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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7259324 No.7259324 [Reply] [Original]

The boomers are coming

>> No.7259752

Why would anyone that earnt good money, brought a cheap house and invested is stocks before exponential growth risk it all on some computer beans?
Boomers aren't interested and have no need to be.

>> No.7259772 [DELETED] 

All boomers and kikes should be genocided

>> No.7259790

So should you fucking twat

>> No.7259794
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 1517604987254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post on /biz/ for today

>> No.7259806


>> No.7259833


how are you STILL on the wrong board after all this time


>> No.7259860
File: 848 KB, 968x634, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this.

i want all the money that would have gone into the boomers' mutual funds to go into crypto instead. i want these boomer niggers to lose their retirement and to die alone in some low-income nursing home with careless sheboon nurses. i want them to FOMO into crypto to save what little money they have left and then to get dumped upon by us. i want these boomer niggers DEAD and i want them to SUFFER before they DIE

>> No.7259877

>complaining about pol
this is the siren call of the r*dditor. hating on niggers, kikes, boomers, women, etc, is a time-honored 4chan tradition, newfag.

>> No.7259930

I know it's a meme but my dad really is a ceo and basically travels and goes to events and talks to other executives.. Of course they ask about me and he tells them I'm in bitcoin.. So I asked what these people say and he said most dint know about it or they say theyve heard about that but never looked into it.

>> No.7259943

you forgot one thing:

boomers/gen-x are lazy parents who decide to just let technology (TV, vidya games, tablets, computers) distract and raise their children rather than spending time together and teaching them life skills, playing with friends, etc. and then they complain that all we want to do is sit on the computer and we have no skills.

>> No.7259956

I hate /pol/ and have been here since before plebbit was a thing.
/new/ was great and early /pol/ was ok but now it's full of retards that couldn't make a rational argument to save their lives.

>> No.7259960

And these fags here are going to tell you that we are past the mania phase

>> No.7259964

fuck off reddit

>> No.7259983
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Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.7259988
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>/pol/ was ok but now it's full of retards that couldn't make a rational argument to save their lives.
Just because you find the truth painful does not make them any less true, Reddit.

>> No.7259989

fuck off reddit newfaggot

>> No.7260007

>facts and statistics are raysiss
found the nigger

>> No.7260030

never underestimate the greed of DER BOOMER

>> No.7260051

get the fuck off my board newfag

>> No.7260090

discussing anime is also a 4chan tradition but i dont do it on the fucking music board

understand faggot?

>> No.7260095 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 1893x872, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are mods now just deleting posts that they don't like?

fuck you nigger FAGGOT janitors

all boomers and kikes should be genocided
>all boomers and kikes should be genocided
all boomers and kikes should be genocided
>all boomers and kikes should be genocided
all boomers and kikes should be genocided
>all boomers and kikes should be genocided
all boomers and kikes should be genocided
>all boomers and kikes should be genocided
all boomers and kikes should be genocided
>all boomers and kikes should be genocided
all boomers and kikes should be genocided
>all boomers and kikes should be genocided

>> No.7260103

There is something you guys don't seem to understand, I can't dislike niggers and hate jews without liking /pol/.
Here are some facts:
Niggers commit a disproportional amount of crime.
Jews favor other jews in all aspects of life leading to them being hated everywhere they go.
/pol/ is full of children that have no interest in discussing anything more complex than social policy.

>> No.7260107

>discussing anime is also a 4chan tradition but i dont do it on the fucking music board
because you're a reddit newfaggot. we've been over this. fuck off and lurk moar

>> No.7260122

>WOW why did this post that completely derailed the thread get deleted?!?!???

>> No.7260132

it was a relevant post you reddit cuck

>> No.7260133

mods are pajeets

>> No.7260136

The thread was barely on topic to begin with tbf

>> No.7260147
File: 61 KB, 680x700, janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also if you support mods deleting posts they don't like then reddit is the perfect site for you you soyboy faggot

>> No.7260158

Most mods and janitors are lefties who unironically believe that authoritarian control over an anonymous south ugandan fly fishing enthusiast board helps them defending their ideology. Poor fools wasting their times.

>> No.7260159

4chan has been dead a long time, jewt selling was just the final nail. I only come here for /biz/.

>Stockholm syndrome

>> No.7260180

You mean that guy? The guy who bought at 400usd and traded all the way to 19k, called the bottom when we dipped from 5k to 3k, called multiple tops to 20k..the guy who said eth would go from 300 to 650 when it did fuck all for month. Oh cool....

>> No.7260190

and now the entire thread is full of garbage posts about jews and mods and reddit

great work /pol/!

>> No.7260219

my coworker saw me on kucoin the other day, he then ask me "what is kucoin? Is it like bitcoin"

most people still don't know what cryptocurrency is

>> No.7260233


>> No.7260237
File: 12 KB, 480x410, kys2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can just go back 2 reddit to avoid this, newfag. or you could hide the thread you unbelievably stupid nigger. bottom line: fuck off and die

>> No.7260257

To all the retarded redditors ITT post-ironically defending /p*l/,


>> No.7260269

found the redditor

>> No.7260292

>cries about pol
>calls others reddit

>> No.7260316

/pol/ is infected with Redditors who think it's fun to spread their AIDS. /pol/ is targeted regularly by shills intending to disrupt and destroy any dialogs that happen. Tens of millions of dollars have been spent on paid shills to canvas and destroy internet message boards that threaten the left and the jew. These operations have worked quite well., but as long as it keeps faggots like you out of the board too I guess some good has still come from it.

>> No.7260379

why can't these newfags lurk for even a week before they cry about shit we have been posting about since 2003. god damn they are so obvious and new i bet they would even gag to chechclear

>> No.7260397

I would recommend another imageboard I use for political discussion but I can't name it here.
There is an imageboard that I can't name on an imageboard.... Now tell me how great 4chan is for freedom of speech.

>> No.7260464
File: 242 KB, 1570x770, Skjermbilde 2017-12-04 kl. 19.17.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are less than 20 million bitcoin addresses with more than 1$ right now. Some of these are lost (20% is the average estimate) and many people have multiple addresses to their name. Everyone "knows" about it, no one does anything.

>> No.7260465

4+4chan slash pol

>> No.7260526

Close but that too has gone to complete shit. /liberty/

>> No.7260886
File: 30 KB, 400x256, angry-boss-shouting-scared-employees-18489679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer hate threads are one of my all time favourite threads on 4chan
>inb4 millennial
I'm 33 and I hate the boomer generation with the fury of a thousand exploding pink wojaks

>> No.7261171


>> No.7261185
File: 48 KB, 397x573, 1479473676718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesnt israel take the syrian refugees?
>with jews you lose

>> No.7261220
File: 281 KB, 974x928, 1511630058989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is so pervasive with the fucking kikes. they make it so obvious and then screech when you call them out on it

>> No.7261249
File: 403 KB, 1048x724, kikefaceberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7261313

nice catch friendo

>> No.7261344

Get the Zyklon B now!

>> No.7261410

Thanks for this. Why are mods deleting stuff on 4chan? Fuck this authorian fascism nazi mod. Shame on him. Shame!

>> No.7261479

The good news is the younger generations are getting wise to this shit and will be in power in 20 years,
I can't wait for the day the west refuses to sign a defensive pact with Israel and the mudslims can have their way with them.

>> No.7261491

>I can't wait for the day the west refuses to sign a defensive pact with Israel and the mudslims can have their way with them.
i'm cumming

>> No.7261515

... and since white countries are now SLIMED they won't accept any of the israeli refugees fleeing their own mudshit invasion. fund it.

>> No.7261609


I'm wondering, why would you inject a man before throwing him off a helicopter?

>> No.7261636

>to make him talk

>> No.7261638

To get him high

I wish we still had spoilers.

>> No.7261838

thanks for this

>> No.7261887

No worries anon, it's always nice to find people that appreciate it.

>> No.7261937

It's like you didn't know that a board called /biz/ would be run by jews. Ironically it's a spin-off board from /pol/.

>> No.7261962

It's a spinoff of /g/ newfag, /pol/ plebbitors have just infested every board these days.

>> No.7261994

Bro. This board was created BY /pol/. How does that feel?

>> No.7262044
File: 101 KB, 1024x551, donald-trump-shrug-1024x551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>7261962

>> No.7262141

You're wrong retard, or if you're right then it happened at the same time, I wasn't on /g/ in those days.
But originally there was an anon on /pol/ who would have a daily stock thread, pretty soon we started petitioning /Q/ for our own board. As you know, moot was always very much against a financial board, but eventually it got created.

That's how it happened. If there were other boards also petitioning for the creation of /biz/ then maybe that's why it eventually got created, but don't fool yourself into thinking that /g/ has a larger user base than /pol/, it's obvious where the majority of support for /biz/ came from.

>> No.7262167
File: 69 KB, 645x729, 1517033444952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>7262141

>> No.7262195

No it's not.

/biz/ crypto are primarily /g/ buttcoiners

>> No.7262199
File: 359 KB, 1162x850, Cant+spell+coincidence+without+coin+_0d083a245d9cb67b8061369db71f5a04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search for /biz/ and realize you are factually fucked.
/g/ was full of crypto threads while it was posted on /pol/ once in awhile. /g/ even got a sticky about the creation of /biz/.

>> No.7262226

>/pol/ plebbitors
This is how I know you're absolutely new and have no idea about 4chan history since you understand timelines in the reverse

>> No.7262251

I agree with most of this except for the pollution part. Europe and the United States have virtually no pollution when compared to Africa, India, or China

>> No.7262264

This is why I have grown to have 4chan these days, people with no idea what they are talking about acting like experts and saying those that were actually there are wrong.

See >>7262199

>> No.7262289
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*grown to hate

>> No.7262311

>people with no idea what they are talking about acting like experts and saying those that were actually there are wrong.
this is how 4chan has always been, except now you call someone "reddit" when you disagree with their opinion.

>> No.7262317
File: 1.22 MB, 1000x1000, not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, your link proves me right:
>February 13 – moot adds /biz/ - Business & Finance in order to move the crescent cryptocurrency generals from /g/,
>and the free market and neo-classical posters from /pol/.
>from /pol/.

I just know that it happened maybe a few months after we started having a general on /pol/ - so it was probably a combination of demand from both boards. Sucks to both be right huh?
Also, were people on /g/ petitioning /Q/ for a finance related board? I'm genuinely curious about this.

>> No.7262343
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 1514725253323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people with no idea what they are talking about acting like experts and saying those that were actually there are wrong.

>February 13 – moot adds /biz/ - Business & Finance in order to move the crescent cryptocurrency generals from /g/,
>and the free market and neo-classical posters from /pol/.

Why are you hating yourself, anon?

>> No.7262347


Do you not have parents my Dude? I have two conservative boomer parents who raised me well. They would also talk shit about families where the mom worked outside the home and let tv raise the kids. Not all boomers suck

>> No.7262362

>Also, were people on /g/ petitioning /Q/ for a finance related board?
Nah, we just had ~5 crypto generals open 24/7 for months and the mods started petitions moot on our behalf.

>> No.7262414
File: 50 KB, 599x600, 1494874375758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7262422


>new jannies already ruining the board


>> No.7262452

Well I PERSONALLY petitioned /q/ and our stock market general thread actively encouraged this behavior so I know others were too.
And a short time after that, /biz/ was created.
Hmm, it's almost like /pol/ users have a little bit more responsibility for the creation of /biz/ than /g/ users, but we can share the spotlight. I bet it had a great deal to do with /g/ mods too.

>> No.7262469

I fail to see what's wrong w those tactics

>> No.7262492

I wont lie, I wish it had of stayed on /g/ where people care about underlying technology.

>> No.7262542

cos boomers moved all the industry there

>> No.7262653

>the shills and redditors that infested /pol/ and displaced its original userbase are /pol/
Hm... something something ALMONDS.

>> No.7262681

If we think about the chronology of it logically, it makes a lot of sense. Moot probably couldn't justify creating a whole board for just crypto, so when /pol/ came along it gave the push he needed for a general /biz/ board.

Frankly, I wish I had been on /g/ back in those days, I was in IT after all, not sure why I couldn't get into /g/ back then (I go there every once in a while now). I remember when I first heard about bitcoin around the same time as all this was happening, and it was about $7 each. I could have just thrown some money at it for shits... oh well.

What's even more funny is that I stopped coming to /biz/ after it became absolutely dominated by crypto threads (and still is), back when eth was in the cents.

>> No.7262691

Why wont they just fucking die already