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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7294573 No.7294573 [Reply] [Original]

and we actually are going down 50% more.... all money lost people want to sell at all small moves up.

>> No.7294808
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>be me
>alone, barely employed, sexually ambiguous
>find crypto late december
>stay up all night during big dip
>eth dips
>bought the dip
>go to sleep
>wake up
>girlfriend proposes, i say ok
>bought the dip
>drive to work
>boss says i'm promoted, i say ok
>bought the dip
>finish cleaning the toilets and drive home
>fiancee out having sex with someone i think
>bought the dip
>eat spaghettios for dinner
>check crypto
>eth down 20%
>sold everything

>> No.7295054
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>> No.7295103

Depends on if you think the Jews and their banking cartels can do anything to stop it.

I don't think they can.

>> No.7295142
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Buy the dip is an old meme. The new meme is sell the bounce

>> No.7295189
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buy that dip too

>> No.7295355

People are scared to buy right now. That is why the price is so low. Separate the current price from the value. Now is a great time to buy. If it goes down even more then it will be an even better time to buy. So dollar cost average your buys. If you want to buy $10,000 of bitcoin, buy maybe $500 bitcoin a day for the next 20 days. Then you will buy more bitcoin when its cheap and less when its expensive.

If you can't handle seeing bitcoin go to $4k without selling, don't invest in crypto. Keep socking away money into a savings account that pays 1% interest a year. Maybe in 45 years you will have enough to live a lower middle class life off that income. If you believe and bitcoin and crypto and know the market will grow 10-20x this year alone, then seeing bitcoin go to $4k should not bother one bit even if you started buying in now.

>> No.7295386

Man people not riding the waves are going to be so mad when it comes back for real.

>> No.7295387

Cost average on the way down. It's not hard. Personally, I am expecting 3-4k bottom by march.

>> No.7295453


Do you know how autistic you sound? If you bought 10k instantly and $500 a day, you’ll still end up with the same value you literal retard

>> No.7295455

This to the max. Right now is when people lose money by selling. If you are in a good promising project (Not fucking FUN, BNTY, or whatever pajeets shill), it will come back. This is our generations gold rush still and I'm not fucking selling. I am going to keep buying more until I can only afford food and shelter.

>> No.7295538

>the price of any asset is constant over time

>> No.7295562


You fucking pajeet hodling is a meme. When shits crashing the smart people sell then buy back when dip is over.

In the gold rush the ones who made money were the pajeets selling the shit to the retards

>> No.7295579

i don't save brainlet wojaks but i'm tempted to start just for you

>> No.7295648


You do understand dollar cost average is a meme right? Go 20 days back and see the difference of investing 10k the first day and 500 every day. It will be the same result. Jesus Christ learn to think for tucking 2 seconds and you’d realize that

>> No.7295650

honestly if your down that much its actually better to just hold. Jan and Feb fuckin suck. real fun begins late april

>> No.7295707

>Buy 10k today, have 1.2 btc
>Buy $500 today, and continue buying $500 worth during btc price decline, have 3 btc

>> No.7295788


You do realize you’d still end up with 1.2 btc right? Please kill yourself man. I usually don’t type kys out but I gotta make an exception for yoh

>> No.7295979


Dollar cost averaging comes out ahead when there is volatility because you are buying more units when it is cheaper, and less units when it is more expensive. That is the biggest point. Think about it, take $10k over just 4 intervals:

Interval 1: $8k
interval 2: $5k
interval 3: $8k
interval 4: $10k

Price went up, but if you dollar cost average you'd have 1.375BTC vs 1.25BTC if you just bought at the first interval. And if the price goes down then dollar cost averages comes out way more ahead. If price goes up with no volatility is the only time buying all at once works out better.

Dollar cost averaging has to major advantages, it diversifies your entry point, reducing the risk of buying at a shitty time, but also allows you to take advantage of all the dips where you are buying more BTC for the same price.

>> No.7295982

youre supposed to sell the bounce in a downtrend until a reversal is confirmed, retard. especially after a parabolic advance.

buy the dip only works on the way up and either way you have to sell something or you dont get anything..

>> No.7296013

that's what a "bull trap" is. and i think we could be in one

>> No.7296022

day 1 = 1 btc 20k

day 20 = 1 btc 500$

You now have more btc , if you bought all day one you would have had 0.5 BTC only

>> No.7296070


No if you're investing long term over many boom and bust cycles. Temporary trends that last literally a few months don't matter much. BTC rose 1,000% in 6 months. Then we have a few weeks with 50% retracement and that's a bear market? Ok.

>> No.7296123

no, he would have more BTC if the price goes down and he keeps buying 500$ worth, can you do basic math before you post your reply.

>> No.7296125

you cant be this stupid. Maybe you mean you still end up with $10k worth, only if btc stays at the bottom when you spent the last $500

>> No.7296155
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>> No.7296189

my mistake, it wouldnt be $10k worth, but you'd still have more btc cost averaging on the way down than putting the $10k at a higher price on a single buy

>> No.7296235

ok i feel stupid now. You are obviously larping as a complete retard, arent you

>> No.7296329

If you think there is long-term potential, buying the dip is not a meme.

Back in 2008-09 I saw people move their entire retirement portfolio into cash around 11,000.......buying back in after an even greater DJIA loss at like 8000 (even though it continued to drop), they still came out way ahead.

Crypto will be shaky until April. Graphs for when people file their tax returns are U-shaped.....People file early then it tapers off, then it picks up again in April because they wait until last minute People who will find out that they owe money on late 2017 crypto gains will need to raise cash, so there will still be a lot of sales until April. I think late March and April things could even out.

>> No.7296449

I'm fucking fed up with shit like this. Enjoy your taxes asshole. If I hold for a year, I can cash out tax free. Even if you're in burger land & you hold for a year, youre only taxed at 15%. Go ahead & keep selling & buying the dips. When everything recovers & in 12-15 months my holdings have gone from 6 to 7 figures, I'm going to be laughing at all you assholes when I cash out literally a million and pay 0 Tax.

>> No.7296701

It hasn't bounce yet you dummy. The bull trap is about to haooe thou as we go to 9600 before a bug sell off.

People will say "Double bottom reversal!" as soon as we go up a few hundred