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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7255175 No.7255175 [Reply] [Original]

Due to no flags, let's try to predict it. It's definitely gone worse since crypto has become popular in India. Looking at the quality of shilling decrease in rapid speed I'd guess about 80% of biz are ethnic pajeets

>> No.7255191

Aren't we all a little shitty deep down inside?

>> No.7255218

b-but I have a toilet in my house
>tfw lately having nightmares about the toilet witch

>> No.7255577
File: 136 KB, 915x883, ss (2018-02-01 at 01.45.34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about pajeets but there are some literal brainlets on here
also nice id

>> No.7255699

My toilet is act broken ATM. Have to call in a plumber. I go to a bank to take a shit everyday

>> No.7255703
File: 435 KB, 300x530, let's_go_boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeet is a way of life

>> No.7255753

Pajeet is a state of mind sir

>> No.7255816

70% there’s plenty of third worlders posting , pajeet a muslims South Americans Eastern Europeans you name it,just the other day I saw a thread with 5 turkroaches

>> No.7255850

definitely not me sir

>> No.7255905

Just the idea of some monkey outside the first world giving you economic advise is sickening

>> No.7255927

mobius sir

check out my id color sirs thank you

>> No.7255936

you forgot Italians, Portuguese....plenty of ...spanish...

>> No.7255959

Really toxic environment here. Even reading the amount of suggested posts at people killing themselves or being told to do really terrible trades. It’s almost like it genuinely is a bunch of Joker’s, people trying to fit in but not sure why, people who have chosen they have nowhere else to be but here, some really fucked up people (traumatized, hurt, won’t face their pains and let it exacerbate and then into super aggressive shit).

It’s filled with insensitive people who have no idea what a relationship beyond “SHUT UP MOM IM BUSY” is like. People who are sad and hurt and so make more people sad and hurt because it’s familiar. It feels safe. It feels comfortable.

Honestly Anonymous person, get the fuck out of here.

Decide this: do you want to invest? Learn about the tech and go from there.

Do you want to make quick money? I assure you it’ll be mostly atrocious advices here.

Break a leg anon.

>> No.7256731

what is Ferrari and Lamborghini