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7290061 No.7290061 [Reply] [Original]

>a bored billionaire shitposted his way to presidency, tweeting a fucking pepe along the way
>a handful of autistic neets that refuse to ever sell their buttcoins and shitcoins are about to be the wealthiest 100 investors of the freeworld in about 20 years
>jewish central banking, which no one has ever successfully stopped, is about to be rendered powerless to the forces of autism

I don't know how anyone could kill themselves in this timeline, its fucking hilarious

I could become paraplegic tomorrow and really not give a shit since I get to watch all of this happen while naysayers keep saying it won't kek

>> No.7290142

None of that is true

4chan did nothing. It's delusion that retards think they were a part of something. You elected a kike while admitting the kikes are the cause of the problems in society.

>Central banking
It's really not going to change anything anytime soon. Even IF banks started to get worried (because they're not) then they would just get it (((shut down))) quicker than you thought was possible.

You're delusional and need to stop spending so much time on 4chan.

>> No.7290146
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My shit posting president is what is keeping me going. Having every side hate him, try to burn him to the ground, but he just keeps getting out of it. Always traps all his enemies in their own shit. I love President Trump, 7 more years.

>> No.7290150

>a bored billionaire shitposted his way to presidency, tweeting a fucking pepe along the way
he became president because his competition was insufferable
>a handful of autistic neets that refuse to ever sell their buttcoins and shitcoins are about to be the wealthiest 100 investors of the freeworld in about 20 years
most of the people here can't see a good investment when it's right in front of them, and will instead opt for chasing flavor of the month shitcoins
>jewish central banking, which no one has ever successfully stopped, is about to be rendered powerless to the forces of autism
crypto is orthogonal to central banking. if the technology scales it will be used by central banks

I agree that we are in the best timeline though.

>> No.7290173
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>> No.7290229

Literally this

>> No.7290255

never said they did


people like you sweeten this timeline for me, fucking love it

>> No.7290278
File: 147 KB, 1218x580, Stolen_By_Drudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 4chan did nothing.

I disagree. /pol/ in particular played a big role in the 2016 election.

/pol/ was the clearing house of memes, research and gossip, and then web sites outside of /pol/ stole the stuff and claimed they wrote it themselves.

I know this for a fact because of something that happened during the DNC/Podesta e-mail times.

While everyone was searching through the e-mails, I and one other person started posting our compiled lists of all the good stuff.

I made a series of replies that were ONLY posted in /pol/. Next thing you know, someone in the outside world had ripped off my post nearly verbatim, and it was linked on the top of the drudge report.

The attached image shows what I originally posted on /pol/, and how it finally appeared in the drudge link

>> No.7290305

Been debating suicide lately, this helped.

>> No.7290309

>thinking that suicidal people are even capable of looking outward and having a world view

>> No.7290391

No /pol/ actually did something, they fueled the right fires and some of their actions got spread pretty far.