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7259889 No.7259889 [Reply] [Original]

>34 years old
>Through years of ups and downs realize something important that would give me the mindset to one day become "rich" occurs to me.
>Every time I have been overly depressed or overly excited have been times that I have been caught off guard by unexpected events.
>Train self to have foresight into all possibilities positive and negative.
>"If I expect it, it can't surprise me. If it can't surprise me, it's effects will be weakened"
>For months trade in crypto, but stay truly honest with myself that losing it all or becoming much rich are very realistic possibilities.
>Month 3, in crypto after many depressing losses and small gains. Lose 50%: "Knew that could happen. No worries. I also know that I can be in the green one day."
>Month 4, gain 4000%: Discipline! Tell myself to not get overly excited as it's a real possibility that I could be in the red one day.
>Month 4, lose 55%: This sucks, but I already knew it was a possibility so I'm not surprised. Stress and worries are incredibly minimal considering the amount that was lost. Move on.
>Month ~20, up 11,000%: Knew it was a possibility that I could become a millionaire one day, but didn't think it could happen. It happened.
>Discipline! Tell myself to not get overly excited and remain honest with myself and accept that my life could very possibly be in the red one day.
>Become millionaire: Buy 2 smoke shops, hire staff, buy condo, childhood dream car WRX, CBR1000 motorcycle, hookers, expensive gaming rig, vacation, all in that order.
>Still not happy.

Anon, what is the key to happiness?

>> No.7259927

People to share your happiness with.

>> No.7259929

Qt 3.14 gf who plays vidya with you and sucks your wee wee

>> No.7259947

>what is the key to happiness?
in all honesty, not buying a gaming rig. making a serious money/space investment into what is effectively a chair to rot in, definitely makes you more likely to spend time rotting in a chair.

>> No.7259951

Happiness doesn't come from other people, material goods or even experiences. It simply comes from being content (but not complacent) with yourself and with life.

>> No.7259961

nice congrats OP
as for the happiness part: start meditating, do ayahuasca and start a family. use your money for something good and make as many white children as you can.

>> No.7259966


>> No.7260032
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>Anon, what is the key to happiness?
The key to happiness is understanding that happiness is a meme. Happiness is an illusion, which is used by the elites of this world to keep us all chasing shadows within ourselves. There are moments of happiness, moments of sorrows... but in the end, one must know that peace comes from balance. in death, one shall inherit eternal peace. Until then, we walk on the rope of life, trying to control, our own primitive hunger.

>> No.7260052

Killing shit. Start hunting. Work your way up through the animals and when you get bored with that, email me for the ultimate big game. I have a spot in se Asia where you can hunt indentured servants on a private island for $250k

>> No.7260145

>make as many white children as you can
why would one who sees the futility of this world want to make children? also, why the focus on "white" children? that kind of prejudice is one of the layers of division which cause suffering to befall on the people of this world. a wise man would not bring children into this reality of illusions and mockery.

>> No.7260148

Wisdom > Intelligence > Knowledge

>> No.7260157

doing what you really wanna do. money is irrelevant

I wanna get rich and then fund it into making interesting, right wing documentaries

>> No.7260199

>doesn't know money can't buy happiness

Money is like a platform upon which happiness can be built, but it can't be the source of happiness. Money can only buy you security.

Also I'm pretty sure the idea of being happy 24/7 is a pipe dream orchestrated by the consumerist society. If we aren't experiencing happiness the entire time we somehow become unsatisfied with life and we'll try to ''buy'' our way into happiness--which again, is impossible.

Happiness is simply contentment, not some chemical firing off inside your brain.

>> No.7260239

this guy is close, but money is only an invisible chain that keeps the normies inside the matrix. they will chase the desire to get rich but never achieve it due to lack of intelligence.

>> No.7260358

OP listen, read "The Anciet Secret of the Flower of Life"
Youre a actual starseed. Wake up. Learn Mer Ka Ba. You will see your mission. We all struggle. I love you. I am a star seed and had to awake to my mission.
Do you have a telegram so we can talk?

>> No.7260381


You just sound like a travelling teenager

>> No.7260472

He who has hapiness, hide it

>> No.7260535
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Happiness is achieved by moving closer to set goals. What are your goals, op? If money was your goal, then making it means you can't derive happiness from it anymore. It's about the path, not the destination.

Other factors playing a part in experiencing happiness:

>Amount of time wasted (your own definition) each day

If you're rich, you should be able to maintain a healthy, tasty diet easily. You should also have enough free time to spend an hour exercising most days.

You need to set new goals, OP. Happiness isn't really a goal, seeing as it's a side-effect of moving towards a goal.

t. psychology student

>> No.7260545
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Take 5 tabs of lsd at once come back and tell us yourself. Nobody can teach you the "secret" that you've always had everything you need to be happy, and anytime you're sad it's your own damn fault. I can say it over and over again but at the end of the day you're gonna have to figure it out on your own if you truly desire to understand what the fuck is going on

>> No.7260590


>> No.7260641
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>> No.7260652

>things go your way, you're happy
>things don't go your way, you're unhappy
life is such that things will often not go your way no matter what you do. The key to happiness is choosing to be happy whether things go your way or not. Happiness is a feeling that can be chosen.

>> No.7260704

As someone older. You will only realize you were happy after it's gone. Just live for the moment and stop trying to fill a hole. You've been conditioned to believe you have one. Enjoy what you have, for everything eventually returns to ash.

>> No.7260728

It’s not prejudice, literally not what that word means.
>having white children is morally wrong

>> No.7260808

>buys playtoys before vacation
childish neet at heart
but first u invested at least, so kudos to u

unironically 99% of u r damaged goods
>gives advice derived from a womens magazine

op, u need circumstances who are challenging but solvable by u
the right amount of positive stress is key
also exercise and family/friends, psychofag is onto something here

>> No.7260901

waht the fuck is this thread

>> No.7260957



Used to love a bit of david brent

>> No.7260980
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Not sure if you meant to quote someone else, seeing as you said I'm taking advice from womens magazines, while also saying I'm onto something. Something challening, but not impossible, that you enjoy and want to improve on is exactly what I'm talking about.

If you meant to quote me, what advice is flawed?

>> No.7260998

Bowing down to God is the key to happiness. try it, just bow down to God and take it all in

>> No.7261105

the key to happiness is to not seek happiness but instead seek peace of mind (stillness of mind). happiness implies a subjective viewpoint and therefore can never last, but peace of mind, once attained, is with you for life

t. truely wise anon

>> No.7261106

that sounds gay af

>> No.7261123

>thought post would actually relay some insight as to the importance of patience and remaining unemotional while trading
>op decided to turn it into a normalfag "REEE BEING RICH SUCKS" thread at the very end
Fucking kek, kill yourself you materialistic faggot. You normies are so deep under shekelsteins hypnosis you literally do not know how to live without a wage and salary. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.7261152

rambling to agreement would be my guess, but I'm not that anon

>> No.7261268

>what is the key to happiness?
designing and selling an oversized and -priced flamethrower toy to your loyal disciples just because you can.

>> No.7261289


Quality over quantity, my friend. Having things does not make you happy. True joy is achieved from determining your mission in life and executing it. A man cannot be happy while stagnant. You must ascend and occupy your time with things that will help you grow as a person and do the world good.

Think of money as potential energy. No one actually wants money, they want what they can aquire with it. You're in a very fortune position. You can spend money on things that will move you forward. Hookers and video games won't do that. You're going to die someday, rememeber that.

Engage with the world, build something amazing, and develop deep and loving relationships with people who you enjoy spending time with.

>> No.7261302

The key to happiness is a gateless gate

>> No.7261334

Excitement obviously, and maybe the order in which you do things. The vacation might have been a good first move after making it to relax a bit since crypto honestly takes work. Instead you did more work.

>> No.7261389

Start growing weed but dont get into the industry

>> No.7261416

Larping in a anime forum

>> No.7261456

All life is suffering, but staying in a flow will keep you going. Pick a literal direction. Travel in that direction and encounter as much shit as you can.

>> No.7261475

honesty answer

>> No.7261476

The truth is sad. Smart people will never be truly happy because they understand the world more, and by that, they know how little do they actually know, and how everything is kind of pointless and kind of very impactful.


Lower intelligence = higher happiness.

>> No.7261523

Also, in both happiness and sadness there is beauty. Focus on observing beauty.

>> No.7261547


>> No.7261597

Sounds to me you're not as wise as you think

>> No.7261634

The key to happiness is your mind and inner richness. You will never find true happiness when your happiness depends on outer circumstances.

>> No.7261656

I'll tell you the key to happiness if you tell exactly what you did and what you traded

>> No.7261744
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This >>7261105 anon is correct. Perpetual happiness can not be achieved, it's a transient sensation. You can, however, achieve stillness and peace, which is a close second. Look into meditation/zen/tao, it's the same shit really.

Also, according to the flow model of Csíkszentmihályi (and in my experience as well), you are at your happiest when you are working towards a specific goal. The task at hand must be tough, but not too hard, it has to be something you can achieve by focusing your all on it.

So have some goals and meditate. And don't take life too seriously, it's all an absurd joke with us dying in the end.

>> No.7261811

Happiness is not a diploma, there is always expansion and new things to achieve. Happines lies in the journeys

>> No.7261943

get an injection with DMT and skydive OP, im sure you´ll find the answer, if not, don open the parachute.

>> No.7261965

>>also, why the focus on "white" children?
>having white children is morally wrong

Trumpanzees are as cancerous as SJWs.

>> No.7261977

This anon knows what's up

>> No.7262001

Unironically the key to happiness is love

>> No.7262041

magic msuhrooms

>> No.7262099

happiness isnt worth much. Pursuing happiness just means changig the chem mix in your brain cells. Dont bother about happines, focus on Power.

>> No.7262272

a fresh of breath from air from the usual biz fuckery

>> No.7262294

probably the most stupid comment I've ever read on 4chan and I've been lurking here for over 10 years.

>> No.7262412

Happiness means different things to different people, but to me, Happiness is knowing that you can die, knowing you left this world better than you found it anon. If you can honestly say that, then I think you are doing pretty good. Happiness is a temporary state, and you will not always be happy, but being able to say that you made a positive impact on the world and did your damnedest to improve the lives of others and yourself is enough for me to happy.

Also feel free to spread some love Wisefag ;)

>> No.7262494
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>Anon, what is the key to happiness?
Find a hobby and make friends, anon.

This isn't a joke, or a dig at you, this is an honest suggestion. Friends right now are what you need.

To my left is a simplified version of the hierarchy of needs. Right now, you've passed your basic needs, and you're starting to hit psychological needs.

You need to find a way to get out and socialize with people. In my experience, getting into tabletop games was a great way to build a new circle of friends. An old friend of mine used sports as a way to find new friends when he moved across the country.

Best of luck anon.

>> No.7262513

wow 10 years, your pea sized brain must have absorbed so much knawledge

>> No.7262550

If you were permanently happy you would stop growing, you gotta keep expanding mentally. Whats something you wish you could accomplish?

>> No.7262591

>Still doesn't understand stoicism
Read the Handbook by Epictetus

>> No.7262674

>And don't take life too seriously, it's all an absurd joke with us dying in the end.

>> No.7262934

You need to have a goal. A mountain to climb. Humans are beings that are always chasing something. If you're not chasing something worthwhile you're not living a meaningful life.

Also, "happiness" is a meme. There are happy moments and there are sad moments. Both are useful and meaningful and a life needs to have a good dose of both. Trying to be in consistent state of happiness is impossible and you'll only be disappointed when it never happens.

Find something worthwhile to chase and do and it will give your life meaning, which is the closest you'll get to "happiness".

>> No.7263141

>money is irrelevant
>i wanna get rich

>> No.7263260

Live according to your own set of carefully chosen values, and a mission to go along with that, that you work towards whilst balancing family, friends, financial and personal needs. If you're an atheist, I would strongly consider some kind of transhumanist mission - as death is an incredibly depressing prospect.

>> No.7263471
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Should have bought a Camaro SS instead of your weaboo meme car

>> No.7264166

>Mer Ka Ba
it's a trap, literally

>> No.7264217


Unironically Islam.

>> No.7264593

rich and miserable.. poor and happy

You are not wise
Give away all your money
figure out the meaning to your life
realize the only thing you know is that you know nothing

>> No.7264597


get the fuck out

>> No.7264702

forgot to add,
you can not appreciate the good without experiencing the bad

>> No.7264733

Wife, children, close friends and improving oneself physically and mentally. You can't win against entropy but you can live your life to the fullest.

>> No.7264763

Happiness must come from internal satisfaction. Self Improvement and acceptance of the transient nature of life are key to becoming happy.

>> No.7264774

With your success, you may have effectively insulated yourself from surprises. You need to get out of your comfort zone or you’ll be forced out of your comfort zone. Do things that you know will challenge you physically and mentally, set goals that don’t involve money seem far off, knowing that when you accomplish them, they won’t bring you happiness, but rather the process will. Build a boat with your bare hands and then burn it down.

>> No.7264793

substitute vidya for kino and you got it senpai
t. /tv/

>> No.7264875

Happiness is just an illusion. It is the holy grail which most people chase, but never achieve. The key is to realize that the present is the only thing you actually have. A better goal is to achieve a peace of mind, not to be happy.
Try going on the self actualization path and fulfill your maximum potential. Play the game of life and enjoy it. Realize the impermanent and transient nature of everything and go with the flow. Life is just a game to enjoy after all.

>> No.7264911
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>> No.7264949

just live

>> No.7264986

Nice larp faggot.


>> No.7265015
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Ever notice how every poor person who wins the lottery always manage to completely ruin their lives and end up in more misery than before.
No amount of money will save you from your own stupidity, you will continue to make poor choices in life, except now you actually have something to lose. You will suffer like you were meant to.

>> No.7265125

Happiness comes from the three main ingredients of health, work and relationships.

You obviously have the work area in control but I think you're deficient in the other areas.

>> No.7265177

Friends, family, one or a few girls for hot sex.
Look to create cherished memories and experiences instead of acquiring material things.

>> No.7265222

Key to happiness is exactly what you mentioned in your post. Attempting to accomplish a challenging goal and finding it meaningful even when you lose.

>> No.7265243

pursuit of a goal greater than yourself
4 humanity and the planet
helping others achieve it with you

abundance is fine, but amplifies your weaknesses, so your attitude is perfect

focus on your new employees lives and be generous

focus on adding value to community

contentment and gratitude = happiness

you will make it desu

>> No.7265257

Where are you from, OP?

>> No.7265292

holy fuck, based anon

>> No.7265294

create a vision rather than a goal

>> No.7265315

crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women

>> No.7265355

Happiness is just contentment with your current situation. It only slows down progress. You aren't improving while you're content. You're improving whilst struggling, cause it means something in your environment goes beyond your current capabilities and that you are changing to deal with it. Discontentment is more valuable than happiness I think. Without any real struggle in your life you become a cartoon of a human being, a superficial shell

>> No.7265437

nothing exists except a sea of infinite passing moments... "happiness" is just a projection, but it is worth nothing without that we call "sadness", i wouldnt call yourselve wise yet

start/keep meditating - look into spiritual texts (only for metaphors at first, until ur willing to dive in more) and consider using your money to help those who have next to nothing (and im not referring to 4chan beggars)... good luck

>> No.7265465

ok this is better than my reply

>> No.7265481

Unironically why would happiness be the highest goal?

>> No.7265501

Glad to see there's anons like this on /biz/. There's no key, there's no happiness, I think there's no game either. Then you just start doing things and there's no reason anymore, but everything is full of life. You're life, you're everything and nothing

>> No.7265519

because misery is default setting

>> No.7265526


>> No.7265539
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As all life is born to die, so all men are born to decay. There can be no succour in this world. As the centuries drag past our cultures will fade, just as our bodies waste and our passions cool as the winter of life approaches.

In time our mightiest cities shall crack and crumble, and our lofty ideals shall grow weary and jaded. For what are our achievements if not the follies of pride and ignorance?

All shall be forgotten with the passing of years. There will be no exceptions.

For who amongst us can escape the predations of time? Whom amongst us is beyond the inevitability of decay? That which is young can only grow old. That which is whole and sweet can only shrivel and sour. Nothing is permanent and nothing may remain without blemish. It is the fate of all things that they are bound to time, and time is the twin of decay.

So bend a knee, all of this world. Bend a knee all who would embrace their fate and thereby rise above it. Rise up, give in, surrender yourselves to the master of this world.

>> No.7265573



Sell the WRX and get a GT86. Better handling dynamics and lower weight. That's your problem right there.

>> No.7265656 [DELETED] 
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To have something to live for.
It's all about progression to keep u focused for the future. I felt empty when I managed to do something I though was unlikely which was conduct my own orchestra. But now I need something higher to achieve.
It gives you something to do, and if you put time in it and value it. It will matter much more to you than money. It could be a simple goal to travel, working out, learning a new skill; but what matters is the journey to achieve it. Not the end result.

if you wanna donate.


>> No.7265669


nice just bought 100k

>> No.7265703

Hello Anon! Live for the moment. Right now. Be happy with EVERTHING that is given to you for it is all a blessing. Every experience, every breath. Happiness is within the mystery surrounding you. When you let go of control you will find happiness. May peace find you on your journey, my friend.

>> No.7265719

thinly veiled beg post

>> No.7265836
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Division is natural and beautiful. Also every generation could argue that bringing children in the world is a cruel thing, and yet here we are.

>> No.7266969
