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7252600 No.7252600 [Reply] [Original]

The power of states lays in their taxation authority. They make fiat money and control all its movements in order to get THEIR SHARE.

But in the new brave crypto-world governments will not be able to control transactions in the global economy. Of course, some of them will try fiercely, but such attempts will be as vain as a try to tax my EVE-online character.

The questions is how states will gather money for their functions like funding of army, courts, police and, of course, WHO WILL BUILD THE ROADS?

>> No.7252899

>taxation authority
You mean a state's ability to exert physical force/violence. Taxation doesn't mean shit if you don't have the guns to back it up.

>police, courts, military, roads, etc.
Yes, it's not difficult to conceive of ways that capitalists can voluntarily provide goods and services that governments currently provide. Cheaper and more efficiently, too.
The question I have is that without government, how do we keep people from committing actions that, while not transgressing against life, limb, or property outright, are still destructive to the cohesion and order a society needs to function?
Basically, we don't need government to build roads or enforce contracts or protect property. But we do need government to curb degenerate behaviors, to punish sinners, to squash subversive actors, to disincentivize the riff-raff from leaving their part of town. The prostitutes, the dope singers and pot smokers, the loiterers, the faggots, the loudmouth women.

Tl;dr we need government not to provide for society, but to limit society. Harshly.

>capitalism is not necessarily right-wing just because communism is necessarily left-wing.

>> No.7253272
File: 36 KB, 408x599, 408px-Adolf_Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we do need government to curb degenerate

>> No.7253278

Most things should be privatized

especially money

privatize money to have real free markets

kill all commies

>> No.7253802

Is crypto considered "private" currency? Serious question.

What happens in a free market when there's more money in placating and supporting commies and degenerates than not?
>faggot rainbow memorabilia
>weed stores on every corner
>ethnic flea markets
>dragon dildos
>pornography of and for children
>intersectional trans-demi-queer furry literature in communist bookstores
>pimps and prostitutes on every corner
>homeless junkies shooting up in public parks
>faggots getting sucked off in burger King bathrooms

None of these things would be considered "aggression" or in "violation of the NAP" by any libertarian, therefore allowable. Yet they are a scourge of pandemic proportions to anyone with a shred of common sense. Not hypotheticals either, but real problems that libertarianism and ancapism will only exacerbate because MUH FREEDOM MUH LOVE MUH FREE MARKET MUH NAP

>> No.7254103

>public parks.


>> No.7254417


>implying services come from taxation
>implying taxation doesn’t just pay the National debt
>implying that money doesn’t go to creating immigrants via the drone bomb

Good goy

>> No.7254441

This is such /pol/ shill bullshit. We aren’t as dumb over here buddy 6/10

Could do better.

>> No.7254444

>implying taxation doesn't increase national debt

>> No.7254679

Question to everyone reading:

If taxation wasn’t forced and you kept all your income but you could donate any amount to any public sector you support: Education, Health, Police etc.

Would you donate? As in the sectors would every month come with a status and future roadmaps

People actively participate in the discussions

With this system we wouldn’t need politicians

>> No.7254739

>the end of society

>> No.7254790

Maybe this can be an experiment crypto tries. I'd be willing to say your average person would support it but your rich folks could care less and your poor folks wouldn't even have the income to do it.

>> No.7254837

>Would you donate?

Some people will donate, but that isn't a reliable source of income.

In my vision, states will HAVE to adapt their financial model from tax to bill. It means that citizens pay bills for the specific state services and have the right don't use them and therefore don't pay.

>> No.7254941

Public services would be a market.

>invest in police because I want some public safety
>cop kills a guy for no reason and gets away with it
>some people stop investing in police because "fuck that cop"
>cop seen as liability to force and gets canned
>people invest again

Some detrimental effects:
>not investing in schools because you don't have children
>not investing in roads because you don't drive
>not investing in sewer because you have septic

>> No.7254985

What would happen to taxation if we no longer had debt and a country could only spend what they get via taxation every year?

I mean if we moved away from the current fiat debt based model and instead used something with a decentralized nature like Crypto, where you can’t just print new money

How much of our taxes go to pay off debt?

>> No.7255100
File: 23 KB, 540x410, маня мечты.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would happen to taxation if we no longer had debt and a country could only spend what they get via taxation every year?

A sort of heaven I suppose :)

>> No.7255269
File: 317 KB, 1348x1243, 1517521886595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire thread..

>> No.7255398

I love this pasta, it really encapsulate the libertarian dream.

>> No.7255408
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why we need to do away with all enlightenment era thought and establish a theocratic monarchy.

>> No.7255488
File: 116 KB, 800x682, helicopter_tours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helicopters don't need roads, retard.