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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7279153 No.7279153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7279173

Here's an Idea It's a Pajeet trying to get rich quick.

>> No.7279175

I have an amazing idea. You should write a movie about this faggot who wants to write a movie so he goes on to the internet for help, then he makes the movie and nobody ever watches it.

>> No.7279204

and in the end he kill himself cause everybody on internet calls him fagot postmortem Oscar

don't forget to write in fat old nigger dike

>> No.7279554

Write a movie about a world where marketing is outlawed. Think about it.

>> No.7279571
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sister-sister love

>> No.7279576

Or about the time when robots are so advanced they demand equal rights. Cyborgism. Robot power

>> No.7279600

a lonely anon stumbling upon occult practices of the elite. gets in too deep responding to a cicada 3301-esque ARG. mr. robot in movie form with more high-society satanism.

>> No.7279708
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>Rich white guy crypto trader
>Poor broke ghetto nigger
>Rich white guys employ rich white guy
>Rich guys decide to put white guy in poor house and make poor nigger rich in their crypto company
>Insert funny shit
>White guy and nigger become aware of each other and the evil rich guys plan
>Decide to work together to put rich evil guys in the poor house while they themselves get rich in the process

Do it OP!

>> No.7279736

that movie already exists, eddie murphy

>> No.7279759

emoji movie but with crypto charatcers lol

>> No.7279783
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Say whaaaa?

>> No.7279811


>> No.7279841

Call it 'Exchanging Positions', as in crypto exchange.

>> No.7279881
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>Exchanging Positions
Ha! That's perfect!

>> No.7279938
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>muh crypto movies

>> No.7279990

You need a coin for this. Get working on whitepaper.

>> No.7280034

Done, can't even tell you the name of it

>> No.7280035

good luck with your movie anon. I myself am becoming a rich cryptocurrency trader. Does anyone know some good coins to buy or sell or whatever?

>> No.7280072

The fictional memoir's of Satoshi.
>His backstory leading into creating bitcoin in a clandestine manner
>His current status
>Then the mega plot twist as his plan comes to it's fantastic conclusion

>> No.7280088

>scriptwriting anon goes to 4chan boards in order to gather ideas for a film
>each board provides something different
>/biz/ is the only board with enough business foresight to enter into a legally binding contract with anon to guarantee a cut of the profits and rights to /biz/
...there was more, but these girl scoot cookies are AMAZING (it's weed).

>> No.7280125

make a movie about an ex criminal who made millions scamming his clients into buying useless shitcoins and the extravagant lifestyle he lived until he ultimately loses it all and goes to jail.

>> No.7280144

>that ghost-face richard stallman looking motherfucker wearing an unsecured straightjacket who enters from the right at thirty six seconds

>> No.7280206
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I liek this idea. do it op

>> No.7280212

neet becomes rich with Bitcoin
Played by Ryan Gosling

>> No.7280249

bitcoin obviously
that's gonna be a huge movie one day
multiple points of view like the big short, one of them is underage neet watching anime who goes from bullied kid to depressed adult millionaire because of threads on /g
mfw that could be me if I didn't sell at $10, top kek

>> No.7280266

Kinda like The Gambler (2014) only good and with cryptocurencies

>> No.7280290 [DELETED] 

a movie about weather a man decides to kill himself or not, his struggle.

>> No.7280364

Me, a nigger, busting an enormous nut in your white, fat assed wife.

>> No.7280478
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>any ideas aka I dont have any ideas
fuck off Im not your ideas man think up your own shit faggot

>> No.7280505

Setting:post apocalyptic dystopian future where the economy and all things are run by ai, paid for by blockchains. Society has broken down around anarchic governance models, except for several corporations which exist, secretly run by ai with the facade of still being governed bY people

A group of neo luddites, cripples by blockchain debt follow a quasi religious prophesy with the ultimate goal of stopping the blockchain, allowing civilization to start again unencumbered by the slavery of everything being accounted for by decentralised ledgers

Morale of the story:- just break anything with a circuit board inside it.

>> No.7280525

Crippled by debt, not a bunch of cripples

>> No.7280542

A movie about whether a man decides to kill himself or not, his struggle. Have him poor/broke/running out of options and yet he doesn't care. Can't care. Too depressed, numb, and detached from reality that life is more of an autopilot ride at a carnival or a bad television show. Less than human. He goes from day dreaming about his issues and thoughts as he goes through life only having few moments where he has clarity snapping back into reality but ultimately cannot change. the cycle repeats. the day begins.

>> No.7280701

record scratch
you might be wondering why i'm in noose wearing my kneepads with my face covered in semen

>> No.7280714


>> No.7280740

Setting: designated shitting street

Plot: find internet and shitpost and shill on /biz

Moral of the story: stay poor

>> No.7280874

In the future there's no wars. Instead soldiers are dropped in a giant meat grinder.

>> No.7281395

either way it won't get produced so why does it matter anon, the film industry is dead for screenwriters (and I mean real ones like me who actually make annual income off of options and rewrites)