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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1370880345340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
726288 No.726288 [Reply] [Original]

Who /Ambition/ here?
>be living in shitty 3rd world country
>be doing quantitative finance
>be 2nd semester
>top of my class
>get the only stipend
>land a job as a risk analyst that I can combine with studies
>be at school/work 14 hours a day
>want to move to London/NY right after I graduate
>don't know if my shitty 3rd world degree will be good enough
>will probably have to do a CFA in my 3rd/4th year of university
>will probably kill myself when I go from 14 hours a day to 20 just to do the same 14 after graduation
>have no social life
>never had a girlfriend
>lonely as fuck
At least I got that ambition, right g-guys?

>> No.726296

Whats your endgame though? Like what are you doing with your life? Where do you wanna be?

>> No.726300
File: 49 KB, 620x413, Life Goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them, but this pic is my life goal.
Freedom to play vidya at all times.

>> No.726305

keep at it bro

My /ambitious/ situation

>23 years old
>I'm finishing up my masters in engineering physics in Scandinavia (I'll be done in a few weeks)
>My focus is on application of quantum mechanics with a bit of applied particle/plasma physics thrown in there
>gonna move to bay area, california to pursuit a PhD, hopefully land some sweet internships at some tech company
>or if I feel really cheeky and if I can think of something really smart I might start a business myself

>> No.726310

not to be an asshole but that sounds like such a waste of your life, like, don't you want to do *something* of even remote value?

>> No.726312

Is this r9k now

>> No.726320

>Remote value
>Anything in life has remote value

>> No.726325

Ok well what about the feeling of accomplishment, or knowing that you mattered to other people, or knowing that you did something good for the world?

>> No.726328
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this r9k now
/biz/ is r9k but instead of video games, /biz/ people have decided to work real life jobs and become really good at them. Not so much difference after all (only less comfy during the first years)

Pic related is my /ambition/.

>> No.726332
File: 2.00 MB, 400x250, BfMRg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what about the feeling of accomplishment, or knowing that you mattered to other people, or knowing that you did something good for the world
Sounds like the feeling after wining with your team in a MMORPG battle.

>> No.726335


>> No.726341

this gif killed me :)

>> No.726343

> feeling of accomplishment

And then you wait until it all comes crashing down. Which it will due to either ill luck or death.

>knowing that you mattered to other people

Why would those people's opinions on me matter though? I can't eat an opinion on me nor does it really have much objective meaning to me.

>you did something good for the world

The world will just forget about it in a decade or two. Just like everyone else who did something good. Even those still remembered today will only last so long and what is remembered probably isn't anywhere close to how you really where.

>> No.726379

rather than get in to the fact there's no inherent meaning to anything yada yada.

isn't it relatively obvious to you that the people out there with trips around the world, meeting new people, getting good jobs and making their parents proud get more enjoyment out their lives than you do just sitting around playing vidya all day?

even nihilistic philosophers feel the need to get the most enjoyment out of the lives.

sitting around playing vidya all day because you enjoy it? honestly sounds more like you've got depression. depression can be conquered and replaced with much, much more happiness.

if you in the middle of an existential crisis, just wait until you come full circle and realize how pointless having an existential crisis is when you could be having a good life not worrying about whether anything has inherent value or not.

>> No.726384


i've gone through this same shit.

>be depressed because dad died
>smoked weed, played video games, had random ONS
>picked my shit back together
>graduated, working two jobs i enjoy, got into grad school etc

it's better to be progressing even if there's no end point. it's physiological. you're going to feel good if you accomplish things or generate value, even if you're the most hardcore of nihilists. you can't rationalize your serotonin receptors away.

>> No.726387
File: 73 KB, 454x453, 1428847641355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, you're retarded.

>> No.726392

Keep telling yourself that NEET

It's no wonder r9k fags have no self esteem and repeat threads of suicide... Have a nice life :DDD

>> No.726446

>obvious to you that the people out there with trips around the world, meeting new people, getting good jobs and making their parents proud get more enjoyment out their lives than you do

Psychological research has proven time and time again that humans can achieve enjoyment from anything. From their sock collection to foot fetish. What makes someone feel good in their life is arbitrary determined more by raising and neurons then anything rational. If you taught someone that being awarded green socks by the government is the highest honor they would be excited about earning green socks.

>sitting around playing vidya all day because you enjoy it?

That's just another bit of Hollywood before the fall. I can enjoy it only as long as I can turn my mind off. Which isn't very long.

>hardcore of nihilists. you can't rationalize your serotonin receptors away.

Feeling good isn't objectively meaningful. The pleasure one feels is scraps compared to the other feelings you will feel in life and even those pleasures are mostly driven my evolution. You can see plenty of people complementing a good meal or enjoying fine sex. You don't see many of them complementing hunger and strong urges towards procreations.

I don't really have anything against someone who wants what they feel is more in life. I just think that in the end there really isn't anything more in life to start with. So peoples obsession with success is pointless.

>> No.726872

Yes, it is very commonly known that people's desires are decided by the society they live in. However, how you decide to interpret this fact is up to you. It can make you depressed if you are so inclined to see it that way. From our brief chat, I feel compelled to suggest reading some cognitive therapy books to help you deal with these facts of life.

"Feeling good isn't objectively meaningful"...
Yes it is. It's mostly a mix of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins and some others that play less of an immediate roll.

"mostly driven by evolution", well that and the society you were brought up in. and the 'fact'-like way that you've stated "you dont see many of them complementing..." seems quite anecdotal and incorrect on my end, seeing as my sister just had a baby and my parents are over the moon about it.
Understand the difference between an objective fact, like "I will eventually, most likely, die", and your interpretation of a fact.