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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 512x288, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7282088 No.7282088 [Reply] [Original]

Guess who woke up

>> No.7282111

fucking amerifats

>> No.7282112


America about to wake up and pump these shitcoins pajeeto

>> No.7282123

We aint awake yet

>> No.7282124

>wake up
>reach into bedside drawer and retrieve paper bag containing my morning breakfast burger with super size fries and chocolate chip cookie
>open up Coinbase to see how my investments are doing
>I’m down 5%! That could have gone a long way at McDonald’s

>> No.7282130

>chocolate chip cookie

>> No.7282133


>> No.7282137
File: 25 KB, 210x240, 141CB4E3-720B-488E-B6D8-9DE591B3744B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europoors sell off every day after lunch
>start blaming the burgers for not bailing their ass out again

Sir, I may shit in the street, but you shit on the charts.

>> No.7282147
File: 471 KB, 500x335, 1517344339799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, time to panic sell before work, and fomo back in at evening

rinse repeat untill i drag the entire market down with me desu

>> No.7282149

man wtf its always around 6-7am EST this shit happens. Fucking Mutts need to be banned from crypto.

>> No.7282153


>> No.7282158


I like to eat a light breakfast

>> No.7282162

It’s sunday at 4:13am. This is still the fucking Europoors.

>> No.7282165
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>yuropoos jealous that we play the market better than them

>> No.7282168

We aren’t even awake yet. Euros fucking suck dick, look at this mess

>> No.7282171
File: 71 KB, 397x500, 1517614837548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murimutts cashed out to grab their first breakfast

>> No.7282180

Die cali scum

>> No.7282182

its 7am EST. Fucking retard. Learn your own countries time zones.

>> No.7282198

United Time Zones amirite?

>> No.7282200

>is pajeet
>calls euros poor

>> No.7282208

At most, only early risers in 1/3rd of America have woken up. You yuropoors who fail to understand this day in and day out are only demonstrating why America is still the superpower.

>> No.7282213

Usually it's amerifats repair the price and the asians who panic sell and suck away everything we put into it.

>> No.7282218

I actually hope the market crashes , this shit is insane any ways. I mean look at the prices for these white papers.

>> No.7282228

Not to mention its the weekend when most sleep in.

>> No.7282231

world starts at 9am est when walmart opens fag

>> No.7282235
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, F08801B7-E1C6-45C3-A70C-D0B2DA814382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wakes up at 7am on Sunday you dumb fucking sandnigger. It is, however, prime time in Eurocuckistan. Maybe you should learn European time zones, you actual moron.

>> No.7282236

I feel like it'll recover today back to 9k at least. Yay or nay?

>> No.7282246


America doesn't pump shit you stupid faggots. It's the Chinese who pump it back up at 7am, +8 GMT.

>> No.7282256
File: 96 KB, 478x326, 1512003093734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is still the superpower.
>At most, only early risers in 1/3rd of America have woken up.
>you yuropoors who fail to understand this day in and day out

Holy shit Americans are fucking retarded.

>> No.7282259

Exactly his point. How many people do you think are up at 7am trading fucking cryptocurrencies? It's FAR more likely this is eurotrash who are in the middle of their day, or Asia who all are now home from work and can panic sell to the max.

You fags trying to blame murca are just ashamed of your trash countries killing the markets. In 4 hours America will be awake and rescue you, like fucking always, in crypto & in war & economic crisis.

>> No.7282288


I forgot Americans like to sleep in till 1pm after a night of binge drinking and watching netflix all night while rubbing McDonald sauce all over themselves.

>> No.7282295

Their hands are made of the same cotton those ameriniggers pick

>> No.7282306


Asians home at 8pm +8 GMT? What are you on about you dumb yank. It's fucking Sunday. We West Aussies are on the same time zone. We've been home because it's fucking Sunday. America, the first penal colony, was a mistake.

>> No.7282321
File: 13 KB, 555x117, O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just going to leave this here

>> No.7282334

Guess who's taking their bedtime market dump?

>> No.7282340
File: 132 KB, 1174x900, 20288500-87DA-468F-9F4E-CA8549C71FFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, tell your wife Muhammad said hi.

>> No.7282350

ITT: Americunts saying 'it's not us because we are sleeping' yeah....

>> No.7282369

Trips of Truth

>> No.7282372

This. It's the same on stock markets like clockwork, after lunch around 1-2 pm euros sell.

>> No.7282386
File: 91 KB, 430x350, eagle-cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bully us

>> No.7282387

>taking profit bad
>holding crashing assets good

Some economical masterminds here on /biz/

>> No.7282393

based digits confirm mongrellica retardation

>> No.7282394

Man it’s super bowl Sunday and it’s only 7:30 AM on the east coast and 4:30 on the west. No Americans are up trading crypto right now. You are fucking retarded. The Super Bowl is practically a national holiday I doubt there will be a lot of trades today from America relatively speaking.

>> No.7282403
File: 233 KB, 1200x1200, Burgers (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you have a mcdonalds riot to attend to you fat subhuman?

>> No.7282406
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>> No.7282412

Without the US Australia would be just another shit tier poor 3rd world country. We are literally responsible for the largest influx of money into your country, you fucking pathetic leech.

We should knock you off our teet so you can live impoverished.

>> No.7282419

>world starts at 9am est when walmart opens fag
Walmart closed?

>> No.7282423

Go back to McDonalds, 58% niggers

>> No.7282427

consumerist garbage
no wonder they are mostly made of blubber, passive spectators of bullshit with no relevance whatsoever

>> No.7282437


Ah, yes, sam alwaleed hyde. Known wall street insider.

>> No.7282438
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>> No.7282442

What country are you from which doesn't have sports? Let me laugh at you.

>> No.7282445

>None wakes up at that time
>is woke
Holy shit you are genuinely retarded

>> No.7282447

Hell yeah dude. McDonald’s sauce is way better than the Muslim cum you rub all over yourself.

>> No.7282451
File: 964 KB, 701x693, mongrellusfeeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feed the thicclets, please.

>> No.7282452
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>> No.7282454


but...Dequan Jackson is my favorite player...I like to watch the big black men run on the field and chase the ball...they’re so strong...

>> No.7282455

Yeah because yuropoors don’t religiously watch soccer. Completely different.

>> No.7282457

I only play sports, you ad-receptive vegetable of no roots or identity

>> No.7282458

I am done with this shit. Seriously. I pulled all my money out of the market (still x10 my initial investment, even though down from x25). No reason to hold in this shitty market.

>> No.7282460

It's 7:30 here on the east coast, I doubt any more than 20% of americans are awake

>> No.7282461

What country are you from? Please allow me to laugh at you.

>> No.7282471


woke ass east coaster checking in.

>> No.7282475
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>mfw us eurofags mess your crypto momentum

>> No.7282478
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Fitting response from the double digit IQ chimp

>> No.7282481

even if I told you your ignorant brain couldn't do shit with that info

>> No.7282497

You are on an anonymous Internet message board and STILL too ashamed to tell me where you live.

LOL, fucking pathetic nerds from shit tier countries are the worst.

>> No.7282498

Mohammed has to wake up at 7 for the morning call to prayer, so he assumes the rest of us do too.

>> No.7282499
File: 138 KB, 500x392, A4E3B193-5161-4DF5-B184-F074A72DA54D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, Don’t you have some refugees to turn your country over to, you classless panic selling fuck? Think about that when Ajmer sticks his cok in your sisters bobs.

>> No.7282502


Please, the firsts to have panic'ed were those europussies.

>> No.7282506

I didn’t wake up. I haven’t gone to sleep. I’m on the west coast so it’s 4:30. I’ll go to sleep in an hour after I have a couple burgers and some large fries to prepare me for the destruction I am going to put my intestines through tomorrow for super bowl Sunday.

>> No.7282509


I cannot wait until China makes you its bitch, as if you aren't already with your 13 trillion dollar debt to them. Our government isn't stupid enough to become schizophrenic and paranoid over an eastern European shit hole and rightly acknowledges China as being the real threat. While you faggots go into meltdown over the red scare China is going to wipe you from the earth and I'll be sitting back having an export with my emu named Neville cheering.

>> No.7282514


>> No.7282521

don't you have a constitution to defend instead of watching sports, goy? aren't you reminded of your place every time you look at your mutilated cock while taking a piss?

>> No.7282531

what a fucking mess, the next couple of decades are going to be hilarious.

>> No.7282536
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>Telling other people they are classless
Top kek

>> No.7282537
File: 11 KB, 124x124, 8A7406EA-ED75-4C1F-96F2-D68F5AF3393C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don’t even know what time it is in your own shithole country. Are you going to cry when your lineage is wiped out in 3 generations and your descendants become even more retarded than you are? Shit, you’re probably about to cry right now, you snaggletooth ass motherfucker.

>> No.7282548
File: 2.39 MB, 2552x5560, 1516973749157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a pick /biz/

>> No.7282555

So you're saying you are a retarded then because thats exactly what happened in america? hahah
>this is the average american brain

>> No.7282573

Sir, I may shit in street but at least I don't shart in mart sir.

>> No.7282583

You think China is a threat to a country with the most advanced and well funded military in the world. I think that's hilarious. If we wanted to run through China right now and take everything they had, we could do it in under a week.

The US is the only country currently investing in AI robotic warfare. In a few years we won't even need to send troops anywhere to eliminate an entire army.

You anti-US trashbags think healthcare or money or # of people are power. No, weapons are power. And the US has the most. That's why we can rescue all of you pathetic worms when someone comes into your shit tier country to fuck with you, or we can run a train on any single nation in the world. That's why our retarded President can say absurdly obnoxious things to every world leader and threaten to shut you down from trade or US protection and ALL of your countries back down to him even though he's clearly an ignorant fucking moron with zero tact.

Anti-US sentiment is just the ultimate form of jealousy.

>> No.7282590

How rich would 1 person have to be to effectively manipulate the market? Could a guy like Soros do it, since I know he's dabbled in crypto?

>> No.7282593



>> No.7282594

All this discussion is pointless. It can be settled simply by waiting for a few years: in a few years, the nation with the weakest hands will be the one without any bitcoins.

>2020, 7:30 EST, America wakes up with no bitcoins
>*starts war on electrons*

>> No.7282602

I'm done with you, you're too ashamed to even say where you live. You're shit tier to me, next.

>> No.7282616

>we can take over China in a week
My sides. If you went vs Chinks it would be a draw because you both cannot take each other down. Chinks have no fleet and you cannot occupy them territorially.

>> No.7282619

don't misgender anyone today, you may lose your credit score because of it lmao

>> No.7282639
File: 80 KB, 537x720, FB5D633E-BAB6-4AE9-9339-B13AB0F0E2DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are a retarded then

The mongrel can’t even form a sentence properly. I rest my case my nigga.

>> No.7282652

Hahahaha you’re literally dumb as fuck if you think commie chinks who can barely feed their people are in any way shape or form a threat to America power. Now get back on your knees and keep sucking this big American dick you cuck

>> No.7282657
File: 211 KB, 480x368, EDDEEE38-1858-4DA8-9536-67A6663915E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling Americans classless while they get outbred by brownies
You people are worse than Dalits

>> No.7282666
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, NaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attacks my simple typo instead of acknowledging the fact he just got ass fucked.

Get fuckt you literal subhuman

>> No.7282673
File: 35 KB, 540x459, 1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We aren’t even awake yet.

>> No.7282680

Unless we went nuclear you are probably correct.

>> No.7282686

This is from an article from a European based publication:

"The United States would likely win because sending China's untested forces against the might of America's military would be like pitching farmers against Achilles and his warriors"

Even eurofags know the deal. Where are you from? Australia? Pathetic leech country.

>> No.7282696
File: 377 KB, 820x1020, 1508806583245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling Americans classless while they get outbred by brownies

Le 56% brainlets everyone!

>> No.7282713

Thank jeesus for mcdonalds. I can get a big Mac and fries for breakfast

>> No.7282720

jesus christ shut the fuck up you subhuman

>> No.7282739

You truly are a dumbass.
USA cannot even properly wrangle arab civilians and now you want to take a bite of China. How many soldiers you think it takes to pacify a billion civilians. As other anon said unless you nuke em whole thing ends up in a stalemate. It would be like Vietnam but with 40 times as many gooks

>> No.7282740
File: 28 KB, 210x240, 3A649293-80FB-4230-92B2-808F00A4FA53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, my apologies sir. I forgot you think it is your place to turn your vagins over to allah to make amends for wwii.

>> No.7282760

Why are americunts so horrible? Fucking assholes are worse than the chinks and maybe even worse than Indians. Nukes when?

>> No.7282761
File: 166 KB, 925x583, 1508804967809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a meme

>> No.7282782

We could kill every single Arab alive without using nukes you dumbass. Except that’s clearly not our goal. Our misguided goal was to bring prosperity to subhumans. Many Americans are now aware that you can’t civilize a savage people.

>> No.7282783

I’m American but I have to agree. Im also the one that said unless we nuked them.... but that is always an option.

>> No.7282789
File: 793 KB, 1397x932, 27228CA0-5368-43BD-B922-86E4C0E3C4E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A meme with my ass in your sisters asshole

>> No.7282808

Properly wrangle who, now?

We've single handedly destroyed ISIS, who eurocunts were busy screaming in the streets over instead of doing anything about.

We have checked the following countries back in line in recent history:

Saudi Arabia

And we don't even bother to actually go all out because of global sensitivities around killing innocents. If we actually wanted to go in and demolish those countries with no care for its citizens, we'd do so in a single day.

Open your fucking eyes.

>> No.7282812
File: 202 KB, 454x510, 1499004499664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be mad at you, but thrn I remember how last night I drove to Freddy's to get a Chicago Dog and a chocolate brownie sundae, but had to give up because the drive-thru line was really long and I was to lazy to walk inside the store and order carry-out

>> No.7282820
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, 860DDF2D-01AA-4648-B8B7-1A325E790FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still doesn’t understand how time zones work

The only one getting assraped here is you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go indulge in some American prosperity. And you’re late picking up your wife’s son from sandnigger school. (Even if that isn’t true, you’re being outbred and your country will be a 3rd world shithole in 3 generations or less). Cheers.

>> No.7282825

I'm American and I just go to sleep at this time so I don't have to deal with the rest of my country

>> No.7282833


>south africans migrate north-east to india and keep going north
>albinism develops from change in atmosphere and climate
>tribe goes northwest
>starts hella inbreeding
>has to live in caves mostly because of heavy cold temps and frigid nature teamed with feral and dangerous wild animals in large packs
>low food/no entertainment access so inbreed sex and pedophilia was common ( le athens and rome it was illegal to not be a pedo ) and so was murder and herd thinning via the proxy of religious worship
>things kept getting better as they learned how to use wood tools smelt metal and band together and stop murdering eachother
>meanwhile china was already making the first calculators and printing machines
>meanwhile india was a utopia with abundance in everything including sexuality and philosophy
>meanwhile most of africa was developing advanced smelting techniques and perfecting mineral and resource extracting along with perfecting trading and commerce in unison with the persian /iraq//summer/ middle east area which was perfecting politics and mathematics including translations and world affairs with the asias
>meanwhile south america was already selfsustaining with cities of millions of people living comfortably and well lives
>meanwhile the first batteries and electrical technologies where experimented with using minerals metals and chemicals extracted from alchemical techniques derived from egypt creating battery juice
>europe had just figured out organized religion and created Catholicism
>downspiral for 1700 years
>entire world population gets -2000 years in advancement points.


>> No.7282836
File: 42 KB, 600x603, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so funny.

>> No.7282856

You keep describing america you retard see >>7282478

>> No.7282860
File: 140 KB, 986x656, 1512609277512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over anons. Congrats on this, seriously.


>> No.7282880

But I also must say that there is no reason arguing that America is the most powerful military force in the world. No one is going to fuck with us. We could go 100 trillion dollars in debt to China but they could never collect. No one is going to fuck with us they will just talk shit when we are not around.

>> No.7282883

>we could kill every single X with ease
So you want to turn every SJW on your ass like its Vietnam all over again? Nato intervented in Balkan over couple thousand deaths and you want to go all in,
>sanctions from everyone
>everything you import from Chinks is gone
Imo China will fuck you economically, theyre just waiting for another recession and dollar goes down the drain.
>checked those 3
Nah, you fucked over Iraq that literally had an 8 year war that nearly bankrupted them. And even there you struggle with control after 10 years.

All these amerimutts are hilarious.

>> No.7282892
File: 9 KB, 104x104, 8CB09D95-F684-4FA7-83FF-9E9D64CA766D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7282940

>>wake up
>>reach into bedside drawer and retrieve paper bag containing my morning breakfast burger with super size fries and chocolate chip cookie
>>open up Coinbase to see how my investments are doing
>>I’m down 5%! That could have gone a long way at McDonald’s

Pls let this be the new default copy pasta

>> No.7282949


Aussie here. Please do. We need a good kick up the ass.

Our governments entire strategy for everything is just "rely on America, they will bail us out". We are honestly the worst ally ever.

>>Anti-US sentiment is just the ultimate form of jealousy.

This 100%. I can't believe the average aussie has the gal to be anti American when they are the only reason we even still exist as a nation.

>> No.7282962


>> No.7282977

>Buy bitcoin
>Buy drugs on the darknet
>Sell drugs for a profit
>Buy more bitcoin
>Wait for bull run with crypto profits
>Start smoking Meth and H
>Spend all crypto on drugs at peak of market
>Ruin life and all relationships
>Kills self

>> No.7283006

I just had a massive pump and dump and now I'm gonna enjoy my coffee, if Ox goes below $1 I'll buy

>> No.7283043

I said we could and clearly said that’s not what we wanted. Illiterate faggot

>> No.7283048

>But I also must say that there is no reason arguing that America is the most powerful military force in the world. No one is going to fuck with us. We could go 100 trillion dollars in debt to China but they could never collect. No one is going to fuck with us they will just talk shit when we are not around.

In no other nation you find that many uneducated retards to join military anymore.

>> No.7283114

We breed our farm boys strong, you breed yours weak. That's the only difference. Don't kid yourself with this "uneducated" shit. Your farm boys are equally as dumb, they're just giant pussies.

>> No.7283177

No, America just makes it possible to be a career soldier and live pretty comfortable. Decent pay and ridiculous benefits. You don’t have to be uneducated to be in the military, I considered officer training. You have to have at least a college degree to become an officer. America made being in the military a job worth doing so people do it. And yes at the lower ranks of enlisted folks there are a lot of stupider people but even then you still have to have a high school diploma or GED.

>> No.7283320

America just fucking won this thread.

Another victory.

>> No.7283341
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>> No.7283342
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>yuropoors not bowing down to their fucking saviors from two world wars
>yuropoors constantly getting BTFO by russia in all things geopolitical
>bong bongs brexiting without a thought of consequences
>yuropoors getting BTFO by middle east destabilization
>yuropoors last hope is crypto
>hoping america will save them this time
fuck all of you. we've done enough hand holding for your fucking region.

>> No.7283409



everything they touch gets destroyed.


>> No.7283441

calm down and eat a burger fatty amerilard

>> No.7283450

fucking burgers always have the weakest, greasiest hands.

>> No.7283471

>You think China is a threat to a country with the most advanced and well funded military in the world. I think that's hilarious. If we wanted to run through China right now and take everything they had, we could do it in under a week.
>The US is the only country currently investing in AI robotic warfare. In a few years we won't even need to send troops anywhere to eliminate an entire army.

>> No.7283527

Seriously. I consider myself a progressive & would love to see some sort of united utopian Earth one day...

but the Europeans in biz make me realize that we really would be better off just shutting them out and letting them degenerate into nothingness third worlders.

I don't agree with most of Trump's policies but at this point I can at least get behind stopping wasting time bailing out unappreciative scum like Europe. Thanks biz.

>> No.7283531

>We've single handedly destroyed ISIS, who eurocunts were busy screaming in the streets over instead of doing anything about.
It was Russia not you

>> No.7283546

why do mutts have to project their cuck fetish onto others? over here ahmeds are the ones furious over fob africans stealing their women, while white women don't interact with these people in general

(britcucks excepted ofc, but the UK is basically a soyboyer America)

>> No.7283559

Regardless of whether or not that's true, since anti-missile defense systems can absolutely negate nuclear missiles, the US has far more nukes than China does.

So what the fuck is your point?

Wake me up with this argument when Russia can even feed their own people.

>> No.7283575
File: 73 KB, 625x510, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


murica is the worst cancer on this planet. They are destroying everything for years. the only thing murican retads are special is government shutdowns, making debt, starting wars and not being able to stabilize it afterwards.

murifats are so delusional, degenerated and dumbed down.

Press S to shit on murican idiocracy!

>> No.7283605

>since anti-missile defense systems can absolutely negate nuclear missiles, the US has far more nukes than China does.
Nope. You're drinking the propaganda coolaid. There's no way you can completely block every single nuke we don't have energy barriers yet because it's not 2525.
If you could your president wouldn't be fapping over his nuclear button.
And since we're measuring nukes here, Russia has far more nukes than you.

>> No.7283621
File: 192 KB, 300x300, 1499370996210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thirdies and members of the union of yuropeon cuckolds will never, ever EVER get over the fact that their non-nations are forever irrelevant and forced to live in the shadow of the United States Of America, the World's Only Superpower




>> No.7283632

Oh no, this doesn't look good. I'd better sell.

>> No.7283649
File: 299 KB, 980x1200, FD3510CD-B580-4EA0-A7D1-84699FD2AF4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you use all of our shit and post on our boards. Sounds like you are jelly. Stay smelly eurofriend.

>> No.7283673
File: 420 KB, 1333x1246, 1517716484254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7283677

How does this help me make money?
You assholes cash out everyday to buy 2 burgers instead of 1

>> No.7283699

“Help me make money”


>> No.7283703

every morning I wake up at 7 est and it's already tanked. I've come to the conclusion that it's filthy Eurotrash panic selling every morning

>> No.7283710


Niggers aren’t Americans.

>> No.7283720

Fighting China I would agree... But we have a larger, better trained and better equipped military as well as more nukes and a far superior navy. We are the works bully. We are the Chad country. You are all the betas.

Even funnier is that I travel a fair amount and god damn I get love from all your girls when I am in any other country. If you spend to much time on 4chan you would think they hate out guys but it always works out differently when I am in their country.

>”Oh my god your accent is so cute you’re American right”
>”Yeah, thanks”
>”Where in America are you from?”
>”It’s above California”
>”Hollywood! OMG I love movies. You’re so cute we should hang out.”

>> No.7283726
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>amerigods cash out and buy back when the market is at the bottom
>yuros hold and lose out

>> No.7283730

Wouldnt be surprised if out of a sudden mcdonals stocks explode.
fucking burgerland

>> No.7283741


>> No.7283744

>>Even funnier is that I travel a fair amount and god damn I get love from all your girls when I am in any other country. If you spend to much time on 4chan you would think they hate out guys but it always works out differently when I am in their country.

That's why they're assblasted anon

The rich white Amerigods are literally cucking them

>> No.7283748

This can all be summarized very simply. It was a marathon not a sprint.

>> No.7283755
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>cryptos die
>/biz/ becomes /int/ without flags because nobody fucking cares about boomermarkets

i fucking love 4chan

>> No.7283765

You guys consume more McD's per capita than the US. Plus, it's your largest fast food chain when ours is Subway. Wanna cross check calories there, burger boy?

Fucking Eurotrash needs a mirror!

>> No.7283780

>sell at 1% profit
>drive to mcd's to celebrate
>die in a mass shooting

>> No.7283782


ahahaha faggot

>> No.7283818


>> No.7283864
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>> No.7283887

I love listening to foreigners talk shit like they are tough. It's so cute. Living there little socialist lives thinking without realizibg we have tricked them into thinking they live "first world" because of their slave handouts. All while knowing we could topple their governments and destroy their armies in under 100 hours on a whim.

>> No.7283914

Underrated state. Blue, legal marijuana, great cities, hour drive to the beach, hour drive to the mountain, hunting, fishing, trees fucking everywhere. It’s a beautiful state. Plus we have Portland which is an awesome city. Shit weather if you don’t like rain though.

>> No.7283988

Fuck non Americans

>> No.7283998


As a non American, this 100%. I am well aware that my entire countries military combined would probably be raped by a single Marine Division, hell just a Battalion would probably do the job.

As a non American I know that Americans are the only reason my country and culture even exists. Without Americans there would be no freedom and I probably wouldn't even have been born white, as chink communist hordes would have taken me over.

If letting the Americans sell a few of their Bitcoins each morning for their McDonalds breakfasts is the price I pay for my existence, then I am glad to have them panic sell.

>> No.7284190

Too many dog owners for that to be true. Mine have an internal clock of 5am. Luckily that's paid off well for me to get in on plenty of 7-8am dips.

>> No.7284201

>An amer*can larping as European.

>> No.7284288

>ameritards helping the commies defeat the only country powerful and committed enough to destroying communism forever
>then crying about communism for decades and the retarded policies it triggered like mass immigration of shitskins
you did this to yourselves

>> No.7284294


>> No.7284466
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