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7254968 No.7254968 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts; just not Turing-complete
- Faster than all other networks
- Decentralized (fuck you autists)
- Transactions cost next to nothing
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (https://dashboard.stellar.org/))
- Can easily replace Ethereum (Ethereum cannot handle real world transactions)
- MOBI+KIN chose Stellar over Ethereum (https://medium.com/kin-contributors/kin-stellar-sdk-initial-draft-839afcaaf55c))
- AERON testing Stellar over Ethereum
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Importantly, Stellar forces the use of its coin, XLM, as the cost for using the network
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))
- XLM is still not yet on bitfinex or bithumb

Other XLM/Stellar Use: Lightyear.io (for profit arm of Stellar)

- lightyear.io - Worldwide remittance (https://soundcloud.com/automatadigital/stellar-lightyeario-co-founder-brit-yonge))
- lightyear.io has 15 bank partnerships, several tier 1, and tier 2-3

Recent News:

- https://www.stellar.org/blog/Q1-2018-stellar-and-state-of-crypto/
- https://twitter.com/alexisohanian/status/955531298902228992
- Ternio newest ICO on Stellar (https://www.ternio.io/))
- (((Weiss))) Crypto Ratings
- https://stripe.com/blog/ending-bitcoin-support
- Roadmap (https://www.stellar.org/blog/2018-Stellar-Roadmap/))
- https://twitter.com/fairxio/status/956754333260853248
- https://twitter.com/tempo_eu/status/956859658706268160
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/enterprise-blockchain-pipe-dream-still-work-progress-jesse-lund/

Upcoming News Related to XLM:

- 01-15 February FairX beta news (alleged)

Still not bought in, nigger?

>> No.7254982

Stellar is a shitcoin and you should be selling right now to buy back in lower

>> No.7254989
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Latest big news. IBM hiring developers with Stellar Consensus Protocol experience.

Worldwide implementation is soon goyim.

Last warning.

>> No.7255182

Xlm will have a bigger mktcap than cripple in eoq. Screencap this.

>> No.7255285

Still in for 27% of my portfolio, but it's annoying how it swings way more than other coins during corrections

decoupling alts from BTC/ETH pairing will be huge, not just for XLM but for the entire market

fairx cannot come soon enough.

>> No.7255311
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Connect the two, /biz/

>> No.7255315
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>mfw can't sell XLM without having a 50% loss

>> No.7255341

yea you need strong hands or not to pay attention to the price, or big balls to swing trade

>> No.7255373

my like yourself my fellow negro, I bought in mid january. hence my advice for you is this, hodl

>> No.7255374

it's priced in you fucking retard.

>> No.7255377

at one point i held 1M XLM since i moved basically all my BTC into it, but i did have to trade some into other areas (smart contracts - ETH, ADA, EOS, NEO), supply chain (WTC, bit of VEN) and recently JNT

But at this point I'm not touching the remaining 600k

>> No.7255415

diversification is good, all ining is too risky.

>> No.7255503
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My plan of attack is to diversify across use-cases/solution space (Payment, Smart Contracts, etc) and nations (VEN/NEO/WTC for china, XLM for USA, etc)

But I don't diversify flat across everything. XLM is my #1 hold because the tech is so fucking good

>> No.7255525
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Also what is interesting is that the coin financial performance is basically the inverse of this.

>> No.7255530
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I am all in XLM. I see no risk as compared to any other coin I could be speculating on.

Name another coin with real world implementation and partners.

>> No.7255582

I love XLM but don't go all-in on anything.

This is the biggest investing opportunity of our lifetimes, and even if the tech and partnerships are flawless, you never know.

I went all in on BTC from 2013/2014. (Well, i ignored the market entirely for 3 years since it was consuming my life).

Yeah my money did a 190x or something at the peak, but if i had diversified into ETH even a bit it would have probably been a 500x.

>> No.7255604
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has the bull run started yet?

>> No.7255616

It is pretty ez to go-in to XLM.
Becuz all the events lining up for it in Feb/Q1

>> No.7255629
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Think we are just returning to equilibrium

>> No.7255632

True, going all-in for a period of time is different than all-in forever.

>> No.7255697

When did you guys hear about stellar?
When did you guys buy in?

>> No.7255763

BTC's drop from ATH led me to seek altcoins and found stellar; havent looked back.
Bought over a period of time, average sats: 0.00002208

>> No.7255793


>> No.7255832

Sold half my long term Eth stack to buy in at 15c before the Christmas bull run to ath. Best decision I've made since buying Eth at 50$. Nearly doubled that half of my long term holdings. I will only sell if it recedes to the same amount of Eth that I invested.
The inflation payout is just the cherry on top.

>> No.7255872
File: 78 KB, 950x613, 2018fairx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is healthy for the entire market, fuck off nigger.

FairX will save us from the tether question.

>> No.7255976

>FairX will save us from the tether question.
Do you mean by being able to go alt<->fiat directly or...?

>> No.7256000

Yes. Tether is not important if you just sell to fiat. Why use tether?

>> No.7256032


>> No.7256052
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keep goin!

>> No.7256072

I love what fairX is doing but there's a lot of reasons that you would want to tokenize fiat and trade that.

>Safer (can't be frozen, confiscated, no SAR, etc)
>ICOs or DAOs can store their funding in it and prove it via blockchain

>> No.7256080

Do you honestly want Tether, given the Tether question?

>> No.7256101

Tether is shit and likely insolvent

however a token that is pegged to fiat and is solvent (especially provably so) is immensely valuable

>> No.7256150

I suppose that is where BTC/ETH/XLM come into play.

>> No.7256171

god help us all if BTC remains relevant in the long term

>> No.7256186

I know the markets are recovering, but is there any reason this is going parabolic now?

>> No.7256217

Price belongs well over 5000 sats, return to normal.

This is the only latest news, which is important, foreshadowing big stuff to come. >>7254989

>> No.7256245

fucking bots

>> No.7256693
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>> No.7256749
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Buy a lot these bag are getting heavy.

>> No.7256918

if you have a wallet big enough they give you stellar for free, they dont sell it, they distribute it between all wallets big enough 1% each year

>> No.7256955

CoinMetro is positioned better than FairX as a fiat gateway.

I know its unfortunate because i though Fair X was the coinbase killer too.

>> No.7256972

When did you guys hear about stellar?

When did you guys buy in?
I didn't. They were giving it away for free.

>> No.7257025

The reason why Bitfinex failed with USDT is that Wells Fargo withdrew their support and the fiat support deal from the Taiwanese banks fell apart.

However, FairX has a fair bit of clout with Wells Fargo and now officially supported by IBM, Stripe and Stellar's partners. This could potentially rocket hard.

>> No.7257205

nice fud.

they just released 550 million several days ago and price wasnt changed.

those who get large chunks are anchors/new partners. big news coming.

>> No.7257404

This 100%. That FUD is stupid and anybody that fell for it is an actual retard.

>> No.7257493
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I'll just leave this here

>> No.7257524

>New User Registrations Are Temporarily Suspended

>> No.7257982

Thats good, means more normies are flooding in.

>> No.7258041

I have to wait until March to invest in XLM, I really hope it doesn't get pumped before then, this and ETH are two of my safest long holds for sure.

>> No.7258077
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lets be real, the "smart contracts" are shit on stellar and ibm "partnership" is just another iota microsoft meme - a fucking blog post

>> No.7258108


Check out the server hostnames.

>> No.7258144

Inflation is on top of all this.

>> No.7258224

They released 0.6 % of it wow. How many days ago ?

>> No.7258242

You dont get my point fucktard. When BTC crashes, all alts are crashing. When we get XLM pairing its less depending on BTC.

>> No.7258256

xlm is great but no need to go all in, im 50% in it witch is big enouf. There are other good coins out there.

>> No.7258314

its for developmet mostly, giveg away to partners and shit. they give up to 2mill$ to new partners seting up paymets with xlm and using the network.
+givaways for the future.
And dont be to alarmed since its a non profit so they cant exitscam you at least.

>> No.7258341

yea smart contracts are mostly for ICOs