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File: 104 KB, 517x341, 1501182624265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7252972 No.7252972 [Reply] [Original]

first sell off.

>> No.7253008

Yep. Everyone confused the awareness phase for the mania phase.
It's pretty obvious that it's going to skyrocket soon-ish once people realize altcoins are literally the "i wish i invested in google" moment

>> No.7253026

You're right

>> No.7253044


>> No.7253054
File: 31 KB, 472x461, 1515014988731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell off before real takeoff, most projects are still in incubators, the real takeoff hasn't taken place yet.

>> No.7253074

Everytime such threads pop up, we go down.

Thanks, you just made my waiting for the true bottom much easier.

>> No.7253077

I agree. Anyone who gets into a solid bluechip with a decent amount of money, will be fucking set.

>> No.7253104

People saying it is over confuse mania with awareness.
Normans are merely curious at that point.

>> No.7253107

>dogecoin is worth 1 billion dollars

>> No.7253138

Yeah and it’s one of the oldest cryptos.

This also proves that bitcoin will never fully die.

Also, fuck bcash.

>> No.7253143

Awareness phase was from April 2013-Jan 2017

First sell off was December 2013, you fucks are delusional

>> No.7253164

Calculated how? Market cap of coins is impossible to measure with fiat.
Same with fiat.

>> No.7253199

Who was aware about bitcoin in those years?
Most people never heard about it before December.

>> No.7253215

Show me a coin that can truely scale without shitting the bed. Only then can we move forward. All these autist devs and it can't be done!?

>> No.7253224

first sell off was summer 2017
now we're at capitulation

>> No.7253227

2013 was the stealth phase, if you think we're into mass adoption you're a dumbass

>> No.7253235


It was extremely unheard of.
At most some may have heard of it once or twice, nothing tied to getting rich or anything of the such. Just a digital shitcoin in the age where that wasn’t a thing

>> No.7253266

>Most people never heard about it before December.
This is how I know you're new. Bitcoin has been in public perception since 2013/2014


It was mentioned in the fucking SIMPSONS in 2013.

>> No.7253294

How many people do you know owned them in 2013/2014?
Oh yeah that’s right...

>> No.7253313

Myself and several of my CS grad friends.

>> No.7253330

Oh so only autists, neets, and geeks?

>> No.7253346

>"i wish i invested in google"
Google was already super-successful at the time of their IPO. It wasn't some little-known company you could invest in.

>> No.7253357

Yes, and we all acquired them before the April 2013 boom. You're only proving my point that it was the "awareness" phase where nobody owned them but people knew about them.

>> No.7253375

Zoom out and you HAVE to admit, it makes more sense to interpret the chart as Capitulation. Cant wait for Despair, so I can buy in some more.

>> No.7253386

yes, and internet was in its infancy and almost no one see it coming for google, only high risk takers

>> No.7253406

judging from OPs statement I'd say we're at denial. I dont see much fear yet...when people genuinely stop posting pink wojaks and ask for help and advice for jobs...that's when we've reached the bttom

>> No.7253413


>market cap doesn't exist

>> No.7253414

anit saying no but how would you explain the media attention we got once btc broke 10k?

>> No.7253418
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we be at capitulation m8

>> No.7253423
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>internet was in its infancy in 2004

>> No.7253437



I'd suggest that anyone goes and looks up the amount of users on all of the major fiat-to-crypto gateways.

The amount of people in the world who have even came close to actually buying crypto is WAY less than 1%.

We've only recently passed the stage where there's at least 1 Bitcoin available for every holder of cryptocurrency of any kind. There's a good chance we aren't even there yet.

>> No.7253436

yes internet how we know it and use it today was in its infancy in 2004

>> No.7253447

You are retarded. Dotcom boom was already 4 years popped.

I hate underaged fags on this board so much.

>> No.7253449

The Internet was not in its infancy in 2004. Do you not remember the dot-com boom in the late 90s? The Internet was in its infancy in the 80s (arguably even earlier, if you count ARPANET). The invention of the Web in the early 90s is what made it explode in popularity among the public.

>> No.7253474

unironically this

>> No.7253480


tfw i'm balls deep in OMG.. gonna be rich

>> No.7253512

I did. We aren't all newfriends anon.

>> No.7253518

Hopefully some idiots wake up. Just like /pol/, there is some organized shilling effort on here. The discord channels are likely compromised by people with MSM/big money interests. Learn to fucking distinguish a shill post guys. The big boys wanted in and they weren't paying ATH.

>> No.7253536

>hurrdurr I know about arpanet

negro I used to visit blackhat sites back in 90s

Internet as a means to make income ie being a market ie as we use it today - for advertisement, social media etc was definately in its infancy in 2004. Dotcom was the first selloff if one can talk about that in that way since it was only a craze of people investing in shitco--ehm--shitsites that didnt do shit.

Hell SEO wasnt even a thing until at least 2007

>> No.7253573

Yes we are in the awareness phase, normies now know about bitcoin but they still haven't bought in.

>> No.7253578

Also one of the main coins actually being used as a currency. Also an incredibly cheap way to move money between exchanges, especially before GAS turned up.

>> No.7253584

media attention simply brought awareness. Yes a lot of people bought into it, but that is beside the actual timeline of crypto as a whole. Mania is when it's quite literally ((too late)) to "invest in the next google", which we're nowhere near. Once we start reaching the 6T mark is when you should be panicking.
This retraction is simply the nature of trading. It will meddle lower than ATH for a while but by summer you'll be like "oh fuck remember january?" as BTC starts pushing 20k+ again.

Crypto is the next bastion of technology investment opportunities.

>> No.7253593

>The Internet was used in a different way 15 years ago
>That means that it was in its infancy
Hybrids barely existed 20 years ago. Does that mean that cars were in their infancy in 1998?

>> No.7253602

is GAS the cheapest option now? mostly used DOGE or LTC, didn't bother researching other coins for transferring between exchanges

>> No.7253605
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everyone who bought bitcoin before 2013 is already rich and gone if not they are retarded

>> No.7253648
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I Agree, you should totally go all-in on bitcoin!

>> No.7253653

>This is how I know you're new

Funny because I was mining bitcoin first month it was published. I lost the wallet though...

>> No.7253658

Where did they teach you to address discussion points by using strawmans?
Is this burger education everyone?
You fatasses gotta be right for the sake of being right so you can spike that little dopamine that you have not drained yet with all that mac and cheese

>> No.7253664
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>> No.7253683

dont waste your time talking to burgers, they're a joke

>> No.7253684

>Funny because I was mining bitcoin first month it was published
Sure you were.

>> No.7253690

Not necessarily. People who bought $1000 worth at $1 would have probably sold off at $100, it's all relative.

>> No.7253704
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>> No.7253713
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>> No.7253718

mfw same dumb ass meme graph unironically gets posted by newfags every fucking month

>> No.7253736

you'd be a complete retard if you didn't

>> No.7253738
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, 1516561524324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see what you did there

>> No.7253741

you mean every day

>> No.7253757

>2000% gain
>not mania
What do you think mania will be? 100k?
Buy the dispair man, Im thinking 4-6k.

>> No.7253760

some people knew about them. You're way out of touch if you think your cs friends or the average biz tard are anything like regular people. Only a small percentage of normies have gone into crypto, the majority still see it as a scam/ can't understand what the fuck it is.

>> No.7253843

Unironicly I did, I used radeon with passive cooling you could turn 90 degree.
I didn't care about it so I lost the wallet.

>> No.7253898

Zilliqa. #newETH

>> No.7253906

We just finished the despair phase , we made it

>> No.7253919


>> No.7253961
File: 28 KB, 402x350, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your parents bought a computer in 2004
>you personally started highschool around 2004
You have to separate your own timeline and personal experiences when you are trying to analyze something as big as 'the internet'. The internet was in perhaps its their generation by 2004.

>> No.7254066

Just think, some snapchatting retard in 2032 will look back at 2018 and say the internet was in its infancy. Mind blown.

>> No.7254175

why would you buy some more if this wasnt the first sell off? if the bubble were to really pop there wouldnt be any gains left to get

>> No.7254195

You are a moron, the huge 2013 crash was not a sell off it was a black swan. Maybe 1% of qualified investors are invested into crypto currencies and BTC. The market is still very small.

>> No.7254242

>Hybrids barely existed 20 years ago. Does that mean that cars were in their infancy in 1998?
No faggot but hybrids where and still are the birth of a new type of car (all electric). They set the trend and as you can see we are slowly moving there. It's going to take a long time but we will eventually get there.

>> No.7254323


>> No.7254418


>> No.7254492

Ok, put it a different way - if it was in its infancy in 2004, what stage was it in 1995 when Elon Musk was setting up zip2 and media company execs were laughing at the idea of a directory of businesses being on the internet?

>> No.7254507

>Internet as a means to make income ie being a market ie as we use it today - for advertisement, social media etc was definately in its infancy in 2004.

>> No.7254538
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1507081530789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the huge 2013 crash was not a sell off it was a black swan

>> No.7254556

GAS is literally free

>> No.7254605

No, first you said

yes internet how we know it and use it today was in its infancy in 2004

and then you redefined it to suit your argument, while still acting like you weren't wrong

>> No.7254636

>yes internet how we know it and use it today was in its infancy in 2004
>how we know it and use it today
>as a means to make income ie being a market ie as we use it today

what is your problem brainlet?

>> No.7254638


100% true, it was just awareness when pretty much everyone at my work was talking about it and there was one article every second about it and ads on facebook and normies twitting about how they bought TRX

Can't wait for the mania phase when Ibrahim the desert herder will buy my bags

>> No.7254693
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I just hope we all fucking make it.

>> No.7254706

Yeah, no. My friend already made 10k on a fucking Pokemon webpage with a single banner by then.

>> No.7254710

>SEO wasnt even a thing until at least 2007
I spammed Altavista with porn affiliate links in 2001 retard.

>> No.7254734

Electric cars existed 150 years ago u dingus.

>> No.7254777

>nobody was able to make money since because it was already by mania phase in 2004

>> No.7254901
File: 37 KB, 1024x808, reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honestly, without trying to meme, we are either here or here right now.

>> No.7254914

What's a decent amount of money?

>> No.7254929


>> No.7255244

how long have you been in BTC? Ever heard of MtGox?

>> No.7255291

Hm.. guess when you're up 100000% you don't feel that much despair, it can only go down to being up 500000%. But I suppose the people buying at 19k got kind of sweaty

>> No.7255598


>> No.7255687

i think bull trap was when bitcoin went down to 9,2k or something like that and went back up to the "normal" 12-13k and then all the FUD spread fear, most people sold and then the sell off to 7,7k was capitutalion, so i think we gonna hit despair at 5k and then at 7k or 8k we are at return to mean
but i dont know no one knows, so stop with that stupid astrology

>> No.7255769


prices are propped up ... once bitfinex along with tether is a "goner" we'll see a coin-holocaust reaching DESPAIR

... right now its a stinking heap of shit that caught attention for good "oh it might not be fud" - well no shit crypto shills ... it ain't all roses and sunshine

>> No.7255912
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>> No.7255946

We are in the fear phase

The bottom will be 1000$ btc

>> No.7255974

We're slightly above fear, more like "pre-fear". People are still deluded and thinking that things are "getting back to normal".

>> No.7256123
File: 9 KB, 240x193, 1516759159645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


listen here son it ain't 1:1 the same and it must be 1:1 the same else it ain't 1:1 the same

its not as if things haven sped up or anything mhmh ...

>> No.7256168


>> No.7256223


>> No.7256281


Oh, my sweet summer child...

>> No.7256984

What a fucking retard, holy shit.

>> No.7256994


Are you 12?

>> No.7257019

literally this

>> No.7257049

I'm trying to get cheap coins too. This the problem. We all deep down know this. I'm trying to FUD as much as possible. Hopefully it works.

>> No.7257848


>> No.7258129

no, people made tons of money with internet by then. And I'm talking about Brazil...

It was in its infancy in 95~

>> No.7258330

ohh boy... we're definitely on the blow off phase...

>> No.7258808
File: 391 KB, 686x598, 1467450829243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of bitter people butthurt they missed the countless moon missions so now they're adament there will never be another one again so THIS time they'll be right

we'll back in bull territory in a few months lads. check em'

>> No.7258981

The only despair I see is in the hearts of salty nocoiners who are as vocal and bitter as ever. You can find many of them in this thread.

>> No.7259905


>> No.7259959
File: 7 KB, 231x218, sweatfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm it's just a refuel before the next phase of the moon mission right?

>> No.7259996
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Of course.

>> No.7260086
File: 149 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180202-234635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norman comments from an article yesterday.

>> No.7260121
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>> No.7260146
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>> No.7260177
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Bulls are overbought from buying in during the last couple failed breakouts, so they have no money to push the price up. Thus, the now powerless bulls resort to spamming random shit on forums in order to try to get bears to buy back in to stop the decline.

>> No.7260181
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>> No.7260196


>> No.7260215


Cringeworthy shit, especially that fucking bizarre attempt at an "analogy"

>> No.7260262
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>> No.7260323
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Love your sarcasm, mate

>> No.7260327

Just because a company isn't public doesn't mean you can't invest in it.

>> No.7260410

my brother pitched bitcoin to the hedgefund he worked at in 2010 and they laughed at him

>> No.7260457
File: 2 KB, 369x304, Bitcoin properly logarithmed..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize it's still stealth phase

>> No.7260489

name of fund? US/UK?

>> No.7260642

i don't know the name of the fund, it's in New York
he bought in a while later at like 400 and mostly got out of bitcoin in december
he's in other coins now

>> No.7260666

cool. what uni he go to?

>> No.7260686

University of Virginia

>> No.7260715


Good for him. People are slow to adapt.

>> No.7260734

satan is planning to doxx your friend

>> No.7260752


That's bullshit, because hedge funds made billions off of crypto last year

>> No.7260852

the industry isn't a monolith retard
some funds went in, some passed it up

>> No.7260979

where the fuck did this meme graph even come from

i've been seeing it since 2011

>> No.7260995

rip your friend's bitcoin

>> No.7261111


>> No.7261187

How the fuck do I get in on crypto? Is it too late?
I'd appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction to learn about this shit.

>> No.7261394

go 50/50 LTC/ETH and sprinkle occasional cash on memecoins that get shilled on biz

>> No.7261626


>> No.7261672

Trust no one.
N O T E V E N Y O U R S E L F .

>> No.7261706

People made this exact post like 6 months ago, and back then it was plausible. But now it is the spitting image of this chart complete with all sentiment.

How many people ITT are currently in the hole? How many just watched a large portion of their unrealized gains evaporate? Show yourselves. In a few years you’ll still be saying “it’s so early!”. Or more likely you’ll sound like me telling newfags it’s not early anymore.

>> No.7261715


>> No.7261765

I mean learning the language and how to read market data
I'm not fucking putting down money because some anon told me to

>> No.7261787
File: 393 KB, 2508x1052, Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 9.58.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f-f-first sell off

>> No.7261906

>implying the first sell off doesn't look exactly the same when zoomed in

>> No.7262135

Simple calculations lead use to believe essentially no one trades bitcoin. There are only 21.5 million bitcoin wallets, many people have multiple wallet. This means that probably less than 10 million different people trade bitcoin. 10 million people isn't even 1% of the US population. but they are spread across USA, Europe, Japan, China, and India.

>> No.7262262

Why hasn't bitcoin billiionaire winklevoss twins sell all of their BTC holding?

>> No.7262393

If they sold all of it, it'd crash BTC with no survivors

>> No.7262454

Good post

>> No.7262551

Listen faggots. I’ve known about bitcoin all along. I mined ether and zcash when it was easy. I bought bitcoin to use on the darkweb. I barely knew anyone at all that spoke of this stuff. I have lost more bitcoin than many could ever buy. But I will tell you almost no one knew of this or other alts until early December. I work am not rich and have a good job, but since December at my job I know of two people who bought mining rigs. A few more that bought into crypto and half of the people at my job even old men are swiping blockfolio all day. This shit is just getting started. Strap the fuck in.

>> No.7262820
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>> No.7262848
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>> No.7263379

Mother of all cup and handles

>> No.7263508
