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File: 76 KB, 602x697, main-qimg-c171331b8884433bbfbca58b76c44c74-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7291441 No.7291441 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I finally know, how to be happy in life.

I will just move out to west europe with my gains from crypto.

We need to find religious slavic girl.
Not spoiled with all this feminist shit.

Even if you are atheist, you will have to pay like 15 min a day to pray and 1 hour a week to go to church max.
And you will benefit with a beautiful woman that is submissive, honest and faithful wife.
The woman that understand the role of man and woman in family life because it was told her by years from a mother, grandmother etc.

It is just perfect guys, why I didn't think about it earlier?

>> No.7291494

if she speaks english she's already tainted. have fun learning a slavic language

>> No.7291509


It is perfect. Actually, it's the endgame for most of us who aren't brainlets.

>> No.7291538



>> No.7291540

Wake the fuck up and stop being a retard. That same religious girl would let you take a shit in her mouth for enough money. World is a fuck.

>> No.7291552

I already did the same thing except I went to Asia.

>> No.7291658

and how it worked out?
There are girls who are "religious" only because they say they are but not really by action.
I am speaking about girls who prove with their action that they stand behind these values.
Don't get me wrong, for example, christianity brings perfect solution how man and woman should coexist.
Learning language when you are in the place is not that hard.

>> No.7291679

>donate everything to right wing / populist party

>> No.7291691


In all seriousness, good luck man

>> No.7291741

Thank you very much.
And another good side is that life in western Europe is cheap as fuck if you compare to our prices. So you will get much more for the same amount of money.

>> No.7291801

that. is really rare im not going to lie even as a church goer. even those type of girls arent virgins most the times, they do however have less partners on average but thats about it. if u do find a virgin waifu, seriously grats from the bottom of my heart. theres nothing sweeter than being financially well off and married to a qt virgin christian girl.

>> No.7291845

west europe cheap. what. are you from moscow or kiev?

>> No.7291879


>> No.7291915

The funniest part Is thinking you're going to make any, much less enough, money from crypto to be financially independent the rest of your life.

Getting a religious girl isn't that crazy, but it's pretty boring.

>> No.7291953

Wow OP you are fucking deluded. I'm a slav, had studied in UK and I've been living in Denmark for 3 years.

If you think Polish, Estonian, Slovak or whatever girls are any different than Western European girls, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.7292009

And not in big cities? In small towns?
I am not a virgin so I don't mind if she also is not a virgin.

>> No.7292033

Anyway, I work as a programmer so I can work remotely, not a problem even if I fail in crypto.

>> No.7292044

I've been with a number of american girls and none of them had any wifely skills(did't want to cook or clean for examples). I did find a lovely eastern euro girl and she actually wanted to be a housewife and do all that. But they for some reason no matter what else these girls seem to be fixated on how much money you can make. So after a few years she divorced me because I wasn't making money fast enough she said she was patient waiting for my business to succeed and she said she's not getting any younger.
I would love to move over to eastern europe and try one more time focusing on and keeping in mind filters and red flags that would make it more likely to lead to finding a girl who actually desires becoming submissive housewife rather than a greencard-digger or gold-digger. But this time only with a virgin, Id rather roll the dice with a virgin than with a non virgin since now I'm aware of the huge giant risk a man takes by signing that marriage contract and now I actually have something to lose that would attract the gold-diggers.

>> No.7292071
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>buy a small plot of land in a rural area where i don't have to deal with noise from neighbors
>make sure it has good internet
>have a high-end PC or two with multiple screens
>have a music room with drum set, keyboard, guitar, bass, etc
>have a weight room with power cage, benches, etc
>have guns and go shooting
>do nothing for the rest of my life except shitposting, vidya, play music, go shooting, lifting, and maybe riding an ATV around the countryside

>> No.7292114

That's basically it, but you have to find a devoted one that goes more than once a week to church, then you get your virgin waifu, one downside will be the boring to nonexistent sex life, but hey, she wont cheat you at next best occasion.

>> No.7292148

You must understand that when it comes to people we're not so different across the countries (in one culture like European culture). If course you can find differences between city and small town girls but those would be the same in all countries.

If you want sth different you would have to either go further i.e. Asia or look in different social groups but you can do that without moving to some shithole.

Just my thoughts. I've been living as "the foreign guy" for quite some time now.

>> No.7292178

sounds comfy

>> No.7292193

shit dude gl to you. this world is being fucked by jews. our turn will come to find a "wife".

>> No.7292298

That is sad bro. But she must not have been really religious because in Christianity you should don't care about money, so I think the key is that she must be religious.
Buuut as I know if she is religious after she gets married she should want to have sex as much as possible.
Hmmm, that is a fascinating point of view, but it is always good to travel anyway and see something new.

I see a lot of harsh words, but somewhere must be the woman that will want to live with you just for you and be loyal if you offer her the same and you will care for her.. or am I just delusional?

>> No.7292312


Stay away from my slavic girls you fucking contrarian soyboys

>> No.7292329

you should not*

>> No.7292356

why so much hate, you will not get every girl anyway.

>> No.7292396

Sure, travel wherever you want, meet as many people as you can.

Just don't get stuck with this thought that you will get a girl from *wherever* because they are better.

People are different but not because of where they come from.

>> No.7292399

your a good men op. the whole thing is a balance anyways. we wouldn't have skanks if men had more self respect and thought about the ecosystem. if the shackled up the grilles they deflowered, it wouldn't be a problem. and alot of boys would actully learn self responsibility at a much earlier age, and women won't be whoring themselves out. over our personal pleasure, and not caring about the disruption of chain down the road, this is the world we have created as men. i won't say women because they just go with what men stand for so long as your not a 100% beta cuck. even if betas and cucks just were firm enough, women would follow suit. chasing after your temporal pleasure without thinking about the harm/damage it causes is literal nigger behavior or worse since non niggers should know better.

>> No.7292469

That being said, I've always wanted to bang an Asian chick.

>> No.7292497

>Slavic women
>submissive, honest and faithful
Kek, always dumb whites who never experienced them who say this drivel.

>> No.7292541

>Not spoiled with all this feminist shit.

u do realize that slavic girls spoiled by it since 1917?

>> No.7292599

This. Fuck wh*Tes.

>> No.7292709

>Even if you are atheist, you will have to pay like 15 min a day to pray and 1 hour a week to go to church max.
>And you will benefit with a beautiful woman that is submissive, honest and faithful wife.
>The woman that understand the role of man and woman in family life because it was told her by years from a mother, grandmother etc.
t. never met a slavic woman

>> No.7292715

She was only kind of religious. Like she had a lot of very strong catholic influences like for example she only wanted to be in a very serious committed relationship, and absolutely hated and kind of cheating like she was with only one guy before me and when he cheated she was done with him, she hated clubbing, and she hated birth control, and condoms, and casual sex and had all kind of hang ups about that. we had to do the cycle monitoring and pull out and pray a lot.
So she did have a lot of strong influences from being brought up in catholic environment.
It's not that he was a gold digger per say it was more like she wanted to be able to tell her family when they talked something about how her husband was successful rather than a loser who wasn't succeeding because her family was always putting pressure on her about finding a successful man to marry.
Her family had a lot of money saved up, and she was actually quite good with saving money and being frugal and she hated spending money and would only buy stuff that was needed and if it was on sale or discounted.

Also I another note should point out that there are a lot of eastern euro girls that you wouldn't want to wife. Like for an example, my ex had a friend who broke up with her boyfriend and it wasn't even a week that she was complaining to my ex about how she was sooo extremely horny and dying since she hasn't had sex in a week and then three of her friends broke up with their boyfriends too and then they went out together clubbing and had casual sex with a greek guy one after the other. (and btw before you waste your time, no my ex didn't join them see the aforementioned reasons why she did not).

>> No.7292785

>she hated birth control, and condoms, and casual sex

haha dude, that's how they get you, you dodged a bullet

>> No.7292955

Yeah I did. cant imagine how much worse it would have been. But she was dead seat on only starting a family after becoming very successful probably because her family had a strong aforementioned influence over her, pressuring her to only marry a guy that was doing something with himself and not a nichtsnutz.

>> No.7292982

God, this is so true it's hard not to have thought about it before.

>> No.7293040

>she hated birth control, and condoms, and casual sex
>we had to do the cycle monitoring and pull out and pray a lot.
lmao she's mentally ill. cycle monitoring and pull out is effectively as haram as condoms and birth control pills as far as christianity is concerned

She has the mind of one of those christians who only have anal sex before marriage because "it's not true sex and I'm still a virgin". Or engage in "soaking".

>> No.7293051

Fudding faithful slavic women? So you can accumulate?

>> No.7293055

women who listen too much to their family and do what they say are dangerous and their parents too are dangerous. i know lots of couples from my relatives who divorced because of this. its like a political war in roman senate.

>> No.7293076


>> No.7293089

perfect plan. I want a polish woman

>> No.7293145
File: 44 KB, 657x960, 1504157838070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all saying slav girls are sluts and the like,

Why not just have one kidnapped and go live with her in a poor but unviolent country like somewhere in asia?

>> No.7293153
File: 5 KB, 225x225, compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life in western Europe is cheap as fuck
Are you mixing something up?

>> No.7293177


Slavic women are actually horrible. I lived with Russians. The women are all gold diggers and expect to be treated like princesses.

>> No.7293226


Basically dick inside but you don't move.

>> No.7293231

country slavic girls are the best and most conservative of all. but as foreigner you can forget about them. they want high testosterone alpha males.
if you are western dude, your testosterone levels might be too low because of woman homrones in your food. sry dude

>> No.7293264

Yeah that's definitely on my list of things for consideration as red flags. And focusing on filtering out anyone girl who doesn't show desire to being a submissive obedient housewife, that most likely filter out 100% but that's better than taking that risk again. And maybe one way of thinking about it something like 'youre marrying me not your family'

Yeah but its the pressure of waiting until its certain their daughter is not settling with a nichtsnutz and to protect their money.

>> No.7293285

Thank you, I think you are right.

I think being beta is not meaning that you did well because you didn't spoil any woman.
Good behavior is having the chance of sleeping with a woman and consciously say no.

And for the feminism and the change of values in current world men are responsible, but I don't think it is really that big change, I think it was always an issue, just people were not talking about it. because it was a shame

When I say that, I have in mind that most of them are spoiled, I just hope that the chance of finding this kind of girl (that I wrote about) is bigger there. But I will not know until I check it out I think.
That what you added, changed the story how I imagined it. Damn, that is really sad.

>> No.7293437

why not just continue to make more money with the 100k-10mil that you may earn? Its exponentially easier to make money when you're rich. Contribute your wealth to projects that benefit the advancement of humanity if you still hate money when you made it.

Also, what's with the obsession over a "loyal" gf? I feel that you're obsessed over a very fragile way of life OP and this may backfire someday.

>inb4 im a cuck for not wanting a loyal gf or wife

Everybody does to some extent, but it's not going to be the end of the world if they turn out otherwise - just find a new one?

>> No.7293447

Yes, I fucked up, my bad.

>> No.7293481

>That what you added
Well there is more to the story like the first girl broke up with her boyfriend because he was definitely a useless broke bum who was leeching off her and taking her money and living in her apartment for free that she had to go to work to pay for, but her friends I don't know whey they joined, maybe it was solidarity or something or they just where looking for an excuse to slut around.
But not all of them are like that like for example my ex was telling them she thought what they where planning to do was stupid and disgusting.

>> No.7293536

Don't get me wrong man.
I don't have anything against ppl who live in open relationships. This is their choice.

But when I am loyal it is logical that I want the same from my wife/gf.

And it is easy to say: she cheated? just dump her and go for another.
You can say whatever you want, but if you get emotionally/time invested in something it is always hard and painful. That is why it is best to avoid it.

>> No.7293632

>get traditional polish wife
>submissive, cooks, etc.
>religious as fuck
>no kinky shit in bed
>sex once a week
>won't let me fuck her tits
>G cup

Why live?

>> No.7293669

Well, every medal has two sides.
I know not every woman is spoiled, and I think it is possible to find a good loving woman.
It is hard but for sure rewarding.
This works in both ways, it is probably for these women hard to find a loving man who will not fuck and leave them or cheat on them as it is more opinion friendly for a man to cheat.

>> No.7293730

>no kinky shit in bed
>sex once a week
>won't let me fuck her tits
you never had sex with polish girls I see

>> No.7293784

Well, I think if you are not getting more than once a week you can work with it, try to put more effort and she will for sure be open for you to have sex.

It is not a robot that will fuck you whenever you want, you need to make them feel emotionally safe and care about their pleasure too.
A woman can take pleasure in sex too, so if you play it right she will want you to fuck her tits and her more.
But life is not only about sex anyway.

>> No.7293920

I understand that anon but she just doesn't have much of a sex drive according to her...

>> No.7293930

>what's with the obsession over a "loyal" gf?
You're on biz you should know about managing risk in a trade, what's the upside and keeping the downside limited. What's the downside in this? In most countries, not all but most, the law is set up so if you and your girlfriend are in a relationship for more than a year or two then legally you're the same as married, so you cant just break up like a bf-gf relationship you actually have to get divorced and give her half of everything you have currently and in some jurisdictions more of what you will make in the future. And then add on top off that most countries, not all but most, have laws setup where when you're married if your "wife" gets pregnant it's legally yours no matter what no matter if you can prove you're sterile or where not even in the country at the time or anything it doesn't matter it's yours period full stop and then next the law will force you to give up half of everything you will make over at least the next 18 years and maybe more if its a retard.
I've looked into things like asset protection trusts and so on but none of that seems to be a solid defense against this and obviously prenups are right out.

>> No.7293990

The USa globalization was too strong. Nowdays countries don't have that much of a cultural difference.

Maybe if you move a a super small town - less than 10k people. But you will need to conquer peoples trust in you, that will take like a whole year.

>> No.7294017

>obviously prenups are right out

>> No.7294106

A woman will never tell you the true reason, and for most of the time, she truly doesn't know that.

If you really do everything you can and she really has low sex drive, you guys need to go to the doctor. It is real problem and it can happen to both man and woman.

So if it is for sure the problem, talk with her and convince her and go together to the doctor.

>> No.7294155

so all women then?

you guys wanna know how to treat women? this is the secret. Treat princes like a slut and a slut like princes. All you need to know

>> No.7294174

and add to this, that it is almost impossible to win for a man in court.

>> No.7294215


of course it's best to avoid sluts, it's just that i cant understand why would you move to eastern europe for that? Imo it's not worth the opportunity cost if you're from a bigger country.

dont you have something big you can do with your newfound money? Real estate portfolio? Manufacturing? Any business you've always wanted to develop? Or can we do all of these equally well in eastern europ?

slightly off topic: what is objectively better? A person who doesnt over-invest in a relationship, or a person who does?

>> No.7294306

>buy house in countryside
>stock up on guns, ammo, liquor, weed, psychedelic drugs
>one room in house becomes dedicated MMA gym
>other room becomes dedicated music studio
>other room becomes dedicated trading floor
>i guess i also need a dedicated office with 30 year whiskey on display
>buy like 2 or 3 Honda Civics, pimp them all up with spoilers and big exhausts and V-Tech
>drive into town every so often to restock my drugs and liquor and ammo, also to fuck bitches
>eventually hire white girl to be mother of my child, tell her gtfo once the baby is here
>raise child in solitude, teach him/her muay thai and jiu jitsu and music and possibly stock trading.
>probably repeat previous two steps for another child

it'll be great, i'm already stoked

>> No.7294322


damn that's fucked up. Never heard of that ridiculous rule that forces marriage onto couples, is this USA?

>> No.7294367

Really? Maybe you should consider buying a time machine with your gainz and going back and building the relationship on the foundation that you're the man and in charge. Maybe she doesn't desire the same so that makes her refuse to marry you but that's good because that means you stop wasting time on her to move on a find a girl who does desire the same. You could try to turn it around now but it would have been easier to get a girl that desires the same and keep the momentum going and swatting down any tests that may come along. But as it is now her not having a high sex drive doesn't bode well for her true desire for you and attraction for you, and it may suggest that she really considers you more of a provider-type. If you rock the boat she will throw a lot a ton of tests at you but maybe you could turn it around and get her to realize you have opportunity costs meaning you may consider leaving for a girl who does want the same. Not that you would, it's more like a reverse psychology thing she doesn't appreciate what she's got until there is a possibility she might be losing you.

>> No.7294404

Can these dead shit loser pol fantasies remain on pol kthnx

>> No.7294501
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>...maybe riding an ATV around the countryside

People who disturb the peaceful nature with their retarded ATVs are turboplebs who deserve death.

>> No.7294536

How many zrx for this girl. Patrician coins only for this perfection

>> No.7294618

I’m a Slavic girl living in burgerland, have only 1 btc and 2 eth and a handful of shitcoins, but I’m submissive and like to clean
Can’t post tits bc it’s a blue board
Taking applications tho

>> No.7294710

>the hope of having a faithful semi-traditional wife is a pol fantasy

Don't cut yourself on that edge. How about you jump off a bridge instead

>> No.7294716

traps do not count

>> No.7294763

>Can’t post tits bc it’s a blue board
show cleavage

>> No.7294786

I'm embarrassed to tell you the most fucked up part... she's a doctor and basically refuses to acknowledge any issue and says it's normal.

Thanks anon. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.7294812

"Financial freedom" is simply the entry ticket to the real game.

>> No.7294987

Do you even lift? Start going to the gym and getting /fit/ and try to make sure that your fashion / wardrobe is good. And be cool. A woman wants to know that her man is "the shit"[1]. And get some manly hobbies and skills where you can fix things.
1: This is important just in case you're not native speaker https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/the_shit "Something considered to be excellent or the best of its kind."

>> No.7295294

Has she specialization in sexual health?

And even if she does, it is often for doctors to have problems in what they are specialized.

The fact she is doctor doesn't change anything, doctor is still a human.

Tell her this is important for you and for your marriage.

>> No.7295600

And to all trash talkers here:
submissive doesn't mean she will be your machine or sex doll, you deluded internet troll.

Submissive in a way that she understands the core of how a family should work, it is good for her to have an opinion, to help you and it is also very good that people who are close to you have a different opinion than you.

We are just talking about women who don't put themselves on top because of propaganda or believes in equality in men and women.

I know that it is hard to think otherwise than media are telling you.
But in traditional marriage, a wife is more important than man.
This is not about abusing someone, but about respect for each other.

>> No.7296064
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>> No.7296171

legit 10/10

>> No.7296310

>And you will benefit with a beautiful woman that is submissive, honest and faithful wife.
You have to be blackhole levels of stupid to think that slav women aren't massive gold diggers. Religion or not, they'll clean you out and leave you like trash.

>> No.7296364
File: 15 KB, 236x354, e6cfc0321c7f6329876ea7205c8176e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polish girls have been known as "the biological weapon of the SSSR" in Eastern Europe for quite a while, OP. Biggest whores in the universe.
t. Slav

>> No.7296397

come on m8
Why do you think that?

>> No.7296417

>I need something outside of myself to be happy

>> No.7296541

I would've dropped a contact but your face looks pretty fat

t. ubermensch slav boy living in burgerland

>> No.7296581

>Biggest whores in the universe.
true. doesn't matter if they have a boyfriend or a husband.

>> No.7296642

>Polish girls
>Biggest whores in the universe

>> No.7296664

You do realize that Eastern Europe is the continent's brothel, right?

>> No.7296673

Proofs instead of empty words?

>> No.7296700

Can you leave any contact to you?
It would be nice to meet you.

>> No.7296800

Experience with women in general and some eastern women, basically it's housewife and religion when you can pay for a good life and able to accumulate wealth.

Once that's no longer the case, it's pump and dump pretty fast.

>> No.7296806

Huh? I know from experience with several Polish girls. What kind of proofs would convince you?

>> No.7296810

>The woman that understand the role of man and woman in family life because it was told her by years from a mother, grandmother etc.

they are submissive because slav males are narcistic brutes. the women suffer from trauma

>> No.7296838

Its not a fantasy... it's a reality for anyone that isn't a basement dwelling shut in with zero social skills

>> No.7296890


>> No.7296891

you've never had a slavic woman, right?

sounds like it. bitter.

>> No.7296956

I think the harder part is with looking for them because you will not see them in clubs probably.

>> No.7297031

oh look the autist fell for the "girls of a certain race are better". newsflash, 1% of women of any race are good, makes no fucking difference what race. you think your slavic peasant is going to be moody and rage out constantly?

>> No.7297140

>No time stamp
Write my ID under your left breast, then I'll believe you.

>> No.7297217

I have 81 ETH pls respond

>> No.7297372

I have 10k ETH, pls don't even think about responding

>> No.7297514


>> No.7297541

Top kek dude. Ask literally ANY slav. Slavic girls are generally slightly better than western feminist trash... except for Polish girls. Gonorrhoea galore

>> No.7297566

>moving across the world just to get pussy
Imagine being this fucking cucked by a slimy wet hole.

>> No.7297603

>not moving across the world for other reasons and finding new and different pussy as a result

also it just hit me this is one of the boards i don't have to say "not him but"

>> No.7297655

>Looking for women only for sex
Imagine being this kind of retard that never leaves the internet.

>> No.7297773
File: 181 KB, 392x500, FaggotAlert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice google image, fag!

>> No.7298221

Ok hi I’m responding

>> No.7298385

Sorry I have offended you with my weak bags Sir

>> No.7298494

I don't get how some of you morons call religious girls boring. It's obvious most of you idiots are early 20's. Once you get to late 20's, these girls become the prize piece. Because you realize all these "experienced" girls are just spoilt brats who got loads of attention and get used to it. What you call "boring", I call "not a whining spoilt psychopath". You'll understand what I mean when you get older.

>> No.7298521

It is true.

>> No.7298564


>> No.7298636

>What you call "boring", I call "not a whining spoilt psychopath". You'll understand what I mean when you get older.
I'm 30 by the way

>> No.7298692

I would never leave my info on 4chan, too afraid of doxxing

>> No.7298698

I'm 19

>> No.7298742

Yeah I don't think this guy did enough research anyway. I've been researching eastern europe after I've had a polish gf when I was 22. Every dutch girl I've been with was shit. This polish girl was feministic as fuck. Poland rural area's might be a place to look. But I've specifically talked with a lot of eastern european men about this.

First thing to note is not to search online. I'm getting ready to move to Romania within a few years. I'm gonna start learning romanian next year so I can search in the rural area's and NOT in the cities.

Slav girls aren't a meme, it's true that they're not tainted yet. However, we're not talking about the big (western) cities here.

>> No.7298814

good you already realized this

>> No.7298825

>Thinking traditional religious Slavic girls are gonna go for amerifats
You're gonna be in a world of surprise and worth at least 50% less after a few years of marriage with her

t. Slav

>> No.7298847

Religious girls are the most spoilt stuck up bitches around

>> No.7298874

Why, because they don't want to fuck you within 2 dates?

>> No.7298956

Well first.of all are we talking small town church or mega church girls
Because mega church girls all come from wealthy families and have been treated like a princess their entire life. And yes you can fuck them within two dates, they melt like butter when a real man shows (feigns) genuine interest in them.

>> No.7298987

If we're talking about "real" church girls, we're talking about girls that don't go on dates before you've talked to their father first.

>> No.7299081

Well in thay case their father would see the incel basement dwelling losers for the drain on society they are and never approve :^)

>> No.7299168

Slavic girls HATE weak wh*te cucks. They would rather be with real men, aka BLACK bulls.

>> No.7299202

>Slavic girls HATE weak wh*te cucks. They would rather be with real men, aka BLACK bulls.
You are talking out of your ass. Polish girls are incredibly racists against black men

>> No.7299207

Don't you have a cuckold thread to larp in on plebbit?

>> No.7299225

However, it's true they hate weak personalities, they mostly prefer other slavs.

>> No.7299248
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>> No.7299251

Lmfao this sounds like a dutch girl acting with a slavic accent.

Roastie detected.

I was in a polish bus once, and a black guy came in.
>3 old women started making cross handgestures
>4 men frowned all of a sudden
>all women looked to the windows and tried to look away

You telling me slav girls like black men? Seriously, get out of your basement.

>> No.7299287

>west europe
>religious slavic girl

>> No.7299303

I meant east and I said sorry already.

>> No.7299714

>thinking religious girls aren't psychopaths
You are going to have a bad time when you finally get your first gf.
All girls are psychopaths.

>> No.7299856

> Wanting to hear Slav-Ebonics being muttered when you refuse to buy her a new handbag

>> No.7299913

Poland is not east eu dumbass. Do you even map

>> No.7299924

holy shit I didn't hear this before, it's embarrassing how you attempt to imitate the accent

>> No.7300000
File: 143 KB, 692x1000, dubd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that Eastern women are hotter and not as spoiled.
Money will help with getting sex.
But if you want to be desired / have good sex, you gotta work on your general flair. If you're a weak man, mentally, she'll know and your relationship will be an exploitive and shitty one. Money doesn't help with becoming a good men, and crypto and the way to make it, in particular is counterproductive.

>> No.7300016

and the more dicks they take the crazier they get

>> No.7300028

Holy shit checked

>> No.7300093

"Flair" is overrated. You just need a man that can provide and a woman that can care for her man and children. The rest comes by itself. The truth is, women that have fucked a lot of men, lose their ability to care, because they trade pussy for providing. Personality doesn't mean shit anymore once you start to understand all this.

>> No.7300157


>> No.7300217


>> No.7300241
File: 155 KB, 1280x832, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personality of whom?

I'm talking about women lusting for you. This is rare, 3 weeks into a relationship.

>> No.7300253

>liquor, weed, psychedelic drugs
I want junkies to get out.

>> No.7300324

jesus christ, perfection

>> No.7300392

I'm 19 and I'm fucking up by refusing to be anything with the 8/10 religious qt asian that will never cheat me, her personality is nice too but I'm still tryna fuck, definitely feel like I'll regret it later in life tho

>> No.7300559

You will.

>> No.7300580

but getting married at 22 doesn't seem like a good idea either, also I like blondes dammit

>> No.7300608

>definitely feel like I'll regret it later in life tho
probably you will... But nobody can change your mind right now

>> No.7300674

Man... you will.

>> No.7300758

well I still have 2 years before the ship fully sails, but I've always thought serious relationships that end up in marriage when you're so young always end up failing/unhappy

>> No.7300836

Certainly not always, but the sooner you mature, the better. Hope you make it.

>> No.7300880

I mean, this isn't a totally horrible idea but you really want a common cultural background with your wife. Someone who understand life the same way you do. Good luck getting that from another country. Without that a relationship will be an uphill battle.

>> No.7301003

thanks anon, you too. we're all gonna make it

>> No.7301105

maybe I'm autistic but women will be the last thing on my mind if I get rich somehow

>> No.7301107

>serious relationships that end up in marriage when you're so young always end up failing/unhappy

That's what (((they))) want you to believe, and have led most young women to believe.

>> No.7301111

Women lusting over you doesn't work either. Once they lose their lust, they will go for a younger fitter man. You wanna compete with that? You will get the same shit with gold diggers who go for the richer man.

>> No.7301318

>geographically it's middle-eastern Europe
culturally their fucking right, it is Eastern Europe whether you like it or not

and I have this rare *cough* honor, to be a polfag

>> No.7301347

I just fucking proved what I said, Poles are the niggers of Europe

>> No.7301456

not him but why don't you have at it speaking Polish? Dude's got fantastic English considering it's not his first language.

>> No.7301623


This is samefag:

>> No.7301663

you're answering to the guy who claimed to be Polish, he's ironically calling himself a nignog

>> No.7301678

that's right
I'm autistic enough to correct my own grammar.

>> No.7301680

This. Planning on doing the same and just living off what I grow

>> No.7301712


>> No.7301980
File: 110 KB, 1000x847, 1475973906945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all these fags in this thread putting pussy on a pedestal, and wanting to move on the other side of the planet because of it

Literally none of you fags are gonna make it. Don't know who is more pathetic, you or the doll fucker from other thread

>> No.7302064

Or, you can find a woman who's not batshit insane.
You still leave the US ofc, but eh. Europe is better anyway.

>> No.7302074

i made that post

after i buy the initial land, house, and equipment (~150-200k or so) i could live off of about 25-30k per year, easy. i don't give a fuck about nigger shit like expensive cars, jewelry, etc.

>> No.7302365

You take pussy lightly, some people still seem to forget bad pussy can take half your shit.

>> No.7303401

Feeling only virgins are on biz. Get some self esteem. And then realize woman are emotional crazy chicks.

>> No.7303495

looks are the only thing that matters as far as women are concerned. they will never be loyal or respect someone they dont find sexually attractive

this is a red pill 4chan is yet to swallow.