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File: 69 KB, 300x300, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7250997 No.7250997 [Reply] [Original]

I'm all in on this.

Should I fucking kill myself? I fell for a fucking pajeet scam and I literally cannot believe it.

I always thought that I was smarter than the others but here I am. Everything's recovering somewhat but this shitcoin is so fuckign far down from it's ATH that I don't know how I'll get rid of these fucking piece of shit bags.

Fuck everyone for shilling this garbage shitcoin on here, I wasted 50 % of my savings on this because it looked promising, because it had a product and it was better than the other shitcoins.

But here we are, delisting from fucking BITTREX, this thing's fucking dead in the water.

And your shitty conference is not going to save you you goddamn retards.

>> No.7251035

atleast you had a FUN ride?

>> No.7251038

h5 mate, ive lost 75 % of the investment on this piece of fucknogget

>> No.7251057

Take the loss, sell and buy back lower, or switch ti something else

>> No.7251064

What about this product ever looked good?


There is absolutely zero demand for this in online gambling.

Might still go up a bit, might as well hold at this point.

>> No.7251113
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>> No.7251125

This was doomed to fail from the start. No way the govt lets online casino gambling run rampant

>> No.7251152


yes goy, sell at the bottom

hehe xd

>> No.7251154

I told you in every Thread that FUN is a Bad Idea.

>> No.7251175

I'll hodl, normies were panic selling. Jez is serious about his project.

>> No.7251185

B-b-but, Jizz Sands created Star Fox or something!

>> No.7251191

>Should I fucking kill myself?
Not until march. Then you can kill yourself when you'll see everything else went x10 and you just managed to break even.
I lost $20 on fun, I know your pain.

>> No.7251195

have fun my friend

*pajeet shiller*

>> No.7251225

Try looking outside the US, we are bombarded with gambling adverts in Europe

>> No.7251249

>going all in on FUN
OP you can't have all FUN, equilibrium must be sought, its your fault the coin go delisted, in a parallel dimension were you diversified, FUN is still listed.

>> No.7251275
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sell me your bags, kill yourself after you realize your mistake

>> No.7251289


u must be retarded to be all in on:

privacy and gambling coins

feds can fuck yo shit up any minute. have a position but not all in nigger

>> No.7251290

That dimension is starting to feel orthogonal at this fucking point.

>> No.7251318

i told you autistic neckbeards that shit woudln't fly, but instead you where raging at me like a bunch of toddlers. people saying the online gambling business in europe has any interest at all in this is full of shit.

>> No.7251516

Does being delisted from trex change any of its fundamentals?

>> No.7251559

How about you wait until a product is released you dumb cuck

>> No.7251712

no it just creates fud

>> No.7251787

>waaahhhh I cant hold for longer than a few weeks waaahh I want my gains NOW mommy

Fucking neck yourself

>> No.7251797
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>> No.7251802

Fucking hell people it 4x in a week. it wil be back

>> No.7251817

fucking hell, luckily I only went 25% in on this
selling the instant it's back at my entry point

>> No.7251852
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Can someone shill me on This? Thinking of maybe buying now that the market has tanked.

>> No.7251908

Don't sell now, even BitConnect, a literally fucking scam coin, bounced. At least wait for that.

>> No.7251919

It's a promising coin designed for online gambling. if casinos pick it up it will moon. At this price it's a steal

>> No.7251933

Just wait.

This is one of the very few projects that actually requires crypto to work. The market is down overall obviously, so it's the perfect time to think about your next move. Get something cheap now and average your costs when the market corrects.

Look into privacy coins.

>> No.7251978

What the fuck is bittrex?

>> No.7252001

I bought a bunch of cloak during the dip. It still has a lot of room for gains during recovery. Couldn’t be happier

>> No.7252019

Oh it's some faggy exchange cucked to the US government and it's strict regulations. Lmfao

>> No.7252046
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Getting tired of calming down weak hand babies. Just fuck off already
>All in on one coin
You never stood a chance anyway

>> No.7252086

You ok there, buddy?

>> No.7252165
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Never been better

>> No.7252496
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>literally selling before the 6th

if it goes down to 5 cents I'm buying 15k more

>> No.7252569
File: 23 KB, 200x200, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is it /biz/??

1. The devs are cashing out and bittrex knows it, delisted as inside trading is forbidden in bittrex

2. Actual casino is coming and bittrex cant be a part of a gambling business

>> No.7252710

You'll be regret about it.

>> No.7252770

We're is this inside trading claim coming from?

Also, Bittrex should be avoided at all costs. They're only presenting their anus to the US gov for approval.

Never keep your funds on their exchange.

>> No.7252777

>Should I fucking kill myself?

fap yourself to oblivion high on mdna and molly with a helium bag on your head and a dildo in your ass. write un on your naked torso. stream it. thanks. Mom.

>> No.7252795

* Where *


>> No.7252908
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>waaaaah u guyz made me do this it's all ur fault mommyyyyyyy

>> No.7252911

I have'nt verifyed myself yet on bittrex and i have 10k fun. Does this means i have to sell my funs before the nineth day, will those funs be sent in oblivion?

>> No.7252936

Can't you just withdraw them?

>> No.7253004

No i cant because the verification is not done yet...

>> No.7253016

Lmao shit like this is why I stayed away from that shithole exchange.

>> No.7253085

They will still be on wallet even though trading is not active

>> No.7253429

Transfer on another exchange, wait for the pump, dump, profit

>> No.7253478

>Should I fucking kill myself?
God, yes, and please livestream it.

>> No.7253522

He thinks this is the bottom.

>> No.7253657

hahah you cant be serious. il wave to you from my boat... all in on FUN since august. already made gains. holding for atleast 1 year.

WHEN casinos pick it up. and they will due to all the money they will save by using FUN, this shit is going to be at least 1 dollar.

not to mention to "cash out" I can just gamble a portion of my position and launder my own money through the casino.

Enjoy your taxes bitch!

im leaning towards number 2

>> No.7253669

Ok. Im going to throw a bone.

The reason it was delisted is very good ;)

Cant say no more

>> No.7253685

Yes maybe for 14 days... That is not enough, oh dear going to have to sell soon then...

>> No.7253728

Good as in good good or bad good?

>> No.7253750
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Calm down mate who gives a shit about bitrex I never touched that exchange because from what I always hear, it's a ticking bomb

From what I hear bitrex is trying to suck uncle sam's cock. if they feel that they can suck it better without FUN then let them. they're not the only exchange there are many and there will be even more this year.

the important point is this project has a use and demand. a real use unlike most other bullshit projects involving the block chain that really do not need it.

Existing gambling sites are the real wild west, they can program their software to fuck over all their users but not anymore.

Gamblers want fair gambling they don't want to get scammed and FUN is right now the top project solving this issue. I wouldn't worry about them

they solve a problem, they're have a market, their coin is required in what they will be doing so I wouldn't worry

>> No.7253785
File: 36 KB, 696x696, 1517550307509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting 50% of your savings into an "investment" called FUNCoin

>> No.7253793

it's only because of the Bittrex delisting bullshit, calm your tits and you'll be fine, just HODL long term

>> No.7253799

Maybe maybe not. No one can say this for sure.

>> No.7253841

not to mention. who gives a flying fuck about FUN/BTC pairing. or FUN/ Any coin for that matter

FUN/FIAT pair is what we want and what we will get when the casinos start using this.

clearly the people selling have never traveled to Asia. They alone can pump the price of FUN with the amount of online gambling they do. FUN has a mother fucker from william hill as the COO.... Do you know who the fuck william Hill is?

Crypto is insane. shill coins with no practical use... FUD a coin with potential ... WHEN HAS GAMBLING EVER NOT MADE MONEY!

>> No.7253848
File: 16 KB, 192x262, I_4460ae_972067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I went in deep at $0.02 and I'm just enjoying the ride.

>> No.7253857

I lost 50% on this coin.

>> No.7253866

casinos make so much money the dont give a shit about your shittoken
t. casino employee

>> No.7253887

When it's fair and fun.

>> No.7253891

FUNCoin is a different coin brah

>> No.7253924

where in the world is your casino. how high up the chain are you?

your trying to tell me. that if a Casino has an oportunity to make MORE money. they are not going to take it because they already have enough?

inb4 your 19 and work as a doorman

>> No.7253954
File: 94 KB, 800x544, 5B00DBA9-862E-415C-ABEB-73150375832F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falls for memecoin
>smarter than biz

>> No.7253959

i work at the poker table you nigger
i know this because i showed your shittoken to the guy that owns the casino and he said this shit is not worth the hassle
but ok keep holding your erc20 shittoken

>> No.7253989
File: 503 KB, 990x556, David-Sønstebø.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you clowns to only invest in tried and tested tech like IOTA, you just wouldn't listen

>> No.7253995

That means jackshit because a shitload of people who earn their bread with stocks aren't interested in crypto.

>> No.7254011

Who he actually has a muslim beard.
Checks out.

>> No.7254019

Theres billions in crypto, why would not a casino tap into that

>> No.7254047

Im so worried....

Im holding this shit for 2 or 3 years bro. selling my position at .50 cents, 1.00 and then holding the rest if it moons.

il make around half a million. buy some real estate and im good to go. enjoy your poker table in a few years when FUN is widely adopted.

also if YOU are showing crypto to the guy who owns the casino that means one thing your casino is VERY small, also I think speaking with the FUNFAIR team at say.... a convention like ICE. might have more weight behind it then you shilling it to the owner who gets shilled ideas from shitty employees all day

>> No.7254085

The market.

Online gambling is a large market: currently over 47.1 billion dollars, and projected to continue increasing. https://www.statista.com/statistics/270728/market-volume-of-online-gaming-worldwide/.. However, this is not to say that the price of the FUN token should be compared to the market cap of internet gambling. FUN is not a measure of casino capital/wealth, it's an entirely new animal.

The problem and the solution.

Trust. Traditional online casinos rely on you trusting them to be fair. The chance of red coming up on roulette is 48.65%. How do you know your traditional online casino is giving you those odds? You don’t – you need to trust them. Most online casinos are incorporated in island microstates. Do those nations have online casino regulators? Do they possess the willingness, manpower, and expertise to audit online casinos?

FunFair puts the gambling on the blockchain so it’s trustless – you know you have a 48.65% chance of having red come up. It’s fair.

>> No.7254344

The team.

FunFair has their ground covered and bases loaded. With their team of 30+ professionals they are way ahead of the competition. You may know CEO Jez San, OBE, from his career track: Argonaut Games (founder), Star Fox (programmer), and PKR Poker (founder). He has been in the gaming industry for more than two decades, and has built valuable relationships along the way. Constantly engaging with the FunFair community through Telegram, Discord, and Reddit, it seems as though he leaves no engaging question unanswered. Alongside Jez as COO is David Greyling (https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidgreyling/)), former International Director of William Hill, one of the world’s leading betting and gaming companies and one of the most trusted brands in the industry. (https://www.williamhillplc.com/about/).). Recently, Stefan Kovach joined the team - Stef is an industry executive with a wealth of experience, having headed up the marketing functions of both PokerStars and bwin.party – two of the biggest brands in online gambling.

Further, FunFair is looking to expand – and fast. They expect to have a team of 50+ people in the not-so-distant future, as they are currently hiring business and marketing professionals. So, if you’re looking for an opportunity to showcase your expertise in these fields, try your shot at securing a position within the company! (https://www.funfair.io/careers)) The FunFair team’s base of operations is in London, UK.

The platform.

FunFair presents its casino operators and players with a gaming opportunity never seen before:

Decentralized, serverless

Provably fair, blockchain-based

Trust-less outcomes that can be witnessed on verifiable smart contracts

Instant cashouts – FunFair does not hold your funds

Accessible through web browser on desktop or mobile

Fun games with an exciting user interface

Casinos feel safer, with no risk of fraudulent charge-backs from player credit cards.

>> No.7254424

When is the convention? Any links?

>> No.7254510

google ICE.

feb 6th to feb 8th

FUNFAIR is the only block chain related booth

the First mover advantage is insane. any competition will be at least 1 year behind in terms of getting licencing from gambling regulators...

Right now they already sent in the UK online gambling licence app. and are working on a few other ones that will allow them to liscence around the globe.

they also have meetings set up with casino operators at ICE

>> No.7254586

>I always thought that I was smarter than the others
That's what average/dumb people usually think.

>> No.7254599
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License will be rejected fun is a shitcoin. How else will domestic legislation respond to block chain?

>> No.7254792

FUD failed, we are going back up.
Just bought back my 500k on binance.

This was just a USA shake down on casino and weak hands.

ICE next week, we will moooooooon

>> No.7254814
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$0.062098 USD (6.03%)

We're on the road to recovery.

>> No.7254823

>Thinks the world revolves around your stupid rules HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7254840

Who cares about fucking bittrex. If the product is good, it will speak for itself.

>> No.7254867

Set lowball buy orders last night on bittrex
Shit didn't dip that far down


God ridance this fucking shittrex.

>> No.7254870

try harder troll

you think a team with over 100 combined years of experience working in the gambling industry isnt going to be able to get approved to a liscence? they have a mother fucking from WILLIAM HILL DUDE! the former international director.

please tell me what other gambling related token/coins have a team that is even comparable

>> No.7254967


90% of crypto is stinky basement dwelling code monkeys that managed to hook up with some HEY HEY HEYYYYYYYYYY type and launch ICOs for 10M USD.

FUN is the real deal.
Real world application and real world functioning product today.

>> No.7254973

Since when casinos care about making the game fair, they already make big money with the rigged system and gambling degenerates don't care anyway, they're addicts and will keep giving their money to the house

>> No.7255005

"muh shit coin / scam coin"

If you don't know yet, there are 50 people working on FUN.

>> No.7255098

casinos issue you a 1099 if you win enough dummy

>> No.7255163


your trying to say, that an online gambler. given the option between a game that is "fair" vs a game they suspect of being rigged is going to pick the rigged game because he is so far down the rabbit hole that he only cares about gambling away his money...

makes no fucking sense. and I dont think you understand how FUNfair is intended to be used. read up on it buddy.

also casinos will attract more gamblers if they can prove the games are fair. there is a large papulation that does not gamble because they feel the game is rigged. those people will flood the casinos with FUNFAIR!

>> No.7255180

>not selling at <16c

>> No.7255198

1099 vs paying 35% for short term capital gains when fun hits .50 cents this year.... il take my 1099 please and thank you. in anycase. I could cash out through local BTC and launder the money through my rental properties.

the goal is to avoid the 35% tax. I dont mind paying my fair share of taxes but 35% is obscene

>> No.7255217

He probably fell for the hot girls. Not even link is that stinky

>> No.7255226

I would have bought more if they had any intention to go into sportsbetting.

Casino games are pretty big, but extraordinarily stupid no matter how "fun" and "fair" they are.

William Hill is a legit book, but the owners are crooks.

>> No.7255232


1. Game suppliers charge shit loads of money to let casinos use their games
2. High rollers and many traditional gamblers hate black box RNG
3.People want to cash out NOW, when they WIN. Not wait 1 week for the casino to decide if they can have their money

FUNFAIR solves the 3 problems above.
If this works out this will be a top 5 coin and one of the first cryptos to actally make it into wide spread adoption.

ICE next week will probably see the first casinos signing to have funfair as a supplier.

This is going places. The FUD yesterday and bittrex delisting FUN + the fast rebound just shows how big this is going to be.

Buy FUN or miss out crazy gains.

OH and:

5. You can exit crypo through FUN ;)

>> No.7255280


>buying pajeet fun
>not buying UKG backed by Mark Cuban and Ashton Kutcher

>> No.7255297

How many you get at 0.02. I went in about the same time sitting on my nice stack of half a million.

>> No.7255338

not worried about this at all

FUN solves a problem, has the first movers advantage, and has a seriously good team. last month they hired 9 new employees. this month they have ICE to showcase their product. they're doing everything right - oh, and nobody uses bittrex anyway

>> No.7255358

number 5. alone is worth getting FUN.

people will use this to cash out of crypto without having to deal with shitty exchanges. a route for tax evasion. as well.. shit is MONEY IN DA BANK! Wish I had more money to put into it

I will say though. it is hard to guess the market cap for FUN. could make it to just 1.0 dollar... or it could make it 10 + who knows...

what I do know is that it will make it to .50 cents eventually and that will give anyone enough gains to invest their money into a FIAT bussiness or real estate.

>> No.7255391

you cant be fucking serious

I was in at .2 cents and day traded like a fucking porch monkey. made some decent cash but lost my position in FUN. now only holding 250k

>> No.7255436

Bitrex can go fuck itself with uncle sam plowing it in the ass as usual.
I am not touching US exchanges any more.
Crypto is getting bigger and more wide spread and the US government claws always need to be in the jelly jar.

Moved all my FUN to HONG KONG BASED BINANCE now. No one can touch shit in Hong Kong.

We need a good ICE now and a few casinos to sign up for this product and then you will see 1 USD in the rear mirror.

>> No.7255502
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Anyone who bought this garbage is as loathsome as the TRX and XRB bottom-feeders.

>> No.7255847


1099 for gambling profits gonna be about 50% tax on winnings no matter what you gambled and lost jesus you're tarded. I hope you have less than $500 in crypto

>> No.7256148

gambling winnings are not taxed at 50% bud. also you can itemize your gambling losses

and I have more than 500 in crypto :) feels good to have a job and rental income, Crypto is just the long shot portfolio where I put my throw away money

>> No.7256179

also FUN fair is going to make me richer than I am. looking at a age 32 retirement. living off dividend and rental income