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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 132 KB, 534x819, PAUL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7271153 No.7271153 [Reply] [Original]

How are you going to spend your extra 1.5$ a week biz?

So excited to see what this new tax cut is gonna do for working class americans, trump is really looking out for the smaller guy and Draining the swamp


>> No.7271263

Trump Cuck

>> No.7271331

effective cuts are roughly 13%, so closer to $15 a week for a secretary.

>> No.7271510
File: 172 KB, 500x301, 134F4BB6-37C2-4BC2-A2C4-C7AA380F0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman got enough recovered to get her Costco membership paid instead of the gubbmint forcing it to some non working nigger family that would blow it on soda pop.
Yeah MAGA bichez

>> No.7271554

What are you faggots talking about? My net pay went up $100.

>> No.7271558


What the fuck...Trump promised us to Make America White Again and make those fucking blacks and Mexicans stop stealing our women...he promised us a border wall and the deportation of everyone who isn't a white Christian...instead we get a measly $1.50 a week...he fucking sold us out...I'm never voting for the GOP again.

>> No.7271602

My weekly pay went up $52, or $2,704 for the year. Why are people mocking Trump for that?

Better in my hands than buying soda pop for niggers >>7271510

>> No.7271608

>fat white burgers thought BILLIONAIRE fuck up gave a shit about their poor ass


>> No.7271641

larp kek

>> No.7271650


Fuck off...we had a Kenyan communist nigger in the White House for the past 8 years...this was supposed to make everything right and White again...we finally had hope...instead he screwed us over....

>> No.7271689

I make an extra $100 a month under the new tax plan. It’s not life changing, but it covers the electric bill.

>> No.7271704

That's another dollar store pound cake per week, OP. In Burger World this is major, major change.

>> No.7271735

My company gave me a $5000 bonus and a raise so I'm not complaining. I'm sitting here drinking waiting for shitcoin #1 to jump down some more to accumulate.

>> No.7271739

>The wealthy elites hate you more than you white trash hate niggers and you fat burgers thought one would save you anyway

LMFAOOOOOOOOO you amerifats aren't even aware of the game you're playing

>> No.7271745

Alternatively, if she saves that money that's 1 free Big Mack a month.

>> No.7271814


>> No.7271869

I'm not super hot about Trump but then I see what makes niggers like you mad about him and it's like yeah, he's the best president that's ever existed.

>> No.7271874
File: 13 KB, 480x360, A35FCAD6-2145-4692-BC40-591C30652F8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'll save 4% as long as I keep my crypto gains under $57k
I might not be able to do it lads, I'm a really good trader

>> No.7271904

Same here, cellphone+elec, thanks trump.

>> No.7271925

I can't believe he tweeted that. that looks bad and fits the crumbs narrative, sad

>> No.7271962
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>> No.7271998

I'm getting an extra $75 a week. Beats nothing.

>> No.7272054

hiding is only feasible if you are under 6 figures, which I already make at my wagecuck job. living like a drug dealer does not appeal to me. the banks will catch up to you unless you deal with cash exclusively. source: bankfag analyst

>> No.7272087

This tweet can't be real

>> No.7272150

What's a 4% to you then?

>> No.7272160

American republitards think this is a huge win lmao

>> No.7272189

for example last year I would have saved 1-2k, this year that'd probably be 3-4k

>> No.7272193

Ausfag here. Am an apprentice making slave wages. Just got a $1.30 payrise. Feels damn good niqqa. Anyway congrats on having a president that isnt a piece of shit #maga

>> No.7272245

Link to the tweet if real

>> No.7272281

>Gets an extra $200 a year
>Can easily x10 that by investing it in crypto
>On the cushiest job alive
>Wahh why isn´t Drumpf giving me yet more money?

Kill yourself

>> No.7272282

I get $80 take home every 2 weeks. Not nearly enough to pay me off to support the cut.

>> No.7272324

twitter dot com

>> No.7272381

>when you’re unironically from plebbit

>> No.7272397
File: 214 KB, 602x663, 1365397894631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my getting an extra $200/wk from the cut just offsets the value of the dollar going to shit

>> No.7272404

fool, you're talking about $1.30 per hour. The americunts are praising their fat yellow God for $1.50 per week, aka 30 cents per day, aka 7.5 cents per hour.

Fuck you Australians are as dumb as the burgers

>> No.7272434

Ye I don't really get it but maybe that's why I don't get paid the big bucks, it fine.

>> No.7272471

Are you in the same timeline as we are, nigger? We’re getting weekly salt from deportation articles, ICE can do their job unrestricted again, and although this one is a punch in the gut, DACA will probably stay but in return we get the Wall, kill the Visa Lottery bullshit, and ax chain migration which desu is a better deal in our favor. He’s forcing niggers to get jobs to be eligible for welfare in some states and white birth rates and anger is the highest it’s been in 10 years.

It’s happening. I’d love to gas every queer and colored too but things are finally going our way for once.

>> No.7272475

theres no way thats real they wouldn't brag about $1.50 per week what the fuck

>> No.7272555

Yeah listen to this guy. Instead of us keeeping more of our money, we should give it to niggers.

>> No.7272560

>reminder that the lowest 40-45% of wage earners in America pay zero federal taxes. The top 1% pays 50% of all taxes.
>muh fair share.

>> No.7272647

>Defending the top 1%
How much Kool-Aid have you had?

>> No.7272660

bitch probably lives in california

>> No.7272669

>defending unproductive retards
the state of /biz/

>> No.7272704

I live there. Fuck Lancaster. Also, fuck Lebanon. And Berks/dauphin/York. This side of PA sucks cocks.

>> No.7272710

Hey, at least she noticed some kind of change. This is the first time wages increased in 8 years or something.
I have two american friends, one of them got $400 extra a month and the other one that has kids got ~$1100 thanks to the tax cuts and changes.

I don't really understand how people can complain when they notice change for the first time in years.

>> No.7272762

It's okay, brother. He's just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.7272806

>Implying I was defending unproductive retards
Now that you mention it though, what have you done recently? And don't larp.

>> No.7272819
File: 281 KB, 619x584, donaldtrumpwey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting 100 more a week.

>> No.7272849

>DACA will probably stay but in return we get the Wall
You mean the wall taxpayers are paying for? I thought Trump was a good negotiator, wasn't he going to make Mexico pay for it?

>> No.7272860

wagecucked at a corporation for the last 15 years

>> No.7272932

Even when I wasn’t a trump supporter I knew how i was going to be paid. It was on his website and he stated multiple times; the taxpayers foot the initial bill and it’s made up through trade renegotiations. We have a $60billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico and NAFTA is on suicide watch. Not to mention the wall costs $25bill and we lose ~$100bil a year (lowest estimates $85bil - highest estimate $130bil) to illegal immigration.

Seriously are all you plebbitors this dense? How often do you actually get to know what it is you’re talking about before you talk about It?

>> No.7272964

This, Trump fucking sucks. Spend spend spend. I'm all for cutting taxes, but you can't do that shit while ramping up spending. The piper will need to get paid at some point

>> No.7272994

>Defending either

>> No.7273021

> Not to mention the wall costs $25bill and we lose ~$100bil a year (lowest estimates $85bil - highest estimate $130bil) to illegal immigration.
source it

>> No.7273051

if you point out how retarded burgers are tehy call you a redditor its really sad actually

>> No.7273055

No ones defending them. Stealing money via taxes is wrong.

>> No.7273147

The tax cut is increasing the deficit by $4,500 per citizen. If you're getting less than that, you're getting cucked.

>> No.7273191

>Trump presented this figure as a hard fact to make his case, and not as the rough, high-end estimate that it is.

The figure matches a 2013 study by a group that wants to reduce immigration, FAIR.

It’s uncertain how much immigrants in the United States illegally cost taxpayers, but FAIR’s data is largely based on broad estimates and assumptions. Another report by a conservative think tank pegged the amount at about $85 billion a year. Reports by pro-immigration or neutral groups have come in significantly lower, and other reports have been inconclusive.

Even politifiction can’t argue It without diving into semantics and ‘faulting’ him for lack of pinpoint, on the decimal precision.


Seriously consider suicide if it’s taken you this long to figure things out. Facts like this aren’t even disputed - your entire argument boils down to ‘lol who cares free shit for everyone fuck white people’.

>> No.7273246


>> No.7273311

why build stupid wall when just go to home depot and take em from there?

>> No.7273322

this is the most reasonable metric. spoiler: most of us are gettin dicked

>> No.7273378

Fuck yeah new taxes!

Saving 90 dollars a paycheck and I get to double my deduction at the end of the year.

anyone complaining about this is a fuckin tard or a liar.

>>inb4 "but the 1% got as much in cuts as the entire middle class combined"

>>Inb4 my pay went down but no stubs to correlate this

>>inb4it only lasts 10 years

If you want to pay more, then donate to the IRS fags.

>> No.7273410


That metric is fucking absolutely retarded.

1% of americans pay 70.6% of all federal income taxes collected. Why in the fuck would you linearly get the average applied to every citizen. Fuckin stupid

>> No.7273437
File: 48 KB, 540x960, plestni4d4a01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a hospital in a major city.
The tax bill fucks over emergency rooms because it eliminates the personal mandate keeping Obamacare afloat.

Less people having insurance means less people having checkups, which allows diseases to progress and become more expensive to treat. It also means the ER becomes the only place most people can go for treatment.

It also means hospitals get reimbursed less, which can lead to hospital closures which fucks over EVERYBODY . You will need an ER at least once in your life - probably at least 10 times.

It is overwhelmingly likely whatever gains you have in your paycheck will be consumed by healthcare costs.

>> No.7273448

Because it’s going to be a big and beautiful eternal FUCK YOU to all the spics, kikes, and plebbitors like you.

>> No.7273487

You want to spend 20 billion dollars on a fuck you?

>> No.7273507

unironically yes if it'll assblast the spics, kikes, democrats, and MSM in one blow

>> No.7273596

You are a child.

>> No.7273657

You do realize the vast majority of /biz/ aside from worthless neets like you are in the top 10-20% right?

>> No.7273665

Everyone's getting dicked, but at least some of us get lube, so it's okay!

>> No.7273679

implying spending more on the deportation process isn't a better fuck you... and one that will actually work at that

>> No.7273704

you're stupid, you liberal dipshits like to throw around the $20B like it's the end of the world. The US spends ~$600B per year on military. Democrats proposed $1 trillion infrastructure budget plan in the past.

$20B is nothing comparatively, and the psychological benefits will be immense. The United States building a Great Wall sends a message to the rest of the world, that we're a proud, independent nation who will protect our borders at all costs. The day of the free-roaming spics is over, we're entering a new age, sanctuary cities won't save you any longer.

>> No.7273716

Lol, wtf. I'm voting hillary 2020 now

>> No.7273738

lets just put martial law on illegal immigrants, make that happen instead of a dumb wall that has to be maintained 24/7

>> No.7273760

>great wall
fucking lol, you mean a shitty fence/money pit that any mexican or left wing youtuber can climb in 30 seconds?

>> No.7273810

It can't be explained as anything OTHER than a huge fucking win, you enormous fucking retard. This is a big fucking deal. Get your head out of your ass.

By the way, you're on the wrong website.

>> No.7273879

if i see anyone trying to climb over that big beautiful wall I'll shoot them

>> No.7273927

t. out of touch retard

>> No.7273937

if it were feasible to have braindead losers guarding the entire US / mexico border we wouldn't need a wall would we?

>> No.7273986
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know about that, but i'm claiming my spot and no one's getting past me

>> No.7273998
File: 591 KB, 596x791, 0a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make too much to qualify for subsidies
>make too little to afford the $375/mo basic shit health insurance plan
>get penalized $800/yr fine because I can't afford to give two thirds of a paycheck each month to Aetna
Do you think I give a flying fucking if Conseula Lupita Gonzalez Lopez Dominguez Gutierrez Sanchez Rodriguez doesn't get free ER care for her fucking 12 anchor babies?

>> No.7274104

oh look, there's a mentally challenged redneck over there, lets just drive half a mile east and cross there.

>> No.7274148

This. Fuck Obama. Why am I forced to pay for healthcare I don't need?

>> No.7274152

thats why we need the wall, cause as soon as i see your little beaner head pop up over the top of it i turn you into mist

>> No.7274169
File: 57 KB, 861x276, wfppbvge5e701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know shit about return on investment. You are a scared cracker that likes to talk shit on the internet because you have no real world aspirations or abilities.

I look at hospital finances for shits and giggles. You?

You don't have to. It doesn't matter. An emergency room must treat everybody, because emergencies have to be treated without being able to verify somebody's identity. Are we supposed to wait to treat somebody hit by a car until family comes in with their social security card?

This costs money. Money that is not present of folks don't have insurance. Money that may be reduced when Republicans gut medicare and Medicaid to make up for the deficit.

It's a shit tax bill.

>> No.7274173

it's not a solid wall you dumb fuck, it's a fence and anyone on the mexico side will be able to see you before they're close enough for you to shoot them

>> No.7274188


>membership fees for groceries

Is Costco for fucking real? Why the fuck would I pay for membership? Is someone going to suck my cock at the checkout?

>> No.7274230
File: 70 KB, 620x465, BUNPAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that camo isn't a thing
I suspect that our shooter friend will not be wearing BUNPAT

>> No.7274264

would love to see some pasty 4chan 15 yr old camping out in the sun all day trying to be sneaky. that's some real content.

>> No.7274294

>You don't have to
I don't have to what? Last time I looked, I still lose $800 on my tax return this year

>> No.7274302
File: 255 KB, 1600x1067, the_wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a solid wall

then what the fuck do you call that ya fucken goof?

and whats this asshole on about? return on investment? I already said that the psychological benefits will be immense in addition to the actual money we save on reduced deportation/ICE agents. I'm not scared at all, I just know the Great Wall will be a huge success. Not sure what you're saying about aspirations/abilities, I'm 29, have a degree, work full time, enjoy my job, and have a decent crypto portfolio. I'm very comfy.

>> No.7274375
File: 104 KB, 750x1334, LetThemEatCrumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This tweet is even better.

>> No.7274377

would love to see the cost estimate of building something like that across hundreds of miles

trump is making the obama admin look fiscally conservative

>> No.7274412

Holy shit I didn't even see cadpat at first

>> No.7274444


>> No.7274459

You don't have to care about others to want to have a functional emergency room near you when you inevitably have a MI from all the shit food you eat.
Care about healthcare costs? Go for the source. Inability to import medicine or medical supplies.

"Psychological benefits" are a bullshit cop out. Not everybody thinks like an overcompensating mental midget. You don't even realize most illegals cross legally - they overstay their visas. The wall will do jack shit

>> No.7274493

Wow Trump hating faggots. Maybe "muh based blacks" don't create prosperity?

Keep sucking nigger dick you demoshit.

>> No.7274520

>The wall will do jack shit

gives me a good launching point for sending beaners back over to their shithole country

like i told the other guy i'll make it my lifes mission to protect our sacred borders. We aren't a country if we don't protect our borders. If we don't have strong borders we might as well rename ourselves United States of Mexico because that's about all we're worth at that point, and the fact that you liberal fucks are willing to hand away our country to foreign enemies is pitiful and disgusting

>> No.7274554

You are a hysterical, overemotional manbaby. I'd take Sancho over your hateful ass any day.

>> No.7274557

Yeah just wait until he puts our economy into recession like Nixon, Reagan, H.W. and W. did and your hodls go into free fall as a result. Fucking morons.

>> No.7274566

>"Psychological benefits" are a bullshit cop out. Not everybody thinks like an overcompensating mental midget.

Yet here you are. A white man, defending the 100 billion cost that illegals inflict. Thats not even considering the cost that Democrat "racial equality" program is inflicting on us.

>You don't even realize most illegals cross legally - they overstay their visas. The wall will do jack shit

And now you're just flat out lying. The low IQ human trash that are populated the Southern USA got here thanks to illegal border crossing, and a border wall will do a good job of doing that.

The second thing will be dealing with migrant faggots like you who want to turn the US into a shithole.

>> No.7274577

have fun dying on that cross, id rather keep making 160k at my desk job and enjoy low produce prices.

if illegal immigrants are competing for your job then learn a skill, christ

>> No.7274606

>willing to hand away our country to foreign enemies is pitiful and disgusting
Keep sucking putin's dick, faggot.

>> No.7274621

Come and get it, bigots aren't the only ones armed.

>> No.7274625

Also funny you said "psychological benefits" is bullshit, yet the mere election of Trump caused a substantial drop in US border crossing. You think that would happen with anyone else? You think refugees would be driving into Europe in the numbers they have if it wasn't for the whole 'refugee welcome" sentiment emitting from there?

"mental midgets", well its a good thing the majority of the non-white population classify as that.


>> No.7274659
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They aren't competing for my job, I'm secure, but it doesn't change my position on this. The fact that you're willing to hand our beautiful country over to foreign enemies just because it means you can buy cheaper hamburgers and find a cheap landscaper to trim your hedges makes me fucking sick. You're almost worse than a beaner because you're actively working to undermine the country that affords you the opportunity to make that 160k salary.

You should unironically kill yourself, the United States would be better off

>> No.7274662
File: 500 KB, 420x525, 1517032035757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7274673

Shitlibs, just like beaners and other mud people, have this uncanny ability not to understand where they don't belong and aren't wanted.

GTFO this website you fucking faggots, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE.

>> No.7274679

kek. this is true. Live in Houston, and they are literally sitting on the corner waiting in mass to be hired. They come with tools too.

>> No.7274687

Good to know that the Trump hating tripfag is a low IQ non-white. Puts the moronic bullshit you said into context? What race are you?

I feel for no sympathy for how you dare try to degrade a former white nation. You are not what made America great.

>> No.7274694
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, 2db9cd2ed47c_sf_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not hateful
Go back to rebbit, tripfag.

>> No.7274720

>immigrants doing manual labor jobs
>handing over my country
just admit you're a racist working a minimum wage job

>> No.7274723

Fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.7274724
File: 11 KB, 388x384, Ymxi0SX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a German-American. My people were America's enemy in two world wars. We were considered proto-socialist brutes before that. Many of us were locked in camps in WW2.

I invite you to eat my shit. Latinos are fine people, and you are a hateful tool.

>> No.7274737


The source of the story is the Los Angeles Times, but I guess reading is too much for non-whites who believe in "muh based blacks".

You better not be white. Nothing more pathetic then a white Democrat in this age.

>> No.7274756
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>> No.7274772

>Even when I wasn’t a trump supporter I knew how it was going to be paid.
So you knew he was a liar and you still voted for him? cuuuuck

>> No.7274794

>racism wahhh

What the fuck is wrong with racism? Races are not biologically equal. He's doing the healthy and normal thing. America is a white country. The founding fathers wanted this to be a European country, European genetics is the only reason the US turned first world, and you're logically and morally wrong if you disagree with this notion, just because you can't face the facts.

>> No.7274807

I remember when he yelled fuck on live TV during the playoffs.

>> No.7274819
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>extra $200 per paycheck

>> No.7274824
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McCain 08
Paul 12
Johnson 16

Get madder, fashie.

>> No.7274834
File: 41 KB, 450x323, stock-photo-young-funny-man-with-many-acne-on-face-smiling-37299565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who thing they are genetically superior

>> No.7274841

>this retarded limp wristed liberal thinks labour is minimum wage
no sweetie it pays a lot more than making a latte part time lol

>> No.7274846

why do you seem to correlate my desire to deport illegal immigrants, and the fact that they typically work low-skill jobs, with me working a low-skill job?

My point is that I'm fine paying 2x for a hamburger or 3x for a landscaper if I'm contributing to the employment of legal American citizens. I don't need to rely on illegal immigrant labor in order to get by. If you're a poorfag just admit it, no shame in that, we can't all be successful, but don't hold our country hostage just because you can't afford to live a comfortable life paying fair prices to American workers.

Stalin should have ended you when he had the chance

>> No.7274849


Why are you people so obsessed with food stamps or welfare or whatever when it's such an infintismally small percentage of where your tax dollars go? Most of what you are subsidizing is lazy finance jews and defense contractors. Keep being a cuck for the .01% tho.

>> No.7274854

>t. room temperature IQ mud

>> No.7274872
File: 102 KB, 779x935, skinned2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Latinos are a fine people

>> No.7274873

most people against that nigger shit are also against that jew shit you fucking jew nigger
nice strawman

>> No.7274904

>this retarded basement dweller who thinks people without documents can get high paying labor jobs

>> No.7274925


>> No.7274927

>I'm a German-American. My people were America's enemy in two world wars. We were considered proto-socialist brutes before that. Many of us were locked in camps in WW2.

Good. I don't feel sorry for any anti-whites who drag their fellow whites with their pathological self-hatred thats only found in your race.

For a moment, I thought you were a low IQ non-white, cause even if you were, I would still respect you a little because you at least only believed these false things as a instinct of self-preservation. But you're white. A mentally ill white working towards the suicide of his people because he can't stand the scientific data on racial differences in intelligent, the reality of human evolution, and that immigration is a bad thing. He's being driven to these insane measures, for what reason? A mad xenophilic attacking the ingroup.

Every single Trump haters turns out to be the worst faggot imaginable and you just had to be a tripfag.

>> No.7274936

what the fuck happened there, is the head sitting on the skin or did they do something fancy here?
also post skinned1 please

>> No.7274950


Step aside nujack

>> No.7274968

>all the shit food you eat.
[projecting intensifies]
>You don't have to care about others to want to have a functional emergency room near you
I don't. Now if you'll just stop stealing my money at gunpoint, I will care even less
>Care about healthcare costs? Go for the source.
The source of high healthcare costs is government regulation..........

>> No.7274970

im fine with trying to curb illegal immigration, I think pretty much anyone with half a brain can agree on that, but as soon as you start talking about ICE and deportation and walls it's obvious you aren't actually worried / aware / capable of understanding actual economic impacts instead of just fulfilling some weird racist fantasy.

>> No.7274978

He bought TRON ATH

>> No.7274984

No, they just lower the price of skilled labor in the construction trades and other blue and grey-collar industries.

>> No.7274990
File: 51 KB, 640x803, 4oop2q4jthoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you attribute drug war torture to millions of people, you are engaging in group punishment.

Nothing is lower than group punishment.

>> No.7274991

I see you watch a lot of MSNBC.

>> No.7275018

kek'd and woke up my dog

>> No.7275033
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>> No.7275035

I know right if he really cared about illegals he would build a wall between the US and Canada right? What a racist.

>> No.7275070
File: 21 KB, 391x400, 54535353453545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexicans do the beheadings Americans aren't willing to do.

>> No.7275111

Drastic times call for drastic measures. Do you really think illegal immigration will decline without increased efforts from our side? We don't need more ICE and a wall because it's fun, we need them out of necessity, because if we don't take drastic measures our country will eventually become overrun. Have you seen California lately? Arizona? Texas? these places are overrun. I remember being in California in the early 90s and it's unrecognizable now by comparison.

We're losing this war, and I fucking refuse to lose. We need to do everything in our power to drive the illegals out and keep them out, and then reclaim our cities one by one until they feel American again.

>> No.7275145

hmmm I started getting $10 more per week but I haven't bothered to look at my pay stub yet, I assumed I got a raise

>> No.7275295

You are losing this "war" because most people rightfully don't care about there being more brown people.
take your white knight bullshit back to /r9k/

>> No.7275336

Take your attention-whoring, tripfagging bullshit back to rebbit.


>> No.7275337

>Makes no money
>Barely pays any tax whatsoever
>Upset that the tax cuts barely affect her
The absolute state of libtards

>> No.7275404

$300 more a month.


>> No.7275442
File: 298 KB, 2000x1387, my-big-beautiful-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people rightfully don't care

Tell that to the majority that elected our President. They care.

>> No.7275609
File: 2.04 MB, 237x304, 1512337444530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me speed through this

Trump had three million less votes
>Hillary had illegals vote for her!
There is no proof of that
>Like there is no proof of Russia collusion?
law officers generally do not talk about ongoing investigations
>kys LIBKEK go back to plebbit

Sound about right?