8143-4EF2-AE26-A2AD901985DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are kinda cute

>> No.7300519

eurofag here..never watched american football..so i said id watch it tonight..to me its literally a bunch of low iQ niggers smashing their heads together and falling over..then when they move a few yards..they jump around literally slapping their chest like the spastic tree swingers they are..AND GET PAID FUCKING MILLIONS!!.no wonder american is fucked

>> No.7300577
File: 44 KB, 499x287, 510040_1385452028832_500_287[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching Negro Ball

>> No.7300585

Vibe are featured in a superbowl ad during Q4, prob explains the good price

>> No.7300617

unironically no cable because i spent it all on link

>> No.7300661
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That's a cute one I have to admit. But it is one thing to post cherrypicked pictures of the few cute ones that are out there it's another thing entirely to let them into your country while being expected to pretend that they are your equal and 'enriching' while they are obviously and demonstrably a cross to bear for any civilized people foolish enough to tolerate their presence.

>> No.7300680
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>> No.7300684

kneelers / only brain damaged lib faggots watch those fucks

>> No.7300698
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where can I watch it online for free?

>> No.7300725
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cant get much more boring sport than nfl. prefer nhl of all sports. starcraft and csgo more entertaining than any traditional sports tho

>> No.7300731

NBC sports

>> No.7300746
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>watching niggerball

>> No.7300753

pls respond

>> No.7300761
File: 793 KB, 2400x1800, 60E5579A-5351-4BD3-8E00-32F2CB177501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If patriots win, bull market ahead.

If eagles win, 6 more months of bear market.

>> No.7300784

My pack of ferralnigs will beat your pack of ferralnigs!!!

Fuck Drumpft1k!!!

>> No.7300806


>> No.7300857
File: 1.21 MB, 738x1244, blackrace41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this one pack of niggers who aren't even from my state but rather are just paid to run in circles wearing a jersey with some gay animal on it will run around in circles faster than that other pack of niggers who aren't even from their tesm's state but rather are just paid to run in circles wearing a jersey with some gay animal on it

>Maybe if you're a burger you eventually develop some kind of racial stockholm syndrome that allows you to tolerate their presence
i had no real opinion on niggers until i had to actually live around them and be exposed to them. now i am filled with a visceral feeling of disgust whenever i see them and i wish i could see them all hang. literally every single one fucking genocided

>> No.7300909
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>> No.7300986
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>one white guy smoking a pipe in a sea of niggers at a nigger nightclub
bets on what he was doing there? drug deals? pimping/prostitution? selling guns? or just an oil driller?

>> No.7301007

good thread, its always comforting to remind myself im not a fat 'Sports are stupid!' nerd teenager

>> No.7301020

I bet $1000 on the pats with a 4 point spread

>> No.7301023
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>OI Whtsall 'is 'en? Hands off Paki!

>> No.7301138

All sports are a waste of time. If you told some one that you spent 6 hours watching Ranma1/2 on a sunday night, they would mock you as a fucking lazy loser, but some how a sporting event makes it different.

Im not even against wasting time but if you are, admit to what you are doing.

>> No.7301580

It's called football because the "ball" is exactly 30.48 centimeters long, it makes perfect sense

>> No.7301675

Does any one here have a good site to stream off of?? My shit Keeps lagging hard (msnbc)

>> No.7301726

nobody here gives a shit about niggerball, cuck

>> No.7301800

yo yo I’m just tryna have it on the side bitch. Sorry you bought bitcoin at ath. I’m 19 and probably richer then you lmao

>> No.7302136

because I try to do productive things in my freetime. there's a loooot of stupid shit I'd waste my time on before falling this deep watching a bunch of mouthbreathers pushing each other over.

>> No.7302215

sports are more acceptable to take a day off / leave work early because most people agree they are best enjoyed live. nobody gives a shit what you do with your sunday night, it is literally a resting day.

>> No.7302362

Harry potter... I believe that you will never pass. That's why I made ip thos afterclass... for you.
>as travestite Rogue plays some devil leg crossing, Harry feel a huge pain in his doby. Vomit envy has never been so high.

>> No.7302895

Because fuck advertisements.

>> No.7303315

Only sport i watch is esport

>> No.7303537

I know I’ve seen this person before, what’s his name?