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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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728542 No.728542 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ relatively new to this board although I've been on 4chan since like 2008
Basically lately I've been having this desire to be rich like really rich, A billionaire idk where it came from but part of me thinks if I had a lot of money I'd be happy and secure and well off. I mostly want money to help people and do things for others and society although buying nice things and maybe traveling the world are also on my list.
Basically I want to get really rich , become a billionaire and I don't have the slightest idea what to do or even start can you guys help me out here and give me tips and advice and what I should do If I want to make a billion dollars in a relatively reasonable time ( 10-15 years )
I'm 20 and live in the west coast United States and go to college part time if this helps at all

>> No.728545

You should suck 100,00,000 dicks for $10 each.

>> No.728552

1 have a really fucking brilliant idea
2 implement it at the perfect time
3 ??????

>> No.728553


>> No.728555

there's only one answer for that timeframe: found a very successful tech company


1.) acquire lots of software development knowledge
2.) work your ass off on a promising project that has potential to turn into a billion-dollar company

Statistically speaking, it is very likely that you will fail. You probably had no chance to begin with. There is one billionaire per 1.3 million people in the US.

>> No.728559

I'm serious lol

>> No.728560

Create a business that disrupts and subverts a well established industry.. like uber did to the taxi business.

Good luck figuring out how to do that. That's why I mentioned sucking 100,000,000 for $10 each.

$10 is super cheap for a blow job.

>> No.728561

Sorry, my numbers are off. There is 1 billionaire for every 770k in the US.

Godspeed, champ.

>> No.728562

Where odd I get a really good idea? People who have started ground breaking companies like Apple, or Microsoft, or google how do they do it? What's the secret and even with a good idea how do you ensure that it turns out to become very successful?

>> No.728568

They're just a lot smarter than you or I.

Some of them are geniuses in a particular way that allows them to see the world a bit differently.

Some see an idea that most people would think is too crazy to work, and they make it work well.

>> No.728571

Where DO I get a really good idea
Sorry typo

>> No.728580



>> No.728581

>asking these questions on4chan
>implying you will get an answers
>implying you can just "find a good idea"
>implying youre not 14 yrs of age

>> No.728582


>> No.728589
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You haven't even listed your credentials, skills, starting funds, or anything. You're not planning on budgeting because your intention is to spend frivolously. You don't want to put in the time because you expect nigh-impossible returns in a minuscule time frame. There's no method to just "get a good idea", you focus on a field and try your best to do well in it or see how you can improve the field. Gain a skill, increase that skill, utilize that skill to gain wealth.ind a way to improve your worth. You don't gain money for nothing, you are given what you're worth. Now go improve your worth.

That aside, you sound so amateur and clueless that I'm absolutely struggling to not shit on you. Becoming a billionaire by 30 isn't something you "decide" you want to do on a Sunday evening after hitting the blunt and playing CoD.

If you're really interested, drop all your useless hobbies (netflix, videogames, etc), get a hobby that can gain you income, start asking around for proper investing books, make some real wealth, invest appropriately, budget properly, and avoid hanging out with too many poor people.

>> No.728593

i'm tempted to just shitpost in response but ok

they did it by recognising a gap and then doing something about it.
most of them failed and then went through a number of cycles before one idea finally stuck. very few people get successful on their first idea. persistence and being able to deal with failure in a constructive way is part of the game.

not all of the massively successful companies of today invented the thing they are best known for. apple didn't invent the MP3 player. there were other operating systems before MSDOS, Facebook was not the first social media website. There were other search engines before Google. but, all of them brought something unique and interesting to the table or did something that ensured their success. in the case of Apple, it was the quality of the design. Microsoft scored by making MSDOS (reasonably) open so that anyone could write software that ran on it. Facebook won by having the right combination of features that people wanted.

Go back in time to other successful companies and the pattern repeats itself. also few companies stick with the thing that they started out with. HP started out making equipment for sound recording. adapt and survive.

>> No.728595

>adapt and survive
Amen to that, it's the only reason I respect IBM. Motherfuckers made punch cards, evolved into computer processors, evolved into full computers, evolved into server services, evolved into Cloud and SaaS software distribution.

>> No.728602


>ground breaking companies like Apple, or Microsoft, or google

They all have one thing in common. They created their market before it actually existed. That's simple.
The hard thing is though to recognise which market will be in demand in the future.

And ofc loads of hard, very hard work, commitment, persistence and a healthy portion of luck.

Story tiem? OK
>Google for instance got turned down by a VC who told them: "Your idea is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Every homepage has a search function. Nobody will ever use your thing. "

Word is, that guy is still crying today.

But hey, back to >>728542OP

>what I should do If I want to make a billion dollars in a relatively reasonable time ( 10-15 years )
I'm 20 and live in the west coast United States and go to college part time

You probably won't make it. Sorry bro.

>> No.728609

Lol maybe not but I'd be willing to put in the work and commit my time and resources to it I just don't know where to start.

>> No.728616

I'm on board OP. I'm 22 and live on the West Coast and transferring to Uni in the Fall. Let's team up and bounce ideas off of each other ?

>> No.728620

Lol basically I had a rough time in high school so I dropped out senior year and got my g.e.d. I took like a year and a half off school and pretty much just sad around and did nothing ( play video games, browse the web, watch movies ) and now I go to college part time trying to figure out what I want to do in life while looking for a part time Job. I don't know if I really have any skills I know a little bit about programming and I'm good at math and am a logical analytical person I guess and I think I want to pursue something math/engineering related in life but then again I'm not sure. Also I'm starting out with pretty much nothing as I'm still living off my parents while trying to find work part time and get on my feet. But yeah it's just an idea I've had lately and I'd be willing to put in a life times work and sacrifice for it I just don't know where to start or how to go about doing it

>> No.728624

>They created their market before it actually existed. That's simple.

(Pretty much at your age, btw)

You: lurking on /biz and asking for bln$ idea.

spot the difference.

>> No.728625

Maybe honestly though the idea is pretty in realistic and more than likely I'm not going to make it but it's still worth a try and a good learning experience
I was thinking something technology related and something that people can use to enhance their lives or make it simpler, like an extension or a simplified version of an already existing idea

>> No.728627

What do you mean be created an idea before actually starting it?

>> No.728640

Well I know Uber was mentioned earlier, we could look at what they did a little more closely and compile a list of services and see if we can replicate that? You have an email ?

>> No.728646

Well, reading is not your strength, then.

MARKET! They created a market before it existed.

GUI-based operating systems were quasi non-existent before MSFT started refining them. They anticipated if people could click instead of writing complicated commands, everyone would use a PC someday.

PC^s were just ugly polymer cubicles on desks, before Steve Jobs came up with the same technology in stylish design for twice the price.

And then there was google. Since everybody was using computers (thx msft) for a shitload of $$$ (thx aapl) and browsing the internet, larry and sergey developed an algorithm, ranking homepages by relevance and helping folks find what they are looking for among billions of pages.

And then there's you. mixing up markets with ideas. Again, based on numbers, you won't make it. No offense bro.

>Good news though, after one has made approx 5 mln$, hapiness reaches it's peak. If more wealth is accumulated, worries grow exponentially faster than hapiness. Yaay!

5 mln is a realistic target for you, since you claim to be willing to throw some hard work in. 1bln+ is a bit too sporty for you.

>> No.728671

And I was thinking something that ether simplifies a company or combines it with something else to make it effective or efficient idk it's just a thought

>> No.728676

really OP, your "dream" is not impossible but you should get serious and realistic right now. Begin studying (read books or at least wikis/blogs about finance, etc), work and invest; don't expect to get all your answers on a single 4chan thread. That's not how people become millionaires.

>> No.728699

Lol I'm willing to do all the research and spend days weeks years even learning the ins and outs of finance but I'm just trying to get information from people trying to find a way to become a billionaire within my lifetime it's hard but not impossible and anything is possible if you put effort into it and devote your time and energy lol

>> No.728707

>anything is possible if you put effort into it and devote your time and energy
Only if you do it right.

The main thing to focus on is that nobody ever paid billions to an employee. Never, ever, ever. You have to make billions for yourself.

>> No.728709

You're so disgusting, please fuck off kindly you filth. Everything you just said hurts me deep inside. Such trash.

>> No.728711

If you're serious about it I recommend that you start with this http://www.mrmoneymustache.com and then investopedia.

>> No.728714

email sent.

>> No.728730

Invest in Bitcoin. It's been going down and was at an all time low (best time to buy) but it's been swinging back up for the last 30 days and is probably going to increase in value very soon.

>> No.728742

If you had 'it' you would be rich by now.
You have to start up your own company, that's the only way. If there is an up and coming market that you know a fair bit about, that's your most likely way.
Your pic related is a good example.
Bill Gates slept very little, he worked hard, he was passionate and knew alot about modern tech and there was somewhat a gap for him to break through with in terms of software.

>> No.728837

Thank a lot guys, lately I've just had this idea that I want to make it to a billion dollars and honestly I have no idea how I'd get there and I'm starting with nothing but if like to discover how and work very hard to get there

>> No.728869

Spoiler: if you have to ask a bunch of 20 somethings on an anonymous message board how to get rich you probably don't have what it takes.

>> No.728939

Even if you do what this guy states you will likely never make it past millionaire, maybe multimillionaire.

>> No.728958

My dad and mom opened up 4 recovery homes for druggies and were making a shit ton of money, then my dad had a heart attack (I guess addicts are stressful people) and we had to sell the business because my mom couldn't operate it on her own, and then we became poor again after all the extra drug people government monies ran out, sadly I don't know how to operate a business, but with enough motivation and determination it's possible to open, run and start making bank from a small business in a relatively short amount of time(all the start up capital came from dad's RSP(Canada)) and the business was fully operating only after 3 months(first house) and by 1 year for the other 3

>> No.728961

RRSP*, and the business was making us near 200k per year net profits, we didn't even own the homes; honestly, why do you need to shoot so high, the chances of become a billionaire are so low, especially for someone who lurks 4chan, start a small business and you'll still be making more than the average 9-5 drone

>> No.728963

Oh and we placed the recovery business in a city close to ours where there were a shit ton of drug addicts and the government would basically give the durggies money if they made sure to live at our house and the government gave a portion of their welfare(or druggy checks I dunno) checks to us, so I guess it's all about filling a demand I guess

>> No.728967

A billionaire in 15 years, eh? And it seems like you've got no connections, ideas, nothing but a desire to be a billionaire.

Well, you're gonna have to put every single fucking ounce of effort of every fucking day of the week to obtain that. Even then, the odds are astronomically against you.

Jesus christ, at least aim for making a cool million. It's like you're out of touch with the value of a dollar. If I made a net of a million, I'd retire to a South American country and likely be able to live frugally for the rest of my life.

Obtainable goals, man.

>> No.728971

Right on, man.

Once I get some capital (rofl, unlikely given that I'm not due for a big inheritance and I haven't lived my life in a way conducive to making tons of money), my shot at a small business is opening up a liquor store directly outside of my small town.

This small town, located in northern GA is growing VERY rapidly, but due to an old-fashioned city council, they'll never give a liquor license out in city limits. There's a nice plaza about a mile outside the city limits that could hold a liquor store.

And if there's a fact about people all through history, its that people will want to drink, for whatever reason.

Now, about that capital....right.

>> No.728977

If you really trust your ability and are absolutely sure the business will generate a substantial income, why not jump off the deep end and temporarily put yourself into debt to finance the liquor store? Also with the liquor store considering it's a small town your business will depend on networking, you know this but you'll need everyone on your good side, especially in a small town

>> No.728978

Experience is only as creditable as how it's interpreted.

>> No.728982

Well, being absolutely sure of something is relatively impossible- but I am confident in my abilities.

I must give you some insight into my current situation. I'm 23 years old, with absolutely no credit. Credit card to actually finally build some up is in the mail. I'm going to finish a 4-year B.S. in Psych right as 2015 ends. I hope to get some sort of mid-tier office job in human resources or a similar position.

My end-game scenario is making 40K+ a year as a therapist, counselor, or other mental health professional. Getting rich is not my objective.

Therefore, I don't think it is even possible to secure a business loan, and I don't have the connections to generate investors.

It's pretty much a "hey, I won the lotto!" idea at this point. I'm confident enough in my business sense, intelligence, ability to socialize with anyone, etc. I've just not been like this for too long.

Really, about a month ago I had a "moment of clarity", as alcoholics call it. Sitting in an under-paid job, getting more responsibilities tacked onto me without ANY chance of increased pay. Working for a company that employs hundreds, but sets up child companies at each location to avoid paying benefits.

It pissed me off, and now I'm motivated.

>> No.728992
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Let's say hypothetically someone got a thousand dollars a month for absolutely no effort. It was just given to them because they were autistic or something. What would be the most effective way to use that money? What would be the best budget for it?

>> No.728998

Generally, or personally? I'm not informed enough to tell you what ANYONE should do.

What I'd do is start a grass-roots sort of small business built around custom-building gaming PCs. People are willing to fork out mad cash for an alienware, hell, for a 1500 dollar HP or something silly. And I've come to know a lot of people, and have a very trustworthy reputation, and a rep for being knowledgeable on a lot of subjects.

Figure I'd use social networks to get the word out, build a 600-700 dollar PC that is gonna be better than a 1200 dollar pre-built. Sell them for 900-1k each. Repeat until I feel like I'm out of demand in my immediate area.

Then do something else.

>> No.728999

Er, I meant I'm not informed or experienced enough to say "in general, this is the best way to do it"

>> No.729018


Save money

Trade stocks penny or blue are fine either way.

You either fail because your autism peaked, make enough to make a living, or become rich.

>> No.729037
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>> No.729384

Becoming a millionaire is very easy (work normally, save up good money regularly, invest it wisely, and wait).

Becoming a billionaire is very hard, because you need excellent ideas + really hard work + perfect timing + investors willing to bet on you + some luck. And even if you succeed (which is more unlikely than not-, you can end up with "just" $200 million.

Morality: don't do things because you want to become a billionaire, do things because these are the best you can do on this earth.

>> No.730257

There are already 100000 pc hardware businesses that do this. The fact that you dont know that already points to failure.

>> No.730341

You'll never make it.
You think any very successful came on to anonymous board one day and said "durrr I kinda want to be a billionaire now how??"
If you really want to make a lot of money work your ass off, and even then there's no promise. But hey at least you tried

>> No.730354

Mark Zuckerberg did. The rest of the billionaires are too old to of had the chance.

>> No.730357


Also read how to get rich by felix dennis, the guy that created dennis publishing & maxim magazine. Started broke, no college, and now has over 200M+ net worth.

>> No.730359

well if mark zuckerberg did then i guess it really is that easy!!!!

mark zuckerberg went to harvard, so i suggest op get into harvard, thatd be a good starting point.

>> No.730366


Harvard is absolutely not necessary. In fact, regardless of the school, the school is still a bubble. Most successful entrepreneurs try to escape the school "bubble" and enter the startup world by attending meetups, hackathons, etc. That's how most companies start nowadays.

>> No.730372

With Zuckerbrger specifically, it wasn't about the school at all. Just going to the place where people with ideas go, and combining thoughts to create something new or different.

>> No.730375

>to of had the chance
It's "to have had the chance".
What kind of bastardised English are you speaking?

>> No.730376

Invest in crowdfunding in China.

The industry is relatively untapped right now and the World Bank estimates its crowdfunding potential will be $50 billion by the year 2025.

Or you could always just make another dime a dozen app and hope to strike it rich

>> No.730512


just be yourself

>> No.730520

What i was trying to convey was the required intelligence and dedication you need to even start something successful. OP wants to invent some technology to improve standard of living?

On the topic of Mark Zuckerberg; hes fucking smart. That's all there is to know. The example given that "Mark Zuckerberg did" is setting a standard way too high for a vast majority of humans to realise in their lifetime. Youre trying to tell OP hes got the opportunity to start something big like Mark Zuckerberg?

I'm saying a good starting point would be to go to harvard, or any good college, simply to prove you at least as smart as Zuckerberg was. Because if you cant even achieve that, how can you expect to break into the market with some amazing new tech that will make you "super rich".

But you guys are right, education is not necessary in becoming financially successful, but being smart and having the skills definitely is.

>> No.730533

Suck dick
Charge $1/inch
Suck 15,782.8282828 miles of dick
>$1 bill

>> No.730563

>now has over 200M+ net worth.
Oh anon...

>> No.730566

>make business
>make it good

>> No.730579


Don't understand the point of your comment.

Basically guy was broke and is rich as fuck now.