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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 200x200, xtrabytes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7266702 No.7266702 [Reply] [Original]

This is clearly on a moon mission. You in?

>> No.7266750
File: 542 KB, 1900x1068, xtrabytess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I am in.

retirement soon.

>> No.7266790
File: 659 KB, 1280x720, borzalom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought more on the dip. Can't wait. This is an easy top 50 at least.

>> No.7266798
File: 25 KB, 349x511, 1515286940107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold too early

>> No.7266830

see you boys on the moon

feels cozy mane

>> No.7266842

Does marketing guy still involved?

>> No.7266909

From what I understand, the marketing effort is going to take off once they have patent pending and can release their code. Until then, volunteer shills such as myself are doing the job.

>> No.7266975

no actual proof xby is even meeting with patent lawyers. you're trusting the words of ccr who just a few months ago threw a temper tantrum and quit the project...only to come back begging later to rejoin

>> No.7267089

I'm trusting the word of their whole team. I was waiting for the FUD. They've already done so much work (look at testnets, network spamming, all the effort the devs put into staying in touch with the community) that it seems obvious this is a dedicated team held back by a momentary legal hiccup.

>> No.7267149

Legal hiccup? CCR implied that they've been working on the patent with lawyers since December and in the latest update he said they just met for the first time with them to talk about the patent two weeks ago...
You're putting your faith in a co-founder who has quit the project once before...

>> No.7267167

How much xby to make it?
I have 12,000 link and 3000 xby

>> No.7267338

i'll send you a live stream from the moon

>> No.7267362

Are you Will?
You'll be a millionaire in 2 years. But not from link

>> No.7267374
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x600, xtraabytes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7267408

too bad i only have 500 since i am poor as fuck..well.. hodling till $5

>> No.7267529

Who's will?

Once CCR and the whales unload their hundreds of millions of XBY you all will be in the poor house. LMAO at trusting a founder who has a history of bailing on projects - keep waiting on patent pending, Xtrabrainlets. Hint: you've been conned, it's not happening

>> No.7267583
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1511901541849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CCR quitting the project

provide proof or GTFO

>> No.7267612

Do some due diligence on projects you invest in...

>> No.7267650



>> No.7267779

Now shut the fuck up you brainlet


>> No.7267977

I sure hope my 3830 xbys get me at least to multi-thousandaire soon. I heard one guy has over 2 mill... He is one dedicated mofo not to have already sold some xD

>> No.7268083

>CCR taking a break = quitting


>> No.7268199


>> No.7268262
File: 19 KB, 898x118, Screenshot (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7268468

Yes, because pajeet scams never pump It'll dump tomorrow

>> No.7268484

>Moon mission
>bought at 70

>> No.7268984

Look at the testnet logs. It's 99% bitcoin core code

>> No.7269176

Keep telling yourself that to cope, lmao

>> No.7269216
File: 76 KB, 233x255, IMG_0132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that, by just changing 1% of the bitcoin code, they increased its transactions/sec by orders of magnitude? Wow

>> No.7269284

> he fell for the borzalom scam LOL.

there is no patent.
there isn't even a functional network
borzalom got scammed a few years back by this project and then him and some friends picked it up to scam others to get the money back

I did my research a few months ago.
tried to find some technicals on the project.
mfw there isn't any technical whitepaper.
mfw it's just a promise.
mfw you're a retard and you bought the borzalom scam.

>> No.7269457

Tfw I sold at 5200

>> No.7269512

>borzalom got scammed a few years back by this project and then him and some friends picked it up to scam others to get the money back

>> No.7269994

I think Will secretly has a thing for CCR.

Clearly obsessed with him lol

>> No.7270187

same old fud for this project, get some new material

>> No.7270227

I’ll be a millionaire from both I hope

>> No.7270402

as long as you can't show me a technical whitepaper. it's not fud. stupid pajeet. I understand your lunc money was enough to buy a few thousand of these and you need to shill it now. gtfo here we don't need your stupid scam coin

>> No.7270649

Pretty much this

Muh better Ethereum

Where's the patent pending? Oh yeah there's nothing to patent considering there's no original code! LMAO at you anons getting played by the long con. Put out a few testnets WITH THE BITCOIN CODE while promising a revolutionary new code coming in the future. This revolutionary code that no one has seen before... because it's doesn't exist

>> No.7271027

No proof of tech yet.. No functioning statics yet... No patent yet... What did I leave out?

>> No.7271055

No technical whitepaper
No partnerships
No open source

>> No.7271114

Xfuel is working on hardcoded statics righ now.

>> No.7271124

Ah yes, the made up currency that is worthless

>> No.7271133

fudding pajeets always surround xby like vultures lmao

just makes me hodl tighter

i know it gets you mad, kek

>> No.7271161

Claim "FUD" yet you are unable to refute any of the FACTS that were provided

>> No.7271210

There is already proof of tech. This is old fud. As for the rest, you've compiled a nice list of reasons why the price will only go up. Patent comes, people buy in. Partnerships come, people buy in. And so on. You're staring at a moon ticket and don't even realize it. Incredible.

>> No.7271243

Quite the opposite. Makes me feel bad for you.

>> No.7271272

Proof of tech!?!? Where?????
How can you know PoSign actually exists if its not open source? Just believe anything someone tells you

"new testnet is running on posign"
"ok cool!"

no PROOF provided whatsoever

>> No.7271284

So what? Its horrible fud. Who cares if theres no technical whitepaper, no partnerships or no open source. They already got 100+ tps on the old chain. I will hodl tight motherfucker, does it get you mad? Keep replying, kek

he so mad

>> No.7271292

Only proof of tech that you have is what vitaguy tells you.

>> No.7271300

so mad

>> No.7271311

Hold it all the way to 0 anon. Your money.

>> No.7271321

goddamn you're one brainlet all right - 100 tps on an incredibly small testnet. LOL if you think it'll function like what if there is an entire network running.

>> No.7271326


>> No.7271362

You're so mad, lmao. Keep denying reality. I got tons of XBY. There's so much upside. And the best part about it is that when you dyor you find out its fucking legit

stay mad

>> No.7271387

What is this supposed to prove? Where the CODE?

Anyone can forge a document FFS. And like I previously said, of course there will be fast speeds when there's not an actual entire network running. Ethereum wouldnt get bogged down if there were a handful of txs back and forth

>> No.7271388
File: 608 KB, 1114x785, 65423654423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no technology
>no whitepaper
>no patent
>no extradition

>> No.7271396

Why would I be mad? You're the one who is getting scammed.

>> No.7271444
File: 310 KB, 580x282, 1517648591753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I dropped $5k on this shit when it was $0.65

>> No.7271489

Apparently you're not good at doing your own research. I'll help you because I want my /biz/ bros to make it. That link discusses some things including proof of PoSign, linking to this:


Now, I know it's hard to open links and find the relevant sections, so I'll post it here for you:

4. How can we validate that XFuel uses the PoSign technology? Is there any technical proof to show how it works?

1.) Start XFuel Wallet and enter to debug console

Welcome to the XFuel RPC console.
Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and Ctrl-L to clear screen.
Type help for an overview of available commands.

2.) Type getinfo


“version” : 1000001,
“protocolversion” : 10001,
“blocks” : 20012,
“timeoffset” : 0,
“connections” : 3,
“paytxfee” : 0.00000000,
“errors” : “”

3.) Get the hash of last block

getblockhash 20012


4.) Dump the detailed info of this block

getblock f6a45819b5393ccaec23195c012c91c4553b2999a49fb753129d6158dd3858ef

“hash” : “f6a45819b5393ccaec23195c012c91c4553b2999a49fb753129d6158dd3858ef”,
“confirmations” : 1,
“size” : 282,
“height” : 20012,
“version” : 1,
“merkleroot” : “cab3e8620645adb50a5a7bbe3d156105f64b51983353ee18036228ed0d55ebf5”,
“tx” : [
“time” : 1510086447,
“minerid” : 2,
“signature” : “3045022100a21645344d51435be6d032b44e6d847bfeffbb8c8681fea40a2cf0e5f7c16e4702205 2394414ad868339f434fdb8acfa779d85649d79f51e636036113c010781eaf2”,
“previousblockhash” : “10c85a6d2fced7b9c2d111eb87215c2ab06991916ef2c75c0dba992d6a801b79”

5.) You see the ID of miner who signed the block and the signature too. The last signer checked and accepted the all previous blocks too

>> No.7271497
File: 539 KB, 1700x2338, cac-001-min3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271531

Why on Seychelles? And not in some more civilized country?
A little bit weird.
And I doubt it will pump, when whole bubble is deflating currently, it will go back probably to 5-10c.
It was pushed to extreme actually in this bubble, without working anything, but retarded icos paved the way.

>> No.7271585

Because for a $10 million investment seychelles will immunize against extradition. Looks like a pretty comfy place for a used car salesman to settle down

>> No.7271593 [DELETED] 

Are they Seychelles not in the Indian Ocean? smfh.. kek

>> No.7271685

I don't think it's actually fake and anyone can verify the authenticity... of course conducting a basic company search would be fucking absurd, muh this is crypto

>> No.7271700

lmao i had no idea about that....but it makes so much sense

>> No.7271715 [DELETED] 

I could care less if it's fake or not. The fact that it is registered there is yet another confirmation for me.

>> No.7271794

What am I supposed to be looking at here?

>> No.7272194
File: 37 KB, 600x400, 1514731714893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad LMAO


>> No.7272227
File: 443 KB, 655x653, 1447087952561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much rage

I got so much XBY lol. I cant wait for them to go to patent pending. You've got to be so mad because you know the project is legit deep down. This fud is all speculative and you have no hard proof its a scam





>> No.7272304

The FUD is speculative and no hard proof?

What about hard proof that it actually exists? Where's that? Taking the word of an anon CCRevolution




>> No.7272352

100+tps testnet

stay mad

>> No.7272389

Every blockchain will get 100 tps on a testnet with very few nodes running you potatobrain. There's no traffic to congest the network

Jesus you xtrabrainlets are truly delusional

>> No.7273684
File: 490 KB, 2046x1186, vile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone add shit to my xby wojak

>> No.7273747

>top wallet holds 3%
kek whale fud

>> No.7273901

Are you dense, boy? Ever heard of mitigating risk and spreading your stacks across multiple wallets?